Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#44: Resilience Lessons After Losing 2 Loved Ones, Surviving 2 Car Accidents, And Recovering From A Nasty Rock Climbing Fall... While In A Foreign Country Not Knowing The Language w/ David Hennessey
August 24, 2021
Saying David hit a “rough patch” in his life would be an understatement. His dad passed… closely followed by his mother-in-law. Then came getting in 2 car accidents…. Then came a rock-climbing fall leaving him unable to walk without severe pain… Then came nearing homelessness... … all while in a foreign country not knowing the language. Yet today, David is pushing his body by running marathons and is one happy and fulfilled guy. And in this episode, you and I are going to dive into the effective (yet simple) strategies he’s developed that can help YOU overcome obstacles in your life.