Ecommerce Speak with Vincent Tandiono
Ecommerce Speak with Vincent Tandiono
From engineer to entrepreneur, my name is Vincent. I love marketing but was fed up with companies that care more about profits than their customers. So I created a podcast that allows me to dive into the stories behind the most inspiring brands in the world. Ecommerce Speak is for purpose-driven brands, entrepreneurs and business owners who want to grow their brand online and increase their social and environmental impact.
Rick West of Field Agent - Marketing Intelligence for Ecommerce and Retail Selling
February 1, 2022 • 20 MIN
Rick is the CEO and Founder of Field Agent-You're a Click Away from Stores and Shoppers Everywhere. Field Agent connects brands, retailers, and agencies with customers across the country and around the world to help you win at retail. His platform harnesses smartphones across the country, bridging the gap between you and your customers.
Ryan Wood - How to Create a High-Growth Strategy for Your Business
January 25, 2022 • 27 MIN
Ryan is a Growth Marketing & Media Strategist through and through. Over the past 10+ years, Ryan has spent over $100,000,000+ on performance advertising campaigns, has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and has helped drive nearly $1B (yes, billion) in company exits. Today, Ryan works as a plug-n-play Growth + Media Strategist for brands between $5m-$100m in revenue run-rate that want to massively accelerate their run-rates.
John Readman - How to Forecast your Marketing Performance
January 18, 2022 • 28 MIN
John is the founder of Modo25 the business behind BOSCO™. It's a digital marketing intelligence platform to help make better and more efficient marketing spend decisions with data driven insights. He is trying to change the way people invest in online marketing forever. Think of it like the way Skyscanner changed the way people research and book flights!
Shannon Lohr of Factory45 - Starting and Growing a Sustainable Fashion Brand
January 11, 2022 • 21 MIN
Shannon Lohr is the founder & CEO of Factory45. In 2010, Shannon co-founded {r}evolution apparel, with the mission to inspire the fashion industry towards an increase in sustainability. That was when she realized all the bad things in the industry and the lack of education of business practices. So Shannon established Factory45 to transform the fashion industry. Shannon has worked with over 500 entrepreneurs in the sustainable fashion space, many of whom have gone on to launch some of the most transparent supply chains in the fashion industry. Because of her advocacy for sustainability, Shannon has been named a thought leader for the future of fashion and was nominated as a "Woman of Note" by the Wall Street Journal.
Valentin Radu of Omniconvert - How To Understand Your Ideal Customers And Acquire More Of Them
January 4, 2022 • 25 MIN
Valentin Radu is the CEO & Founder at Omniconvert. He has built 4 companies, 1 that failed and 2 of them he has exited. And now with Omniconvert, which is his tech solution he's working on, they have touched the web experience of 200M shoppers. They are disrupting the eCommerce space on how brands should perceive their growth (where the norm is 100% focus on acquisition and massive neglect on retention).
Claudiu Cioba of VideoWise- Increase Ecommerce Sales with Shoppable Videos
December 28, 2021 • 32 MIN
In this episode, Claudiu shares how you increase sales on your ecommerce store using video shopping. Topics we discussed: How the idea of VideoWise came about; What type of videos work best?; How videos affect SEO
Maureen Mwangi - Marketing & Sales Strategies To Focus On For Each Phase Of Business Lifecycle
December 21, 2021 • 25 MIN
In this episode, Maureen shares the metrics, strategies and tactics businesses should focus on depending on their lifecycle stage. What we discussed: Maureen's Entrepreneurial journey; The number one thing entrepreneurs need to understand before looking at data; Doing the work that no one wants to do; Numbers that you need to keep your eyes on; Main focus for businesses in emerging stage; Main focus for growth stage; Systemizing for scaling stage; Why some businesses don't reach the scaling stage; Why impatience can kill dreams
Shane Whelan - Becoming Obsessed with Customer Experience
December 14, 2021 • 20 MIN
"It's almost like a good song. You may not know the words or the lyrics. You just like the way the song makes you feel." -Shane Whelan. In this episode, Shane shares how you can get to know your customers and turn them into raving fans. What we discussed: Shane's entrepreneur journey; How Shane got over bad reviews; How to build a customer experience that differentiates yourself from your competitors; Shane's process of getting to know your customers; Systems to convert customers to raving fans; Embracing your authentic DNA; Going bigger quicker
Chase Clymer of Electric Eye - 3 Important KPIs to Increase Your Ecommerce Sales
November 16, 2021 • 27 MIN
"Don't confuse people if they're trying to give you money" shared Chase Clymer. Tune in as Chase shares scaling ecommerce brands, creating content, and how to manage the number of projects your team can work at a time effectively. Here's what we discussed: Chase's journey from being in a music band to helping clients with digital marketing; Biggest mistake ecommerce businesses make; How to reach product market fit; After product market fit, what systems do you need in place to scale; 3 important KPIs to measure your sales; Lessons learned from Jeff Bezos on how many projects to work at a time; Interesting trends in ecommerce; Content for ecommerce brands
