Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
Curiosity alone won't change the world, but going Beyond Curious™ will. The people that shape society are the explorers — the brave adventurers willing to take a voyage into the unknown to satisfy their curiosity, fulfill their purpose, and bring their ideas to life. This is a show for those people. The people that are relentlessly curious about themselves, their impact, their potential, the people they love, and the world around them. The people who are CONSTANTLY asking themselves, “What if…”, “I wonder…”, “Why not…”, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible for themselves and for society at large. Join me (Brandon Fong) as every week I interview pioneering adventurers who have dared to go Beyond Curious™. Past guests have included NYT Bestselling authors, main stage TED speakers, 7-9 figure entrepreneurs... ... and even an occasional Olympian, NFL player, FBI hostage negotiator, hypnotist, drug dealer turned (legal) millionaire, decorated air force pilot, illusionist, Hollywood legend, Shark from Shark Tank, and even the man that invented the cell phone! I'm grateful to say that the show achieved a top 2% global ranking out of the 2.8M+ global podcasts indexed by Listen Notes in 1 year after launching. To hear the full story of how Beyond Curious™ was born and learn about the vision for the brand, listen to episode #140!
#197: Lessons Learned From Almost Dying at 30,000 Feet, Living Your Core Values, & Asking Better Questions w/ Timothy Highnam
July 23, 2024 • 88 MIN
One day before I first met Timothy Highnam in person, he could have died. I shit you not: We got to meet up in the British Virgin Islands to visit Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island, and the plane he was on had an engine blow up. If you watch the video on the podcast page, Tim is SO calm despite the fact that he could have very well died. That’s the kind of human Tim is… He’s so deep, calm, kind, and peaceful… and has done so much deep work on himself that he just radiates that to others. Yes, he’s also an incredibly successful entrepreneur (I.E. Launched his first business that did $35m in sales through advertising in its first 2 years of business) but he’s just a good freaking human. On this episode, we go deep. We talk about deep life shit — the stuff that matters at the end of the day. Did you love well? How do you live a life of honesty and integrity? How can we learn deeply from our experiences? If these are things you like to think about, you’ll love this conversation. To learn more about Tim, visit
#196: Spending A Day On Sir Richard Branson’s $100M Private Island…
July 16, 2024 • 56 MIN
On March 16th, 2024 I had one of the most magical experiences of my life. What happened? I spent a day on Sir Richard Branson’s $100M private island, Necker, with entrepreneurs literally changing the world. On this episode, I bring on my friend Maxine Cunningham, and you get to be a fly on the wall as I describe my Necker Island experience!
#195: From Socially Awkward → Being Invited As A VIP To The Versailles Royal Ball, Building Relationships With People Like The Founder Of Reebok, & Co-Creating An Impact Award On Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island… w/ Yasmina Ellins
July 9, 2024 • 65 MIN
Today’s guest had no choice but to be my friend 😆 Here’s how it happened: My friend Maruxa Murphy texted me and encouraged me to apply for The Maverick Next Impact Award. Award winners would get to attend a trip where they spend a day on Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island. I read the sales page. On the sales page is this epic human. The more I read about her, the more impressed I get… - Speaks 7 languages - Built a multimillion dollar network by age 22 - Leveraged her networking skills to open opportunities to do things like have lunch with Deepak Chopra, live with a $50 million mentor for a month, and dine with billionaires and royalty in the Palace of Versailles I thought to myself: “Who the heck is this human? I must reach out…” Well, to make a long story short, Yasmina is now a DEAR friend. Life has honestly been different with her in it, and I’m grateful to introduce her to you today. In today’s episode, we dive into her story of going from a socially awkward teen… … to pulling off some of the craziest connection magic I’ve ever heard of. If you’re someone who values EXPONENTIAL relationships, and learning how to intentionally connect with people to shortcut years of trial and error, this episode is for YOU. To learn more about Yasmina, visit
#194: Driving 200 MPH in a Green Speedo, Becoming A Pro Beach Volleyball Player, & Helping YOU To Make More, Have More Fun, & Give More… w/ Yanik Silver
July 2, 2024 • 76 MIN
Here are some fun facts about today’s amazing guest: - He surprised Sir Richard Branson dressed as a showgirl in Vegas before a keynote speech - He broke 200mph in a racecar with nothing more than a green speedo on - He gets to travel around the world having crazy adventures with world-changing, visionary entrepreneurs for a living That’s right… Today you and I get to hang out with Yanik Silver! This year, I joined an amazing mastermind called Maverick NEXT. Yanik is the founder of Maverick, and every year they take a trip to Sir Richard Branson’s private island to connect and elevate together. That’s where we got to hang out IRL 👇 It’s amazing because I feel like Yanik showed up in my life at JUST the right time, and the way that he approaches business is something that the world needs to know about. His book, Evolved Enterprise, is a paradigm-shifting book that will help your business to deliver meaningful impact and even greater profits. He’s also the creator of the Cosmic Journey Oracle cards (which I’ve been using multiple times per week), and we even give a live demonstration on the show about how they work. Anyways… If you’re someone who wants to build a company that… 1. Authentically comes straight from your true essence 2. Is wrapped around a meaningful impact 3. Develops community, culture, and creations (aka your products and services) AND you just want to have a shit ton of fun in the process, this is an episode for you! To learn more about Yanik, visit
#193: Creating Global Impact & Generating $100M By Learning To Surrender & Trust Yourself w/ Pedro Jerez
June 25, 2024 • 71 MIN
After a friend lovingly slapped me in the face with a hard truth about a month ago, I’ve realized that my next level of growth will require something relatively counterintuitive: Surrender. Our society often tells us that we need to “hustle and grind” all the time, and we admire people who “work hard” and “get stuff done”. But what if all that wasn’t true? What if you could actually create a BIGGER impact by learning how to trust and surrender, instead of feeling like you need to control everything and work your butt off? This is why the timing of this interview is so perfect…. Today’s guest is Pedro Jerez. Pedro is the founder & Chief Visionary Officer of Business With Integrity — a beacon for entrepreneurs blending profit with purpose. He’s generated upwards of $100 million with his ventures, and attributes learning how to surrender and trust in life to not only how he’s been able to not generate income, but also create massive impact. Pedro has an epic story, growing up in the Bronx in less than ideal conditions, to building a successful business… to shutting the whole business down after realizing that financial success was hollow as a sole pursuit. If you’re someone who’s passionate about not only living a fulfilling life but also creating a massive impact without having to white knuckle your way through life, you’ll want to check this episode out 🙂 To learn more about Pedro, visit
#192: The Beyond Curious Time Machine: Doing The Impossible w/ Sean Swarner, Shannon Graham, and Steve Sims
June 18, 2024 • 67 MIN
It’ssss baaackkk! That’s right: This week we are revisiting a format I did ONE HUNDRED episodes ago: The time machine. But this time, we’re doing it better. Here’s what to expect: For this time machine episode, we chose the topic “Doing The Impossible”. Here’s what we did: 1. We scoured through the 191+ previous published episodes and pulled out 3 stories where guests shared a story of doing something that 99.99% of people would consider “impossible”. 2. We edited them into ONE episode Magic. What stories will you hear today? 1. How Sean Swarner climbed Mount Everest as a 2x terminal cancer survivor WITH ONE LUNG. 2. How Shannon Graham worked on a project that actually increased the GDP of an entire country. 3. How Steve Sims shut down the world-famous Galleria dell'Accademia for his clients to have a private dinner in front of Michelangelo’s David… AND THEN brought in Andrea Bochelli to serenade them while they ate their meal. Friends… If you’re curious and bold enough, anything is possible… and these 3 stories are an epic example of that. To find out more about these guests, visit
#191: Who Are You… And Who Do You Want To Be? w/ Bob Regnerus
June 11, 2024 • 86 MIN
Two really powerful questions to deeply ponder: Question 1: Who are you? Not your name. Not what you do. Not yourself in relation to your family. Who ARE you? Question 2: Who do you want to be? Not what society told you you should do. Not what your parents wanted from you. Not what your friends think you should do. Who do you want to be? These are two paradigm shifting questions, and they are the focus of my DEEP conversation with a good friend, Bob Regnerus. 3 things to look forward to: - Why you should “fit around” instead of trying to “fit in” - Bob and I talk about how to leverage PLAY to discover your biggest strengths, and we actually dive into my love for playing roundnet (Spikeball) and how I can integrate how I naturally play more into my life - Bob composed a BEAUTIFUL song sung and played by AI that wraps up everything we talk about in the episode, and we play that at the end 🙂 If you’re someone who’s deeply curious about building a life around WHO YOU ARE, this episode is one you don’t want to miss! To learn more about Bob, visit
#190: Meet The Muscle Model World Champion That Helped Clients Collectively Lose 700,000 Pounds & Sponsored 100+ Children In Haiti Over The Last 10 Years … w/ Micah LaCerte
June 4, 2024 • 75 MIN
Today’s guest is Micah LaCerte, and his journey is insane. Growing up needing to move 30 times in 18 years and dealing with abuse, Micah turned to fitness to help himself overcome his trauma. Not only has he leveraged his fitness journey to heal himself, but he’s also created a massive impact along the way. Some impact highlights include: - Helping his clients lose a collective 700,000+ pounds - Sponsoring a school of 80+ children monthly for over 10 years giving back a minimum of 10% of all revenues In addition to the impact, he’s also had an incredible fitness career, including… - Winning the 2011 WBFF Muscle Model World Championship - Becoming an Iron Man fitness magazine cover model - Pioneering the online personal training space, starting in 2006 using MySpace! This is a POWERFUL episode where we cover healing from trauma, designing business for impact, helping connect to purpose, and even how to build transformational communities. To learn more about Micah, visit
#189: How To Raise Your Levels Of Consciousness, Solve Problems From The “Root Cause”, & Ask More Effective Questions To Transform Your Life w/ Christian Simpson
May 28, 2024 • 109 MIN
What if all of the “problems” we experience in our lives are not actually problems… … but symptoms of a greater underlying cause? And what if instead of solving for the surface level problems, we could eliminate them from happening to begin with? Well in today’s episode we’re going to unpack EXACTLY how you can do that. Today I’m BEYOND excited to introduce you to a dear friend of mine, Christian Simpson. Christian is the UK’s leading coach to entrepreneurs and business owners… having personally trained over 40,000 coaches in more than 170 countries to the highest standards in the profession. In this episode, you’ll learn: How to ask more effective questions that will not only unlock better answers, but will raise your level of consciousness and ability to solve problems without needing to go outside of yourself How to solve problems from their “root cause” (not the effect) Why developing yourself as the OWNER (not your business itself) has the greatest potential to unlock the most growth in your business This is a POWERFUL and DEEP episode, and I can’t wait for you to listen! To learn more about Christian Simpson, visit
#188: Surviving a 120 Foot Free Climbing Fall, Discovering Your Purpose, & Living With Curiosity As Religion… w/ Dov Baron
May 21, 2024 • 74 MIN
Not only do today’s guest and I share a birthday, but our brains work very similarly. Dov Baron often says that “Curiosity is his religion”, and he’s certainly lived his life this way. In addition to engaging in hobbies and professions such as surfing, bodybuilding, rock climbing, and working as a hairdresser, he has now become a distinguished speaker, facilitator, podcast host, bestselling author, and the foremost authority on fostering cultures of belonging. Yet… Dov grew up in abject poverty, surrounded by crime, violence, and addiction… and his dad left the family, leaving him to “be the man of the house” at age seven. There is SO much in this conversation, but here are 3 things to look forward to: 1. How Dov survived a 120 foot free climbing fall and broke dozens of bones, including every bone in his face (and why it was the best thing that ever happened to him) 2. How to leverage people as mirrors to increase your levels of consciousness and compassion 3. What questions you can ask yourself that will help you to transform your pain into purpose To learn more about Dov Baron, visit
#187: Former FBI Special Agent Shares How To Leverage Counterintuitive Psychology To Transform Your Weaknesses Into Strengths… w/ Efren Delgado
May 14, 2024 • 61 MIN
Spies… Counterterrorism… Predators…. Tyrants…. Counterintelligence… That’s right: Today you and I get to hang out with former FBI Special Agent, Efren Delgado. Who is Efren? In addition to his 25 years of national security, law enforcement, and private protection experience, he’s also the author of a new book called The Opposite Is True. In the book (and in our interview) we unpack how to translate your trials and "failures" into your unique calling and help you transform your weaknesses into your greatest strengths. If you’re someone who’s curious about how to leverage FBI wisdom to unlock more growth and transformation in your life, this episode is for you! To learn more about Efren, visit
#186: Designing World-Class Human Experiences & How To Live a Life of Tenacious & Idiosyncratic Curiosity w/ David Zhou
May 7, 2024 • 74 MIN
A few months ago, I was talking with my friend, Yasmina Ellins. Here’s more or less how I recall our dialogue: B: “Yas, I’m looking to connect with beyond curious, deep connection driven entrepreneurs that are passionate about building community.” Yas: “Do you know David Zhou? If not, you HAVE to meet him.” Yas introduces us… We meet, and I soon realize that David is one of few humans I’ve ever met that is just as stupidly passionate as I am about (1) curiosity and (2) designing world-class human experiences. What does that even mean? Well, here are some examples of experiences David has designed: Brunch With Strangers: Hosting a cast of people from all walks of life for a Saturday brunch... Like founders, street artists, astrophysicists, concept artists, athletes, criminal investigators, filmmakers, college drop-outs, and much more. Improv Presentations. A TED talk-like night where people present someone else’s creatively esoteric slide decks, with no context as to what’s in the deck until they’re on “stage”. People ended up having to present how to survive a cat-pocalypse to how to master the art of DM’ing using military tactics to how to be a good plant parent. Demo Day With Custom Magic The Gathering Cards: Creating an event where startup founders and investors got to know each other a la 100% customized Magic The Gathering cards with AI-Generated images of themselves and fun facts about their life experiences And as far as curiosity goes, David’s LinkedIn headline simply reads: “Tenaciously and idiosyncratically curious.” We go ALL over in this conversation… discussing how to design world class experiences that connect people, how to reach out to strangers (David has sent a cold email to a stranger every week for the past 6+ years), and more. To learn more about David, visit
#185: From Homeless & Selling Watermelons → Becoming Knighted By The Royal Family of Spain & Committing To Raising $100M For Global Philanthropy Projects… w/ Sir Darren Jacklin
April 30, 2024 • 73 MIN
Today we have a first on the show… I get to introduce you to a knight! That’s right: Sir Darren Jacklin was “Knighted” by His Royal Highness of The Royal Family of Spain on Saturday, June 04, 2022 for his acknowledgment of Global Philanthropy and Entrepreneurship. As you read some of his accomplishments, there’s no question why he was considered for knighthood… Sir Darren: - Is committed to raising $100 million dollars for his global philanthropy projects - Is a world-class speaker & corporate trainer who has personally trained over 1 million people - Has rung the closing bell at Nasdaq 3 times in New York City - Has successfully summited the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro — the highest point in Africa at 19,340 feet - Is a multi-millionaire that has served for 10 years as the first Independent board of directors member of eXp World Holdings (Nasdaq: EXPI), a multi billion dollar international real estate company I could go on and on… But what was cool about spending time with Sir Darren was how open and honest he was about his mistakes and struggles on his journey. Despite all of his accomplishments, at one point, Sir Darren was homeless and selling watermelons off the side of the road just to get by. This is a can’t miss episode if you’re someone that wants to expand your mindset to think WAY bigger from a knight! To learn more about Sir Darren, visit
#184: The “Healthy Drug Dealer” That Grew a $170M Supplement Company & Helped Clients Worldwide Lose 3 MILLION Pounds Shares How YOU Can Play A Bigger Game… w/ Markus Kaulius
April 23, 2024 • 71 MIN
Growing up, Markus Kaulius’ family was so stressed financially, he felt too guilty to ask his mother for 25 cents to buy a hot dog at school. He lacked confidence, didn’t have a father figure in the picture, and was overall dealt a bad hand. Yet if you look at Markus today, you wouldn’t believe that was his backstory… Markus… - Is the founder of multiple 8 and 9 figure businesses — growing his supplement company from startup to $170M and helping his clients lose 3 million pounds - Has impacted the lives of over 10 million people, was a model, is a Guinness World Record holder, and has an online following of 300,000+ - Has an amazing relationship with his wife, Brooke, and two daughters And most importantly: He’s a good freaking dude. Markus’ energy is off the charts, and I can’t wait for you to not only hear his story, but to take some of the valuable lessons he shares in the episode with you on your journey! To learn more about Markus, visit
#183: Co-Creating A Loving Entrepreneurial Family and Building an Aligned Life With Your Genius w/ Jeff & Jake Madoff
April 16, 2024 • 74 MIN
To this day, the most downloaded episode of the podcast is episode #45 with Jeff Madoff. Jeff is an incredible human who has also had an inspiring career… some highlights include: - Starting off as a fashion designer, being chosen as one of the top 10 designers in the U.S. and having 110 employees and two factories at age 22… - Switching careers to film and video production — creating award winning commercials and documentaries for companies like Ralph Lauren, Victoria’s Secret, and Tiffany - Authoring Creative Careers: Making a Living With Your Ideas based on the class he developed and teaches at Parsons School of Design, in NYC. - Most recently, Jeff became a playwright and theater producer. His play “Personality: The Lloyd Price Musical”, is based on the life of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame legend Lloyd Price Anywho… Since our recording in 2021, Jeff has become a dear friend and mentor (Leah and I saw his play when it came to Chicago!). After one of our more recent catch ups, Jeff introduced me to his son, Jake, who is ranked in the top 1% of growth marketers, having worked with 100+ brands, and manages anywhere from $5K/mo - $2M/mo in monthly ad spend. Jake and I had a great conversation, and it sparked an idea: As many of you know, I became a dad in November 2023 and I have been thinking a lot about “entrepreneurial dadding”. Being an entrepreneur is one thing… Being a present and loving dad AND an entrepreneur is a WHOLE other thing… It was clear in knowing Jeff and meeting Jake that they have a great relationship, and have BOTH built incredible careers out of what they love. And thus a question formed: What if I interviewed them together to talk about co-creating a loving entrepreneurial family… and also how to grow in your own entrepreneurial career while inspiring your kids to pursue their own passions? So, if you haven’t guessed already… they loved the idea, and THAT is what we discussed on today’s episode! If you’re someone who’s passionate about raising a loving family AND pursuing your passions, this is an episode you won’t want to miss 🙂 To learn more about Jeff and Jake, visit
#182: Hiking 29,029 Feet In 36 Hours, How Money CAN Buy Happiness, & How You Can Go Big To Give Big w/ Randy Molland
April 9, 2024 • 71 MIN
Ever meet someone and instantly know you were going to be good friends? Well, today I can’t wait to introduce you to one of those people for me — Randy Molland. (Shoutout to Laura Di Franco for the intro!) Randy is the founder of a movement called Go Big To Give Big — empowering visionary entrepreneurs to expand their impact and income through strategic philanthropy. Not ONLY has Randy made some amazing introductions to future guests coming on the show (including Markus Kaulius, Micah LaCerte, and Sir Darren Jacklin) but he’s also shared concepts that have radically transformed my worldview. I can’t WAIT for you to meet Randy and learn about his story. Here’s a teaser of some of the things we talk about in today’s episode: - How to use the “+2 Strategy” to transform your life (not hyperbole, this concept is changing everything for me and everyone I share it with… I’m redesigning big chunks of my life and business around this concept) - How to go bigger with your goals so you can give bigger with your profits… and why businesses with giving initiatives outperform companies that don’t - What Randy learned from hiking 29,029 feet in 36 hours (the height of Mt. Everest) and how he spent $50 on ice cream to make a MASSIVE impact If you’re someone who’s passionate about making a difference in the world and becoming a transformed human in the process, this is an episode for you! To learn more about Randy, visit
#181: From Escaping The Gulf War & Spending His Childhood Summers In Mumbai Slums → Bootstrapping a $10M/yr Company By Leveraging Community… w/ Lloyed Lobo
April 2, 2024 • 67 MIN
Imagine being 8 years old and waking up to your mom telling you that you don’t have to go to school today. YAY! Now imagine that the reason you don’t have to go to school isn’t because it’s a snow day… … but because your country is at war. This is Lloyed Lobo’s story. Lloyed experienced the Gulf War as a young refugee in Kuwait, and grew up visiting the slums of Mumbai. Surprisingly, BOTH of those experiences are things that Lloyed has transformed into positive experiences. Lloyed’s experiences in the slums and in war taught him about the power of community. Eventually, Lloyd (out of instinct) found himself as an entrepreneur and eventually leveraged his community building skill sets to bootstrap a $10M company. Insane. If you’re someone who’s a sucker for a good “underdog story” and wants to learn how to build community, this is an episode for you! To learn more about Lloyed, visit
#180: Getting Curious About DIRT… And Then Making Millions From It w/ Mark Podolsky
March 26, 2024 • 68 MIN
Mark Podolsky is considered the country’s most trusted and foremost authority on buying and selling… … dirt. Yep, you read that right. Mark has literally made millions (and helped countless others to make money) selling raw, undeveloped land within the United States. But, as with any entrepreneur’s journey, Mark’s path was NOT easy. For example: In 2010, Mark hit a low point where he had to short-sell his million-dollar house. He went from a 4,500-square-foot home and luxury cars to a 1,700-square-foot rental. BUT… It was because of this journey that Mark recognized that he was looking for his happiness in all the wrong places. This is an EPIC conversation with a deeply curious and connected entrepreneur, and I can’t wait for you to listen! To learn more about Mark, visit
#179: From Cashing In His Wife’s 401(k) To Stay Afloat → Changing How The World Networks… w/ Donnie Boivin
March 19, 2024 • 62 MIN
Donnie Boivin became an entrepreneur at age 40 after he got slapped in the face. Okay, not literally… But Donnie was having dinner with a business partner when his partner said, “Donnie, thank God you are my retirement plan…” Even though his partner meant it as a compliment, Donnie realized that he had spent his whole life building someone ELSE’S retirement plan. 15 days later, he started his company. Several months later, things weren’t going so hot. Eventually, he had to ask if his wife would be willing to cash in her 401(k) just to stay afloat… Not fun. But despite this crazy journey, today Donnie is the CEO of Success Champion Networking where he’s on a mission to change how the world networks. In this episode, you’ll learn: - Why Donnie, an ex-marine, stared at himself in the bathroom mirror and said “I love you” to himself, and why I actually decided to do the same - How you can transform your entrepreneurial journey into a powerful self-discovery tool - The “The Steve Jobs Task Evaluation Technique” Donnie used to step into his role as a CEO To learn more about Donnie, visit
#178: Content Creation Lessons From Tae Kwon Do & How To Heal Emotional Wounds Through Sharing Your Stories w/ Laura Di Franco
March 12, 2024 • 68 MIN
One day, Laura Di Franco received a FB Messenger request from a stranger: Hey Laura, I read your “Mind Body Green” blog and loved it. I was wondering if you had any other links for me to read…. I'm a mom of 5, and I've been struggling a little bit with some depression. Not only did Laura respond, but she ended up writing a blog post about self care and dedicated it anonymously to Shirley. After reading the outpouring of support in both the post and in the comments, Shirley ended up overcoming her depression and sharing her journey in her own writing. But here’s the crazy part: Eventually, Shirley confided to Laura that she was in the process of writing a suicide note to her husband and 5 children when she sent that FB message… … and it was because of what Laura did that she finally didn’t feel alone anymore. Friends… Your words, your content, your stories have the power to save lives. And THAT is what this episode is all about. Laura Di Franco is the CEO of Brave Healer Productions. She has personally authored 13 books, and her company has published over 74 Amazon bestselling books with a global community of over 1,000 authors. Not only will you learn how YOU can start sharing your stories to create an impact, but you’ll also learn a BUNCH of other nuggets along the way, including… - Why Laura has a feather tattoo with the initials “YFIB” engraved, and what that has to do with helping you to embrace your fear - How to make a “yes” or “no” decision when you are unsure of the answer - What Laura has learned about healing and content creation along her journey of becoming a 3rd degree black belt … and so much more. To learn more about Laura, visit
#177: From Electrical Engineering to Curing Cancer & Founding A $10M Prize For Origin of Life Research... w/ Perry Marshall
March 5, 2024 • 76 MIN
Perry Marshall has one of the coolest brains + one of the biggest hearts of anyone that I’ve had the pleasure of spending time with. I’ve been a fan of Perry’s work for several years… and if you haven’t heard of him, here are some highlights: - Founder of the Evolution 2.0 Prize, world’s largest award ($10M) for Origin of Life research with judges from Harvard, Oxford and MIT. - One of the most expensive business strategists in the world, with his work being featured in Harvard Business Review, and his Google book laid the foundations for the $400B digital advertising industry. - Originally an electrical engineer, Perry is incredibly passionate about curing cancer. For example, he’s currently partnering with prominent people in the cancer space to develop a “Tissue Search Engine” that will allow us to detect the early evolution of cancer (at stage negative 1). (More info can be found on his site, This is one of those “break your brain” kind of episodes, where you get to see inside the mind of a man that is solving some of the biggest problems around town. In this episode, you’ll learn: - How you can approach solving the biggest problems in both your life (and the world) leveraging insights from a poem written 1,300 years ago - How to apply 80/20 thinking at a whole new level to find greater alignment in your life and business with your natural strengths - How you can use “Renaissance Time” to gain clarity and discernment (and why Perry has been using this practice without missing a day for the last 10.5 years) If you’re the kind of person who wants to be a clearer thinker and learn how to solve problems more effectively, this is an episode that you WILL NOT want to miss. To learn more about Perry, visit --- P.S. Huge shoutout to both Brian Kurtz and Bob Regnerus for helping to bring Perry on the show 🙂 P.P.S. Perry’s book, 80/20 Sales & Marketing, is a book I’ve read at least 3 times now… HIGHLY recommended!
