L&D In Action: Winning Strategies from Learning Leaders
Domino Effect Leadership: Leading Teams that Surpass Others and Yourself
June 6, 2023
In this episode of L&D in Action, we speak with Jon Westover. Jon is a Professor and Department Chair at Utah Valley University’s Woodbury School of Business, as well as the host of the top 0.1%-ranked podcast Human Capital Innovations. He addresses the challenges that managers and business leaders feel during a time where characteristic chaos means that employees struggle to feel the psychological safety necessary within a thriving creative and agile business.
How can we expect employees to feel secure in their roles if seemingly every day another major corporation announces a round of layoffs? How can we expect everyone to feel fulfilled when just a couple years ago we saw how industries, the economy and the world operated with barebones resources during a pandemic? How can we convince our people that their opinions, feedback, ideas and feelings truly matter to the mission and to the other people in their organization? What are managers and people leaders to do?

Who better to answer these tough questions than Jonathan Westover. Jon is the host of top 0.1% business leadership podcast Human Capital Innovations. He is also a department chair at Utah Valley University, an author, speaker, husband, and father of 6. Today on L&D in Action, he offers insight gained from decades of academic research and more than 1,300 episodes of his podcast on how to be an effective modern leader. It’s a tall task for leaders of all ranks in every industry, but Jon is here to share patterns and strategies that lead to more cohesive, better performing teams in almost any scenario.

Join us as we discuss:

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L&D In Action: Winning Strategies from Learning Leaders releases every other Tuesday, bringing you conversations from the best minds in Learning and Development.

Previous guests include: Simon Brown of Novartis, Ravin Jesuthasan of Mercer, Michael Lee Stallard of Connection Culture Group, Michelle Weise of Rise and Design and Dr. Nigel Paine of Learning Now TV.

Check out our five most downloaded episodes: