L&D In Action: Winning Strategies from Learning Leaders
Content for Modern Learners: What L&D Leaders can Learn from Creators on Social Media
June 13, 2023
In this episode of L&D in Action, we’re joined by Founder and CEO of Anchored Training, Vanessa Alzate. Vanessa is an instructional designer with a decade of experience in the L&D space, and has made it her mission to bridge the gap between the old-school and what’s new and next in learning solutions. Top of mind for her is how social media has turned into one of the most prolific platforms for education, and the many ways learning and development practitioners can learn from new educators and content creators.
Learning and Development efforts are very rarely associated with thrilling, addictive content. In fact, quite the opposite–until recently, when the media landscape changed forever. As e-learning burst into the spotlight during the pandemic, the public also became fascinated by their favorite educators on social media. Now, L&D leaders have a wonderful opportunity to learn from future generations, not only how to make use of the historically prohibitive video medium, but how to teach in an impactful, concise manner. That’s right, we’re talking about TikTok.

To help us connect the dots between old school L&D and new-school, fast-paced social media-inspired education, we speak with Vanessa Alzate. Vanessa is an educator, speaker and consultant, and as the founder and CEO of Anchored Training she helps Fortune 500s achieve their L&D goals through creative and modern instructional design tactics, sometimes influenced by social media.

Join us as we discuss:

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L&D In Action: Winning Strategies from Learning Leaders releases every other Tuesday, bringing you conversations from the best minds in Learning and Development.

Previous guests include: Simon Brown of Novartis, Ravin Jesuthasan of Mercer, Michael Lee Stallard of Connection Culture Group, Michelle Weise of Rise and Design and Dr. Nigel Paine of Learning Now TV.

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