Speaker Driven Business
If you’ve done the courses, followed the people, and implemented ‘all the things’ without getting the speaking driven results you want…look no further. Tune in each week to learn from Jacqueline Nagle, a Fifth Generation Entrepreneur with a fiercely strategic brain who holds the global designation of Certified Speaking Professional and is a qualified Executive and Business Coach with C-Suite experience. Jacqueline’s strength is anchored in teaching others how to reposition themselves through the power of language and she has personally coached and trained 1000’s to step into their power by speaking, pitching and selling through her proprietary frameworks. Jacqueline has appeared in media more than 3,000 times, spoken on global stages, delivered keynotes for organisations including Marie Claire (Australia) Magazine, and delivered more than 180 workshops. She has worked as trusted advisor to executives in some of our largest organisations, and with the founders of dynamic rapid growth entrepreneurial pursuits to strengthen strategy, positioning, strategic sales and communications. Her training has been delivered to some of Australia’s major corporate brands including Tattersalls (The Lott, quadrupling their sales conversion rate) and her programs were picked up by the Australian Institute of Sport Olympic Medal Gold Medal Alumni Program in Canberra, where she was the Speaking and Facilitation Skills Mentor. In each episode, Jacqueline shares evidence based strategies, lessons and real-world insights that help YOU get whatever you want. No fluff. No nonsense. Answering the questions you don’t know who to ask. If you are committed to using speaking to create the breakthroughs you know you deserve – to shift from being unheard of to in demand - across all your business life, subscribe now.
44: The Speaker's Guide to Monetizing Your Craft
May 13, 2024 • 23 MIN
Want to know how to turn your speaking prowess into a revenue-generating powerhouse? In this game-changing episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline spills the beans on the often-overlooked strategies to monetize your craft. Discover the five reasons people speak, the three phases of making money, and how you can make money from or through speaking.
43: The Worthy Rival Mindset: Turning Envy into Your Secret Weapon
May 8, 2024 • 15 MIN
Unlock the secret to skyrocketing your speaking career by harnessing the power of your worthy rivals!
42: Trauma Bonding or Authentic Connection? A Call for Responsible Storytelling
May 6, 2024 • 20 MIN
Jacqueline deep dives into the ethical dilemma of using raw, lived experience stories for charity fundraising events.
41: 5 Ways to Grow Your Reputation and Dominate Paid Speaking
May 1, 2024 • 20 MIN
Want to accelerate your paid speaking success? It's not just about crafting a mind-blowing speech (though that matters too).
40: From Free to Paid: The 11 Essentials for Paid Speaking Success
April 29, 2024 • 21 MIN
In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline reveals the 11 essential elements you need to have in place for your "Minimum Viable Launch" as a speaker. In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline addresses the common question of how to transition from speaking for free to getting paid as a speaker. She shares eye-opening examples of speakers who appear successful but aren't actually making much money from speaking.
39: The Strategically Free Speaker: 3 Ways to Position Yourself for Paid Gigs
April 15, 2024 • 15 MIN
Would you like to earn more from speaking? After all, isn’t this the end goal of practically every speaker? In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline addresses the common question of how to transition from speaking for free to getting paid as a speaker. She shares eye-opening examples of speakers who appear successful but aren't actually making much money from speaking. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
38: Five Hot Tips for Success as a Speaker
April 11, 2024 • 19 MIN
Are you facing tricky challenges in breaking through as a speaker? In this episode of the Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline shares her five hot tips for success as a speaker. She begins by explaining the two core ways speakers can generate revenue: getting paid as a professional speaker or using speaking to drive sales into your product ecosystem or business. Regardless of your goal, Jacqueline's five tips are crucial. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
37: The Path to Professional Speaking Success: Beating the 5 Major Hurdles Holding You Back
April 8, 2024 • 20 MIN
Are there endless roadblocks keeping you from achieving your goals and dreams as a professional speaker? Then we invite you to stick around for our hottest tips on how to grasp the reins and be in full control of your speaking career. In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline Nagle begins by discussing the top 5 challenges that repeatedly come up among speakers based on conversations and masterclasses. Jacqueline offers insights and tips on how to overcome these stumbling blocks. She touches on the importance of starting with what you have and where you are. Jacqueline also emphasises the value of strong content, identifying your specific market's stages, and positioning yourself credibly through collateral and a digital footprint that communicate clearly your clients can trust their audience to you. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
36: The Secret to Flawless Presentations
March 11, 2024 • 24 MIN
Are you craving the ability to be able to deliver every speech flawlessly? Would you like to make that a predictable part of your speaking career? In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline emphasises the value of scripting your speeches to maximise effective delivery. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
35: Becoming a Memorable Speaker: It’s All in the Engine Room
February 12, 2024 • 22 MIN
Are you constantly struggling to embed yourself into the memory of your audience? Are you wondering why speaking referrals come by so infrequently? If you nodded along to these questions, then you must stick around to find out exactly how you can repeatedly draft impactful speeches for your audiences. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
34: Want To Stand Out? Then Flip Your Thinking
February 7, 2024 • 20 MIN
Have you heard - or are you guilty of falling into - the Clever Trap? It’s a phenomenon that strikes which shows up as cramming too much in! And that is a problem in more ways than you can imagine. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