#176: How A 2x Cancer Survivor With ONE Lung Summited Everest, The 7 Summits + The North & South Poles… w/ Sean Swarner
February 27, 2024 • 66 MIN
Sean Swarner was diagnosed with cancer at 13 and given 3 months left to live. He survived. At 16, he was diagnosed with ANOTHER (unrelated) cancer, and given 14 days left to live. The 2nd cancer took his lung, but he survived again. Since beating cancer twice, Sean has… - Summited the “7 Summits” — the highest mountains on each of the seven continents - Gone on to reach the North AND the South poles - Completed the Hawaii Ironman … DESPITE THE FACT THAT HE ONLY HAS ONE FREAKING LUNG. Insanity. This is an episode you WON’T want to miss, that is, unless you DON’T want to learn: - How Sean beat cancer 2x using “Vivid Visualization” - Why getting “high altitude cerebral edema” while climbing Mount Everest ended up being a blessing in disguise - How to dream BIG and deal with people telling you what you want to do is impossible If you’re cool with not learning about those crazy things, then don’t bother listening to this episode 😜 But if you DO want to learn about the mindset that has empowered Sean to go Beyond Curious time and time again to accomplish the impossible… you’ll want to check it out! To learn more about Sean, visit
#175: How To Actually IMPLEMENT What You Read & Connect With The Authors You Look Up To… w/ Nick Hutchison
February 20, 2024 • 65 MIN
Fun fact: My first job out of college was running the marketing for a company that taught accelerated learning techniques. With over 250,000 students, our courses helped countless people read faster & remember more… But here’s the thing: There’s a BIG difference between reading faster and actually IMPLEMENTING what you learn. That’s where today’s guest comes in. Nick Hutchison is the founder of BookThinkers. In just over 7 years, he has cultivated a platform reaching over 1,000,000 people monthly and his newest book, Rise Of The Reader, specifically focuses on helping people APPLY the incredible wisdom in books. Here are 3 things to look forward to in today’s episode: 1. Discover how Nick uses tattoos as "play bigger triggers" to reinforce positive behaviors and how YOU can tap into this unconventional source of motivation. 2. How to shift from reading books to eventually learning directly from the authors. Nick shares his insights that have empowered him to connect with BIG players (Nick has interviewed people like Brian Tracy, Peter Diamandis, Ryan Holiday, and Evan Carmichael, to name a few) 3. Nick’s “Time Capsule” strategy to help you radically increase your gratitude and appreciation for life. (I’m committing to doing this in all of 2024) To learn more about Nick, visit
#174: Unlocking Human Potential At SCALE, Scaling Up Curiosity, & How To Ask Questions That Shift Your Reality w/ Jon Berghoff
February 13, 2024 • 64 MIN
Today, we’re talking A.I… and it’s NOT “Artificial Intelligence”. I’m talking about an A.I. that is equally transformational… yet you probably haven’t heard about it. Today’s guest is Jon Berghoff. I LOVE Jon’s content so much that in 2023 I’ve attended 6 days worth of his trainings… and it has opened my eyes to an entirely new way of looking at the world. Jon is considered a pioneer in the field of transformational group facilitation. His company’s mission is to unlock human potential at scale… and they deliver. Jon is the founder of XCHANGE, a scientific approach to unlocking collective wisdom in any group. I’ve started implementing Jon’s approaches like crazy, and I’m beyond excited to share some of his insights on the show today. In today’s episode, you’ll learn: 1. What the kind of A.I. is that I was hinting at before that will help you build a life (and company) around your strengths 2. How you can change your reality by simply shifting the lens that you view life through 3. Why Jon believes that part of the “secret” behind the growth of his entire organization that has led to educating 15,000+ people in his methodologies is Scaling Up Curiosity (and how you can do the same!) To learn more about Jon, visit
#173: Crafting Engaging Communities, Lessons From Consulting For The Pokèmon Company, & Surviving A Crazy Hang Gliding Incident… w/ Lucas Root
February 6, 2024 • 67 MIN
Typically you’d never hear the words “Wall Street” and “Consultant For Pokèmon” in the same sentence… That is, unless you’re today’s guest, Lucas Root. If it wasn’t apparent already, Lucas’ path is the definition of “non-linear”. Lucas spent 17 years on Wall Street doing mergers and acquisitions until he burned out. Badly. In his own words, he was “dying” and a “ghost in his own skin”. Realizing that he had to change, he tried his hat at consulting… starting out by making 400 cold calls in 6 months. 398 said no. Two said yes. ONE of them was The Pokèmon Company, and Lucas is still working with them 8.5 years later. Today, Lucas is a community builder focused on empowering communities and leadership through technology. This is a FUN and wide-ranging episode. 3 things to look forward to in today’s episode: 1) How Lucas survived a near-death hang gliding experience by literally holding together a broken glider with his bare hands 2) How the language you use shapes your reality and why it’s the #1 element to building effective communities 3) The #1 (and surprising) thing that Lucas learned from watching Pokèmon grow from $400M - several BILLION dollars in sales To learn more about Lucas, visit
#172: Simply Put: Why Clear Messages Win… and How To Design Them w/ Ben Guttmann
January 30, 2024 • 59 MIN
Crafting compelling messages that resonate with your audience isn't just an art – it's a science. Today’s guest is Ben Guttmann. Ben is the author of Simply Put and has worked with brands like Comcast NBCUniversal & the NFL… moving millions of dollars in product. Today, we’re diving into why clear messages win… and how YOU can design them. Here are 3 things to look forward to in today’s episode: 1. What strange bet was given to Dr. Seuss that led to creating Cat In The Hat and Green Eggs & Ham… and what that has to do with making your messages more powerful 2. What creating simple and effective messages has to do with fluency 3. How to use the “Drill Build Method” to create messages that cut through the noise and resonate with people on an emotional level To learn more about Ben, visit
#171: Purpose-driven Finance, Being Unapologetically Yourself, & How To Grow Leveraging Mentors w/ Christopher Panagiotu
January 23, 2024 • 61 MIN
In 7th grade, Christopher Panagiotu learned about stocks from his quirky math teacher. A lightbulb went off… and he dove HEAD first into the finance world. Today, he oversees $135M in his financial planning business. But his journey wasn’t easy. Initially he started out in corporate and was MISERABLE… And at one point in running his business he had $11.14 left in his bank account. In addition to his journey, in this episode, you’ll enjoy 3 BIG things: 1. How to leverage “The 10% rule” to help you become more unapologetically yourself 2. How to incorporate your purpose into your investing philosophy 3. Why one of Chris’ mentors flew across the country to hand him a piece of paper… and what that piece of paper said that impacted the way he grew his business To learn more about Christopher, visit
#170: How Playing The Long Game In Life & Business Helped To Sell $1 BILLION Worth Of Life Saving Products… w/ Brian Kurtz
January 16, 2024 • 84 MIN
Man oh man do I have another treat for you today… It’s my honor to introduce you to someone I’ve respected and followed for the last 5+ years: Brian Kurtz. Not only is Brian one of the most well respected and relationship-focused direct response marketers in the world… … but he’s also responsible for helping Boardroom Inc. sell over a billion dollars’ worth of products “$39 at a time” to millions. His book, Overdeliver, in my opinion, is a must read for anyone interested in making a massive impact in the world. In this episode, you will learn… - What transformational concept on creating impact you can learn from a five-time World Series Champion - Why Brian went to Barnes & Noble with a hand truck and bought enough books to make his 1985 Toyota Camry’s tailpipe almost drag on the ground… (and what that has to do with helping you create a bigger impact in the world) - The ONE metric that Brian believes was responsible for helping Boardroom Inc. generate $1 Billion in product sales… … and SO much more. Enjoy! To learn more about Brian, visit
#169: How You Can Leverage “Core Embodiment” To Access Deep Flow States, Heal From Trauma, & Uncover What You TRULY Want In Life w/ Ajaya Sommers
January 9, 2024 • 83 MIN
If you’ve been following my work for awhile, you might have heard me share what I believe to be my purpose in life: To create a more deeply connected world by catalyzing curiosity. When I first met Ajaya Sommers, I almost immediately knew that she has a similar purpose… yet comes from a completely different set of tools and approaches than I do. Ajaya is the founder of a unique somatic discovery process called, Core Embodiment®. For the last 28 years, she has studied how to connect deeply with your body's intelligence to awaken and align with the power of your human potential. My perception is that as a society, we often prioritize thinking with our head, and discount the power of listening to your heart and what your body is telling you. In this episode, you’ll learn how to tap into a whole different level of your body’s intelligence to find greater alignment with your purpose and natural gifts. To learn more about Ajaya, visit
#168: EPIC "Accidental" Episode: Here’s What Happens When You Connect A Hollywood Storytelling Legend With A World Class “Liquid Storyteller”... W/ Michael Hauge & Ryan Castelaz
January 2, 2024 • 98 MIN
What happens when you connect a Hollywood storytelling legend to a world-class "liquid storyteller"... and then sit back and listen? MAGIC. I think a new format for Beyond Curious just emerged... Context: Michael Hauge has been one of Hollywood’s top story experts since 1985. He consulted for Will Smith to help create I Am Legend... and has worked on projects starring Julia Roberts, Morgan Freeman, Alec Baldwin, Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hardy, Tom Cruise, and many others. Ryan Castelaz is a "liquid storyteller" and the founder of Discourse Coffee, which Growler Magazine called “the most gonzo, balls-to-the-wall, experimental coffee house.” Ryan has been featured in Milwaukee Foodie, Food & Wine, Barista Magazine... etc. I was catching up with Michael last week when he asked about someone (Ryan) in a video I showed him from the "Curiosity Quest" retreat I co-hosted with John Davie... Long story short, Ryan, Michael, and I got on a call back in October. The coolest part? When I had Michael tell an AMAZING story... ... and then had Ryan translate that story into a drink that would tell that story in liquid form. It was honestly one of the COOLEST conversations I've ever been a part of. Thinking of calling this "Brilliance Blending™" where I bring two masters of their craft into a conversation... Anyways... this episode is the byproduct of that conversation. It was too good NOT to turn into an episode! Ryan and Michael, thank you for the epic conversation! Want to go deeper with Michael and Ryan? Check out episodes #134 and #135 to listen to my conversations with Ryan. And check out episodes #36 and #37 to hear my conversations with Michael! To learn more, visit
#167: I'm a DAD... Special Episode With My 7-Week Old Daughter!
December 26, 2023 • 21 MIN
Guys. I'm. A. DAD. Kaiya Elizabeth Fong was born on November 2nd, 2023 at 4:07 AM ❤️ To introduce her to you, I'm creating a new format I'm calling "Keys With Kaiya" where I share lessons Kaiya has taught me... and share some wisdom I'd like to share with her to support her as she gets older. Enjoy!
#166: Setting An INSANE World Record in Mountaineering, Raising 7 Children, Building an 8-Figure Business… & Surviving a Horrific Car Crash w/ Jenn Drummond
December 19, 2023 • 62 MIN
Jenn Drummond has a story so crazy you might think it’s a fictional superhero backstory. 1. 8-Figure business owner 2. She almost died in a crazy car crash 3. Struggled with infertility… but today is a mom of 7 kids 4. Set the world record for being the 1st (and only) woman to ever climb the second-highest peaks on each continent (harder than summiting the highest peaks...) No joke. If it wasn’t clear already, Jenn is another person that is the definition of being Beyond Curious — someone who reinvented themselves in MULTIPLE ways. This is an EPIC conversation… and Jenn is the first world-record holder that has been on the podcast! I had so much fun reading her new book, Breakproof, in preparation for this conversation… not only to hear about her crazy journey setting an insane world record, but learning about the process of achieving massive goals. To learn more about Jenn, visit
#165: How To Leverage “Nature Based Leadership” To Unlock Higher Quality Decision Making, Greater Emotional Intelligence, & Deeper Presence w/ Chris Kyle
December 12, 2023 • 63 MIN
Observation: We’ve made so much progress in science… Yet we’ve SO lost touch with the nature that gave us the progress to begin with. How can we begin to reconnect with the natural world, and what can we learn from doing so? Today’s guest, Chris Kyle, has dedicated the last portion of his career studying and practicing Nature Based Leadership. In this episode, we dive into: - How you can connect with nature to unlock higher quality decision making, greater emotional intelligence, & deeper presence - How to find alignment with your purpose, and what to expect when making life transitions toward your purpose - How you can use Chris’ “Hard Eyes, Soft Eyes” exercise in nature to zoom out and gain a higher level perspective To learn more about Chris, visit
#164: How To Make Your Competition Irrelevant By Building Transformational Relationships & Adventures in Processing $1 BILLION In Credit Card Transactions… w/ Eric Douay
December 5, 2023 • 87 MIN
Today’s guest is a dear friend of mine and an AMAZING human full of wisdom and life experience… His name is Eric Douay. Eric is the founder of Fair Merchant Solutions, a credit card processing company that has processed over a BILLION dollars in transactions. While that sounds impressive and all, the thing I love most about Eric is how much he values his relationships and plays the LONG game with every relationship he has. In this episode, you’ll learn: - How, despite the fact that Eric has invested $600,000+ into attending masterminds, some of the wisest advice he ever received was from someone born in 1902… - How you can make your competition IRRELEVANT by building transformational relationships with your clients - How to avoid getting royally screwed over by credit card companies (This is a BIG one that can save you a TON of headache!) If you’re someone who loves playing the “long game” in your relationships, loves investing in yourself, and wants to learn how to protect your business from a crippling risk that destroys entrepreneurs every year… this episode is for you! To learn more about Eric, visit
#163: How You Can Build A Business In Alignment With YOUR Brilliance, Adventures In Competing In A 24-Hour Mountain Bike Race, & Building A Brand Because of Justin Bieber w/ Kelsey Reidl
November 28, 2023 • 57 MIN
What do 24-hour mountain bike races, Justin Bieber, and building a business in alignment with your strengths all have in common? Today’s guest, Kelsey Reidl… of course! I’m SUPER excited to introduce you to Kelsey… We’ve become good friends over the course of the past year… virtually at first… and then in person when she joined us in Park City, Utah at our Curiosity Quest event. Who is Kelsey Reidl? Kelsey is a top rated marketing coach (Named "Top 10 Marketing Coach" by Yahoo! + has spoken on stages at Google HQ in Toronto & for SalesForce), host of the top 2% globally ranked Visionary Life Podcast, and creator of the Visionary Method™. She’s consulted with 250+ small businesses to help them Launch, Go Full Time & Become Fully Booked… But beyond all of her marketing skills, she’s also an incredibly adventurous human who lives life to the fullest. In this episode, you’ll learn: - How to use the “Island A and Island B exercise” to help you create irresistible offers - How to build a business around your BRILLIANCE, only doing things that give you energy - What Kelsey learned about the power of constraints from dealing with a broken bike during a 24-hour mountain bike race… … and so much more! To learn more about Kelsey, visit
#162: BRANDON Gets Interviewed By A Mystery Interviewer!
November 21, 2023 • 90 MIN
Greetings friends! Today is a very different episode in the sense that I am not the interviewer... but rather the interviewee! We're airing an interview that I did on my friend Kelsey Reidl's Visionary Life podcast. In this episode, you will... 👉 Get a "behind the scenes" look as to how I co-hosted my first ever in-person event that changed my life... (Deets here: 👉 Discover why I believe marketing 1-to-1 can be significantly more effective than marketing 1-to-many (and why it's easy to "hide" marketing one to many) 👉 Get my "AVE" framework that YOU can use to connect with anyone 👉 Discover my new "Mentorship Infinity Loop" concept that you can leverage to learn directly from people who are further ahead than you 👉 Learn the exact process I used to quickly validate a new idea that has generated $42,389 and set the direction for where I'm heading in 2024 and beyond It's been awhile since I've shared my own content and frameworks, and the interview with Kelsey was so fun that we HAD to share it. Enjoy!