Steph Hon of Cadence - Ending Single Use, Travel-Sized Plastics
November 9, 2021 • 19 MIN
In this episode, Steph shares her journey of creating a sustainable product that aims to end single use, travel sized plastics. Here's what we discussed: Journey of starting Cadence; Struggles with designing and manufacturing their first product; Takeaways from being lead video editor in the documentary space; What Steph likes most about what she does; How do you choose who is the right team member to work with you; How sustainability impacts the way Steph makes decisions in Cadence; How Cadence attracts their ideal customers; Best advice that Steph received
Asher Ismail of Uncapped - Funding Ecommerce Growth Without Giving Up Equity
November 2, 2021 • 19 MIN
In this episode, Asher shares insights on how to get funding to grow ecommerce brands. And he also shares alternate sources of funding. Here's what we discussed: Asher's journey in entrepreneurship; Why Uncapped focus 80% on funding ecommerce brands; What are alternative methods of raising funds; Revenue based finance provider; What makes investors say "yes"; How fundraising is like dating; Real examples of how businesses used funds that was raised to grow their business
Kiril Kirilov - Closing The Communication Gap With Your Customers Between Order To Unboxing
October 26, 2021 • 28 MIN
In this episode, Kiril Kirilov shares how to close the gap in customer experience between purchase to unboxing. Here's what we discussed: Kiril's story of going into entrepreneurship; Idea of creating a software; How to monetize your order tracking page; Following up with your customers to get testimonials; Closing the gaps to reduce disputes and chargebacks; How customers know that you have a tracking page; Who is the Rush app ideal for?; Where to get the Rush app
Griffin Spolansky of Mezcla - Bringing Flavors Of The World Into A Healthy And Crunchy Snacks
October 19, 2021 • 15 MIN
In this episode, Griffin shared how he went from listening to a guest lecturer in a social entrepreneurship class to launching a vegan protein bar. Here's what we discussed: From social entrepreneurship class to launching a vegan protein bar; Declining a job offer to go into entrepreneurship; Solving challenges every day; Sourcing from different parts of the world and giving back to the source; Supporting art; Standing out from competition in competitive protein bar market; Testing to find what the market wants; Innovating in plant based space; What is the best advice Griffin has received; Where to learn more about Mezcla
Cynthia Plotch of Stix - Transforming Women's Health Experience With Education & Authenticity
October 12, 2021 • 15 MIN
In this episode, Cynthia shared how she created a physical product and digital education that started from her personal horrifying experience. Here's what we discussed: Cynthia's horrifying experience that led to founding Stix; The power of testing and being customer-obsessed; Education and authenticity to attract ideal customers; Building both digital and physical side of business; What Cynthia loves about what she does; What Cynthia looks for in a founding team member; How Cynthia launched Stix as a side hustle while working a full time job; Best advice Cynthia has ever received; Interesting insights from sex ed survey
Josh Howard - Creating An Eco-Friendly Brand That Is Fun & Funny
October 5, 2021 • 20 MIN
In this episode, Josh shared his journey of creating a cool, fun and funny brand of sustainable products. Listen in to hear how he was able to have his biggest ever month in August. What we discussed in this episode: How Single Use Ain't Sexy came about; Creating an eco-friendly brand that is cool, beautiful and fun; Takeaways from working in the media industry; The biggest reason why Single Use Ain't Sexy had their best month in August; Transitioning the world into more sustainable products; Building a brand that people adore so much; The single most powerful piece of real estate you can create yourself, and it's free; How Josh came up with the brand name Single Use Ain't Sexy
Jarrod Haning - The Less You Work The More You Make
September 28, 2021 • 24 MIN
"If you ever do the same task twice, you need to think real hard about why," shares Jarrod Haning. Do you know someone who is really good and have passion about what they do but their start up always struggle. And then there is another type of people that almost always succeed wildly with their start up, almost seemingly overnight. In this episode, Jarrod explains the difference in thinking patterns. Here's what we discussed: Accessing different parts of the brain from Jarrod's music experience; Why the LESS you work the MORE you make; How to start delegating without spending a fortune; Common types of thinking patterns; The thinking patterns of someone who owns multiple businesses but doesn't work multiple full time jobs; The fastest way to change the way of thinking
Dan McGaw - Leverage Amazon-like Automation to Create Personalized Buyers' Journey Without A Large Budget
September 21, 2021 • 30 MIN
Today Dan shares how you can leverage Amazon-like automation & personalisation strategies without having an Amazon-like budget and how to make your funnel convert higher in 24 hours with customers' stories. What we discussed: 2:20 How Dan McGaw got into marketing technology space; Tools you can use to create Amazon-like automations without a large budget; Real example of company using automation to customize the customer journey; Process of optimizing campaigns; What are the trends in the marketing technology space; How to use customer stories to increase funnel conversion; Getting video testimonials