33: It's More Than How You Make Them Feel: Speaking To Be Remembered
February 6, 2024 • 14 MIN
Do your audiences love hearing you speak but can't remember what you talked about? Learn how to move beyond just making people feel good to giving them something tangible they can use. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
32: Raising Women Up: "Don't Empower Me, Pay Me”
January 31, 2024 • 11 MIN
Did you know that on the very day — International Women's Day — meant to honour and empower women, many female speakers are asked to speak for free? In this episode, Jacqueline unpacks the essence and revolutionary origins of International Women's Day (IWD). To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
31: The Tough Love Pep Talk Every Aspiring Speaker Needs to Hear: Are You All In or All Out?
January 29, 2024 • 13 MIN
Are you an emerging speaker having difficulty finding the courage to raise your voice? Do you feel you are not given enough opportunities to share your craft? In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline confronts a common dilemma for aspiring speakers – claiming that speaking is a priority but not fully committing to it. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
30: Great Speakers are MADE, not Born: in Conversation with Carmine Gallo
January 24, 2024 • 62 MIN
What transforms an idea into a movement? How do speeches stir emotions that change hearts and minds? In this episode, Jacqueline has a powerful conversation with bestselling author and communication coach Carmine Gallo as he dives into his lifelong obsession with understanding what makes powerful and persuasive communication. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
29: Hook Hearts and Change Minds With Emotion Mapping
January 22, 2024 • 12 MIN
Are you yearning to create deeper, stronger emotional connections with your audiences because you know these can more effectively catalyse changes in their perspectives? In this episode, Jacqueline dives into the critical strategy of emotion mapping for impactful speaking. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
28: Influence Vs Influencer : The Impact of Social Media on Storytelling
January 10, 2024 • 18 MIN
In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline explores the difference between being an influencer and having true influence. We all know influencers as those who promote products on social media to drive purchases from their followers. Jacqueline defines influence as the ability to affect how someone develops, behaves, or thinks. Jacqueline advises nurturing both influencer and influence expertise. She encourages us to use influencer strategies to grow business while investing in enhancing skills of influence for the long term. Impactful storytelling takes centrestage in this endeavour. To build influence and become an impactful influencer Mastering stories that captivate hearts and minds is vital for getting and holding attention. This episode will compel you to value true influence alongside influencer strategies so we can effectively connect with people, shift perspectives, and change the world around us. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
27: Mastering Performance Skills: From Journalist to Transformational Speaker with Australian Broadcast Journalist Sophie Scott OAM
January 8, 2024 • 46 MIN
In this profound episode of The Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline Nagle lets us in on an illuminating conversation with Sophie Scott, an accomplished Australian journalist who boldly transitioned into professional speaking and carved out remarkable success for herself. Sophie offers insights from delivering her first TEDx talk on recovering from burnout. She reveals a crucial realisation — that she needs to evolve from being a straightforward, instructive journalist to becoming an engaging, relatable speaker. Jacqueline and Sophie dive deeper into key learnings, including narrowing content to impactfully deliver what the audience can absorb, the discomfort of new challenges, letting messages land through strategic pausing, and grounding yourself physically when you’re up on stage. Sophie also stresses embodying emotions so audiences feel moved rather than just informed. This enlightening and amusing episode lets us further unearth other gems — the significance of vocal variety, the concept of being in the Second Circle when presenting, and the value of discerning feedback. Peppered with vulnerable reflections and sprinkled with laughter, this episode will leave you feeling connected, motivated, and re-energized about the exhilarating craft of impactful speaking. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
26: Story Shaping 103: The Charisma Pattern
January 3, 2024 • 17 MIN
The charisma pattern is a revelation that goes beyond the conventional understanding of charisma. It's not about appearances and how people show up. Rather, it centres on language and the words we choose. In this transformative episode of the Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline Nagle draws attention to the confusion that typically arises when conversations seem to go awry, emphasising that it's often because individuals are essentially speaking different languages. She then unveils the crux of the problem — representational systems and their roles in our varied ways of making sense of the world around us. Jacqueline then unravels the secrets of the charisma pattern — a revolutionary technique in the sphere of effective communication and making your messages universally heard and your audiences universally seen. Understanding and practising the charisma pattern is a game-changer for anyone seeking to master the art of impactful communication. Tune in to this episode to gain access to tools for crossing communication barriers and connecting with a broader audience. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
25: Story Shaping 102: The Secrets of Story Activation
January 1, 2024 • 19 MIN
