Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#94: How To Get Your DREAM Clients To Line Up To Buy… Instead Of Needing To Be Sold w/ Pia Silva
August 9, 2022
A few months ago, I was deep in an internet wormhole when I stumbled upon someone named Pia Silva. The elegance, simplicity, and… for lack of a better term… balls of her business model blew me away. Pia owns a branding agency. Here’s her model: 1. Clients start with a “Brandshrink”. It’s $10K. Includes the interview and a written brief that identifies your “badass business and brand opportunities” and a plan to move forward. 2. Clients can get it done with a “Brandup”. It’s $35K - $60K. They execute your entire brand, from developing the strategy & message through designing and building the website and gets you out there selling immediately… in ~2 days. That’s it. They are booked solid. Just Pia + her husband. No employees. No ongoing client contracts. They take the last week of the month off. Pia built a business around the lifestyle she wanted, and I have mad respect for that. So of course, I reached out to her to find out how she did it for you ;)