Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#192: The Beyond Curious Time Machine: Doing The Impossible w/ Sean Swarner, Shannon Graham, and Steve Sims
June 18, 2024
It’ssss baaackkk! That’s right: This week we are revisiting a format I did ONE HUNDRED episodes ago: The time machine. But this time, we’re doing it better. Here’s what to expect: For this time machine episode, we chose the topic “Doing The Impossible”. Here’s what we did: 1. We scoured through the 191+ previous published episodes and pulled out 3 stories where guests shared a story of doing something that 99.99% of people would consider “impossible”. 2. We edited them into ONE episode Magic. What stories will you hear today? 1. How Sean Swarner climbed Mount Everest as a 2x terminal cancer survivor WITH ONE LUNG. 2. How Shannon Graham worked on a project that actually increased the GDP of an entire country. 3. How Steve Sims shut down the world-famous Galleria dell'Accademia for his clients to have a private dinner in front of Michelangelo’s David… AND THEN brought in Andrea Bochelli to serenade them while they ate their meal. Friends… If you’re curious and bold enough, anything is possible… and these 3 stories are an epic example of that. To find out more about these guests, visit