The Fierce Goddess Collective - The Podcast
Welcome to the Fierce Goddess Collective podcast with Amanda and Tosca, your magickal hosts in this space. This is your place to tune into inspired conversations that will connect you to the fierce goddess within. Expect to hear from not only Tosca and Amanda but also amazing women doing incredible things in the pursuit of making a difference in the world. We are here to elevate the voices of visionary, change making women and we are so excited to have you join us and get fierce together!
6. Let's wrap up the Magick of 2023 w/ Tosca & Amanda
March 31, 2023 • 14 MIN
This series may have been a short one, but it's been a great one! We look back at all episodes and summarise how wonderful each episode has been. We want to thank you all for taking the time to watch or listen to our podcast. Next season we will return with a new vision and a different focus for our upcoming guests and perhaps more goddesses conversations between just us. A change we know we needed and now with excitement we look forward with excitement.
5. Ancestral Patterning, Beliefs & Traumas w/ Tosca & Amanda
March 17, 2023 • 34 MIN
Are you curious about this subject or are you a non-believer? Do you have some quirks that just don't make sense? If you took a moment to sit quietly and think back over how your parents' lives evolved, can you see any similar patterns, lifestyle choices or habits within your own life? It can be quite confronting when you do. What are your thoughts? Join us to find out how we view this phenomenon.
3. Tosca interviews a Fierce Goddess & Eclectic Alchemist w/ Amanda
February 17, 2023 • 31 MIN
In this episode Tosca interviews Amanda who describes herself as an eclectic chameleon alchemist who loves a life journey of learning. She is also the proud co-founder of the newly created, The Abundance Project which is a freedom-based and sustainable way of earning, living, working and being. Join us to discover more about the "other" FGC host as all her quirks are laid bare!
4. A Vision for future generations w/ Lara Williams
February 3, 2023 • 35 MIN
Lara Williams is a social care worker, intuitive intelligence trainer and trauma informed embodiment coach, with a vision for creating future generations of attuned youth. Having spent two decades deep in the child protection system, and youth mental health sector, Lara has combined her experience with her training in intuitive intelligence to look at the being as a whole. In this inspiring episode Lara will share how she is teaching parents/carers ways to navigate the complexities of raising children and to create attuned connections between themselves and the children they care for. Lara has also bravely shared her own journey with her 2 cheeky daughters with gypsy hearts and a 3rd precious daughter with special needs and an extraordinary light. Join us as we take you on this special journey with Lara!
2. The honouring of self for true future happiness w/ Chloe Rennie
February 3, 2023 • 25 MIN
Chloe is a single Mumma of two gorgeous boys and is employed fulltime at the Cairns Airport in the male dominated engineering side of the aviation industry. She has recently made a major life decision which required courage and to dig deep to find the confidence to put herself and her happiness first. Come and listen to this powerhouse as she shares what she does to keep herself on the path to finding her true happiness.
1. Welcome back! It's 2023! w/ Tosca & Amanda
January 20, 2023 • 20 MIN
Welcome back to The Fierce Goddess Collective - The Podcast. In this episode we catch up on what we've both been up to since Series 2 finished late in 2022. You'll find out how we both felt coming out of 2022 and how we both feel 2023 will be so different. How have we changed the way we look at our personal and working lives, who has made a huge decision?? Come and join us to find out all the juicy deets!
5. From spiritual seeker to Intuitive Health Coach & Spiritual Mentor w/ Sandra Amalfi
December 16, 2022 • 26 MIN
‘Love yourself now, because if you don’t, who will?’  From a lifetime of spiritual seeking, to overcoming her own body image barriers, low self-worth and depression, Sandra is a source of intuitive wisdom and empowerment. She is here to inspire and uplift women to rediscover a deeper meaning and purpose to their lives beyond their physical body and weight.   Join us and hear how Sandra, an inspiring Intuitive Health Coach and Spiritual Mentor turned her life around and how she now helps other women do the same.
4. Down the Rabbit Hole of Self-Acceptance w/ Tosca & Amanda
December 2, 2022 • 23 MIN
Self Acceptance, it's a big one and there are so many different elements that branch off from this subject. We've ventured down the rabbit hole and made our way back up! Both Tosca and I hope you enjoy our convo!
3. Being a Spiritual Director & Storyteller w/ Kia West
November 18, 2022 • 25 MIN
Introducing Kia West, a Spiritual Director and storyteller who through her divine visual presentations and stunning photo shoots, explores the many vulnerable archetypes. This is truly her passion however you will discover her many other interests in this episode!
2. A Fierce Goddess interview w/ Tosca Grainger-Dee
November 4, 2022 • 19 MIN
You've seen her as one of the FGC podcast interviewers, but now you'll get to hear who she really is in her own words. Not only has she accomplished so much in life thus far, but there is still more to come. Come and join us to experience this Goddess in all her glory. **We did have a few difficulties with the internet gremlins so apologies for the interruptions, even with the interruptions, you'll be amazed by this powerhouse of a woman!