#161: Dating Disney Princesses, Walking on Rainbows, & Lessons From Creating Harmony With Family While Generating $200M Growing Multi-Location Dental Groups w/ Eric Roman
November 14, 2023 • 91 MIN
Disney Princesses… Mario Kart…. Becoming one of the top baseball pitchers in the country… Leaving baseball behind… Generating $200M as an entrepreneur… Screwing up his family life…. Saving his family life… Guys… This is an EPIC conversation with my dear friend, Dr. Eric Roman. And yes, we go ALL over the place for what I personally felt was one of the most hilarious, engaging, deep, raw, vulnerable, and transformational interviews I’ve done. Over the past few months, Eric has become someone very important in my life, and I’m incredibly grateful to share his story and wisdom with you today. Get ready to laugh… get ready to get the feels… and get ready to learn some profound life lessons from a human that has led a truly curious and transformative life. To learn more about Eric, visit
#160: Exactly How To Uncover & Remove Your Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back From Creating Infinite Possibilities w/ Britt Lefkoe
November 7, 2023 • 69 MIN
Here’s a quote that I feel accurately represents today’s episode: “If more information was the answer, then we'd all be billionaires with perfect abs.” - Derek Sivers It’s true: Today we have access to literally ALL the information we could ever want. So if more information isn’t the answer to our next level, what is? The problem isn’t often about knowing what to do — it’s UNBLOCKING what’s getting in the way of you actually doing what you need to do. Today’s guest, Britt Lefkoe, is one of the TOP coaches in doing exactly this. Today, you will not only learn HOW to identify the limiting beliefs you have… … but you’ll ALSO learn exactly what you can do to eliminate them. This is an amazing interview, with an amazing human, on one of my favorite topics. To learn more about Britt, visit
#159: How To Uncover Your Purpose & Redefining “Millionaire” To Mean Someone Who’s Impacted 1,000,000+ People w/ Gordy Bal
October 31, 2023 • 55 MIN
Gordy Bal is redefining the word “Millionaire”. The new definition? A person who impacts a million people. THAT is cool. Gordy just came out with a new book, The New Millionaire’s Playbook that deconstructs what it means to be a “New Millionaire”. In the book, he dives into how to uncover your unique purpose and unapologetically live your life with freedom, purpose, and abundance. And guess what… One of the “key ingredients” to unlocking your purpose is CURIOSITY. Who would have thought 😜 If you’re ready to uncover your purpose and become a “New Millionaire” by impacting 1,000,000+ people, this episode is for you! To learn more about Gordy, visit
#158: The Mentor That Changed My Life With His Belief In Me and a $500 Check & How YOU Can Create Deeper Connection WIth Yourself and Your Clients… w/ Kevin Kowalke
October 24, 2023 • 68 MIN
I’ve known today’s guest — Kevin Kowalke — since I was 16 years old. Kevin ABSOLUTELY changed my life, and I’m beyond excited to introduce you to him today. Here’s the story: When I was 16 years old, I wrote a business plan for a high school competition. The business? A food truck called “The Sizzlin Ninja”. Because my OTHER friend and mentor, Brenda Campbell, appreciated what I was doing, she introduced me to Kevin. Kevin NOT ONLY helped make the plan better, but he donated $500 to help cover my travel costs to compete with the Sizzlin Ninja. This was a PIVOTAL moment in my life to have someone that I looked up to tell me that he believed in me, and backed it up by making an investment in my future. We tell the full story in the episode, but Kevin is an AMAZING human being full of wisdom and knowledge, and I’m incredibly grateful for his willingness to share with us today. In this episode, you will learn: - How Kevin has designed his ENTIRE life and business around being a fully present husband and father - How Kevin uncovered his purpose after going through a DARK experience that led him to question his value as a human being - How YOU can create more connected experiences for your clients and team members that lead to more revenue and satisfaction This is an epic episode with a dear friend, and I can’t wait for you to listen! To learn more about Kevin, visit
#157: How Spending $30K “Taking A Year ON”, Managing a $2M Fund In College, & Throwing High School Parties With AP Math Students and Jocks Led To Building A Company That Is Changing The World w/ Maxine Cunningham
October 17, 2023 • 72 MIN
Today’s guest is the definition of what it means to be beyond curious. - In high school, she was an athlete (basketball, badminton, golf), math nerd, artist, and scientist - In college, she had so many classes she wanted to take that she got special permission from the dean to take 7 courses instead of 5 - She eventually landed on finance, where she was one of twelve students selected to run a $2M fund for the university - Finance wasn’t enough, so she also got a masters degree in economics - Eventually she left her job in economics, spent $30K taking a year “ON” creating her own college curriculum, and launched her own startup company that ACTUALLY combines everything she’s interested in (which is everything) Maxine Cunningham is the founder of Pick My Brain and she is on a mission to kickstart the global knowledge economy. Think Amazon, but instead of products… it’s knowledge from the world’s people. The minute Max and I met (Thank you SO much Jem Fuller!) we became DEAR friends and we are already starting to work on some epic projects together. So I’m BEYOND excited for you to listen to this one… Max will be back FOR SURE. To learn more about Max, visit
#156: From Small Town To Creating Big Waves of MEASURABLE Impact w/ Braxton Kilgo
October 10, 2023 • 60 MIN
Braxton Kilgo grew up in May, Texas (population 285)... … and today he’s leading a movement that is impacting the world. Here’s the story: - In 2017, Braxton delivered a speech to 1,200 middle school students, gifting them "I Believe in You" stickers with the encouragement to pay it forward. The stickers went viral & sparked a wave of kindness throughout the school and community. - Braxton transformed the stickers into bracelets, designed to be worn until one is inspired to give them away. - The initiative quickly took off, with 16,000 bracelets sold across the US and 11 different countries. - The stories that emerged from these bracelets ranged from brightening days, empowering dreams, and even saving lives. - To seamlessly showcase these impactful experiences, each NFC-equipped bracelet allows users to connect their bracelet to the app, and add an inspiring message to the bracelet, creating a shared lineage of stories for everyone who has ever received that specific bracelet to see. I LOVE what Braxton is up to. He’s got a massive heart and I’m excited to give my bracelet away! To learn more about Braxton, visit
#155: How To Become “Indistractable” & ACTUALLY Do What You Say You Want To Do w/ Nir Eyal
October 3, 2023 • 59 MIN
Today I get to introduce you to someone I’ve been following for the past nine years: Nir Eyal. He is the author of two bestselling books: 1. Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products 2. Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life Combined, the books have 13,120+ reviews on Amazon, 60,220+ reviews on Goodreads, and have sold hundreds of thousands of copies. But beyond the book sales and accolades, I can honestly say that Nir’s books have dramatically impacted my life. Because of Nir’s work, I… - Haven’t had notifications on my phone for the past four years - Have dramatically improved my ability to connect with high-level people because of ONE study I learned from Hooked - Saved HUNDREDS of hours from distraction … and honestly I’m just getting started! Interviewing Nir was an excuse for me to apply his work at the next level, and I can’t wait to continue becoming “Indistractable”... because it’s one of the most powerful superpowers of the 21st century. If you’re someone who is ready to go to the next level in terms of your commitment to staying focused and actually doing what you say you want to do… … this episode is for you! To learn more about Nir, visit
#154: How To Get 29+ Hours Of Work Done In A Day By Leveraging A World Class EA w/ Ethan Bull
September 26, 2023 • 57 MIN
Imagine if there was a magic machine that empowered you to clone yourself. Two of your brains floating around… getting important stuff done more efficiently so that you can spend more time doing what you love. While there is no such machine that exists, today’s guest can show you a close alternative: An Executive Assistant. Now wait: Before you say, “I’ve heard this thing about EAs and outsourcing…” give me a sec. Before starting his own company, Pro Assisting, Ethan had an impressive career as an EA himself. As an EA, he worked with Hollywood celebrities, the Chairman of USA Films, and even served as the director of administrative services and senior executive assistant to the CEO of Rochester Regional Health. So when we talk about an EA, we’re talking about HIGH level EAs that command solid six-figure salaries. In this episode, we dive deep into how to develop a relationship with a high-caliber EA, and how this could be one of the greatest ways to simplify yet amplify your life. To learn more about Ethan, visit
#153: How To Unleash Your Genius Through Storytelling w/ Kyle Gray
September 19, 2023 • 66 MIN
Today I’m excited to introduce you to someone I’ve known for 7+ years… Kyle Gray. Kyle believes that part of his life’s work is to solve the “human resource crisis” — to help more people step into their genius and share their gifts with the world. The way he’s doing this? Storytelling. In this episode, you will learn: - The 3 lifecycle stages of stories: Discover the "too soon," "sweet spot," and "too old" phases and how to harness the energy of your stories for maximum impact. - How to craft powerful origin stories: Learn the 3-act play structure and how to infuse your stories with emotional depth to create human connections and build trust. - How to unleash your genius leveraging questions and effective stories. Also as a cool “Behind The Scenes” thing… Kyle jumped in and coached me on MY new origin story that I’m working on… You’ll get to hear Kyle’s process at work in real time… and I’m SO happy with the way things are heading! To learn more about Kyle, visit
#152: From Bankrupt And 1,000 Days Left To Live → Surviving & Building A Business Helping Hundreds Of Thousands Of People To Live Healthier Lives w/ Ian Clark
September 12, 2023 • 68 MIN
At 46, Ian Clark was bankrupt and given 1,000 days left to live. 5 years later, Ian not only survived… but took what he learned to build a raw supplement business in his basement with his wife and seven children. Today, Ian’s products have been consumed by hundreds of thousands of people, and he’s on a mission to help 10,000,000 people change their lives… In this episode, you’ll learn: 1. The 3 fundamental keys that Ian has unlocked to help anyone live a healthier life 2. How Ian’s first ever product literally started in his basement with him and his seven kids bottling phytoplankton 3. Why you can’t always trust labels on your products (and what companies may be giving you instead of what they actually say) To learn more about Ian, visit
#151: Former Olympic Festival Gold Medalist & U.S. Open Champion Pro Volleyball Player Shares His Journey of Going Pro & Creating World-Class Experiences w/ Albert Hannemann
September 5, 2023 • 63 MIN
Man oh man, today is a FUN episode! Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing Albert "AL-B" Hannemann, a former Olympic Festival Gold Medalist, U.S. Open Champion, and pro volleyball player turned entrepreneur. We dive into the heights of his pro sport career… to becoming the mastermind behind world-class events. You’ll learn: - How Ralph, a red bandana-wearing volleyball player, changed the course of Albert's life forever - How to get uncomfortable with being uncomfortable - How Al-B made the leap from the court to entrepreneurship & creating awe-inspiring events, including the 2022 MVP Kickoff Party, which attracted 669,150,000 Total Media Impressions and featured appearances by none other than Lil John and Guy Fieri! To learn more about Al-B, visit
#150: Getting Curious About Curiosity, Curating World-Class Conversations, & How To Ask Questions That Unleash Impact w/ Brooke Casanovas
August 29, 2023 • 66 MIN
Several months ago, my friend Jhana Li (Episode #146) told me about this epic human named Brooke Casanovas. A few weeks ago, I walk into an event and guess who I meet? Ding ding! Brooke and I immediately hit it off because of our shared love for curiosity and asking effective questions and I knew we had to bring her on the show. Here are 3 crunchy things to look forward to in today’s episode: 1. Why Brooke walked up to someone without knowing her at an event and started a conversation around menopause… and what that has to do with creating deeper and more meaningful conversations 2. How to identify your superpowers or, as Gay Hendricks would say, “Zone of Genius” 3. Listen for Brooke’s ALIVE Framework for how to create transformational learning experiences both in masterminds and other in-person events To learn more about Brooke, visit
#149: Transforming Into Real Life “Wonder Woman” + The “5 Bucket Framework” That Can Save Your Business w/ Heather Pearce Campbell
August 22, 2023 • 66 MIN
In my mind, Heather Pearce Campbell is real life Wonder Woman. She is a mother of two kids… and her road to motherhood wasn’t easy. Not only did Heather nearly not survive having her daughter, she went through seven years of obstacles and trauma just to have her kids. But Heather isn’t just a warrior with endless grit in her personal life… she’s also the same in her business life. Heather is the founder of The Legal Website Warrior, where she is a dedicated attorney and legal coach for world-changing entrepreneurs. In other words: Protecting your business is Heather’s business. Now: Normally the whole “legal” world is something that makes you want to scream and cry (at least for me), but Heather makes the entire topic of protecting your business INCREDIBLY accessible. You can only go as high and as far as your legal foundation lets you go. In this episode, we dive into Heather’s story + how YOU can protect your business by setting a STRONG legal foundation. This is a powerful episode you won’t want to miss… and listening closely may literally save your business. To find out more about Heather, visit
#148: The Art Of Using “Dramatic Demonstration” To Attract Premium Clients (Part 2) w/ Jude Charles
August 15, 2023 • 69 MIN
Today's special BONUS episode is a continuation of episode #147 with Jude Charles! For over 15 years, Jude Charles has been producing documentaries for entrepreneurs. He has produced stories for Google, Steve Harvey, and dozens of visionary CEOs. Here’s a small sample of the results Jude has helped his clients achieve: - Stefan Georgi is a high-level copywriter who also owns a business mastermind - he closed $2.5 million after making a pitch to others to join his mastermind using a story Jude helped him develop - Gary Lanham owns a real estate firm - he 10xed his ROI in 18 months of working with Jude - Keyshia Ka’oir owns a cosmetic company - she went from $0 to $1 million within 12 months leveraging Jude’s crafted stories Jude now charges $100,000+ per client to produce a docuseries because of his proven track record… … and today you get to learn some of his best content. To learn more about Jude, visit
#147: The Art Of Using “Dramatic Demonstration” To Attract Premium Clients (Part 1) w/ Jude Charles
August 8, 2023 • 64 MIN
For over 15 years, Jude Charles has been producing documentaries for entrepreneurs. He has produced stories for Google, Steve Harvey, and dozens of visionary CEOs. Here’s a small sample of the results Jude has helped his clients achieve: - Stefan Georgi is a high-level copywriter who also owns a business mastermind - he closed $2.5 million after making a pitch to others to join his mastermind using a story Jude helped him develop - Gary Lanham owns a real estate firm - he 10xed his ROI in 18 months of working with Jude - Keyshia Ka’oir owns a cosmetic company - she went from $0 to $1 million within 12 months leveraging Jude’s crafted stories Jude now charges $100,000+ per client to produce a docuseries because of his proven track record… … and today you get to learn some of his best content. To learn more about Jude, visit
#146: Scale Your Business While Scaling Yourself Out of the Day-to-Day w/ Jhana Li
August 1, 2023 • 65 MIN
We’ve all heard that we need to “stop working IN your business, and start working ON it.” But HOW do you actually do that? Today’s guest is a dear friend of mine, Jhana Li. Jhana is (in my own words) an “Ops Ninja”. She’s the person you go to when you’re ready to drive consistent, compound growth, all while scaling yourself out of the weeds of your company. The world’s most successful companies all rest upon a foundation of scalable, water-tight operations… … and in this episode you’ll learn actually how you can do that. That + because Jhana and I are friends that love to nerd out all the time, you’ll also hear some fun stories — like what Jhana did to get called into the principal's office in kindergarten. (Hint: It may or may not have to do with hanging upside down on the monkey bars with a lack of clothing) This is a FANTASTIC episode if you’re looking to not only discover how to build a business with world class operations… but also if you want to have fun and build a business in alignment with WHO you are. ALSO… Exciting news: Jhana also recently partnered with another past guest on the show — Cameron Herold — on a new venture called The Ops Spot. If you happen to be in an ops role right now, you will for sure want to check this out! To learn more about Jhana, visit
#145: From Bedridden To Purpose-Driven: Unleash Your Soul’s Work, Co-Create A Sustainable World, & Become A Changemaker w/ Jayne Warrilow
July 25, 2023 • 61 MIN
Jayne Warrilow was supposed to die in 2011… … yet she’s today’s guest, so obviously that didn’t happen! Jayne Warrilow is a global speaker, bestselling author, and sought-after Business / Executive Coach that plays at the intersection between soul, business, and technology. In today’s episode, you’ll learn: 1. How her youngest son, Jacob, insisting on bringing home a book with a rainbow on the cover changed Jayne’s life 2. How to uncover your Soul’s work & integrate your calling into your business 3. What POWERFUL questions you should be asking yourself to better understand your life’s purpose Enjoy! To learn more about Jayne, visit
#144: Getting Sued For Being NICE, Being a NASA Test Subject, & How To Turn Frustration Into Genius w/ Christina Harbridge
July 18, 2023 • 60 MIN
Being the founder of a debt collection agency doesn’t sound exciting… … but wait until you hear Christina Harbridge’s story. Christina’s company specialized in collecting debt by being NICE. Yes, this flew in the face of the entire industry… But. It. Worked. Not only did her company end up collecting MORE money as a result… But her collectors were invited to weddings and they even had a toy bin in their office because people wanted to introduce their kids to their debt collectors. No joke. In today’s interview, you’ll hear Christina’s INCREDIBLE entrepreneurial journey, along with how YOU can be a more effective communicator leveraging your physiology. To learn more about Christina, visit
#143: Trust and Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others w/ Stephen M. R. Covey
July 11, 2023 • 62 MIN
Today I have the honor of sharing another human with you that has massively impacted the world: Stephen M. R. Covey. Stephen is the NYT Bestselling author of The Speed Of Trust (2M+ copies sold) and also the person who propelled his father’s book, Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, to become one of the most influential business books of the 20th Century… But to me, what’s way more inspiring than any of his accomplishments is that he truly practices what he preaches. He is a kind, caring, and loving human who is revolutionizing leadership in our world today. This is a HUGE episode for anyone who’s ready to truly expand their impact by elevating their leadership. To find out more about Stephen, visit
#142: How To Become A More Compassionate Communicator With Yourself & Others w/ Laura Jack
July 4, 2023 • 64 MIN
You know how sometimes that “voice” in your head isn’t that… nice? - Maybe you compare yourself to others… - Maybe you had a bad experience that turned into a negative story that plays in a loop… - Maybe you “should” all over yourself… Here’s why I’m bringing it up: Today’s guest is my good friend, Laura Jack. She’s the founder of the Compassion Code Academy. And as the name suggests, all of her content is centered around how to have more compassionate communication… both with yourself and others. So if you’re like many of the entrepreneur friends that I have that are very hard on themselves… this episode is for you. Not only will you learn how to transform negative narratives causing you to be unhappy, but you’ll also learn how to transform the relationships around you. To learn more about Laura, visit
#141: Why 10x Is EASIER Than 2x w/ Dr. Benjamin Hardy
June 27, 2023 • 76 MIN
After doing my annual 2022 "year review" I found out that I read 51 books, recorded 63 podcast episodes, and took 26 courses. 10x Is Easier Than 2x was one of the best books I read… and has led to a massive upgrade in the way that I’m approaching life. I was incredibly grateful that Ben sent me an early release copy… and I’ve been SO excited for the book to come out for others to read it. The book is finally out now, and of course I had Ben on to talk about it. ALSO… This is the FIRST interview episode of Beyond Curious™, and that was incredibly intentional. Beyond Curious™ is absolutely my next “10x” and has required me to massively upgrade my identity and mindset. If you’ve listened to the show, you know that one of my favorite quotes is by Michelangelo when he was speaking about how he sculpted the David — “I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free”. I believe that life is about subtracting what doesn’t belong so that you can build a life around the most authentic version of yourself. That is the premise of this entire book — 10X is fundamentally about quality vs quantity. If you really want to evolve every component of your life, it requires radical simplification, and then expansion of the simplification. If you want to radically upgrade your identity and simplify your life while getting more results… this is for you. To learn more about Ben Hardy, visit
#140b: Introducing Beyond Curious™ (Brand Reveal High-Level Version)
June 20, 2023 • 72 MIN
--Read Me To Discover Why There Are Two Versions Of #140! -- The wait is over! I’m SO excited to announce that 7-Figure Millennials is now Beyond Curious™. There’s SO much I want to share with you, so here’s the plan 👇 I created a "choose your own adventure" experience for you to learn about Beyond Curious. Here's how it works: - There are TWO episodes introducing Beyond Curious — #140a and #140b ↪ #140b is the “High Level” version where I share the story and vision behind Beyond Curious™ ↪ #140a is simultaneously the LAST episode of 7-Figure Millennials and the FIRST episode of Beyond Curious™. (For ease of navigation: 140a and 140b start to "split" content wise is at about 26:00) My goal was to make #140a the best episode I’ve ever created. It took me over 20 hours to produce… and it’s a knowledge synthesis of the thousands of hours I’ve poured into publishing 7-Figure Millennials. 140a is a 3-hour long masterclass. In the episode, I do two main things: - Answer the “7-Figure Millennials Question” I set out to explore from day 1 — How can we become financially successful and have a big impact while prioritizing our happiness, health, and relationships? - Make the leap to live out the answer I discovered In 140a, I weave insights and actual audio clips from dozens of episodes into one cohesive masterclass to conclude 7-Figure Millennials and start Beyond Curious™ with a bang. This is a BIG moment for me, and I can’t wait to embark on this new journey with you! P.S. Where 140a and 140b start to "split" content wise is at about 26:00 -- Resources Mentioned -- This episode features clips from the following episodes: - Todd Herman: - Shannon Graham: - Dr. Wayne Pernell: - Gay Hendricks: - Episode #50: - Brian Scudamore: - Darius Mershazadeh: - David Siegel: - Jon Vroman: - Alexandra Watkins: - Jhana Li: Tests To Take (From Superpower Section): - KOLBE: - Principles You: - PMAI: - Strengthsfinder: - Wealth Dynamics: - Archetypes: - Human Design: - 6 Human Needs: - Fascination Advantage: Resources to help you clearly define who you want to serve: - Mike Koenigs: - Justin Breen: - Pia Silva: - Shannon Graham:
#140a: Introducing Beyond Curious™ (Brand Reveal Masterclass Version)
June 20, 2023 • 197 MIN
--Read Me To Discover Why There Are Two Versions Of #140! -- The wait is over! I’m SO excited to announce that 7-Figure Millennials is now Beyond Curious™. There’s SO much I want to share with you, so here’s the plan 👇 I created a "choose your own adventure" experience for you to learn about Beyond Curious. Here's how it works: - There are TWO episodes introducing Beyond Curious — #140a and #140b ↪ #140b is the “High Level” version where I share the story and vision behind Beyond Curious™ ↪ #140a is simultaneously the LAST episode of 7-Figure Millennials and the FIRST episode of Beyond Curious™. (For ease of navigation: 140a and 140b start to "split" content wise is at about 26:00) My goal was to make #140a the best episode I’ve ever created. It took me over 20 hours to produce… and it’s a knowledge synthesis of the thousands of hours I’ve poured into publishing 7-Figure Millennials. 140a is a 3-hour long masterclass. In the episode, I do two main things: - Answer the “7-Figure Millennials Question” I set out to explore from day 1 — How can we become financially successful and have a big impact while prioritizing our happiness, health, and relationships? - Make the leap to live out the answer I discovered In 140a, I weave insights and actual audio clips from dozens of episodes into one cohesive masterclass to conclude 7-Figure Millennials and start Beyond Curious™ with a bang. This is a BIG moment for me, and I can’t wait to embark on this new journey with you! -- Resources Mentioned -- This episode features clips from the following episodes: - Todd Herman: - Shannon Graham: - Dr. Wayne Pernell: - Gay Hendricks: - Episode #50: - Brian Scudamore: - Darius Mershazadeh: - David Siegel: - Jon Vroman: - Alexandra Watkins: - Jhana Li: Tests To Take (From Superpower Section): - KOLBE: - Principles You: - PMAI: - Strengthsfinder: - Wealth Dynamics: - Archetypes: - Human Design: - 6 Human Needs: - Fascination Advantage: Resources to help you clearly define who you want to serve: - Mike Koenigs: - Justin Breen: - Pia Silva: - Shannon Graham:
#139: Naming “The Baconator”, Getting Trapped Under A Boat While Whitewater Rafting In Zimbabwe, & How YOU Can Create Brand Names With Buzz… w/ Alexandra Watkins
June 13, 2023 • 66 MIN
Ever heard of the Wendy’s Baconator? What about Burger King’s Mac n’ Cheetos? Well today’s guest, Alexandra Watkins, is the brain behind those well known names... and ALSO the person who came up with the new name of THIS podcast (which will be revealed on episode #140!). Alexandra is the founder of a naming firm, Eat My Words, that has created love-at-first sight brand names for countless companies including Amazon, Coca-Cola, Disney, Google, Twitter, and Colgate. She’s also the author of the book, “Hello, My Name is Awesome: How To Create Brand Names That Stick” which has become my BIBLE for coming up with creative names! Some other fun facts about her: - Her pool house office is literally a Barbie Dream House (she gave me a virtual tour) where she has a view of a colorful surfboard fence, tropical tiki bar, and chattering flocks of Point Loma’s famous green parrots. - Her three giant inflatable pink flamingos are named Maui, Wowie, and Howie. - She has eaten her way through 50 countries where she’s sunk her teeth into delicacies including BBQ squirrel in Tanzania. 😆 Alexandra is SO much fun, has TONS of hilarious stories, and packed a massive amount of value in this interview. To learn more about Alexandra, visit
#138: How You Can Use The “Velvet Machete” & Create A World-Class Brand w/ Amber Hurdle
June 6, 2023 • 52 MIN
I 100% believe that one of the highest leveraged uses of your time is to focus on honing in your messaging and positioning. This is why, whenever I get the chance to talk to someone who focuses on this exact topic, I NERD out. In today’s episode, you’ll meet Amber Hurdle. Amber learned about branding from an unexpected place… After getting pregnant at age 16, she had to learn branding to reposition herself as a multi-award-winning, powerhouse businesswoman. So if you’re someone with a message to get out into the world and want to learn how to create a brand in alignment with your values and purpose… this episode is for you! To learn more about Amber, visit
#137: Create More Connections, Clients, And Cash By Using Cereal Boxes, “Multiple Choice Emails”, and “Thank Calls” w/ Blake Fly
May 30, 2023 • 56 MIN
Here’s an EPIC story from today’s guest: Blake Fly was grocery shopping when he saw a box of Frosted Flakes. After using ONE of the strategies we talked about in today’s episode, he recorded a video showcasing the box of Frosted Flakes that ended up putting $50,000+ into his pocket. Wut? Yes. You read that right. I have MAD respect for Blake because he’s a MASTER at leveraging innovative and unexpected approaches and relationship building approaches to fuel both business and life. Literally everything he does is cool and unexpected. Other Examples: - He’s the producer of a 55-year event series for entrepreneurs called “Thank U Live” (Why 55? Guess you’ll have to learn more about Blake to find out…) - When he got married, he simultaneously sent out invites to his 75th wedding anniversary to hold him accountable for being an incredible husband. - He’s done 9 TEDx talks … without ever applying. SO… If you’re someone that (1) values relationships and (2) wants to have fun while building deeper connections with people you love, this episode is for YOU. To learn more about Blake, visit
#136: From Fire Dancing to Mastering Mindful Communication… w/ Jem Fuller
May 23, 2023 • 65 MIN
Today’s guest is the definition of someone who’s lived a colorful life. Jem Fuller has been… - A fire dancer / tattoo artist - A kindergarten teacher - A barefoot backpacker turned corporate leader … just to name a few. Today he’s a leadership coach, international retreat leader, and author of The Art Of Conscious Communication For Thoughtful Men. I believe that “Conscious Communication” is one of the most important topics to study. Not only learning how to communicate more effectively with others… … but also with yourself. So if you’re someone who wants to live life to the fullest and continue building deep relationships with yourself and those that you love most, this episode is for you! To learn more about Jem, visit
#135: The Man On A Mission To Revolutionize The World of Coffee (Part 2) w/ Ryan Castelaz
May 18, 2023 • 50 MIN
Today's special BONUS episode is a continuation of episode #134 with Ryan Castelaz! Ryan is the founder and creative director of Discourse Coffee, which Growler Magazine called “the most gonzo, balls-to-the-wall, experimental coffee house.” For example… One of my FAVORITE drinks Ryan makes is called “Motorhead”. Here’s the section from his book describing the drink: “Apologies in advance to our vegan friends, but when life gives you pork fat and apple cores, you make caramel. While that's not how the saying goes, the pork fat lends an unctuous umami flavor to this sumptuous caramel, perfectly offset by bright, juicy apple, courtesy of homemade apple powder, which will provide the cores for your caramel. Delicious hot or iced, Motorhead is metalhead magic in a mug.” Ryan is a freaking mad scientist and his drinks are INCREDIBLE. If you’re a coffee lover, buying his new book, The New Art Of Coffee, is a NON-NEGOTIABLE. So: Not only is this episode special because it’s with a dear friend… but it’s also the first ever time I recorded an episode in person! Ryan’s crazy coffee brain and experiments + us really knowing each other (Ryan’s an avid listener of the show) + us being in person made this an INCREDIBLY fun episode. I can’t WAIT for you to listen to this one! To learn more about Ryan, visit
#134: The Man On A Mission To Revolutionize The World of Coffee (Part 1) w/ Ryan Castelaz
May 16, 2023 • 72 MIN
Man oh man, today is an exciting episode! Today’s guest is Ryan Castelaz. Not only has Ryan become a good friend, but he’s also doing some CRAZY COOL shit that’s literally changing the world of coffee. Ryan is the founder and creative director of Discourse Coffee, which Growler Magazine called “the most gonzo, balls-to-the-wall, experimental coffee house.” For example… One of my FAVORITE drinks Ryan makes is called “Motorhead”. Here’s the section from his book describing the drink: “Apologies in advance to our vegan friends, but when life gives you pork fat and apple cores, you make caramel. While that's not how the saying goes, the pork fat lends an unctuous umami flavor to this sumptuous caramel, perfectly offset by bright, juicy apple, courtesy of homemade apple powder, which will provide the cores for your caramel. Delicious hot or iced, Motorhead is metalhead magic in a mug.” Ryan is a freaking mad scientist and his drinks are INCREDIBLE. If you’re a coffee lover, buying his new book, The New Art Of Coffee, is a NON-NEGOTIABLE. So: Not only is this episode special because it’s with a dear friend… but it’s also the first ever time I recorded an episode in person! Ryan’s crazy coffee brain and experiments + us really knowing each other (Ryan’s an avid listener of the show) + us being in person made this an INCREDIBLY fun episode. I can’t WAIT for you to listen to this one! To learn more about Ryan, visit
#133: Better Selling Through Storytelling & How To Get Off The “Self-Esteem Roller Coaster” w/ John Livesay
May 9, 2023 • 57 MIN
I have four core values. One of them is “Conscious Storytelling”. This is why, whenever I meet a master storyteller, I’m incredibly interested to learn from them. Today’s guest, John Livesay, is a master storyteller and is known as “The Pitch Whisperer.” He is a sales keynote speaker where he shows companies’ sales teams how to turn mundane case studies into compelling case stories so they earn more new business. In this episode, we dive deep into John’s storytelling secrets that will help you become a master storyteller yourself! To learn more about John, visit
#132: Turning Your Business Into The Ultimate Mirror For Self-Development w/ Waira Mendoza Angle
May 2, 2023 • 58 MIN
Today’s guest is Waira Mendoza Angle… … and entrepreneurship saved his life. As a teenager with no positive male role models, he got into a lot of trouble and barely survived high school. In his early 20s, he hit complete rock bottom and couldn’t stand his life anymore. It wasn’t until he became an entrepreneur that things really changed for him. Building a business forced him to confront his insecurities, limiting beliefs, and fears. Within a few years, Waira went from broke and alone to acquiring Canada’s largest DJ talent agency, building two multi-million dollar agencies, and launching a community for men called the Entrepreneur Brotherhood. His mission now is to help visionary leaders transform themselves and build businesses that transform the world. Waira has been on one hell of a journey, and you and I have a lot to learn from him! To learn more about Waira, visit
#131: How To Unpack Your Mental Trash To Unlock Your Next Level Of Growth w/ Brian Bogert
April 25, 2023 • 61 MIN
On August 10th, 1992, Brian Bogert was run over by a truck. His left arm was completely severed from his body. Luckily, both his mom and a good samaritan helped save his life that day… but what followed that moment is what made me so excited to bring Brian on the show. You see: As a result of that accident, Brian developed a bunch of unconscious stories that he didn’t realize were holding him back and not serving him. It wasn’t until he uncovered those stories and re-framed them in a powerful way that he was able to unlock true growth in his life. Now: You may have never been run over by a truck. But I know that personally, I had unconscious stories and narratives that were also no longer serving me… and my guess is that you have a few of those too. THAT is the focus of this episode. So if you’re serious about uncovering the “mental trash” that you didn’t even know is causing damage to you, this episode is for you! To learn more about Brian, visit
#130: How You Can Productize Your Genius To Scale Your Impact… w/ Lucas Garvin
April 18, 2023 • 61 MIN
How do you take what’s in your brain and turn it into a system that changes people’s lives? There are many different approaches to doing this… But today, you get to learn one of the best! Today’s guest is Lucas Garvin. He’s the co-founder of the Thought Leaders Institute where they have helped 5,000+ coaches, consultants, experts, and agency owners in 100+ niches worldwide serve way more people, increase profits, and experience the freedom of a truly self-scaling business. This is a must-listen for anyone who wants to create a bigger impact with their knowledge! To find out more about Lucas, visit
#129: How To Create Content That Changes Lives w/ Marc Aarons
April 11, 2023 • 62 MIN
Today I get to introduce you to someone who has become an incredible friend of mine… Marc Aarons. Marc has an awesome backstory to say the least. Born in Jamaica, Marc came to the US on a full ride scholarship at age 16. He’s an environmental science researcher turned: - Founder: His first site got 700,000+ visitors without paid ads or influencers. - Consultant: He’s worked with the U.S. National Institute of Health, neurosurgeons and New York Times bestselling authors. - Coach: He’s been the lead coach to 8-figure course businesses and conducted 1,600+ coaching sessions with e-commerce, agencies and course businesses ranging from $0M - $10M+ in annual revenue Today he’s on a mission to empower creators to create content that changes lives. He’s one of the best people I know at productizing knowledge… and I can’t wait for you to learn from this episode! To find out more about Marc, visit
#128: How To Leverage Curiosity & Innovation To Create Teams And Products That Change The World w/ Mike Maddock
April 4, 2023 • 59 MIN
Today’s guest is Mike Maddock. Mike’s purpose is to inspire and empower curiosity. In other words: He wants to make you believe you can change the world and then help you do it. Over 25% of the Fortune 500 have trusted Mike to help them envision and create new sources of growth. In this episode, we dive deep into how YOU can level up your innovation skillset to create a bigger impact. To learn more about Mike, visit
#127: Secrets To Leveraging Value-First Relationship Building To Get Recurring Revenue & Book 2-6 Joint Venture Partners Per Week w/ Charles Byrd
March 28, 2023 • 49 MIN
Imagine if every week, you received 15 referrals to your dream customers. And not only that… What if, every week, you were able to turn those relationships into 2-6 new clients, strategic partnerships, and speaking engagements? Yes, it’s possible. I know this because this is a regular occurrence for today’s guest, Charles Byrd. Charles is a world renowned joint venture expert who regularly works with some of the biggest names in the space… And in today’s episode, you’ll learn exactly how you can leverage value-first relationship building to get recurring revenue from endless qualified leads. To learn more about Charles, visit
#126: How To Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level By Solving "The Upper Limit Problem" w/ Gay Hendricks
March 21, 2023 • 66 MIN
In 2022, I produced 63 podcast episodes, read 51 books, and took 26 courses. Today, I get to introduce you to the author of one of my FAVORITE books that I read last year: Gay Hendricks. Gay has actually written 40+ books, but the book I’m talking about is called "The Big Leap: How To Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level". In this episode, you’ll learn: 1. What the “Upper Limit Problem” is and why Gay believes it’s the ONLY problem that we need to solve 2. How to Come Up with Your Top Five Life Goals 3. How you can STOP worrying (yes, you read that correctly) Can’t wait for you to listen! To find out more about Gay, visit
#125: How To Uncover YOUR “Hidden Advantage” To Make A Positive Impact In The Lives Of The People You Love w/ Patty Block
March 14, 2023 • 67 MIN
Do you know your “Hidden Advantage”? In other words: Do you know your unique “Superpower” that creates value in the world? I 100% believe that each of us has one… and I’ve personally been exploring this topic in depth over the past few years. I’ve read 5+ books on this topic, listened to countless podcast episodes, and spent hours journaling… That’s why, when I have the chance to talk to someone that’s written a book on this topic, I always lean in. Today’s guest, Patty Block, has a new book out called "Unlock Your Hidden Advantage" that sheds light on her process for uncovering your unique value. If you’re someone who’s serious about intentionally building a life around your strengths, this episode is for YOU! To learn more about Patty, visit
#124: Secrets To Building Collaborative Global Companies While Putting Your Loved Ones First w/ Justin Breen
March 7, 2023 • 75 MIN
Today you and I get to hang out with my new friend, Justin Breen. Justin is the CEO of the global PR firm BrEpic and author of Epic Life: How to Build Collaborative Global Companies While Putting Your Loved Ones First. In this conversation, you’ll learn exactly how Justin has set up his life to focus on the two things that matter the most to him: 1. Spending quality time with his family 2. Growing his network on a global level Justin spends his time in his “Unique Ability” only focusing on his unique strengths… and has built a successful company that empowers him to be an awesome dad. If you’d like to build a business around YOUR definition of success, this episode is for you! To find out more about Justin, visit
#123: From Selling Coat Hangers At Age 7 To Building 9-Figure Companies & How YOU Can Unleash The Power Of A “Second In Command” To Grow Your Business… w/ Cameron Herold
February 28, 2023 • 57 MIN
Today’s guest has built not one… not two… but three $100+ million companies. At age 21, he had 14 employees. By 35, he’d helped build his first two 100 million dollar companies. By the age of 42, he engineered 1-800-GOT-JUNK?’s spectacular growth from $2 Million to $106 Million in revenue in just six years. That’s right, today’s guest is “The CEO Whisperer”, Cameron Herold. But on top of all his accomplishments, he also lives life to the fullest. He’s currently a full time nomad. He sold his homes, his cars, and all of his stuff… and in 2022 traveled to 23 different countries with his wife. So if you want to not only learn from one of the top business growth minds in the world who's also living a life of full alignment, this episode is for you! To learn more about Cameron, visit
#122: Learn The Art and Science of Connection From The Creator Of The World’s Top Secret Dining Experience For Industry Influencers… w/ Jon Levy
February 21, 2023 • 59 MIN
Here’s how Lewis Howes, NYT bestselling author of The School of Greatness, describes today’s guest: “Jon Levy is what happens when you mix a behavioral scientist like Robert Cialdini with Indiana Jones.” 😆 After reading Jon’s book, You’re Invited, and having him on the show, I can say I 100% agree! Despite being a NYT bestselling author and TED speaker, Jon is perhaps most well known for being the creator of The Influencers Dinner. The Influencers Dinner is a secret dining experience for industry leaders ranging from Nobel laureates, Olympians, celebrities, and executives, to artists, musicians, and even the Grammy winning voice of the bark from “Who Let the Dogs Out.” Guests cook dinner together, but can’t discuss their career or give their last name, and once seated to eat, they reveal who they are. Over time, these dinners developed into a community. With thousands of members, Influencers is the largest community of its type worldwide. Today, we dive into how Jon has developed these relationships, and how you can build deeper and more meaningful relationships. To find out more about Jon, visit
#121: Pink Unicorns & Building A $200M/yr Company By Leveraging Core Values w/ Darius Mirshahzadeh
February 14, 2023 • 66 MIN
What do Pink Unicorns have to do with building a $200M/yr company? Everything. Today’s guest is Darius Mirshahzadeh. He’s the author of the Core Value Equation and an incredibly successful 9-figure entrepreneur… Here’s why I’m so excited for you to listen to this episode: Time and time again, core values has come up on this show as one of the KEY first principles of building a successful business. NEVER have I come across a resource as powerful on this topic as The Core Value Equation. I read 50+ books per year and this is one that you shouldn’t miss. Today we dive deep into the book, Darius’ incredible journey of going from cleaning gas station bathrooms to running a $200M company… and so much more. Enjoy this conversation with my friend Darius! To find out more about Darius, visit
#120: The 94 Year-Old Legend Who INVENTED The Cell Phone… w/ Marty Cooper
February 7, 2023 • 65 MIN
Today you get to meet a man who changed the world. In 1973, Marty Cooper was the man that invented the cell phone. Yes, it sounds impressive as is… But what you probably DON’T know is just how crazy the story is behind the invention. Here’s a teaser: 1. Back in the 70s, AT&T proposed a plan to be the sole provider of cellular. 2. The FCC was about to give it to them— UNLESS Motorola (who Marty worked for) could change their minds. Here’s what happened next (direct quote from Marty’s book): “To preserve the viability of Motorola—and to save the future of communications from the chokehold of a monopoly—we needed to do something truly dazzling. Something far beyond a basic land mobile demonstration. What could we possibly do to stave off AT&T’s takeover of cellular? Then it hit me. We needed to make a phone call.” In this episode, you’ll get to hear the tale from the legend himself… and how he actually ended up creating the cell phone over a period of only three months. If you want to learn how to create an impact from a man who changed the world, this episode is for you! To find out more information about Marty Cooper, visit
#119: How To Communicate Your Message In SECONDS (Not Minutes) To Capture Attention + Market Share w/ Susan Harrow
January 31, 2023 • 63 MIN
Question: How do you… - Get media exposure - Leverage that exposure to create a legacy that lasts a lifetime (not just 15 mins of fame) …? Today’s guest is Susan Harrow. Susan is a media trainer that has prepped her clients and course participants to appear on Oprah, 60 Minutes, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Fresh Air, Marketplace, and Bloomberg… to name a few. Listen if you want to learn how to leverage the media to create a legacy! To learn more about Susan, visit
#118: WSJ Cartoonist & “Father of Contact Marketing” Reveals How YOU Can Grow Your Business Like a Weed… w/ Stu Heinecke
January 24, 2023 • 64 MIN
When you think about it, weeds are incredible models for business growth: 1. They are impossible to get rid of 2. They show up all over the place 3. They can survive in almost any environment Today’s guest, Stu Heineke, is a growth strategist, WSJ cartoonist and also named the “Father of Contact Marketing” by the American Marketing Association. His newest book, How To Grow Your Business Like A Weed, is all about how we can translate the lessons of weeds into growing our businesses no matter the circumstance. Enjoy! To learn more about Stu, visit
#117: 5x Serial Entrepreneur Who’s Served 61,000+ Clients Reveals How YOU Can Create A Business You’ll Love For The Rest Of Your Life… w/ Mike Koenigs
January 17, 2023 • 61 MIN
What if you had a business that paid you for who you ARE… not what you do or what you know? Today’s guest, Mike Koenigs, helps people do just that. He’s a 5x serial entrepreneur… He’s served 61,000+ clients… He’s written 13 books… And today, he helps high performing entrepreneurs to create a business they’ll love for the REST of their lives. If you’re serious about creating an impact and building a business around YOUR unique skill sets, you won’t want to miss today’s episode. To learn more about Mike, visit
#116: How To Create A “Ripple Effect” Of Giving & Quit Repeating Yourself In Your Business By Leveraging Systems To Grow The Right Way… w/ Jaime Jay
January 10, 2023 • 11 MIN
Imagine… Tomorrow, you start working and: 1. You don’t have to do draining work (aka the wrong things) 2. You have systems and processes in place designed to help you do your BEST work THAT is what today’s guest, Jaime Jay, does. If you’re serious about sticking in your “Zone of Genius” and only doing the work you love… and having a system that takes care of the rest, you won’t want to miss out on today’s episode! To find out more about Jaime, visit
#115: Working With Sir James Dyson & World Champion Boxer Chris Eubank + Receiving The Highest Honor Possible From The Queen of England… w/ Sháá Wasmund
January 3, 2023 • 55 MIN
What do Sir James Dyson, world champion boxer Chris Eubank, and Queen Elizabeth II have in common? No, it’s not some witty joke… It’s today’s guest, Sháá Wasmund. Sháá is the definition of a maverick, and I can’t wait for you to listen to today’s interview… Despite the fact that Sháá grew up in poverty with an incredibly abusive father, she’s truly become an entrepreneurial titan. The Sunday Times named her as “One of the top 20 most influential entrepreneurs in the UK”. She’s built multiple 7 figure businesses from the ground up and had a multi-7 figure exit. She’s worked with Sir James Dyson and Chris Eubank, and received a prestigious award from Queen Elizabeth II. And today, you get to learn some of her best entrepreneurial secrets… To learn more about Sháá, visit
#114: How To Never Lose A Customer Again… w/ Joey Coleman
December 27, 2022 • 60 MIN
What if you had the power to NEVER lose a customer again? Think about it: How much time, energy, and effort do you put into GETTING a new customer? Significantly less people decide to focus on how to KEEP a customer… which is actually where the lifetime value of your customer lies! Today, we dive deep into exactly how to do that with THE expert on this topic, Joey Coleman. People who implement Joey’s methods often lead to an increase in profits by 25-100%. Now you can do the same! To find out more about Joey, go to
#113: Juggling Fire, Breakdancing, & Bootstrapping A Company From $1,000 → $16M In One Year w/ Matteo Grassi
December 20, 2022 • 61 MIN
Here are 3 things about today’s guest: Matteo Grassi 1. Matteo was a professional breakdancer and joined the circus as a fire juggler 2. He co-founded an eCommerce portfolio of 7 direct to consumer brands that did 0 - 16m bootstrapped with a $1,000 initial investment 3. He’s the co-founder of Popup — the next generation no code eCommerce platform 3 Things You’ll Learn: 1. How to pick the RIGHT problems for YOU to solve as an entrepreneur. 2. Why there is no such thing as “good” or “bad” emotions. 3. How to persevere through tough entrepreneurial moments. (In 2012 Matteo was completely broke, lost his house, went through a divorce and went back to work in a cafe at minimum wage. 😑) To find out more about Matteo, go to
#112: How YOU Can Gain Clarity On What You REALLY Want & Redefine Your Relationship With Yourself And The People You Love w/ Dr. Wayne Pernell
December 13, 2022 • 57 MIN
Have you ever met someone and had an INSTANT feeling that you’d be friends? That was how I felt when I first met today’s guest, Dr. Wayne Pernell. Not only is he an incredible human… but I believe his work is critically important to the world. Here’s what you’ll get by listening to today’s episode: 1. You’ll know how to determine what your heart TRULY wants. 2. You’ll discover how to find your VALUES that drive your decision making 3. You’ll be given a NEW perspective on life called “The Parallax Perspective” that will help you see more of what you may not currently be seeing… Enjoy! To learn more about Dr. Wayne Pernell, go to
#111: How To Own Your Value, Become A Wealth Circulator, & Uplift Millions w/ Alok Appadurai
December 6, 2022 • 61 MIN
Here are 3 goals of today’s guest, Alok Appadurai: 1) Provide a billion meals to those in need. 2) Plant a billion trees. 3) Cure blindness for a million people. His estimate of how much income it’ll take to achieve those goals? $350,000,000. Yes. Those are big numbers. Not only do I believe in Alok to make it happen… … but he’s already making massive progress to make his goals a reality. Today, you and I will learn from Alok on how to dream bigger and create the biggest contribution to the world that we’re capable of making. So if you have a deep desire for your life to matter… … you won’t want to miss today’s episode! To learn more about Alok, go to
#110: Lessons Of Impact From Training 300,000+ People, Becoming A Special Advisor To A UK Prime Minister & Being Accidentally Called “Kretan Marijuana”... w/ Ketan Makwana
November 29, 2022 • 85 MIN
When I was first introduced to today’s guest, here’s what my friend Brian said: “Ketan doesn't consult with companies, he consults with COUNTRIES.” Woah. It’s true. Today’s guest not only served as a special advisor to a UK Prime Minister on youth policy… … but he’s also regularly involved in economic policy shaping for several other governments. (Even though he’s a college dropout). In the episode, you’ll learn… 1. How Ketan made 👆 happen 2. Lessons from supporting the launch of 3,500+ startups ad training 300,000+ people 3. How YOU can create a greater impact leveraging your “Genius Point” To learn more about Ketan, go to
#109: How to LIVE a Legacy… Instead of LEAVE A Legacy w/ Scott Danner
November 22, 2022 • 80 MIN
One day, you will die. What will people say for your eulogy? Today’s guest is an epic human and friend of mine that will help YOU to live a more meaningful life starting today. Scott Danner is firstly a family man. He’s been married for 18+ years and has two boys… He’s got a huge heart, and has helped raise 2.7M+ for charity by producing events… And he’s also the co-founder of Freedom Street Partners as a financial advisor where he’s grown from zero to $3+ billion in assets under management < 5 years Even though Scott comes from the finance world, we spend ZERO time talking about finances, and 100% of the episode is focused on how YOU can live a full and meaningful life. To find out more about Scott, go to
#108: The “Titan of Trash” That Is Changing The World & Generating Millions PER DAY By Hiring Great People & Treating Them Right… w/ Brian Scudamore, founder of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?