When speaking to an audience, it’s crucial to always elicit a response, maintain engagement, avoid narrative disconnects, and cultivate trust and connection. In this episode of the Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline Nagle explores the concept of story activation. She discusses its value in creating stimulating interactions, forging strong connections, and building credibility as a speaker. Jacqueline shares 12 critical tips for successfully activating your stories. Her key insights include staying true to the Blue Apple, creating space for your audience to lean into your story, and the importance of specificity as you avoid generalisations. She also highlights the value of truth and accuracy in storytelling so you can more effectively land your messages. If your aim is to activate a visceral, emotional response in your audience and foster trust and connection through authentic and engaging stories, this episode will equip you with the techniques you need. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
24: Story Shaping 101: The Structure of Story
December 20, 2023 • 20 MIN
Simply telling stories, no matter how interesting or exciting, will not always be enough to captivate your audience. You need to deliberately craft narratives that draw them in and allow them to connect with you on a deeper level. In this episode of the Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline dives into the secrets of shaping compelling stories. She underscores the value of structuring stories — a critical skill that will help you evaluate your story’s strength, create space for connection, and reinforce key messages. Jacqueline outlines five structures that will help you creatively shape your stories. She also shares examples of these structures through her own stories, as well as those of others she has come across. No story structure is inherently better than another — the key is to use these story frames to land your messages and create maximum impact. So, if you’re eager to find out how you can move your audiences from being mere passive listeners to wanting to actively lean in, this episode is a must! To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
23: Your Business Stories: The 3 Stories to Share with Your Audiences
December 18, 2023 • 15 MIN
Creating messages which resonate with your audience is a skill that requires consideration, sincerity, and charisma. In this episode of the Speaker Driven Business podcast, Jacqueline explores the importance of crafting three core stories for your business: your Business Story of Origin, your North Star Story, and your Witnessed Stories. Identifying and curating these stories will allow you to connect more authentically with your audience and step into the full truth and power of your purpose. Your Business Story of Origin, in particular, will establish trust and get audiences buying into you by revealing the problem you solve, the promise you make, and the way in which you help solve that problem. Your North Star story serves as your compass, proclaiming the bold and audacious future you envision, a world in which your services may in fact be obsolete - because you’ve solved the core problem. Jacqueline suggests viewing these as legacy building stories that can outlive you and keep your mission going. The concept of the Witnessed Story, already discussed in a previous episode, is expanded on in this episode to bolster your business story telling ability. Eager to take your storytelling skills to new heights? Then tune in to this episode for more insights on how your business stories can make a strong and lasting impact on your audience. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
22: Crafting Compelling Stories Using the 5 Key Story Types
December 13, 2023 • 18 MIN
We all love a good story. However, some speakers rely on a short, recurring list of personal stories that fail to fully captivate audiences. In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline reveals the secret recipe that sets professional storytellers apart from the rest — strategic diversity in story forms. Jacqueline aims the spotlight on five fundamental story types that should be in every speaker's toolkit. If your speeches rely on the same old stories, this episode will definitely expand and enhance your storytelling repertoire. Join us for an in-depth discussion on the story types that separate amateur speakers from the pros. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
21: It's Not All About You - Crafting Impactful Stories That Resonate
December 11, 2023 • 11 MIN
Even when drawing from personal lived experiences, compelling speakers must shape their stories to allow audiences to relate. Your stories shouldn't just be about your own truth — they must resonate with your audiences’ truths as well. In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline Nagle stresses that with great power comes great responsibility. You have the power to share your stories in a way that effectively and impactfully gets your message across, but you also have to ensure your stories remain truthful. Additionally, if you are sharing traumatic stories, you must always remember to guide your audience back and out of the darkness. Just as importantly, we should only speak into something when we can share from a place of strength, power, and grace. As Jacqueline highlights, this allows audiences to feel safe with you even when your stories are heavy. Tune in as Jacqueline shares pivotal rules for crafting stories that resonate so you can punch through the barriers to move and inspire your audiences. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
20: Common Mistakes That Make Speakers Fail at Storytelling
December 6, 2023 • 18 MIN
Storytelling tops the list of critical skills for impactful speaking. Yet, with over 1 billion Google results on compelling storytelling, why do so many speakers still fail to effectively connect with their audiences? In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline exposes some of the most common mistakes that can turn interesting stories into mere self-indulgent ramblings. She talks about how to avoid common pitfalls, such as pure narration with no audience connection, over-immersion that goes too deep into details, positioning yourself as the hero rather than the guide, and negligence - sharing deep and dark elements without the skill or awareness to bring audiences back out from the experience. Additionally, Jacqueline discusses the metaphor of the 5-year-old gatekeeper, how even the most competent speakers struggle to drop listeners from their heads to their hearts, and why logic and facts rarely persuade them to open up. If you’re eager to harness the power of storytelling without falling into these traps, tune into this episode where Jacqueline offers tips for unlocking the full capability of stories to influence audiences. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
19: The Key to Impactful Speaking - Structure Matters!
December 4, 2023 • 17 MIN
Some speakers, even the most passionate ones, believe good content is enough to captivate all audiences. The truth is, without deliberate structure, even the most knowledgeable and experienced speakers struggle to guide listeners from where they are, to where they want them to be, to where they never even imagined! In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline explains why structure and framework matter, and why winging it won’t always work, even if you consider yourself highly creative. Jacqueline outlines the core structures top speakers use to transform listener perspectives. Additionally, she expounds on when to adhere strictly to structures, when expertise and experience grant flexibility and freedom, and why mastering the rules allows bending them once you build necessary muscle. If you want to guide audiences to unexpected revelations instead of just sharing valuable information, this episode will definitely equip you to leverage frameworks for maximum impact. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
18: The Biggest Mistake In Speaking That Keeps You Stuck
November 29, 2023 • 18 MIN
Engaging audiences, bringing something that surprises and delights without overwhelming them, is the art of impactful speaking. In this episode of Speaker Driven Business podcast, Jacqueline unpacks the common mistake speakers make of overwhelming audiences by cramming presentations full of excessive information. She introduces the concept of "power of 7", a systematic way to capture all ideas and then pare them down to the most impactful points. Avoiding overload by the "clever trap" and sticking to the “power of 7”, like effective TED talks, ensures audiences stay engaged AND retain insights - Transforming you from a clever speaker to an impactful speaker who serves their audience. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
17: Blue Apple Strategy
November 27, 2023 • 16 MIN
Are you a speaker looking to stand out and captivate your audience? If so, you're in for a treat. In this episode, Jacqueline introduces us to the enigmatic Blue Apple Strategy. The Blue Apple Strategy originated from a stunning Shutterstock image Jacqueline discovered, depicting a blue apple. The Blue Apple was once just an aesthetic curiosity, but now symbolises the essence of what speakers need to convey – the perfect balance between uniqueness and recognisability. So, if you're a speaker ready to break through the noise and truly connect with your audience, dive into this episode. The Blue Apple Strategy is your secret weapon, waiting to transform your speaking career into something extraordinary. Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionise your approach to speaking – the Blue Apple awaits! WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
16: You Want Attention When You Speak? Then Master The Attention Snap
November 22, 2023 • 8 MIN
In the grand stage of speaking, there's a critical technique for captivating audiences. It has the power to intrigue and leave the audience spellbound. In this brief episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline dives into the powerful concept of Attention Snap. Attention Snap is invaluable yet overlooked by many speakers. Without an effective attention snap, audiences may start to disengage and wonder "What's in it for me?" even if the opening stories resonate. As Jacqueline outlines what the attention snap is, when to use it, and why it's so important for landing your ideas with an audience you will learn how to transform your speeches into unforgettable performances. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
15: My Love Hate Relationship with Ted Talks
November 20, 2023 • 17 MIN
TED Talks have taken the world by storm, captivating audiences with their brilliant speakers and conveying transformative ideas. These talks have become a global phenomenon, setting the gold standard for speaking. However, in this episode, we talk about my love-hate relationship with Ted Talks - which can seem a little perplexing! The love aspect is undeniable, I am enamoured by the power of a great TED Talk. It's that electrifying moment when a speaker steps onto the stage, armed with a profound idea, and begins to weave a narrative that can change lives. Yet, beneath this infatuation, my heart harbors a nagging reservation. Because I sometimes find TEDx events fall short of their potential. My love-hate relationship with TED Talks is a reflection of both the brilliance and the occasional misalignment with their intended purpose. It's a reminder that speakers must strive to embody the power of the core principles of TED Talks - having a single transformative idea, crafting logical and engaging narratives, and leaving audiences with a call to action or a vision of a better world. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
14: The 5 Keys to Powerful Speaking
November 15, 2023 • 18 MIN
