Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#159: How To Uncover Your Purpose & Redefining “Millionaire” To Mean Someone Who’s Impacted 1,000,000+ People w/ Gordy Bal
October 31, 2023
Gordy Bal is redefining the word “Millionaire”. The new definition? A person who impacts a million people. THAT is cool. Gordy just came out with a new book, The New Millionaire’s Playbook that deconstructs what it means to be a “New Millionaire”. In the book, he dives into how to uncover your unique purpose and unapologetically live your life with freedom, purpose, and abundance. And guess what… One of the “key ingredients” to unlocking your purpose is CURIOSITY. Who would have thought 😜 If you’re ready to uncover your purpose and become a “New Millionaire” by impacting 1,000,000+ people, this episode is for you! To learn more about Gordy, visit