November 15, 2022 • 53 MIN
$600,000,000. That’s a lot of zeros. Yes, it’s impressive that today’s guest has built a $600M+ company. But what’s MORE incredible is how massive his heart is… … and how much he cares about sharing his wisdom with people like YOU. Today’s guest is Brian Scudamore. If you haven’t heard his name, you’ve certainly heard of his company. Brian is the founder of 1-800 GOT-JUNK? In today’s episode, you’ll learn: 1. How Brian built a $600M+ company despite the fact that he only has, as he jokes, a “kindergarten diploma” 2. Some HILARIOUS stories of the craziest junk they’ve had to remove… (may or may not have to do with escargot, sardines, and finding $5M hidden in someone’s house) 3. How eating gelato in Florence led to an insight that helped Brian to build another 8+ figure brand For more information on Brian, visit
#107: The Man On A Mission To Revolutionize Our Education System & Help Young Leaders Find A Calling That Changes The World w/ Matt Beaudreau
November 8, 2022 • 89 MIN
Matt Beaudreau is on a mission to push education into the 21st century for teens across America. 3 things he believes: 1. Every child has the potential to change the world 2. Learning to do, learning to be, and learning to learn are more important than memorization alone 3. It is not our job to teach young heroes WHAT to think, but rather HOW to think for themselves Epic. Beautiful. Impactful. Matt has become a fast friend + someone that I deeply respect. In today’s episode we dive not only into how Matt is revolutionizing our educational system… but also his philosophies about being a present and loving parent. Matt is a role model for myself as both an entrepreneur and a human, and I can’t wait for you to meet him! For more information on Matt, visit or check out his schools here:
#106: How To Change Your Language To Upgrade Your Reality w/ Robert Tennyson Stevens
November 1, 2022 • 62 MIN
What if concepts like “time” and “space” didn’t exist? In English it does… but in the language of the Hopi Indians, it doesn’t. Just imagine: If we had no language for a concept like time, the only thing that would exist is now. Language shapes our thoughts. Our thoughts shape our reality. Changing our language changes our thoughts… … which changes our reality. In today’s episode, you’ll learn how you can do exactly that. For more information on Robert, visit
#105: From Immigrating To The USA With $30 → Generating $500M in Retail Sales While PRIORITIZING Her Family Life… w/ Victoria Wieck
October 25, 2022 • 66 MIN
Victoria Wieck immigrated from South Korea to the USA with her parents and $30. Despite this, she built a multi-million dollar business with over $500 million in retail sales and became a TV personality with MILLIONS of monthly viewers. But here’s the best part: Victoria was 100% intentional from the beginning that she was going to prioritize her family over her business. She is living proof that what we talk about on the show is not only possible, but inevitable if you set things up the right way. For more information on Victoria visit
#104: The Art Of Achieving RIDICULOUS Goals w/ “The Real Life Wizard of Oz” Steve Sims
October 18, 2022 • 57 MIN
What would you achieve if you weren’t afraid of being laughed at? In the age of “gotcha” culture, people are terrified to do anything that might be laughed at. Steve Sims is the exact opposite. This is the THIRD time that Steve has come on the show… Not only are his episodes some of the favorites I’ve ever recorded, but listeners like you agree! In this episode, we dive deep into Steve’s new book: “Go For Stupid: The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals.” Steve teaches you how to ignore what everyone else thinks and go for big, stupid, ridiculous goals. From organizing a private dinner in front of Michelangelo’s David, to securing a tour of SpaceX led by Elon Musk himself, his accomplishments always start with the same questions: How far can I take this? What would make this a stupid achievement? In this episode, you’ll learn to “go for stupid” so that you’ll open the door to the life you’ve always dreamed about. Check out Steve's new book, Go For Stupid, on Amazon:
#103: Curing The Loneliness Epidemic, Surviving The Downfall Of A "$47 Billion Unicorn Parent", & How YOU Can Make More Effective Decisions w/ David Siegel, CEO of Meetup
October 11, 2022 • 61 MIN
35 million. That’s the number of users had in 2017. WeWork buys Meetup for $156 Million. ~1 year later, WeWork goes from a $47 Billion dollar valuation to near bankruptcy in 6 weeks. COVID hits. Meetup’s business model is 100% dependent on bringing people together in person. Event attendance shrinks by 90% in less than a week… How the hell do you not only survive all of that… but come out on top? Today, you’re going to find out 😉
#102: Dying, Coming Back To Life, Selling 2.5+ Million Copies Of His Book, Beating Cancer, & Elevating The Consciousness of Humanity… w/ Hal Elrod
October 4, 2022 • 60 MIN
Hal was 20 years old when he died. Yes… died. After being hit by a truck going 70 MPH, Hal broke 11 bones, suffered permanent brain damage, stopped breathing, and his heart stopped beating for 6 minutes. But, he’s my guest today, so he’s obviously still alive to tell the tale! Not only did Hal survive the accident, but he’s impacted MILLIONS of lives since. He’s the author of the international bestselling book, The Miracle Morning, with 2.5M+ copies sold. But the car accident wasn’t the only thing Hal has overcome… At age 37, Hal was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Doctors told him that he had a 20-30% chance of surviving. Despite the odds, Hal beat cancer and is perhaps one of the happiest and kindest people that I know… and is LITERALLY changing the world. Can’t wait for you to listen to the episode! For more information on Hal and The Miracle Morning, visit or
#101: The Mentor That Changed My Life & Has Deeply Impacted 100,000+ Students… w/ Brenda Campbell
September 27, 2022 • 68 MIN
To kick off a “new era” of the podcast, I’m bringing on a very special guest. Her name is Brenda Campbell. Brenda was my first ever mentor. I met her when I was 17. Even though I had zero experience… Even though my email address was “”… And even though I was barely old enough to drive… Brenda mentored me at a time when I really needed it. I’ve wanted to have Brenda on the show for a LONG time. But it never felt right bringing her on without doing something special for the episode. So to kick off the next 100+ of the show with a greater emphasis on impact… I’m featuring her episode. Not only has Brenda made a deep impact on my life… But she’s also impacted 100,000+ students through her work as the CEO of a non-profit called Secure Futures. I can’t wait for you to listen!
#100: Celebrating Our 100th Episode!
September 20, 2022 • 50 MIN
Today we’re celebrating the 100th episode of 7-Figure Millennials! Two big things I’m doing for you to celebrate: Uno: How can we become financially successful and have a big impact while prioritizing our happiness, health, and relationships? ☝THAT has been the central question since episode #1. I combed through the 100+ episodes I’ve produced + built a framework that has the answer… I call it the A.I.M. Fulfillment Triangle™. You’ll hear it for the first time on the episode! Dos: Yes, today is episode 100… … but we’re just getting started. For the next 100+ episodes, I’m sharing my plan to make things even better for you.
#99: Why Stress is GOOD + How To Handle More Of It and Feel It Less… w/ Dr. Deborah Gilboa
September 13, 2022 • 60 MIN
In general, society tells us that stress is poison. We should avoid stress at all costs. But what if that wasn’t true? What if stress was a lot more like exercise… And instead of stress being “bad”... we just have to learn how to use stress to achieve better well-being and success. That’s the topic of today’s episode, and you’re in for a treat my friend!
#98: Lessons From Training With The World’s Most Successful Male Track Distance Runner & Transforming a Painful Childhood Into Power w/ Adam Strong
September 6, 2022 • 58 MIN
Adam Strong had a tough childhood. Single parent home. Living off of state benefits. Suffering from alopecia and asthma. But despite this, Adam took his painful childhood and turned it into power… Adam started surrounding himself with elite performers, and eventually became the training partner of 4x Olympic gold medalist, Sir Mo Farah. Then it was only up from there…
#97: Here’s How YOU Can Transform Your Relationships Based On 6 Fundamental Human Needs… w/ Relationship Coach Jennifer Blankl
August 30, 2022 • 57 MIN
Why do you do the things that you do? Big question… but you can get a solid answer to that question by understanding something called the 6 human needs. These needs drive all of our behaviors… from dysfunctional to incredible. Today, you’ll not only discover what those 6 core needs are… but also: - How to find out which needs you personally prioritize - What needs your key relationships prioritize Super excited to introduce you to today’s guest and relationship coach, Jennifer Blankl. We dive deep into the 6 human needs + how you can build stronger relationships in all areas of your life.
#96: How YOU Can Steal the "Secret Recipe" Behind the BEST Marketing Campaigns of all Time… w/ Csaba Borzási
August 23, 2022 • 80 MIN
Here’s an interesting thought experiment: Let’s say you walk outside of your home. On the porch is a package addressed to you. Inside, you discover that this package contains 100 of the world’s most successful sales letters. Combined, these sales letters have generated millions, if not billions, of dollars. What do you think you’d learn if you not only read each of them… …but you searched for the patterns that made them successful? Well my friend… Today’s guest, Csaba Borzási, did exactly that. So if you want to: 1. Learn how to get the “secret recipe” behind 100 of the most profitable ads of all time… 2. Discover how you can apply it to your own marketing for a BLOCKBUSTER response... … you won’t want to miss out on today’s episode!
#95: Positioning Lessons From A Former Rocket Scientist Who’s Also Helped Her Clients Increase Sales By $2B… w/ Dorina Lanza
August 16, 2022 • 71 MIN
When I first read Dorina’s bio, my immediate reaction was: “WTF.” Dorina has been a… - Rocket scientist at Draper Lab [MIT] - Medical Physicist at Rhode Island Hospital - Adjunct faculty at Northeastern University - Mathematics and Business School … not to mention also being a competitive sailor, a certified pistol instructor, tactical range officer, ski instructor, and pyrotechnician. Oh. And she was also a consultant who has helped her clients increase sales by $2B. In today’s episode, you’ll get some of Dorina’s KEY insights on how to position yourself and your business to charge premium prices… banking on her incredibly eclectic background.
#94: How To Get Your DREAM Clients To Line Up To Buy… Instead Of Needing To Be Sold w/ Pia Silva
August 9, 2022 • 55 MIN
A few months ago, I was deep in an internet wormhole when I stumbled upon someone named Pia Silva. The elegance, simplicity, and… for lack of a better term… balls of her business model blew me away. Pia owns a branding agency. Here’s her model: 1. Clients start with a “Brandshrink”. It’s $10K. Includes the interview and a written brief that identifies your “badass business and brand opportunities” and a plan to move forward. 2. Clients can get it done with a “Brandup”. It’s $35K - $60K. They execute your entire brand, from developing the strategy & message through designing and building the website and gets you out there selling immediately… in ~2 days. That’s it. They are booked solid. Just Pia + her husband. No employees. No ongoing client contracts. They take the last week of the month off. Pia built a business around the lifestyle she wanted, and I have mad respect for that. So of course, I reached out to her to find out how she did it for you ;)
#93: Kicked out at 13. Jailed at 18. Bankrupt at 21… To Living A Beautiful Life & Changing The Legacy For His Family… w/ Erik Allen
August 2, 2022 • 57 MIN
Imagine if this was your life situation: - Broken home (I’m talking “beating up your mom’s boyfriend with a cast iron pan for hitting her” kind of broken home) - Kicked out at 13 - Jailed at 18 - Bankrupt at 21 How would you even begin to build a life from there? Today’s guest, Erik Allen, not only faced all of these things in his life… But today Erik has been married (and also sober) for 16+ years and is the host of the top rated Erik Allen Show. Here’s how he did it…
#92: 7FM Time Machine #7: Get The Best Wisdom From 5+ Hours Of Interviews In 30 Minutes or Less... w/ Ron Friedman, Michael Roderick, Bob Regnerus, Tony Banta, & Neil Moore
July 26, 2022 • 26 MIN
Want the best wisdom from 5+ hours of interviews in 30 minutes? That’s exactly what we’re doing in today’s episode! We pulled 5 clips from past episodes that highlight incredible wisdom… and created an entire episode out of it! You’ll get wisdom from: - A social psychologist who specializes in human motivation - A former broadway producer who helps thoughtful givers become thought leaders - One of the top Facebook Ad experts in the world… who is known for the CRAZY results he gets for clients - A “chief client success officer” who works with other client-businesses to maximize client results, increase client retention, and streamline the client fulfillment experience - A piano educator who pioneered the “playing-based” approach for music education AND… All of this is done in 23 minutes and 42 seconds! Enjoy! - Guests highlighted in this episode include: #71: How The Best In The World Reverse Engineer Success w/ Ron Friedman #43: From High School English Teacher → Broadway Producer In Two Years & How YOU Can Gain Access To Anyone w/ Michael Roderick #16: How YOU Can Get 10x ROI By Using “Deep Funnel Marketing” and CRUSH FB ads w/ Bob Regnerus #51: Cracking The Code On “Client Leadership”: How YOU Can Double Revenues Without Selling Any New Clients… w/ Tony Banta #73: Elevating Humanity's Creative Capability & How YOU Can Uncover + Address Unconscious Thoughts Holding You Back From Your Next Level… w/ Neil Moore
#91: 7-Year NFL Player Shawn Harper Reveals His Peak Performance Strategies For Winning In Business & In Life
July 19, 2022 • 26 MIN
Shawn Harper’s path to the NFL is inspirational to say the least. Shawn had to repeat the first grade, was expelled twice for disciplinary problems, and left high school with a 1.62 cumulative GPA. His first year of junior college football, he didn’t step onto the field for one play. He was told his whole life he would amount to nothing. Yet, Shawn played 7 years in the NFL for the Rams, the Houston Oilers, and the Indianapolis Colts. How? Today you’ll just learn that, and how YOU can apply peak performance secrets from the NFL to help you unlock the next level in your life.
#90: Former FBI Hostage Negotiation Trainer & World Renowned Expert In Suicide Prevention Reveals His Secrets For Getting Through To Anyone… w/ Dr. Mark Goulston
July 12, 2022 • 74 MIN
Today’s guest is a former FBI hostage negotiation trainer… He’s a world renowned expert in suicide prevention… And he was even an advisor in the OJ Simpson criminal trial. He wrote the world’s top book on listening, Just Listen, which has been translated into 28 languages. If you want to discover the secret to getting through to absolutely anyone, this episode is for you. Enjoy this episode with Dr. Mark Goulston!
#89: How YOU Can Turn Boring Numbers Into Messages That People Remember w/ Karla Starr
July 5, 2022 • 50 MIN
How much bigger is a billion than a million? Well, a million seconds is twelve days. A billion seconds is… thirty-two years. As humans, we suck at understanding numbers. So as an entrepreneur, if you have a message to share that requires communicating numbers, the question is: How can you translate your numbers into something that people actually remember? Today’s guest, Karla Starr, will teach you how. She’s the co-author (along with NYT Bestselling author, Chip Heath) of “Making Numbers Count: The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers.”
#88: From Dealing Drugs & Smuggling People Across The Border By Age 10… To Millionaire Before Age 30 w/ Jorge Contreras
June 28, 2022 • 77 MIN
At age 7, Jorge Contreras began selling drugs with his father. At age 10, he started smuggling people across the border with his family. At age 12, his father passed from alcohol abuse and his mom abandoned him shortly after. YET… By age 30, he became a millionaire… mostly through real estate. How? Guess you’ll have to listen to today’s episode to find out ;)
#87: Fathers Day Episode! Top 7 Lessons I Learned From My Dad That I Want To Share With You
June 21, 2022 • 24 MIN
In honor of Father’s day, today I’m releasing a solo episode to do two things: 1. To tell my dad how much I love and appreciate him 2. To share the 7 MOST valuable concepts my dad taught me that YOU can apply in your life (Think you’ll really like the one about underwear bands and coffee sleeves 😉) Enjoy!
#86: Growth Through Partnerships: How YOU Can Accelerate Growth By Partnering With The Biggest Players In Your Space… w/ Mark Sochan
June 14, 2022 • 60 MIN
What would happen to your business if you managed to partner with the biggest player in your space? Not only is it 100% possible, but today you’ll learn HOW you can do exactly that. Today’s guest, Mark Sochan, has successfully managed hundreds of strategic partnering initiatives… He’s worked with companies like Cisco, Microsoft, VMware, IBM, SAP, and Accenture… just to name a few. So if you’re ready to start growing by multiplication instead of addition, you won’t want to miss today’s episode.
#85: How to Convert Business Income Into Personal Net Worth & Passive Income w/ Krisstina Wise
June 7, 2022 • 63 MIN
Krisstina Wise grew up with two absentee parents in a trailer home. Despite this, by her early 30s, she found herself earning a high-six figure income… only to “lose it all” because she was living a life she couldn’t really afford. After hitting rock bottom, Krisstina started all over and built up her wealth — but this time the right way. In today’s episode, you’re going to learn exactly how YOU can avoid the mistakes Krisstina made so that you can achieve the financial freedom you desire.
#84: Here’s How To Make a POSITIVE Impact… By Using Success Principles Used By Propagandists & Cult Leaders w/ Michael F. Schein
May 31, 2022 • 68 MIN
What if you could master the art and science of using shameless propaganda… … for creating a bigger and more positive impact in the world? Michael F. Schein can teach you how. In today’s episode, you’ll learn: 1. Why Shep Gordon — American Talent Manager who’s managed talent like Pink Floyd, Pointer Sisters, Alice Cooper, etc — paid a driver to have their truck that had a picture of Alice Cooper posing naked with only a boa constrictor covering his genitals “break down”… 2. How bacon and eggs became the stereotypical American breakfast because of a hype artist… and what that has to do with you building relationships that can grow your business 3. What you can learn from Buddy the Elf about how to attract attention Enjoy!
#83: The Man Whose Mission Is To Make One BILLION People Happy (Including You) w/ Former Chief Business Officer of Google X, Mo Gawdat
May 24, 2022 • 82 MIN
Today’s episode might just be my favorite podcast I’ve ever recorded. Seriously. It was so good that I finished recording it and listened to it right after because I almost couldn’t believe how good it was. The guest? Mo Gawdat. Mo was the former Chief Business Officer of Google X — Google’s “Moonshot Factory”. In 2014, motivated by the tragic loss of his son, Ali, Mo began pouring his findings into his international bestselling book, “Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy". His mission is to honor Ali by spreading the message that happiness can be learned and shared to one billion people. So if you’d like to learn how to become more consistently happy, you won’t want to miss this episode!
