Wellistic Doses
#002 Using Chinese Medicine to Aid with Cancer Treatment
October 31, 2019
On this episode of Wellistic Doses Podcast, we learn from Dr. Monique Santoro about Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbal medicine. This episode ties in with Breast Cancer Awareness month by taking a deeper dive into how Chinese Medicine and herbal medicine can benefit someone going through chemo therapy. Dr. Santoro gives some practical advice on how to help avoid cancer and how-to from the onset notice symptoms that might be displayed in the body.

On this episode of Wellistic Doses Podcast, we learn from Dr. Monique Santoro about Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbal medicine. This episode ties in with Breast Cancer Awareness month by taking a deeper dive into how Chinese Medicine and herbal medicine can benefit someone going through chemotherapy. Dr. Santoro gives some practical advice on how to help avoid cancer and how to from the onset notice symptoms that might be displayed in the body.

Dr. Santoro can be found on Wellistic @ https://app.wellistic.com/search-results/5c9cc520acc29503f7f7b352
And @ www.chiropractornc.com

During an after episode conversation, Dr. Santoro recommended checking out the documentary “The Connection”