Shai Eisenman of Bubble Skincare - The First Skincare Brand Created For Young Skin
September 14, 2021 • 20 MIN
In this episode, Shai shared her journey from doing a year long market research to develop a skincare brand specially created for young skin. Here's what we discussed: What motivated Shai to start a skincare brand; Takeaways from previous experiences that helped grow Bubble; Market research process; Talking to consumers; What Shai loves about what she does; Getting into Walmart; Unique approach to retail and DTC; Having an education platform to educate the customers; Vision for the next 1-2 years time; Best advice Shai has ever received; Handling rejections
Aleana Kali - Make Your Brand "Alive" & Stand Out From Your Competition
September 7, 2021 • 28 MIN
"Marketers should work for the benefit of the consumer. Because whatever is in the benefit of the consumer is in the benefit of the ecommerce brand ultimately," shares Aleana. Here's what we discussed: Starting in e-commerce at 17 years old; What it means by "brands are alive"; Establishing the values of your business; Treating your brand like a living entity; Receive compliments from customers about their marketing campaigns saying they're looking forward to receive them; Working for the benefit of the consumer; Community of purpose driven brands; Create meaning in your business for exponential results
Sean Busch of Puracy - Using Customer Base as an R&D Machine to Make Product Improvements
August 31, 2021 • 29 MIN
In this episode, Sean Busch shares how Puracy innovates in the cleaning and personal care industry to make effective and safe products to use around children and pets. Here's what we discussed: How Puracy started; The weird way Sean made sure product is safe; Education to attract ideal customers; Using customer base as an R&D machine; How to get customer feedback and reviews; Growing by putting the right people in the right place; Optimizing product pricing and sizing; What Puracy will do with a much larger budget and resources; Where to learn more about Puracy and buy their products; Taking additional steps to create loyal fans
David Morneau of inBeat Agency - Using Micro-Influencers to Create Content, Gather Market Insights and Generate Sales
August 24, 2021 • 17 MIN
In this episode, David shares a strategy on how DTC brands can leverage micro-influencers, which is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies. Here's what we discussed: How David got into influencer marketing; Why focus on micro influencers; How do you know if the influencers' engagement is good?; What does working with influencers look like?; Finding and reaching out to influencers; Typical price for influencer marketing; Being clear on the goal of your campaign; Tracking sales from influencers; Getting influencers to promote without any cost; What motivates influencers to say 'yes'; Which platform works best for influencer marketing?; Using influencers to gather market insights
Connor Wilson of Thursday Boot Company - How to Innovate & Compete Against Big Legacy Brands
August 17, 2021 • 26 MIN
"You guys might be more successful than you realize, and if you end up doing so, you need to have a plan." tells Connor Wilson about the best advice he received from his early mentors. Don't miss: Story behind the starting a boot company and how the name Thursday came about; Thursday's approach to sustainability when they started their journey; Sourcing and working with the best suppliers for high quality products; Connor's experience spending time with the cows in the farms; Undersell and overdeliver when approaching sustainability; Thursday's vision in 1-2 years time; Focus on making 3% improvements; Catching the attention of big brand competitors; Preparing for success; Get yourself a pair of boots from Thursday
Daniele Lattanzi - Using Current Events to Attract Ideal Customers
August 10, 2021 • 24 MIN
In part 2, Daniele talked about what is working and what's not working when it comes to attracting his ideal customers. He shared an example of how he used "Game of Thrones" to get new buyers for his products. We discussed: Struggles of running FB ads and compliance; Using Instagram and influencers; How he used "Game of Thrones" in marketing; A different way to approach branding; Generate video content fast; Where you can check out Qgenics and Camelicious
Daniele Lattanzi - Managing Your Business Like a Soccer Team
August 10, 2021 • 32 MIN
In part 1 of this episode, Daniele gave an interesting analogy of how business is like a soccer team. And it's much more than just about having different team members working as one. But it's also about setting boundaries in your business and keeping score and knowing where you're at. We discussed: Daniele's global entrepreneurship journey; Daniele's focus now; Transitioning to running an ecommerce business; Why wellness space; Managing time between all the functions in the business; Understanding the buyer's journey ; How business is like a soccer team
Matt Feldman Moku Foods - Becoming An Investable Company
August 3, 2021 • 24 MIN
In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Matt. Listen in as he shares how he attracted big name investors even though he was a first time founder in the food industry.