#82: 7FM Time Machine #6: Get The Best Wisdom From 5+ Hours Of Interviews In 30 Minutes or Less... w/ Carl Honoré, Christine McKay, Mike Domitrz, Vinnie Fisher, and Jason Campbell
May 17, 2022 • 22 MIN
Want the best wisdom from 5+ hours of interviews in 30 minutes? That’s exactly what we’re doing in today’s episode! We pulled 5 clips from past episodes that highlight incredible wisdom… and created an entire episode out of it! You’ll get wisdom from: - A best-selling author who is well-known as the Godfather of the “Slow Movement” - An expert negotiator who has worked with much of the Fortune 500 - A speaker who stayed extremely in demand, even when the whole world went virtual - A CEO with over 20 years of experience and who has grown and scaled several 8-figure companies - A master of music and zen… who is also a 7th degree black belt AND… All of this is done in 20 minutes & 27 seconds! Enjoy! - Guests highlighted in this episode include: #29: “The Godfather of The Slow Movement”, International Bestselling Author, and Main Stage TED Speaker Carl Honoré Teaches Us About The Power Of SLOW… #32: From Homeless → Harvard, 2.4 BILLION Dollar Deals, & Negotiating With Nearly Half Of The Fortune 500 w/ Christine McKay #68: Get The TOP Secrets From A 30-Year PROVEN System To Create Impact As A Speaker w/ Speaking Legend Mike Domitrz #55: Growing FOUR Companies To 8 Figures, Insights From Hiring 2,000+ People, & Unlocking Your "CEOs Mindset" w/ Vinnie Fisher #47: 7th Degree Black Belt, #1 Billboard Artist, & Zen Master Jason Campbell on How YOU Can Reverse Aging, Solve Emotional Problems With Breathwork, & Reduce Stress (w/ LIVE Piano Demonstration!)
#81: Mother's Day Episode! Top 7 Lessons I Learned From My Mom That I Want To Share With You
May 10, 2022 • 22 MIN
This week I’m doing something I haven’t done on the show in over a year… A solo episode! No guests, just me and you… and I want to share something that’s very important to me. Because this past week was Mother’s Day, I wanted to take the opportunity to publicly thank my mom for the impact she’s made in my life. To do that, I created a very special Mother’s Day episode where I’m sharing the top 7 lessons I’ve learned from my mom.
#80: KEY Wisdom After Starting 11+ Businesses, Coaching 5K+ Founders, And Selling Two 8-Figure Companies… w/ Dan Kuschell
May 3, 2022 • 64 MIN
Today’s guest has started 11+ businesses… He sold two of his 8-figure companies… He’s coached 5,000+ founders on how to grow 3 to 10x with less stress… And today, you get to learn some of his best wisdom. I’ve studied Dan’s content a TON since I met him in 2020. He’s one of the best I’ve seen at distilling business wisdom in an “easily implementable” and actionable way. Pay close attention to ~10 mins in when he shares his insights on creating an “Irresistible Offer”. You’ll love this episode!
#79: How To Become A Better Problem Solver… From The Man That Set Out To Solve the Most Baffling Puzzles Ever w/ AJ Jacobs
April 26, 2022 • 74 MIN
Could studying puzzles lead to insights that can help save the world? 4x NYT Bestselling author A.J. Jacobs went on a multi-year quest to find out… … and what he discovered might surprise you. On today’s episode, I chat with A.J to see what he discovered, and how YOU can become a better problem solver.
#78: Receiving an Award From Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Consulting For The United Nations, & Preparing Emerging Talent For The Future w/ Kelly Lovell
April 19, 2022 • 77 MIN
She’s received an award bestowed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II herself… She’s consulted for the United Nations…. She’s a 3x TEDx speaker AND Top 30 Under 30 Sustainability Leader… Today’s guest is Kelly Lovell. To say that I have SO much respect for Kelly is an understatement, and her work is a massive inspiration to me. Kelly has one of the biggest hearts I know, and today we dive into how she’s been able to create such an incredible impact despite her young age. Enjoy!
#77: 7FM Time Machine #5: Get The Best Wisdom From 5+ Hours Of Interviews In 30 Minutes or Less... w/ Rob Kosberg, Raj Goodman Anand, Patty Lawrence, Mark McShurley, and Graham Allcott
April 12, 2022 • 23 MIN
Want the best wisdom from 5+ hours of interviews in 30 minutes? That’s exactly what we’re doing in today’s episode! We pulled 5 clips from past episodes that highlight incredible wisdom… and created an entire episode out of it! You’ll get wisdom from: - A 3x best selling author who shows entrepreneurs how to become the go-to authority in their market by writing, launching and profiting with a best selling book - A 3x startup founder and current CEO of Goodman Lantern, a team of native English content writing services that help businesses sell better and grow faster - A fractional CFO known for her ability to find money that may be hiding in plain sight in your business - One of the founders of Roofsimple, who grew it from $600K → $10M… in just 4½ years - The author of How To Be A Productivity Ninja, which has sold 100,000+ copies AND… All of this is done in 21 minutes & 53 seconds! Enjoy! - Guests highlighted in this episode include: #48: From $100M/yr In Real Estate Transactions… To Crashing… To Impacting Millions & Helping 1,000+ People Become Best Selling Authors w/ Rob Kosberg #13: Hen Parties, Building a World Class Remote Team, & Creating An Incredible Customer Experience w/ Raj Goodman Anand #23: How To Increase Your Bottom Line By 15% By Finding Money Hiding In Your Business w/ Patty “The Money Finder” Lawrence #24: How RoofSimple Grew From $600K → $10M in 4.5 yrs By “Playing With Friction”, Focusing on Simplicity, & Leveraging “Review Velocity” w/ Mark McShurley #30: Escaping From An ANGRY Ugandan Silverback Gorilla, How To Boost YOUR Decision-Making Power By 26%, & Becoming A Productivity Ninja w/ Graham Allcott
#76: How YOU Can Create A Secret Identity To Transform Your Business, Health, Relationships, and More… w/ Todd Herman
April 5, 2022 • 67 MIN
Today’s guest has clocked 17,000+ hours working with the world's most ELITE athletes and top performers. I’m talking about PGA, NHL, NBA, and Olympic athletes… wildly successful entrepreneurs… you get the idea. His “secret sauce”? Helping his elite performers craft an “Alter Ego” to dominate their field. I’m personally building my alter ego as we speak because of Todd’s work… And I’d encourage you to do the same if you’re serious about taking things to the next level.
#75: How To Unleash Your Gift On The World & Become The Changemaker You Were Destined To Be w/ Giovanni Marsico
March 29, 2022 • 78 MIN
Ever watch X-Men? Today’s guest is someone that I consider to be “the real life Dr. Xavier” from X-Men. Here’s why: Giovani Marsico’s mission is to help people like you to share your gifts and change the world. His company, Archangel, has a community of 10,000+ entrepreneurs who are changing themselves and changing the world. In this week’s episode, you’ll learn… 1. How Giovanni went from being bullied as a kid to becoming the real life Dr. Xavier from X-Men 2. How you can uncover your “superpower” and then share your vision for the world in a way that inspires people 3. Three different ways you can increase your prices and add more value to the people that you serve… … and so much more.
#74: The Science Of Deepening Love & Connection In Any Relationship w/ John Howard
March 22, 2022 • 62 MIN
Today we get to do a deep dive on one of the core topics of the podcast: Relationships. In the 70+ interviews I’ve done, we’ve talked about relationships a TON, but never dedicated an entire episode to it… Today, that changes! You and I get to hang out with John Howard — an internationally-recognized therapist who uses the latest science to help couples have stronger relationships. You’ll learn: 1. Why connection is actually more important than communication 2. The BIOLOGY of connection — how to communicate with your partner in a way that’s in alignment with the way we are built 3. How you can practice in your relationships to grow stronger… instead of having the same repeat arguments over and over Enjoy!
#73: Elevating Humanity's Creative Capability & How YOU Can Uncover + Address Unconscious Thoughts Holding You Back From Your Next Level… w/ Neil Moore
March 15, 2022 • 53 MIN
Today’s guest is not only changing the world through music… But he’s also one of the kindest people I know. In this episode, you and I get to hang out with Neil Moore. You’ll learn: 1. What teaching a blind person to play piano had to do with developing a multinational organization with millions of music lessons being taught. 2. Why Neil’s experience of watching his home and cars being taken away after filing for bankruptcy led to a profound mindset shift for him… even though at that time they were so broke they had to sell their wedding jewelry to feed their family. 3. Neil’s Behavioral Mechanics model that YOU can use to address the unconscious processes you have that are manifesting the problems you are currently facing. Enjoy this conversation with my friend, Neil!
#72: 7FM Time Machine #4: Get The Best Wisdom From 5+ Hours Of Interviews In 30 Minutes or Less... w/ B. Jeffrey Madoff, David Kelly, Justin Chen, Blair Dunkley, & Joanna Penn
March 8, 2022 • 25 MIN
Want the best wisdom from 5+ hours of interviews in 30 minutes? That’s exactly what we’re doing in today’s episode! We pulled 5 clips from past episodes that highlight incredible wisdom… and created an entire episode out of it! You’ll get wisdom from: - A film & video producer who has directed many award-winning commercials you’ve probably seen for companies like Victoria’s Secret, Ralph Lauren, and Tiffany - A marketing wizard who grew an AppSumo Original, SendFox, from $0 to $100,000 in monthly revenue with a zero-dollar marketing or ad budget - A colorblind engineer turned 15-year serial entrepreneur who co-founded PickFu, a service developed to gauge consumer feedback - A profiler who developed Mind Models™ to help you re-wire your mind for success - A NYT Bestselling Author who has written 30+ books and hosts her own show, The Creative Penn Podcast AND… All of this is done in 24 minutes & 7 seconds! Enjoy! - Guests highlighted in this episode include: #45: Having 110 Employees And Two Factories At Age 22, Directing Viral Videos For Victoria’s Secret, & People Management Skills Learned From A Monkey w/ B. Jeffrey Madoff #12: Going From $0 To $100,000/mo In Revenue With ZERO Marketing Budget w/ David Kelly #18: How A Colorblind Engineer Turned 15-Year Serial Entrepreneur Is Unleashing The Power Of Instant Market Feedback On YOUR Business Decisions w/ Justin Chen #25: Adding $757 MILLION To His Clients' Bottom Line By Using Mind Models™ + How YOU Can Re-Wire Your Mind For Wealth w/ Blair Dunkley #31: Selling 600,000+ Books, How A.I. & Blockchain Are Shaping The Future For Content Creators, And How To Reinvent Yourself w/ NYT Bestselling Author Joanna Penn
#71: How The Best In The World Reverse Engineer Success w/ Ron Friedman
March 1, 2022 • 56 MIN
Society has taught us that there are two ways to succeed: 1. You’re insanely talented 2. You have to practice 10,000 hours… Today, you get to learn about a third (lesser-known) path that many of the best in the world have used to create success: Reverse Engineering. Ron’s book, Decoding Greatness, quickly became a new favorite and it’s something I’ll be turning to again and again! Enjoy!
#70: Building An 8-Figure Net Worth With Passive Income And A FAMILY-CENTRIC Lifestyle By Being A “Lifestyle Investor” w/ Justin Donald
February 22, 2022 • 58 MIN
Entrepreneur Magazine calls today’s guest the “Warren Buffett of Lifestyle Investing.” Here’s why… Just before his 37th birthday, Justin Donald’s investments drove enough passive income for both he and his wife Jennifer to leave their jobs. Two years later, after negotiating deals with 100+ companies, he multiplied his net worth to over 8 figures while maintaining a family-centric lifestyle. Two years later, he doubled his net worth again. And today, he’s going to teach YOU some of his best investing secrets, including: 1. Why Justin believes the best way to become wealthy is NOT by building your 401(k), following traditional investment advice, or investing in the stock market 2. How Justin creates cash flow immediately with his investments 3. How Justin gets his principal back within 1-3 years and finds “Invisible Deals” This was an eye-opening episode for me, and I can’t wait for you to listen!
#69: How To Read Faster, Remember More, And Design YOUR Dream Lifestyle w/ Jonathan Levi
February 15, 2022 • 82 MIN
In 2017, I sent ONE email that changed my life. Who did I send it to? His name is Jonathan Levi… and today you FINALLY get to meet him. In this week’s episode, you’ll learn: - How Jonathan went from being bullied as a kid to starting an eCommerce company at 16 that became one of Inc.’s 5,000 fastest growing companies - How to increase your reading speed through one super simple trick (I use this every day) - How to remember more of what you’re learning PLUS as a bonus, Jonathan and I nerd out on some of our favorite productivity hacks that can save you literally HUNDREDS of hours and headache.
#68: Get The TOP Secrets From A 30-Year PROVEN System To Create Impact As A Speaker w/ Speaking Legend Mike Domitrz
February 8, 2022 • 81 MIN
Want to create a bigger impact? This week’s guest, Mike Domitrz, has been a professional speaker for over 30 years. He’s spoken on thousands of stages across 4 continents… And even when the majority of the speaking industry was shut down because of COVID, Mike still did 100+ paid talks. In this week’s episode, you’ll learn: 1. What pregnant bunnies have to do with building an incredibly successful speaking business 2. How you can turn your AUDIENCE into your #1 salesforce and get referrals to other paid speaking gigs seconds after you walk off the stage 3. Why Mike was catapulted off an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf and how he became more popular than the "Sexiest Man Alive" Enjoy this conversation with my friend, Mike!
#67: 7FM Time Machine #3: Get The Best Wisdom From 5+ Hours Of Interviews In 30 Minutes or Less... w/ Lt Col Waldo Waldman, Dr. Juli La Rocca, Jon Vroman, Andrew Kaplan, & Polina Edmunds
February 1, 2022 • 26 MIN
Want the best wisdom from 5+ hours of interviews in 30 minutes? That’s exactly what we’re doing in today’s episode! We pulled 5 clips from past episodes that highlight incredible wisdom… and created an entire episode out of it! You’ll get wisdom from: - A decorated fighter pilot that has flown 65 combat missions and logged 2,650 flight hours - A doctor who helps high-level entrepreneurs uncover and overcome invisible barriers to achieve effortlessness and velocity in their lives - A “Moment Maker” who creates unforgettable moments for individuals who are braving life-threatening illnesses - A master of the Law of Attraction whose book sold over 50,000 copies… in less than 1 year after he self-published it - An Olympic figure skater who was the YOUNGEST member of the US team in the 2014 Sochi Olympics AND… All of this is done in 24 minutes & 29 seconds! Enjoy! - Guests highlighted in this episode include: #34: Flying 65 Combat Missions, Outmaneuvering Missiles The Size Of 55-Foot Telephone Poles, & Helping YOU Become More Resilient w/ Lt. Col. Waldo Waldman #8: From 100+ Hour Weeks + Suicidal Thoughts To Helping YOU Overcome Invisible Barriers, Increase Your Happiness, & Get More Velocity In Your Life w/ Dr. Juli La Rocca #42: Lessons About Life From Those Fighting For It & How To Be A “Moment Maker” In Your Family And Business w/ Jon Vroman #26: His Book Sold 50,000+ Copies & Earned 1,400+ Rave Reviews In ONE Year… And Now He’s Sharing What He Teaches In It To Show You How You Can Attract & Manifest The Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of w/ Andrew Kaplan #40: The YOUNGEST Team USA 2014 Sochi Olympian & 2015 Four Continents Figure Skating Champion Reveals Her Elite Performance Secrets… w/ Polina Edmunds
#66: Get Distilled Wisdom From An Entrepreneur Who's Started 89 Businesses... And "Made and Lost Millions, Several Times Over" w/ Tom "The Movement Maker" Matzen
January 25, 2022 • 76 MIN
Today’s guest is the definition of a serial entrepreneur. Tom Matzen has started 89 businesses of his own, eight to seven figures and beyond. More importantly, his personal coaching clients have generated more than one hundred million in sales in dozens of industries. Today, you’ll get some of Tom’s BEST distilled wisdom from making and losing millions several times over. In this episode, you will learn: - How to leverage the power of “Risk Reversal” to get 9x more prospects and 3x more sales - How you can learn from one of the strategies that Tesla is using to take over the world and use it to scale your business - One of the most expensive business lessons Tom has ever learned… and what you can learn from it. (Hint: Tom went from a $21 million IPO into $10 million in debt in 6 months 😬)
#65: Master Illusionist Exposes The Truth About The Hidden Deceptions And Stories Holding You Back... w/ Harris III
January 18, 2022 • 55 MIN
By age 21, Harris III had made his first 7 figures as a professional illusionist. By age 22, he was bankrupt. His response? Harris spent the next decade figuring out what happened. And what he discovered might surprise you…
#64: Steve Sims The Sequel! How A Former Bouncer Befriended Billionaires & VIPs… and Helped His Clients To Get Married By The Pope, Take a Submarine Trip To The Titanic, & Meet Sir Elton John and Elon Musk (to name a few) -- Pt 2 of 2
January 11, 2022 • 77 MIN
Question: How does someone go from being a nightclub bouncer to helping his clients to…. - Get Married By The Pope - Take a Submarine Trip To The Titanic - Meet Sir Elton John and Elon Musk … to name a few? If you listened to last week’s episode, you’d know that’s the story of Steve Sims. And today, Steve is back for PART TWO! In this week’s episode, you’ll learn: 1) How YOU can use “The Power Of Unpolished” to build unforgettable relationships with your clients. HINT: It has to do with mailing clients ripped magazines and bar receipts… 2) How YOU can create unforgettable experiences for clients… and why Steve gave clients a private tour of the Tesla gigafactory, followed up with taking them to a legal, licensed brothel (yes, you read that right) 3) How Steve went from being laughed at by a famous venture capitalist… to working with him for over 5 years Enjoy!
#63: How A Former Bouncer Befriended Billionaires & VIPs… and Helped His Clients To Get Married By The Pope, Take a Submarine Trip To The Titanic, & Meet Sir Elton John and Elon Musk (to name a few) w/ Steve Sims (Pt 1 of 2)
January 4, 2022 • 46 MIN
Ever wanted to accomplish something you had no idea how to do? Today’s guest, Steve Sims, is no stranger to making the “impossible”... possible. Steve has helped his VIP clients to do things like… - Get married at the Vatican by the Pope himself - Watch Formula 1 in Monaco with royalty - Have a private dinner for 6 at the feet of Michelangelo’s David while being sung to by Andrea Bocelli - Play drums with Guns & Roses drummer Matt Sorum - Be James Bond for a weekend - Sing on stage with Journey No joke. But here’s the best part: Today, you can learn Steve’s “best kept” secrets on how he can make anything happen.
#62: The 7FM Time Machine #2: Get The Best Wisdom From 5+ Hours Of Interviews In 30 Minutes... w/ Caitlin Doemner, Jeff Leshay, Tim Shurr, Kevin Thompson, & Josh Fonger
December 28, 2021 • 24 MIN
We’re back at it again with another 7-Figure Millennials “time machine” episode! In this format, we pull 5 clips from past episodes that highlight incredible wisdom… and create an entire episode out of it. So… If you want the best wisdom from 5+ hours of interviews in 30 minutes... You won’t want to miss this! Today, you’ll get wisdom from: - A hypnotist that has facilitated over 15,000 individual hypnosis sessions - A MASTER “Connecter” that has collaborated on 452+ joint venture projects and made over 16.1 Million in sales with his partners - A sales pro that has generated $10M+ in new revenue for her clients and managed sales teams for some of the most prestigious names in the coaching industry, including Deepak Chopra - An award-winning reporter with CNBC, FOX News, ABC and NBC affiliates, and The Associated Press - One of the most in-demand small business consultants in North America that has personally consulted or coached over 500 business owners from more than 100 industries, from small startup businesses to large $500M enterprises AND… The episode is 22 minutes and 19 seconds! - #22: After Conducting 15,000+ Sessions & Studying Human Behavior For 32 Years, Hypnotist Reveals How YOU Can Eliminate Toxic Beliefs That Could Be Holding You Back... w/ Tim Shurr #20: From Alaskan Fisherman → Collaborating On 452+ Joint Venture Projects And Generating $16.1m+ In Partnership Sales w/ Kevin Thompson #21: From “4 AM Potato Chip Dealer & Life Insurance Agent” To Consulting For $500M Enterprises, Making More While Working Less, & Designing Systems To Spend Quality Time With His Wife +3 Boys w/ Josh Fonger #11: Storytelling Secrets From Working With Fortune 500 Execs, Multi-billion-dollar Public Companies, CNBC, FOX, ABC, & NBC w/ Jeff Leshay #14: Attending “Mime Camp”, Generating $10m+ In New Revenue For Clients, And Traveling The World With Her Husband And 3 Kids W/ Caitlin Cogan Doemner
#61: Get The Exact "Plug And Play" Tool Kit That Will Unlock Massive Momentum Before Heading Into 2022
December 21, 2021 • 17 MIN
Want more momentum heading into next year? In this episode, you'll get a simple but EFFECTIVE exercise. When you finish, you'll immediately gain more momentum and have a tangible way to see all the progress you've made over the past year. Enjoy!
#60: This ONE Shift Will Help You Immediately Unlock More Happiness, Confidence, and Success... w/ Dr. Benjamin Hardy
December 14, 2021 • 65 MIN
His blogs have been read by over 100 million people… For several years, he was the #1 most-read reader on… He’s written 4 INCREDIBLE books that have all impacted my life personally… AND he and his wife, Lauren, have six kids! That’s right: Today’s guest is Dr. Benjamin Hardy. In this episode, you’ll learn… 1) How Ben went from playing World of Warcraft for thousands of hours and living on his cousin’s couch… to doing all the incredible stuff above 2) The ONE concept (The Gap and The Gain) that sums up everything that psychologists know about how to create a high-functioning and successful person… 3) How to use “Mental Subtraction”, “The Experience Transformer” and “Pre-Suasion” exercises to increase your happiness and fulfillment as a leader Enjoy!
