Wellistic Doses
#005 A Touch of Gratitude for the Holidays
December 19, 2019
During the conversation with Victoria (a licensed clinical massage therapist), we discuss how her going through difficulties has molded her to be kind, generous and compassionate. Victoria explains the steps she has taken to learn to be grateful and continues to take on a daily basis. “It takes dedication and day by day as life and challenges pass. It’s like sand on the rocks of the river, ever smoothing their surface.”

During the conversation with Victoria (a licensed clinical massage therapist), we discuss how her going through difficulties has molded her to be kind, generous and compassionate. Victoria explains the steps she has taken to learn to be grateful and continues to take on a daily basis. “It takes dedication and day by day as life and challenges pass. It’s like sand on the rocks of the river, ever smoothing their surface.” The redeeming take away from this episode is to be grateful at the very least around the holidays. Learn more about Victoria at