The Fierce Goddess Collective - The Podcast
2. The honouring of self for true future happiness w/ Chloe Rennie
February 3, 2023
Chloe is a single Mumma of two gorgeous boys and is employed fulltime at the Cairns Airport in the male dominated engineering side of the aviation industry. She has recently made a major life decision which required courage and to dig deep to find the confidence to put herself and her happiness first. Come and listen to this powerhouse as she shares what she does to keep herself on the path to finding her true happiness.
Chloe is a single Mumma of two gorgeous boys and is employed fulltime at the Cairns Airport in the male dominated engineering side of the aviation industry. She has pushed forward to learn so many different aspects of running an aircraft engineering company, that she could run her own if the opportunity ever arose.

As well as being a Mumma, she loves learning all about the Wiccan world, and uses various practices in her every day life. To calm her mind and soul she consistently ventures outside into nature to take time for herself and to awaken and get back in touch with her inner child. Of course, including her beloved boys in these types of activities is always a priority, as adventures are an enjoyable way for her boys to learn about the importance of getting out of the house and having fun.

Life is a journey and Chloe is grabbing it with both hands!
Here's where you can find Chloe and experience her journey and inspiration.

For more information about either Tosca or Amanda, please use the links below.
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The Fierce Goddess Collective: