Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#187: Former FBI Special Agent Shares How To Leverage Counterintuitive Psychology To Transform Your Weaknesses Into Strengths… w/ Efren Delgado
May 14, 2024
Spies… Counterterrorism… Predators…. Tyrants…. Counterintelligence… That’s right: Today you and I get to hang out with former FBI Special Agent, Efren Delgado. Who is Efren? In addition to his 25 years of national security, law enforcement, and private protection experience, he’s also the author of a new book called The Opposite Is True. In the book (and in our interview) we unpack how to translate your trials and "failures" into your unique calling and help you transform your weaknesses into your greatest strengths. If you’re someone who’s curious about how to leverage FBI wisdom to unlock more growth and transformation in your life, this episode is for you! To learn more about Efren, visit