Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#161: Dating Disney Princesses, Walking on Rainbows, & Lessons From Creating Harmony With Family While Generating $200M Growing Multi-Location Dental Groups w/ Eric Roman
November 14, 2023
Disney Princesses… Mario Kart…. Becoming one of the top baseball pitchers in the country… Leaving baseball behind… Generating $200M as an entrepreneur… Screwing up his family life…. Saving his family life… Guys… This is an EPIC conversation with my dear friend, Dr. Eric Roman. And yes, we go ALL over the place for what I personally felt was one of the most hilarious, engaging, deep, raw, vulnerable, and transformational interviews I’ve done. Over the past few months, Eric has become someone very important in my life, and I’m incredibly grateful to share his story and wisdom with you today. Get ready to laugh… get ready to get the feels… and get ready to learn some profound life lessons from a human that has led a truly curious and transformative life. To learn more about Eric, visit