Karen Blackwell of Kanda Chocolates - Enjoy Chocolate Joy While Making Social and Environment Impact
July 27, 2021 • 26 MIN
In this episode, I sat down to chat with Karen. Listen in as she shares how she went from a healthcare leader to a CPG CEO while making a social and environmental impact in Ghana.
Bruce Jeffreys of Dresden Vision - Turning Garbage into Glasses
July 20, 2021 • 26 MIN
In this episode, I sat down to chat with Bruce. Listen in as he shares his journey of running two successful businesses. One of which is Dresden which turns plastic waste into an affordable pair of glasses.
Holly Arbuckle of Singing Pastures - Creating Delicious Roam Sticks While Restoring the Land
July 13, 2021 • 26 MIN
In this episode, it was a pleasure to chat with Holly Arbuckle. Listen in as she shares her story from being an acupuncturist to working in a farm with no electricity to growing a business selling roam sticks.
Alan Chen of Free Cash Flow - Tax Planning for E-commerce Businesses
July 6, 2021 • 31 MIN
In this episode, I sit down with Alan to talk about taxes. Taxes may not be everyone's favorite topic. But if you're interested in keeping more of the profits you're earning, check out the tips that Alan shared.
Matt Beck of Hoppy Planet Foods - Make the Food You Love, Love You Back
June 29, 2021 • 22 MIN
In this episode, Matt shares his journey from working with major food company Frito-Lay and tech giant Google to pursuing his passion of sustainability and nutrition.
Danielle LaBriola of Crafting Character - Developing Positive Traits in Kids
June 22, 2021 • 26 MIN
In this episode, Danielle joins the show to share how she's helping parents and teachers to develop positive traits in kids.
Emily Griffith of Lil Bucks - Quadrupling Revenue Without Spending on Ads
June 15, 2021 • 28 MIN
In this episode, Emily shares how she grew a food brand without spending on ads, challenges she faced and how she used her digital marketing knowledge to help grow the brand.
Trish Thomas - Creating an Unbeatable Brand with Product-Market Stick™
June 8, 2021 • 24 MIN
Worried about getting beat by the competition? In this episode, Trish shares with me a concept she developed called Product-Market Stick™. She teaches this concept at Northwestern University and is also a big part of her business Every Body Eat®. It’s an honor to be the first show where Trish talks about the Product-Market Stick™.
Kevin Browne - Tips on Getting “Found” Money from a Madison Ave Copywriter
June 1, 2021 • 32 MIN
According to Shopify, the average cart abandonment rate is 77.13%. That means 3/4 of these shoppers came so close to purchasing on your site but didn’t follow through. In this episode, Kevin and I talk about how to recover these lost revenue to get you “found” money.
Dean Legg of PureChimp - From Parent’s Kitchen to £1.75million
May 25, 2021 • 20 MIN
In today’s episode, Dean Legg shared his story of going from creating products in his parent’s kitchen to generating £1.75million. He also shared his business morals that help to attract ideal customers and organically grow his business.
Nick Theriot - Boost Customer Acquisition and Customer Retention for eCommerce Brands
May 18, 2021 • 33 MIN
In this episode, Nick drops golden nuggets on how to test and scale Facebook ads to acquire customers and actionable strategies to increase customer retention.
Brad Malin of Companion CBD - Differentiating Your Brand With A Global Continuing Education Platform
May 11, 2021 • 17 MIN
In this episode, Brad shares how he differentiated his company from all the other competitors by continually educating his customers.
Trey Carmichael - 7 Foundational Pillars of a Successful Business
May 4, 2021 • 25 MIN
In this episode, Trey shares the 7 pillars that every business need to document and systemize.
