Beyond Curious ™ (formerly 7-Figure Millennials)
#173: Crafting Engaging Communities, Lessons From Consulting For The Pokèmon Company, & Surviving A Crazy Hang Gliding Incident… w/ Lucas Root
February 6, 2024
Typically you’d never hear the words “Wall Street” and “Consultant For Pokèmon” in the same sentence… That is, unless you’re today’s guest, Lucas Root. If it wasn’t apparent already, Lucas’ path is the definition of “non-linear”. Lucas spent 17 years on Wall Street doing mergers and acquisitions until he burned out. Badly. In his own words, he was “dying” and a “ghost in his own skin”. Realizing that he had to change, he tried his hat at consulting… starting out by making 400 cold calls in 6 months. 398 said no. Two said yes. ONE of them was The Pokèmon Company, and Lucas is still working with them 8.5 years later. Today, Lucas is a community builder focused on empowering communities and leadership through technology. This is a FUN and wide-ranging episode. 3 things to look forward to in today’s episode: 1) How Lucas survived a near-death hang gliding experience by literally holding together a broken glider with his bare hands 2) How the language you use shapes your reality and why it’s the #1 element to building effective communities 3) The #1 (and surprising) thing that Lucas learned from watching Pokèmon grow from $400M - several BILLION dollars in sales To learn more about Lucas, visit