Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#168: EPIC "Accidental" Episode: Here’s What Happens When You Connect A Hollywood Storytelling Legend With A World Class “Liquid Storyteller”... W/ Michael Hauge & Ryan Castelaz
January 2, 2024
What happens when you connect a Hollywood storytelling legend to a world-class "liquid storyteller"... and then sit back and listen? MAGIC. I think a new format for Beyond Curious just emerged... Context: Michael Hauge has been one of Hollywood’s top story experts since 1985. He consulted for Will Smith to help create I Am Legend... and has worked on projects starring Julia Roberts, Morgan Freeman, Alec Baldwin, Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hardy, Tom Cruise, and many others. Ryan Castelaz is a "liquid storyteller" and the founder of Discourse Coffee, which Growler Magazine called “the most gonzo, balls-to-the-wall, experimental coffee house.” Ryan has been featured in Milwaukee Foodie, Food & Wine, Barista Magazine... etc. I was catching up with Michael last week when he asked about someone (Ryan) in a video I showed him from the "Curiosity Quest" retreat I co-hosted with John Davie... Long story short, Ryan, Michael, and I got on a call back in October. The coolest part? When I had Michael tell an AMAZING story... ... and then had Ryan translate that story into a drink that would tell that story in liquid form. It was honestly one of the COOLEST conversations I've ever been a part of. Thinking of calling this "Brilliance Blending™" where I bring two masters of their craft into a conversation... Anyways... this episode is the byproduct of that conversation. It was too good NOT to turn into an episode! Ryan and Michael, thank you for the epic conversation! Want to go deeper with Michael and Ryan? Check out episodes #134 and #135 to listen to my conversations with Ryan. And check out episodes #36 and #37 to hear my conversations with Michael! To learn more, visit