#59: Winning Olympic Silver WHILE Raising A Family Internationally… & Resilience Lessons After Getting Hit By A 1500 Pound Bobsled Going 70 MPH w/ Noelle Pikus Pace
December 7, 2021 • 75 MIN
2x Olympian. 2014 Olympic Silver Medalist. 26x World Cup Medalist. Today, you and I get to hang out with Noelle Pikus Pace! If you watched the 2014 Olympic Games, there’s a good chance you’ll recognize Noelle… Her celebration after winning the silver medal and running into the stands won the Best Olympic Winter Games Moment award. But what’s MORE incredible than her medal is her story behind WHY she jumped into the stands with her family. She recovered from a freak accident after getting hit by a 1,500 pound bobsled going 70 MPH. She had a miscarriage. Her husband and young kids traveled with her internationally while she trained so they didn’t have to be apart. This is a story you won’t want to miss!
#58: The “Steve Jobs of The Dance World” Reveals How She Built An Affiliation Program That Impacts 100,000+ Dance Students Every Week... While Raising 5 Kids With Her Husband… w/ Misty Lown
November 30, 2021 • 70 MIN
Misty Lown is the “Steve Jobs” of the dance world. She is the founder of More Than Just Great Dancing® - A licensed dance studio affiliation program that has a positive impact on over 100,000 dance students around the globe each week. In this episode, you’ll learn: 1. How you can get powerful mentors in your life. (Misty has mentors like Success magazine founder Darren Hardy and self-made billionaire and co-founder of RE/MAX, David Liniger) 2. How you can build a successful business WHILE raising a family 3. How you can make more effective decisions as a leader… even when there are big consequences Misty is a rockstar and I can’t wait for you to listen to this episode!
#57: Get The Best Wisdom From 5+ Hours Of Interviews In 30 Minutes... w/ Joel Weldon, Andre Norman, Brian Grasso, Joshua B. Lee, and Jewels Duncan
November 23, 2021 • 32 MIN
Want the best wisdom from 5+ hours of interviews in 30 minutes? That’s exactly what we’re doing in today’s episode! We pulled 5 clips from past episodes that highlight incredible wisdom… and created an entire episode out of it! You’ll get wisdom from: - A master paid advertiser that turned $3M in adspend into $38M of sales… - A gang leader running a $3m/mo heroin, prostitution, & extortion operation… turned Harvard Fellow & motivational speaker… - Someone who has coached 20,000+ athletes and founded one of the largest fitness and sports education organizations in the world... - An entrepreneur who managed 10 businesses at once + controlled 35+ trillion online impressions… - A Hall of Fame speaking legend that’s done over 3,000+ paid talks and is healthy enough to water ski at age 79… AND… All of this is done in 30 minutes! Enjoy! - Guests highlighted in this episode include: #3: Jewels Duncan on Coaching 7+ Figure Entrepreneurs And Spending $10M on Facebook Ads... While Raising 7 Kids #4: Secrets To A Happy 57+ Year Marriage, Water Skiing At Age 79, And Delivering 3,000+ Paid Speeches w/ Speaking LEGEND Joel Weldon #5: Controlling 35+ TRILLION Online Impressions, Managing $300M In Online Adspend, Losing $10M, and Being A Good Human Online w/ Joshua B. Lee #7: From Gang Leader Running a $3M/mo Heroin, Prostitution, & Extortion Operation While Serving A 100-Year Prison Sentence... To Becoming A Harvard Fellow, Author, Speaker & Changing The Criminal Justice System w/ Andre Norman #9: The 4-Step Scientifically Validated Process You Can Use To ELIMINATE Your Limits w/ Brian Grasso & Carrie Campbell
#56: Hitting The INC 5000 List 7x & How YOU Can Unlock Your Next Level Of Fulfillment w/ Tony Grebmeier
November 16, 2021 • 82 MIN
When I think of the word “fulfillment”, the first human that pops into my head is today’s guest: Tony Grebmeier. Not only does he own a literal product fulfillment company (ShipOffers) that has hit the INC 5000 list 7x… But he is also the host of the Be Fulfilled Podcast where he’s been on a quest to redefine success and help entrepreneurs find more fulfillment. So if you are looking for more fulfillment in your personal AND professional life, this episode is for you.
#55: Growing FOUR Companies To 8 Figures, Insights From Hiring 2,000+ People, & Unlocking Your "CEO Mindset" w/ Vinnie Fisher
November 9, 2021 • 80 MIN
He’s grown four companies to over 8 figures… He’s a husband and father of four kids... He’s hired 2,000+ people during his career… His company hit the INC 5000 list two years in a row… I could go on and on, but those are just a handful of the impressive feats of serial entrepreneur Vinnie Fisher. In this episode, you’ll uncover Vinnie’s hard-earned entrepreneurial wisdom after some incredible successes… and spectacular “failures”. Enjoy!
#54: The One With The Teen Entrepreneur That Started Selling Cookies At Age 6 To Buy His Mom A Car… w/ “Mr. Cory” Nieves
November 2, 2021 • 40 MIN
Meet our youngest guest, “Mr. Cory” Nieves. Cory started his business at age 6... He was tired of taking the bus to school and told his mom he wanted to buy her a car. So, he started selling cookies. His hard work paid off and he and his mom have been featured on Ellen DeGeneres, Good Morning America and CNBC’s The Profit… just to name a few. Enjoy this episode with Mr. Cory!
#53: How To 50x Revenues By Becoming A “Giftologist”, Make Billionaires Cry Tears Of Joy, & Get More Referrals Than You Know What To Do With… w/ John Ruhlin
October 26, 2021 • 61 MIN
How do you become the #1 sales rep in a company that has 1,500,000+ sales reps? Today’s guest, John Ruhlin, did exactly that. John is the world’s leading authority in maximizing customer loyalty through radical generosity. In other words: John is basically the world’s best gift giver. By giving INCREDIBLE gifts, he’s been able to land elite clients (think Chicago Cubs, Jacksonville Jaguars, Caesar’s Palace) while also generating thousands of referrals. And in today’s episode, we’re diving DEEP into his system so that you can turn your clients into your own personal sales force and drive exponential growth.
#52: E.R. Doc That’s “Seen It All” (Getting Impaled By A Tree Through The Butt, Shot In The Neck, etc.) Reveals How YOU Can Master Your Health And AVOID Ending Up In The E.R. w/ Dr. Jaime Hope
October 19, 2021 • 84 MIN
Here are 3 examples of what E.R physician, Dr. Jaime Hope, deals with on a regular basis: 1. Toddlers swallowing button batteries (erodes the esophagus very quickly) 2. People getting impaled during car accidents 3. Gunshot wounds (one person she saved got shot in the neck and survived) But if that wasn’t crazy enough… Dr. Hope is ALSO: - A mom of two - An assistant professor at the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine - A public speaker that does sometimes over 45 talks in a year In this episode, you and I get to hang out with Dr. Hope and learn some of her TOP strategies to stay on top of your health, overcome impostor syndrome, and manage relationships… … even with an INTENSE schedule.
#51: Cracking The Code On “Client Leadership”: How YOU Can Double Revenues Without Selling Any New Clients… w/ Tony Banta
October 12, 2021 • 72 MIN
When most people think about growing their business, the first thing they think about is making more sales. Adding more sales can increase revenues... But there are many other ways to grow WITHOUT adding more sales. One of those ways is client retention and ascension. If you can retain your current clients for longer and/or increase the amount of money they spend with you, you can immediately increase your revenues. THAT’S what today’s guest is a pro at. If you’re serious about growing your business, you won’t want to miss out on this conversation with my new friend, Tony Banta!
Celebrating Episode #50!
October 5, 2021 • 32 MIN
Today we are celebrating episode 50 of the 7-Figure Millennials Podcast! How are we celebrating? After 49 episodes, I picked the one topic that I believe has the biggest ability to make an impact in your life… It’s NOT a strategy to grow your business. It’s NOT a topic we’ve done an episode on before. It’s NOT about happiness, health, or relationships. Yet… It’s a topic that impacts all of the above. What is it? Guess you’ll have to listen to find out ;)
#49: Helping Earth To Become A “Tier 1.5 Civilization”, Increasing the GDP of New Zealand, & How YOU Can Accomplish The “Impossible” w/ Shannon Graham
September 28, 2021 • 78 MIN
Here’s a sample of some of the goals today’s guest is working on: - Ending dementia - Leveraging A.I. to democratize coaching - Helping planet Earth to become a Tier 1.5 Civilization on the Kardashev scale He’s no stranger to the impossible… In fact: He’s even worked on a project that increased the GDP of New Zealand. This episode was a paradigm shift for me and I can’t wait for you to listen!
#48: From $100M/yr In Real Estate Transactions… To Crashing… To Impacting Millions & Helping 1,000+ People Become Best Selling Authors w/ Rob Kosberg
September 21, 2021 • 77 MIN
Rob Kosberg was doing $100M/yr in real estate transactions when 2008 hit. He went from living in a 8,000 sq foot house and driving a $150,000 car to losing it all… At one point he sold all of his favorite art and his wife even raised some money to get through Christmas by selling gingerbread houses. When he was starting to re-build, one of his mentors suggested that he write a book… And not only did he do that, but he was able to leverage that book to build multiple businesses. Today, he’s helped thousands of people to become bestselling authors and then leveraged that book to land speaking gigs, new leads, and ultimately explode your business. And as always, this week you and I get to hang out with him!
#47: 7th Degree Black Belt, #1 Billboard Artist, & Zen Master Jason Campbell on How YOU Can Reverse Aging, Solve Emotional Problems With Breathwork, & Reduce Stress
September 14, 2021 • 83 MIN
When I first met Jason Campbell 3 years ago, I thought he was in his mid 30s. So, you can imagine how shocked I was when I found out he was actually 48! When I found out more about what Jason did, it came as no surprise that he looks the way he does… Jason is a 7th degree black belt and the co-founder of Zen Wellness, where he focuses on combining eastern arts, meditation, and music. And his stuff CLEARLY works because it shows in his face, calm voice, and radiant energy! Today, you and I get to hang out with Jason to uncover his secrets on reversing aging and creating a more peaceful life.
#46: How To Discover And Use Your Natural INSTINCTS To Increase Velocity In Your Personal & Professional Life w/ Emily Melious
September 7, 2021 • 74 MIN
Many people have heard about the “cognitive” or the “affective” parts of the mind. Few have heard of the “conative” part of the mind, which looks beyond intelligence and emotions. Instead, it focuses on your innate and instinctive approach to taking action and solving problems. Here’s why that matters to YOU: If you’re not currently working in alignment with how your brain naturally likes to take action, it’s very likely dragging you down. But think about the opposite for a second: What if you knew exactly HOW your brain naturally likes to take action… and aligned your workflow with it? That’s what I talk about today with KOLBE expert, Emily Melious. After listening to today’s episode, you’ll discover how to use your natural instincts to increase velocity in your personal & professional life.
#45: Having 110 Employees And Two Factories At Age 22, Directing Viral Videos For Victoria’s Secret, & People Management Skills Learned From A Monkey w/ B. Jeffrey Madoff
August 31, 2021 • 93 MIN
By age 22, B. Jeffrey Madoff already had 110 employees and two factories for his clothing company. Several years later, he completely switched careers to film and video production… and he’s directed many award-winning commercials you’ve probably seen for companies like Victoria’s Secret, Ralph Lauren, and Tiffany. Oh… And he’s also a playwright with his first musical being released this coming March… AND he’s a professor at Parsons School of Design where he interviews people like Tim Ferriss, Randi Zuckerberg, and Daymond John. And guess what? As usual, today you and I get to hang out with him 😃
#44: Resilience Lessons After Losing 2 Loved Ones, Surviving 2 Car Accidents, And Recovering From A Nasty Rock Climbing Fall... While In A Foreign Country Not Knowing The Language w/ David Hennessey
August 24, 2021 • 73 MIN
Saying David hit a “rough patch” in his life would be an understatement. His dad passed… closely followed by his mother-in-law. Then came getting in 2 car accidents…. Then came a rock-climbing fall leaving him unable to walk without severe pain… Then came nearing homelessness... … all while in a foreign country not knowing the language. Yet today, David is pushing his body by running marathons and is one happy and fulfilled guy. And in this episode, you and I are going to dive into the effective (yet simple) strategies he’s developed that can help YOU overcome obstacles in your life.
#43: From High School English Teacher → Broadway Producer In Two Years & How YOU Can Gain Access To Anyone w/ Michael Roderick
August 17, 2021 • 84 MIN
Michael Roderick was a high school English teacher for almost 8 years when he decided to do a 180 in his career… And in under two years, Michael became a Broadway producer. His secret? Relationships. Michael is a master connector and over the years he’s developed a TON of content on how to connect with just about anyone. In today’s episode, Michael “spills the beans” on his top strategies so that you can get the connections YOU need to grow your business.
#42: Lessons About Life From Those Fighting For It & How To Be A “Moment Maker” In Your Family And Business w/ Jon Vroman
August 10, 2021 • 65 MIN
What can we learn about life from those that are fighting for it? Today’s guest, Jon Vroman, is the founder of The Front Row Foundation where they help children and adults facing life-threatening illnesses to have a “Front Row Experience” at the live event of their dreams. We discuss a TON, but above all the biggest lesson is this: Your entire life is made up of countless moments, and each one carries an opportunity to experience joy, fulfill your sense of purpose, and make a difference. So if you want to learn how to be more present and make the most out of each moment of your life, this episode is for YOU. Enjoy!
#41: Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington On Generating 5+ BILLION In Global Sales, Scaling 20 Companies Past $100M, & Inventing The Infomercial
August 3, 2021 • 39 MIN
He’s done $5+ billion in global sales... He’s helped 20 companies grow to $100+ million... He created the infomercial, and was one of the original sharks on Shark Tank… That’s right: Our guest today is Kevin Harrington. Not gonna lie… but I was a bit nervous for this interview. I octuple checked my wifi connection, fiddled with all the settings on my computer, and prayed to the “Zoom gods” that everything would record okay. I’m grateful to say that I’m very happy with the way this interview turned out :) With that said, please enjoy this conversation with Kevin Harrington!
#40: The YOUNGEST Team USA 2014 Sochi Olympian & 2015 Four Continents Figure Skating Champion Reveals Her Elite Performance Secrets… w/ Polina Edmunds
July 27, 2021 • 65 MIN
2014 Olympic Figure Skater at age 15. The youngest member of the US Olympic Team during the Sochi Olympics. 2015 Four Continents Champion. 2x US Silver Medalist. 3x World Team Member. 2x Junior Grand Prix Gold Medalist. 2013 US Junior National Champion... … that’s right, today we are talking with Polina Edmunds. In this episode, you will learn: 1. What it took to become the YOUNGEST team USA athlete in the 2014 Sochi Olympics… (Hint: has to do with getting up at 5 AM in Kindergarten) 2. How you can sharpen your mental game… pulling from lessons of mental toughness from performing at the Olympics 3. An Olympian’s secret for how you can escape the DANGEROUS trap of comparing yourself to others… because it may be holding you back more than you know Please enjoy this incredible conversation with my friend, Polina Edmunds!
#39: Lessons From Printing & Shipping 5,000 - 20,000+ Products Per DAY, Leading A Team Of 120, & Working With Industry Giants w/ Joe Foley
July 20, 2021 • 71 MIN
There are 31.7 million small businesses in the US. After 10 years, around 33% of businesses survive. Today’s guest, Joe Foley, is the CEO of, which has been in business for 37+ years. They currently have over 120 employees, ship anywhere from 5,000 - 20,000+ products PER DAY, and work with some of the biggest names out there in the information product business. And today, you and I get to learn some of the magic behind Joe’s success.
#38: From Government Assistance → Helping Brands Leverage COMMUNITIES To Craft 7-Figure Revenue Streams & Impact Millions w/ Maruxa Murphy
July 13, 2021 • 34 MIN
Maruxa Murphy was a brand new mom when she found herself on government assistance just to put food on the table. BUT shortly after hitting “rock bottom”, she became a top authority on leveraging the power of community to help 100+ brands do things like: - Take a "dead" Facebook group of 5,000+ members and help turn it into a $1.2 million launch in just 2 months - Decrease refunds from 27% to 5.5% in under 3 months for a company doing $2 million per month in revenue - Help create partnerships to bring in over 250,000 leads that led to $2.5 million in sales And today, you get to learn her top strategies to building communities to help YOU get similar results.
#37: Listen If You Want To Witness A Hollywood Storytelling Legend TRANSFORM A Story In 67 Minutes… w/ Michael Hauge (Part 2 of 2)
July 6, 2021 • 73 MIN
Last week, we learned TOP storytelling secrets from Hollywood LEGEND, Michael Hauge… Towards the end of the interview, I did something that I was scared to do: I asked the story master himself if he’d be willing to give feedback on my story LIVE on the podcast recording. Not only did he say “yes” and work some Hollywood magic on my story... But after we finished recording, he told me that if I implemented his feedback, he would come back AGAIN to help take the story to the next level. So I did. And one month later, we recorded this episode where you’ll get a true sneak peek of how brilliant Michael is with storytelling… … and learn some of the finer nuances of what he does to really level up a story once there’s a solid foundation set. You’ll learn things like: 1. Why the primary goal of storytelling is to elicit emotion… 2. The two ways you can create more emotion in your stories 3. How to build suspense with your stories to make more impact Enjoy!
#36: Hollywood’s “Secret Weapon” Reveals Insider Storytelling Strategies After Consulting On Projects Starring Will Smith, Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise & Many Others… w/ Michael Hauge (Part 1 of 2)
June 29, 2021 • 82 MIN
Question: What do the five names below all have in common? 👇 Will Smith. Morgan Freeman. Julia Roberts. Tom Cruise. Alec Baldwin. Yes, they are all movie stars… But here’s what they also share: They all have been impacted by Michael Hauge. Michael has been one of Hollywood’s top story experts since 1985. He’s coached screenwriters, producers, stars, and directors on projects for every major studio and network… And today, you and I get to hang out with him. In today’s episode, you will... 1. Learn how ONE “just for fun” project led to Michael working with Will Smith and having 9+ figure entrepreneurs pursue HIM for advice 2. Discover Michael’s Storytelling Made Easy framework based on his work in Hollywood that YOU can use to increase your impact and profits by telling more effective stories 3. Hear Michael give feedback on MY story… and see inside the mind of the Hollywood storytelling legend Enjoy this awesome episode with the legend, Michael Hauge!
#35: Brandon Fong Unplugged (Featuring a surprise guest interviewer!)
June 22, 2021 • 86 MIN
After rescheduling twice because of COVID-19, I finally got married on June 6th. We had the day of our dreams. But besides getting married to my very best friend, the wedding actually helped me realize something interesting: The 7FM ethos was created before I was even born… by my parents. I’ll explain more fully in this week’s episode, but here’s the short of it: Sometimes you can’t see what you’re too close to. On my wedding day, my mentor and dear friend Jewels Duncan came to celebrate with us and met my family. Because of that, Jewels gave me more clarity on why I am the way I am. SO. Because of my greater level of clarity, Jewels and I decided to record a special episode where she is the interviewer… and I’m the guest! In this episode, you’ll learn: 1. How the ethos for 7-Figure Millennials was actually created before I was even born by my parents 2. How I’ve been able to get incredibly high caliber people to appear on my show… and what that has to do with a lesson my Dad taught me while playing pool as a 4-year-old 3. What my current vision for 7FM is and where this is all going So enjoy this episode with… me!
#34: Flying 65 Combat Missions, Outmaneuvering Missiles The Size Of 55-Foot Telephone Poles, & Helping YOU Become More Resilient w/ Lt. Col. Waldo Waldman
June 15, 2021 • 68 MIN
Lt. Col. Waldo Waldman has NOT ONLY flown 65 combat missions and logged 2,650 flight hours… … but he’s also a NYT Bestselling author and Hall of Fame public speaker (joining the ranks of people like Ronald Reagan, Zig Ziglar, and Les Brown). And today, you and I get to hang out with him. In this episode, you will learn: 1. How Waldo went from being a claustrophobic afraid of heights… to flying 65 combat missions and 2,650 flight hours… and then completely shifting careers to eventually become an inductee into the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame 2. How on one mission, Waldo’s wingman Pigpen saved his life by helping him to outmaneuver 4 missiles the size of 55-foot telephone poles launched at him… and what that story has to do with helping YOU to overcome great obstacles in your life 3. How understanding Air Force fundamentals like “Chair Flying” and “Checking 6” can help you adapt to massive change and be more resilient Enjoy flying this mission with myself and my new wingman, Lt. Col. Waldo Waldman.
#33: Posing Naked, Connecting With Ludacris & Daniel Radcliffe, Almost Getting Killed By Einstein, & Opossum Nipples w/ 4x NYT Bestselling Author A.J. Jacobs
June 8, 2021 • 83 MIN
Posing naked. Connecting With Ludacris & Daniel Radcliffe. Almost Getting Killed By Einstein. Opossum Nipples. What do these things have in common? They are all part of the shenanigans of 4x NYT bestselling author, A.J. Jacobs. If you haven’t heard of A.J., he’s best known for being a “human guinea pig” for testing out CRAZY experiments and reporting what he learns with his writing. This is an episode you won’t want to miss! -- Here are the resources mentioned in the episode: - -
#32: From Homeless → Harvard, 2.4 BILLION Dollar Deals, & Negotiating With Nearly Half Of The Fortune 500 w/ Christine McKay
June 1, 2021 • 92 MIN
Christine McKay is a WORLD CLASS negotiator. Some examples of her crazy negotiations include: - Buying 2 NEW cars for the price of 1 (+ an extra $5K) - Doing deals as big as 2.4 BILLION dollars... and negotiating with nearly half of the Fortune 500 - Negotiating her way out of homelessness... to getting an MBA at Harvard Today, Christine spills the beans on some of her biggest negotiation secrets... Enjoy! -- Check out Christine's podcast:
#31: Escaping From An ANGRY Ugandan Silverback Gorilla, How To Boost YOUR Decision-Making Power By 26%, & Becoming A Productivity Ninja w/ Graham Allcott
May 25, 2021 • 85 MIN
How To Be A Productivity Ninja is a global bestseller with 100,000+ copies sold. Today, I interview the author (Graham Allcott) + we dive into WAY more shenanigans... including: - The scariest story of Graham’s life (being chased by a Ugandan Silverback Gorilla) - How YOU can boost your decision-making power by 26% - Why Graham believes time is NOT the most precious resource (and what is instead) Enjoy this awesome episode with the one and only Graham Allcott!
