L&D In Action: Winning Strategies from Learning Leaders
Creating Relational Excellence with the Power of Connection Culture
April 25, 2023
This week, L&D in Action features Michael Lee Stallard, Co-Founder and President of Connection Culture Group. A finance executive turned coach and consultant, Michael has observed that many high-achieving organizations are forfeiting strong connections between people in favor of operational excellence. It’s his goal to bring empathy and humanity back to the workplace.
Many leaders compare their organizations to families. But, is it really as simple as that when you have complex financial goals and employees all over the globe? People are suffering from unprecedented rates of isolation in the workforce today, and few companies are addressing this issue thoughtfully. However, without meaningful human connection in the workplace, business outcomes and the wellbeing of employees will continually decline.

Our latest guest on L&D in Action, Michael Lee Stallard has been studying Connection (with a capital ‘C’) for decades now. After leaving an illustrious career on Wall Street, he set out to help organizations discover the social and emotional bonds that bring them together as people first, coworkers second.

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L&D In Action: Winning Strategies from Learning Leaders releases every other Tuesday, bringing you conversations from the best minds in Learning and Development.

Previous guests include: Simon Brown of Novartis, Ravin Jesuthasan of Mercer, Michael Lee Stallard of Connection Culture Group, Michelle Weise of Rise and Design and Dr. Nigel Paine of Learning Now TV.

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