Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#68: Get The TOP Secrets From A 30-Year PROVEN System To Create Impact As A Speaker w/ Speaking Legend Mike Domitrz
February 8, 2022
Want to create a bigger impact? This week’s guest, Mike Domitrz, has been a professional speaker for over 30 years. He’s spoken on thousands of stages across 4 continents… And even when the majority of the speaking industry was shut down because of COVID, Mike still did 100+ paid talks. In this week’s episode, you’ll learn: 1. What pregnant bunnies have to do with building an incredibly successful speaking business 2. How you can turn your AUDIENCE into your #1 salesforce and get referrals to other paid speaking gigs seconds after you walk off the stage 3. Why Mike was catapulted off an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf and how he became more popular than the "Sexiest Man Alive" Enjoy this conversation with my friend, Mike!