Wellistic Doses
#003 Diets Around the Holidays, Do They Work?
November 14, 2019
In the latest episode with Dr. Denise Pickett-Bernard we discuss the differences between plant based, vegan and ketogenic diets. As well as touched base on nutrition for the holidays with a focus on the importance of preparing one's food, as opposed to assembling it from ready-made ingredients.

In the latest episode with Dr. Denise Pickett-Bernard we discuss the differences between plant based, vegan and ketogenic diets. As well as touched base on nutrition for the holidays with a focus on the importance of preparing one's food, as opposed to assembling it from ready-made ingredients.

Dr. Dee can be found on Wellistic @ https://app.wellistic.com/search-results/5c7fa24b664ded0e46bccbcc

