Wellistic Doses
A podcast delivering bite-sized doses of health and wellness tips that can easily be consumed during a short commute. We will cover a range of topics that are impacting the lives of many of our listeners. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their perspective as a subject matter expert. Listeners are able to gather takeaways that can apply to daily life and over time improve the overall quality of life.
#007 Rethinking Your Relationship with Food
August 8, 2020 • 2760 MIN
We have a special double dose for you as this episode is about double the length of our typical conversations, but packs in a ton of nutritional information. Ali Brigham a functional medicine and health coach with over 22 years of experience shares her personal struggles with nutrition. She offers applicable advice to implement on a daily basis to start the new decade off right.
#006 Fitness 2020: Seeing a New You in a New Year
August 7, 2020 • 1960 MIN
We sit down to cover the topic with Brian Parana a lifestyle and health coach with over 18 years of expertise in the industry. We discuss everything from setting goals to having the mindset needed to succeed. Part of the episode is dedicated to a lightning round questioning segment in which Brian provides clarity on a host of fitness questions. By the end of this episode, you will have insight into, not only how you can start off 2020, but also the rest of your life in the direction you choose!
#005 A Touch of Gratitude for the Holidays
December 19, 2019 • 1681 MIN
During the conversation with Victoria (a licensed clinical massage therapist), we discuss how her going through difficulties has molded her to be kind, generous and compassionate. Victoria explains the steps she has taken to learn to be grateful and continues to take on a daily basis. “It takes dedication and day by day as life and challenges pass. It’s like sand on the rocks of the river, ever smoothing their surface.”
#004 Are the Holiday Blues making you S.A.D.?
December 11, 2019 • 1738 MIN
In this episode, Charryse Johnson the founder of Jade Integrative Counseling and Wellness, sits down with us to discuss Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Holiday Blues. We discuss the causes, symptoms as well as practical solutions to help deal with both of these issues. We also touch base on the stigmas surrounding mental health and what is necessary to continue to break them down.
#003 Diets Around the Holidays, Do They Work?
November 14, 2019 • 2193 MIN
In the latest episode with Dr. Denise Pickett-Bernard we discuss the differences between plant based, vegan and ketogenic diets. As well as touched base on nutrition for the holidays with a focus on the importance of preparing one's food, as opposed to assembling it from ready-made ingredients.
#002 Using Chinese Medicine to Aid with Cancer Treatment
October 31, 2019 • 1481 MIN
On this episode of Wellistic Doses Podcast, we learn from Dr. Monique Santoro about Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbal medicine. This episode ties in with Breast Cancer Awareness month by taking a deeper dive into how Chinese Medicine and herbal medicine can benefit someone going through chemo therapy. Dr. Santoro gives some practical advice on how to help avoid cancer and how-to from the onset notice symptoms that might be displayed in the body.
Wellistic Doses (Introduction)
October 31, 2019 • 1269 MIN
A podcast delivering bite-sized doses of health and wellness tips that can easily be consumed during a short commute.