Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#84: Here’s How To Make a POSITIVE Impact… By Using Success Principles Used By Propagandists & Cult Leaders w/ Michael F. Schein
May 31, 2022
What if you could master the art and science of using shameless propaganda… … for creating a bigger and more positive impact in the world? Michael F. Schein can teach you how. In today’s episode, you’ll learn: 1. Why Shep Gordon — American Talent Manager who’s managed talent like Pink Floyd, Pointer Sisters, Alice Cooper, etc — paid a driver to have their truck that had a picture of Alice Cooper posing naked with only a boa constrictor covering his genitals “break down”… 2. How bacon and eggs became the stereotypical American breakfast because of a hype artist… and what that has to do with you building relationships that can grow your business 3. What you can learn from Buddy the Elf about how to attract attention Enjoy!