1. Re-visiting Virtual Biz Alchemist w/ Vicki Williams
October 28, 2022 • 23 MIN
You may remember our very first guest in series 1, Vicki Williams. If not, head back and check the episode out right now! The changes Vicki has experienced not only personally, but in her online business are simply inspiring. Join us to discover how quickly and how, this inspiring woman has literally changed her life!
8. Down the Rabbit Hole of Comparisons, we all do it! w/ Tosca & Amanda
September 9, 2022 • 22 MIN
Comparisons, what a mind field! I think there isn't a person on earth that hasn't experienced either being compared or comparing themself to someone else. We think it's inbuilt. Comparisons can rear their ugly head in so many different areas, and in this episode, we draw on our own experiences as a starting point. Join us for an episode on a subject that isn't always brought to the forefront for discussion, but one we feel is extremely important in finding peace within.
7. Releasing trauma from the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual body w/ Karen Swainson
September 2, 2022 • 26 MIN
Meet Karen who lives in the beautiful Southwest of Western Australia! Karen's work in the world is supporting the release of trauma held in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. Karen is qualified as an Intuitive Intelligence Trainer, Advanced Embodiment Practitioner, Spiritual Companioning and EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) Practitioner which involves raising Consciousness to disrupt past patterns, so cycles aren't repeated, and new ways can be established. It is a passion of Karens and a vision she holds close to her heart in providing a safe, compassionate space for clients to explore their truth and restore faith within themselves. Join us to learn more about Karen's passion and vision that she holds close to her heart in providing a safe, compassionate space for clients to explore their truth and restore faith within themselves. She is an amazing human being!
6. Down the Rabbit Hole of Mother's Guilt, is it a legacy? w/ Tosca & Amanda
August 26, 2022 • 15 MIN
Any woman who has had children, whether by birth or adoption will understand Mother's Guilt. It comes in many forms. Do you think it's a legacy or something we, as Mothers can break away from feeling? Do you suffer from Mother's Guilt? Join us to discuss this worldwide epidemic and let us know your thoughts on the subject by commenting below.
5. Esoteric Mysteries of Energy Medicine, Shamanic Practice & Intuitive Guidance w/ Dr Niikee
August 19, 2022 • 15 MIN
Dr Niikee was originally trained as a naturopath, before continuing on to study various traditional medicine lineages. She has also worked in academia as a lecturer and research fellow in mainstream clinical medicine. With over 25 years in private practice and 15 years in teaching and learning, has brought Niikee back into the esoteric mysteries, where her research, teaching and practice focuses mainly on Energy Medicine, Shamanic Practice and Intuitive Guidance, as a channel for divine light. Dr Niikee’s School for Metaphysical Practice facilitates different offerings through the year for both practitioners and those wishing to dive deeper into the mysteries of the greater reality, to reconnect to peace in their minds and love in their hearts.  Join us to learn how one woman can cover so many different modalities with ease, grace and love.
4. Down the Rabbit Hole of Woo Woo, are you a believer? w/ Tosca & Amanda
August 12, 2022 • 28 MIN
Woo Woo, what is it? In this episode we have an informal discussion about a subject that we find very interesting. Interesting because we are both intrigued at the various responses this subject raises in others. We talk about our experiences and how Woo Woo has affected our lives and other interesting studies that have been carried out on this subject so, come and join us down the Rabbit Hole and let us know if you believe in Woo Woo too!
3. Bridging the gap between practical business strategy & intuitive guidance w/ Chenae Carey
August 4, 2022 • 21 MIN
Chenae Carey is an Intuitive Business Mentor specialising in businesses run by women. Chenae bridges the gap between practical strategy and intuitive guidance, drawing upon her Bachelor of Business and robust experience in the intuitive sciences to support her clients. Chenae's clients come from various backgrounds and in this episode, you will hear how she gently but firmly guides them to their goal of attracting more clients of their own all the while finding time to write her very own book!
2. Life as a Virtual Biz Alchemist w/ Vicki Williams
July 28, 2022 • 23 MIN
Meet Vicki a Virtual Biz Alchemist working with Women who want to create more time, income and choice in their lives. She supports Women behind the scenes in their already established businesses and works with others to support them in creating and building a sustainable online business and income for themselves and their family through affiliate marketing. Vicki is a multi-passionate mama working with water to improve the health and wealth of families. Join us for our very first episode with a woman who never disappoints!
1. Welcome to The Fierce Goddess Collective Podcast! Let us introduce ourselves w/ Tosca & Amanda
July 28, 2022 • 17 MIN
Welcome to our podcast, we're so happy you're here! Let us introduce ourselves and what our podcast is all about. In this, our very first episode we will share what it is that brought both of us individually to where we are now and why we want to bring this podcast to life. Along the way we will share our thoughts about many subjects and our interests. Join us for our very first episode to find out more!