L&D In Action: Winning Strategies from Learning Leaders
The Cognitive Mosaic: Building teams that win with cognitive diversity and intellectual humility
August 8, 2023
It may be time to remove “culture fit” from our recruitment and hiring vocabulary. Sure, a team that gets along well and shares a set of values is likely to be happy and productive. But a lack of perspective–and even conflict–also means such a team will struggle to innovate and grow. So, how do we build teams that thrive by the virtue of cognitive diversity? This week, entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and author Shane Snow is here to share insights from a fascinating career that includes building high-performing teams around 3 successful startups.
For generations, we’ve been building our teams toward the objective of strong culture fit. “Will this new candidate get along with the rest of the team? Does everyone have similar beliefs and values that allow us to communicate well? Are our work styles compatible?” It’s time now to realize that seeking culture fit actually impedes an organization that hopes to grow in a vastly interconnected world. Rather, business leaders should constantly be seeking new ideas, novel inspiration, and alternative viewpoints.

But, easier said than done, right? Thankfully, we have Shane Snow on this week’s episode to share insights from 3 successful startups and 3 bestselling books worth of research. An entrepreneur, keynote speaker, writer and explorer, Shane has taught millions the value of cognitive diversity as a vehicle for growth within organizations. As a content creator through and through, he also shares the principles that he has determined make for the most effective and engaging learning content.

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L&D In Action: Winning Strategies from Learning Leaders releases every other Tuesday, bringing you conversations from the best minds in Learning and Development.

Previous guests include: Simon Brown of Novartis, Ravin Jesuthasan of Mercer, Michael Lee Stallard of Connection Culture Group, Michelle Weise of Rise and Design and Dr. Nigel Paine of Learning Now TV.

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