#30: Selling 600,000+ Books, How A.I. & Blockchain Are Shaping The Future For Content Creators, And How To Reinvent Yourself w/ NYT Bestselling Author Joanna Penn
May 18, 2021 • 69 MIN
Joanna Penn is a NYT Bestselling author. She has sold 600,000+ copies of her books. She has a podcast with 4+ million downloads... ... and I can’t wait for you to listen to the INCREDIBLE conversation we had! You’ll learn: - How A.I. and Blockchain are (positively) impacting content creators - Joanna’s best tips for growing a brand with a loyal following - How YOU can reinvent yourself (Joanna’s done it multiple times!) Enjoy!
#29: “The Godfather of The Slow Movement”, International Bestselling Author, and Main Stage TED Speaker Carl Honoré Teaches Us About The Power Of SLOW...
May 11, 2021 • 78 MIN
ABC News calls him "The godfather of the Slow Movement." The Huffington Post says he is, “The unofficial godfather of a growing cultural shift toward slowing down.” He’s an international bestselling author... His two main-stage TED talks have racked up millions of views... And today, you and I get to hang out with him! In this week’s interview, you’ll learn: - Why doing things SLOWER can help you get better results, increase your happiness, and strengthen your relationships - How even though Carl is a TED speaker and has delivered presentations all over the world... he actually used to be extremely afraid of public speaking - Why you and I shouldn’t feel so rushed in life... leveraging lessons from an 80-year-old grandma from Lebanon famous for buying Viagra on her candid camera show Enjoy!
#28: $4+ TRILLION Wisdom, Growing Up On Welfare, Having An Adulterous Murderer As A Stepdad, & How To Contact Billionaires w/ David Roy Newby
May 4, 2021 • 78 MIN
David Roy Newby runs a mastermind for billionaires... ... yet he grew up on welfare + his stepdad was an adulterous murderer. This episode is insane. Here’s what you’ll learn: - How David almost got murdered in the Philippines twice - Wisdom from the world’s wealthiest man that was worth 4 TRILLION dollars - David’s hard-earned strategies for contacting & building relationships with billionaires Enjoy this awesome episode with my friend, David!
#27: Stand-Up Comedian & Playwright Reveals How YOU Can Tell More Effective Stories To Connect & Build Stronger Relationships With Your Clients w/ Sarah Archer
April 27, 2021 • 76 MIN
I’ve always admired stand-up comedians. It takes some cojones to have a room full of eyeballs staring at you... waiting for you to say something hilarious. Today I interview standup comedian, playwright, and speaking coach, Sarah Archer. You’ll learn: 1. How you can use stand-up comedy principles to increase the “stickiness” of your message 2. How to use “Snackable Stories” to grab attention and create “aha” moments for your audience 3. Why your “Origin Story” is one of the most powerful speaking and marketing assets you have... and how to create one Enjoy!
#26: His Book Sold 50,000+ Copies & Earned 1,400+ Rave Reviews In ONE Year… And Now He’s Sharing What He Teaches In It To Show You How You Can Attract & Manifest The Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of w/ Andrew Kaplan
April 20, 2021 • 71 MIN
In less than 1 year after self-publishing, Andrew Kaplan sold 50,000+ books and earned 1,500+ rave reviews. For comparison, the average traditionally published book sells 3,000 copies in its lifetime... with 250-300 sales in the first year. In this episode, you’ll learn: 1. Andrew’s TOP book marketing secrets 2. How to use the “Time Lapse Method” to boost your gratitude practice 3. How to use the “Discount Trigger” method to more powerfully visualize and achieve your goals Enjoy!
#25: Adding $757 MILLION To His Clients' Bottom Line By Using Mind Models™ + How YOU Can Re-Wire Your Mind For Wealth w/ Blair Dunkley
April 13, 2021 • 74 MIN
Today’s podcast legend lifted the top line of his clients’ companies by $757 MILLION... ... by using his “Mind Models”. Not only that, but he can help YOU to also use his Mind Models to re-wire your mind for success. May sound a bit crazy... but I’ve personally worked with Blair and he’s the real deal! In this episode, you’ll learn: 1. How being diagnosed as a “moronic genius” in 5th grade + his dad being in a coma for 14 years inspired Blair’s work 2. How YOU can use 3 of Blair’s Mind models... (he taught these 3 models to a client who went from a $150M book of business → $1 Billion) 3. How YOU can create a BUYING culture in your business... instead of creating a culture based on “selling” You can check out Blair's new book here 👉
#24: How RoofSimple Grew From $600K → $10M in 4.5 yrs By “Playing With Friction”, Focusing on Simplicity, & Leveraging “Review Velocity” w/ Mark McShurley
April 6, 2021 • 87 MIN
In 4.5 years, Mark McShurley took his roofing repair company from $600K → $10M. His secret sauce? Simplicity + intense focus on customer satisfaction. Right now his company has 278 ratings on Google with a 5-star total rating. Not 4.7. Not 4.9. 5 stars. In this episode, you will learn: 1. Why it’s easier to run a $10M business than a $3M business... 2. How “playing with friction” could be the key to growing YOUR company 3. How Mark recovered from spiraling into debt with a 4th child on the way and having a panic attack that sent him to the hospital... to explosive growth Give it a listen!
#23: How To Increase Your Bottom Line By 15% By Finding Money Hiding In Your Business w/ Patty “The Money Finder” Lawrence
March 30, 2021 • 68 MIN
Right now, there’s a PILE of cash in your business that you (probably) know nothing about. And today’s podcast guest is a NINJA at finding it. Patty Lawrence is a fractional CFO known for her ability to find money that may be hiding in plain sight in your business. Her clients typically increase their bottom line by at least 15% and feel in control of their finances and results. In the episode you’ll learn: 1. The metrics that matter for your business 2. Ways to grow your business WITHOUT adding more sales 3. How you can see the “story behind the numbers” and grow your business without having to get bogged down by numbers and bookkeeping
#22: After Conducting 15,000+ Sessions & Studying Human Behavior For 32 Years, Hypnotist Reveals How YOU Can Eliminate Toxic Beliefs That Could Be Holding You Back... w/ Tim Shurr
March 23, 2021 • 55 MIN
Tim was 12 when he got a call that changed his life. His dad had a freak accident at work. 40% of his body was covered in 3rd-degree burns. He survived, but the next time he saw his dad he was a mummy... ... with burnt black crisps for fingers. Here’s why I’m sharing: You might not know Tim. BUT as this week’s podcast guest, Tim reveals why that story may have EVERYTHING to do with YOU getting to the next level in your life and business.
#21: From “4 AM Potato Chip Dealer & Life Insurance Agent” To Consulting For $500M Enterprises, Making More While Working Less, & Designing Systems To Spend Quality Time With His Wife +3 Boys w/ Josh Fonger
March 16, 2021 • 78 MIN
At his low point, Josh Fonger delivered potato chips at 4 AM while also landscaping and selling life insurance. He had just lost “everything.” House. Car. Savings... you name it. But through it all, he still had his family. And not only did he learn that the most important things in life can never be taken away... ... but today he’s one of the most in-demand small business consultants in North America. Listen to hear the full story and learn how you can grow your business while removing yourself as the bottleneck.
#20: From Alaskan Fisherman → Collaborating On 452+ Joint Venture Projects And Generating $16.1m+ In Partnership Sales w/ Kevin Thompson
March 9, 2021 • 75 MIN
Kevin Thompson almost died on a boat as an Alaskan fisherman. 25 years later, Kevin is one of the most well-connected people in the business world... ... and has collaborated on 452+ projects and made $16.1+ million in sales with his partners. In this week’s episode, you’ll hear Kevin’s crazy story along with how YOU can build incredible long-term relationships and become a world-class connector.
#19: "$50 Million Man” Reveals How YOU Can Get Unstuck + Use “Heartshare Marketing” To Become A Trusted Advisor In Your Industry... w/ Joshua Shafran
March 2, 2021 • 98 MIN
After Joshua Shafran (aka The “$50 Million Man”) spent 5 days with billionaire Richard Branson on his private island... ... he got back and decided to shut down his entire business. Why? Because he hated his life. To the outside world, he was “successful”. But on his journey to becoming a multi-millionaire, he lost sight of what was actually fulfilling. In this episode, you’ll learn: - How your “Fred Stories” may be holding you back from getting to the next level in your business and life... and why you should address these FIRST - How you can use “Heartshare Marketing” to become a leader in your industry - How to use Joshua’s A2A framework to go from being a stranger to your target market... to becoming a trusted advisor
#18: How A Colorblind Engineer Turned 15-Year Serial Entrepreneur Is Unleashing The Power Of Instant Market Feedback On YOUR Business Decisions w/ Justin Chen
February 23, 2021 • 47 MIN
What if you had the power to INSTANTLY get market feedback on your business decisions? Today I interview PickFu co-founder and 15-year serial entrepreneur Justin Chen. You’ll learn: 1. What being a colorblind engineer has to do with creating PickFu 2. How YOU can ask better questions that lead to better business decisions 3. How YOU can gain better work/life balance and work better remotely
#17: From Burning Out After Running A $100M Annual Revenue Business... To Unleashing YOUR Peak Performance & Making You 500% More Productive w/ Steve Adams
February 16, 2021 • 74 MIN
Steve grew his first entrepreneurial venture to ~750 employees with annual revenues of about $100M... But all of that “success” came at a cost. Steve’s stress levels were through the roof... his relationships were suffering... and eventually it led to a full-blown case of burnout. Today Steve helps people like YOU eliminate burnout, stress, and sleepless nights with his process called the Tiger Flow Method. In this episode, you will learn: 👉 How you can get into “flow” and increase your productivity by 500% 👉 How Steve went from growing up in a middle-class family with no understanding of sales and mindset to building a business that did $100M in annual revenue 👉 How you can optimize your physiology and psychology for peak performance.
#16: How YOU Can Get 10x ROI By Using “Deep Funnel Marketing” and CRUSH FB ads w/ Bob Regnerus
February 9, 2021 • 74 MIN
What if you had a magical machine that let you put in $1... ... and it spit back out $3? Today’s guest, Bob Regnerus, will teach you how YOU can do that... unlimited times! Since 1998, Bob has worked with clients in over 72 markets and he’s well known for the crazy results he gets using Facebook ads. Today, you’ll hear Bob’s top secrets on how YOU can find your dream customers on FB.
#15: 3 Things You Can Do TODAY To Get Warm Introductions To Your Dream Clients And Connections
February 2, 2021 • 22 MIN
If you want more clients/customers, today’s podcast episode is for YOU. This episode breaks down a specific tool you can use to get WARM introductions to your dream clients and connections. Just last week I used this tool and got 3 new high-level guests booked for the show. It’s stupid simple. Can't wait to hear your results from implementing this!
#14: Generating $10m+ In New Revenue For Clients, Attending “Mime Camp”, And Traveling The World With Her Husband And 3 Kids W/ Caitlin Cogan Doemner
January 26, 2021 • 70 MIN
Ever hear of a “miming camp for Jesus” before? Neither had I... But as interesting as that sounds, that’s where today’s podcast guest Caitlin Cogan Doemner met her future husband Michael when she was 14. Today, they are co-CEOs of where they have generated over $10,000,000 in new revenue for their clients within the last 7 years... and Caitlin personally closes about $2M in high-end coaching sales each year. In today’s episode, you will learn: 👉 How Caitlin is going to travel the world to all 7 continents with her 3 kids... while running her business remotely 👉 How to create and sell products that people actually WANT... with heart (and what that means) 👉 How YOU can develop unshakable optimism and turn bad experiences into transformative springboards for growth
#13: Hen Parties, Building a World Class Remote Team, & Creating An Incredible Customer Experience w/ Raj Goodman Anand
January 19, 2021 • 65 MIN
What do the words “hen party”, “A.I”, and “engineer” have to do with each other? Nothing. That is... except for this week’s podcast guest, Raj Goodman Anand 😆 Raj is a 3x startup founder and currently serves as the CEO of Goodman Lantern. Here are 3 things you’ll learn... 👉 How Raj’s company provides such an incredible experience that they currently get 75% of customers from referrals 👉 Why Raj believes in focusing on TEAM first over focusing on CUSTOMER first 👉 How to build a world-class remote team Enjoy my conversation with Raj Goodman Anand!
#12: Going From $0 To $100,000/mo In Revenue With ZERO Marketing Budget w/ David Kelly
January 12, 2021 • 71 MIN
How do you go from $0 to $100,000 in monthly revenue... ... with a $0 marketing budget? In today’s podcast, my good friend David Kelly will spill the beans on how he did. You will learn: 👉 Actionable strategies to build a 7-figure business with ZERO ad budget 👉 How to validate a product idea... FAST 👉 GOLDEN email marketing strategies after analyzing 41,214+ customers and running an email list with a 7-Figure yearly run rate Please enjoy this incredible conversation with my friend, David Kelly!
#11: Storytelling Secrets From Working With Fortune 500 Execs, Multi-billion-dollar Public Companies, CNBC, FOX, ABC, & NBC w/ Jeff Leshay
January 5, 2021 • 66 MIN
After an award-winning reporting career at CNBC, FOX, ABC, and NBC affiliates... And serving as a communications exec with three of the world’s largest PR firms and at two multi-billion-dollar public companies... Jeff Leshay learned a LOT about how to tell powerful and persuasive stories. And today YOU will discover his top storytelling secrets on the 7-Figure Millennials podcast 🔥
#10: This is what you should do BEFORE you set a single goal for 2021
December 29, 2020 • 21 MIN
Use this "Happiness Growth Tracking System" to increase your happiness and satisfaction with your entrepreneurial progress in 2021 and beyond.
#9: This 4-Step Scientifically Validated Process Will Help You ELIMINATE Your Limits w/ Brian Grasso & Carrie Campbell
December 22, 2020 • 58 MIN
Today we have TWO podcast guests: Brian Grasso and Carrie Campbell. Brian has coached more than 20,000 athletes — including Olympic medalists — and founded one of the largest fitness and sports education organizations in the world. His wife, Carrie, was a clinical counselor for almost two decades... and today she’s an international model training for the LA World Beauty Fitness & Fashion competition. She can squat about 300 lbs. and boasts a bench press in the neighborhood of 185 lbs… at a bodyweight of 127 lbs! Together, Brian and Carrie are a POWER couple. In this episode, you’ll learn: - How they went from being depressed and almost bankrupt to building an incredibly successful business and being recognized as some of the leading mindset coaches in the world - Their 4 step process that YOU can use to destroy the unconscious narratives that are holding you back - How to accomplish your goals by modeling the way a hawk hunts ... and so much more. Please enjoy this incredible conversation with my friends, Brian and Carrie.
#8: From 100+ Hour Weeks + Suicidal Thoughts To Helping YOU Overcome Invisible Barriers, Increase Your Happiness, & Get More Velocity In Your Life w/ Dr. Juli La Rocca
December 15, 2020 • 69 MIN
Dr. Juli LaRocca worked 100+ hour weeks when the suicidal thoughts crept in. The WORST part? She had everything she wanted. Yet she still. wasn’t. happy. But then she made a decision that changed everything... ... and switched careers after spending 13 years to become board certified in family medicine. Today, Juli helps people like YOU to uncover and overcome invisible barriers to achieve effortlessness and velocity in their lives. In this episode of the 7-Figure Millennials podcast, you’ll learn: 👉 A crazy (yet effective) way to turn your pain into POWER 👉 Why money isn’t what you think it is (hint: it’s something better) 👉 How Juli went from having $87 in her bank account to joining a $25,000/yr mastermind a year later ... and SO much more. Please enjoy this incredible conversation with my friend, Dr. Juli LaRocca.
#7: From Gang Leader Running a $3M/mo Heroin, Prostitution, & Extortion Operation While Serving A 100-Year Prison Sentence... To Becoming A Harvard Fellow, Author, Speaker & Changing The Criminal Justice System w/ Andre Norman
December 8, 2020 • 83 MIN
Andre Norman robbed cocaine dealers for a living. Add that to convictions of armed robbery, armed home invasion, armed car-jacking, and two attempted murder charges... ... and Andre faced a 100 year prison sentence. But while he was in solitary confinement, Andre had an epiphany. After a lot of hard work, he was released having served just 14 years.... with a goal to become a Harvard fellow. Not ONLY did Andre achieve that goal... but he’s also lectured on multiple TEDx stages, as well as at Harvard University and London Business School. And today? He’s on a mission to fix America’s criminal justice system. In this episode of the 7-Figure Millennials podcast, you’ll learn: - Why Andre believes quitting trumpet at age 14 lead to him ending up in prison - Lessons from robbing cocaine dealers that you can use to help grow your business - How Andre led gang activities from inside prison that were generating $3 MILLION per month, and how he’s using what he’s learned to change our criminal justice system... ... and SO much more. Please enjoy this crazy and inspiring story with Andre Norman.
#6: How To Use The "Law Of The Buffalo" To Grow Your Business With Less Stress
December 1, 2020 • 13 MIN
What do buffalo have to do with growing your business with less stress? More than you’d think. In today’s podcast episode, you will: - Learn how to use the "Law Of The Buffalo” to get MORE results (with less work) - See how I’m leveraging this strange strategy to grow this podcast - Discover why a man who lost $100 MILLION dollars in his business (Keith Cunningham) uses a tool called “Thinking Time” to avoid doing stupid things in business
#5: Controlling 35+ TRILLION Online Impressions, Managing $300M In Online Adspend, Losing $10M, and Being A Good Human Online w/ Joshua B. Lee
November 24, 2020 • 66 MIN
My podcast guest this week is Joshua B. Lee. On TOP of being a husband and father of two, Joshua has: → Managed $300+ MILLION in online advertising spend → Controlled 35+ TRILLION (yes, that’s 35,000,000,000,000) online impressions → Built 16 companies ... and he’s worked with clients like Joe Polish, Dan Sullivan, John Maxwell, Gartner, Oracle, and ADT. Here are 3 things to look forward to in this episode: 1) Joshua’s key takeaways after making a $1.3 million dollar bet... and losing $10M 2) Why, at one point, he decided to liquidate the 10 companies he was running, and start over by moving back in with his parents with less than $1,000 in his bank account... and how he got out of the deep depression that it caused 3) How Joshua prevented someone from committing suicide by using LinkedIn... and how today he’s using LinkedIn to develop authentic and inspirational engagement We cover that and SO much more in today's episode. Enjoy!
#4: Secrets To A Happy 57+ Year Marriage, Water Skiing At Age 79, And Delivering 3,000+ Paid Speeches w/ Speaking LEGEND Joel Weldon
November 17, 2020 • 82 MIN
Joel Weldon is a Hall of Fame professional speaker, with 3,000+ paid talks and has personally coached and critiqued well 10,000+ speakers and the creator of the Ultimate Speaking System. Not only that, but he lives a BEAUTIFUL, happy, and healthy life... which is yet another reason why Joel is on the show today. In this episode, you’ll discover... - How Joel went from being mocked for being “the world’s worst speaker” to 3,000 paid speeches, coaching 10,000 people, and becoming a hall of fame speaking legend - The secret to having boundless energy and being healthy enough to water ski at age 79 - How Joel became friends with the legend Earl Nightingale... and the 3 words that will help you determine how much you’ll make for the rest of your life ... and much more. Enjoy!
#3: Jewels Duncan on Lessons From Coaching 7+ Figure Entrepreneurs And Spending $10M on Facebook Ads... While Raising 7 Kids
November 11, 2020 • 85 MIN
The title says it all! Jewels Duncan is a coach to many incredible 7 and 8 figure entrepreneurs, has spent over $10 MILLION on profitable Facebook ads... and has a beautiful and loving family with 7 kids. How does she do it? What are the secrets that Jewels gleaned from working with some of the world's most successful entrepreneurs that YOU can apply to your business? In this episode, you will learn... → 3 POWERFUL lessons she learned from her uncle who started 16 successful businesses... and in his spare time was a world series poker player → Her top insights on building 7-figure businesses... (it’s probably not what you’d think) → How to “harvest gold” and turn your daily experience into powerful business wisdom ... and much much more.
#2: This 3-Step Outreach Process Will Get 50%+ Reply Rates So That You Can Get The Connections You Need To Take Your Business (And Life) To The Next Level
November 11, 2020 • 28 MIN
If I had to pick ONE strategy to grow my business... It wouldn’t be Facebook ads... It wouldn’t be SEO... It wouldn’t be Youtube... It would be the Magic Connection Method. Here’s why: Every day, the “tactics” change. Algorithms update. New platforms emerge. But what DOESN’T change = humans. And right now, there is ONE human who holds the key to your growth. Just think: Right now, there is a human who owns a business that serves THOUSANDS of your dream customers. 👉 What if they simply introduced YOU to their customers? 👉 Or what if you could learn directly from them to see how they did it? Both of those things are 100% possible when you know how to use the Magic Connection Method. The best part? This podcast episode will show you the Magic Connection Method process so YOU can get the connections you need to take your business (and life) to the next level. -- To join the 7-Figure Millennials community, visit
#1: Welcome To The 7-Figure Millennials Podcast
November 5, 2020 • 15 MIN
Who are the 7-Figure Millennials... and what is the 7-Figure Millennials Podcast? In this very first episode, Brandon explains what this movement is all about and why it matters to YOU as an entrepreneur.