The Fierce Goddess Collective - The Podcast
6. Down the Rabbit Hole of Mother's Guilt, is it a legacy? w/ Tosca & Amanda
August 26, 2022
Any woman who has had children, whether by birth or adoption will understand Mother's Guilt. It comes in many forms. Do you think it's a legacy or something we, as Mothers can break away from feeling? Do you suffer from Mother's Guilt? Join us to discuss this worldwide epidemic and let us know your thoughts on the subject by commenting below.
Anyone who has had children, whether by birth or adoption will understand Mother's Guilt. It comes in many forms.

Following are many of the examples we discuss or have felt personally surrounding this subject, can you relate? 

Did you not breastfeed - guilt!
Do you work fulltime - guilt!
Do you take time out for yourself to recharge - guilt!
Do you spend money on things for yourself and not solely for your children - guilt!
Did your marriage break up - guilt!

The list is endless!

Do you suffer from Mother's guilt? Let us know your thoughts on the subject by commenting below.

For more information about either Tosca or Amanda, please use the links below.
The Fierce Goddess Collective: