Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#165: How To Leverage “Nature Based Leadership” To Unlock Higher Quality Decision Making, Greater Emotional Intelligence, & Deeper Presence w/ Chris Kyle
December 12, 2023
Observation: We’ve made so much progress in science… Yet we’ve SO lost touch with the nature that gave us the progress to begin with. How can we begin to reconnect with the natural world, and what can we learn from doing so? Today’s guest, Chris Kyle, has dedicated the last portion of his career studying and practicing Nature Based Leadership. In this episode, we dive into: - How you can connect with nature to unlock higher quality decision making, greater emotional intelligence, & deeper presence - How to find alignment with your purpose, and what to expect when making life transitions toward your purpose - How you can use Chris’ “Hard Eyes, Soft Eyes” exercise in nature to zoom out and gain a higher level perspective To learn more about Chris, visit