Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#112: How YOU Can Gain Clarity On What You REALLY Want & Redefine Your Relationship With Yourself And The People You Love w/ Dr. Wayne Pernell
December 13, 2022
Have you ever met someone and had an INSTANT feeling that you’d be friends? That was how I felt when I first met today’s guest, Dr. Wayne Pernell. Not only is he an incredible human… but I believe his work is critically important to the world. Here’s what you’ll get by listening to today’s episode: 1. You’ll know how to determine what your heart TRULY wants. 2. You’ll discover how to find your VALUES that drive your decision making 3. You’ll be given a NEW perspective on life called “The Parallax Perspective” that will help you see more of what you may not currently be seeing… Enjoy! To learn more about Dr. Wayne Pernell, go to