Carol Dysart - The Strange Way She Saved A Company $8 Million
April 27, 2021 • 29 MIN
Have you noticed how some people make you tick but some make you ticked off? In this episode, Carol and I talk about the 4 people styles and how the 4 styles work together for a business to thrive. Stay tuned as Carol shared the story of how a company nearly lost $8 million.
Marc Siegel of Quantum Performance - Finding Your Purpose & Sharpening Your Mindset
April 20, 2021 • 33 MIN
In this episode, Marc and I talk about the importance of mindset, finding your purpose and what does success look like.
Bryce Vance - How To Be Omnipresent Without Sucking Up All Your Time
April 13, 2021 • 32 MIN
You know the importance of content and being omnipresent to grow your business. In this episode, Bryce and I discuss how you can consistently put out content without sucking up all your time or spending a fortune.
Kristen LaFrance - Being True to Your Self, Your Brand and Your Customers
April 5, 2021 • 7 MIN
Today's guest Kristen is the host of Resilient Retail, a podcast she runs with her role with Shopify Retail team, helping retailers that have been affected by the pandemic. She’s an expert on how brands create deep connections with customers, how they can build remarkable customer experiences and increasing customer retention. She is also known as the mayor of DTC Twitter.
Bryce Vance - What Customers Really Want to See From Your Brand
April 4, 2021 • 9 MIN
Welcome to the Conscious eCommerce Leaders Podcast Launch. Subscribe, rate, review and share to help us grow. My guest today is a successful CEO and entrepreneur. He is the founder of Funnel Driven LLC, Chimera Developments, The Inbound Secret, and Social Media Chimera Marketing. He is passionate to help others succeed and he has created dozens of courses for rising entrepreneurs and helping clients all over the world. He’s the author of the book - How Prolific Mistakes Make Prolific Profits. It’s written to help entrepreneurs and established business professionals see beyond their perceived realities and change the world.
Carol Dysart - Build relationships with Your Team, Partners and Customers
April 4, 2021 • 8 MIN
Welcome to the Conscious eCommerce Leaders Podcast Launch. Subscribe, rate, review and share to help us grow. Today's guest is Co-Founder and DISC Master of PeopleSmartEnterprises. She’s a highly sought-after consultant for CEOs, business leaders and managers. She has over 40 years of experience in training and teaching people how to interpret a person’s behavior style. She’s an expert in the art and science of personality styles.
Trey Carmichael - Compounding Your Traffic
April 4, 2021 • 6 MIN
Today's guest plays outsourced COO to impact-driven entrepreneurs. He’s a partner in an international marketing agency and co-founder of Virtually Limitless and attached companies. He is an expert when it comes to business systems. Recently his systems have helped two clients collect 30k in 90 days or less plus recurring and have helped many others achieve 6 and 7 figures without it sucking all of their time.
Nick Theriot - The Biggest Catalyst for eCommerce Growth
April 4, 2021 • 5 MIN
My guest today is specializes in Facebook ads and helping ecommerce brands to grow. He has generated over $3m in revenue for clients in ecommerce last year, with around $1m in spend. His agency was recently nominated as one of the top agencies that dominated Q1 of 2021.
Brad Malin - Standing Out in Competitive Space
April 4, 2021 • 5 MIN
Today's guest is a serial entrepreneur, former athlete, proud single dad of 2 daughters who uses his passion for pets to create the first and only veterinary-owned CBD manufacturing company. In 2020, they were awarded "Chewable Treat Product of the Year", an award to recognize the top innovators and leaders of the pet industry. And recently, they were featured on The List.
Marc Siegel - Create Success in Business and Life
April 4, 2021 • 6 MIN
My guest today started his career in finance, growing a portfolio to over 100 million dollars. But in the process, he had health challenges and gained a lot of weight. That motivated him to take the plunge, give up everything in his high flying career and pivot into fitness space. He started his quest to improve his own health, and the health and well-being of others. In the past decade, he’s helped his clients lose over 10,000 lbs! Now with Quantum Performance, he entered the CBD space. He provides the cleanest CBD in the market. Clients include athletes, celebrities, law enforcement, martial artists.
Trailer: Conscious eCommerce Leaders Podcast
March 22, 2021 • 1 MIN
From engineer to entrepreneur, my name is Vincent. I am a student of business, marketing and psychology. The Conscious eCommerce Leaders is for purpose-driven brands, entrepreneurs and business owners who want to grow their brand online and increase their social impact. Follow along as we uncover the secrets behind some of the most successful brands in the world. Join us on Apr 5th for the launch of Conscious eCommerce Leaders podcast. It's gonna be a blast!