The art of captivating an audience, effectively conveying your message, and leaving a lasting impact is a skill that can truly distinguish you as a speaker. In this episode, we delve into the 5 keys to powerful speaking that can elevate your speak-ability and make a lasting impression. Each of these keys, which we uncover in this episode, serves as a valuable component of the puzzle, contributing to the development of powerful speaking skills. They provide you with the guidance you need to become intentional and strategic in your communication, ensuring your message is clear, impactful - and unforgettable. By incorporating these principles into your speaking practices, you can enhance your ability to engage and influence your audience, setting the stage for effective communication no matter the context. This episode is a significant stepping stone in your journey to becoming a more impactful and influential speaker. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
13: One Bold Idea
November 13, 2023 • 17 MIN
We need to have a conversation about what is the first hurdle for almost every speaker. It's a common challenge that many passionate and knowledgeable entrepreneurs, experts and aspiring speakers encounter—the urge to speak on a wide array of topics. Even though the key to standing out on the speaking stage lays in having One Bold Idea. In this episode, we dive right into the zone of crafting a clear and impactful message. Having the belief that speakers can speak on every topic under the sun due to intelligence and rich experience leads us straight into the clever trap - and being stuck in your speaking. Throughout this conversation, Jacqueline offers valuable insights into the significance of a focused message in speaking. She emphasises the importance of concentration and equips us with the tools needed to discover our own One Bold Idea. Are you ready to uncover the secrets of impactful speaking and identify your own One Bold Idea? Then this episode is your gateway to success in the world of speaking. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
12: This Is How They Find You
November 8, 2023 • 16 MIN
In the speaking arena, a common dilemma for entrepreneurs, experts and aspiring speakers is the relentless quest to find the ideal audiences. Whilst you must be prepared to outbound hustle a little, the secret to success actually lies not in tirelessly searching for your audience – but in becoming so damn good that your audience comes to find you. In this episode, we blow your mind open as to just what it takes to become an in-demand speaker That instead of relentlessly chasing potential audiences, you commit completely to honing your speaking skills to a level that magnetically attracts (the right) people to you. Being discovered doesn't mean waiting for opportunities to come your way, nor burning yourself out in high-hustle mode It involves actively making yourself extraordinary - ensuring your audiences can't resist seeking you out. Tune in to this episode as we explore just how to become sought after in the world of speaking. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
11: Becoming a Speaker Superstar: Nine Key Elements for Creating Demand
November 6, 2023 • 14 MIN
We all know that a compelling presence on platforms like Facebook Lives, Reels, or TikTok is essential, but that alone doesn't make you a great speaker. In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, we examine the nine key elements for creating demand through speaking. Communication has undergone a radical transformation in the last decade and this has provided a battleground for attention - making it no surprise that being a great speaker has never been more vital. In this episode we will walk you through the nine elements for creating demand to provide a clear, actionable framework for those who want to make a real impact through their speaking. Tune in, absorb the knowledge, and be ready to take action.because It's time to step onto the stage and become a sought-after speaker who captivates, inspires, and ultimately, drives change. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
10: Discovering Your Speaking Zone of Genius
November 1, 2023 • 14 MIN
Authenticity in public speaking is not just a buzzword; it's a transformative force that can make or break your message. In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, we delve into the importance of speaking in your zone of genius. The episode's core message revolves around the idea that speakers should embrace their authentic selves. Jacqueline shares anecdotes of individuals who despite being advised otherwise, chose to speak about what they truly believed in. Their journeys highlight the importance of speaking from the heart and aligning your message with your expertise and passion. A speaker-driven business champions the idea that the right to speak comes from speaking about what truly matters to you, from your lived and work experiences, and from your "zone of genius." This episode is a reminder that the most impactful and in-demand speakers are those who refuse to compromise their authenticity for fleeting trends or profit. Let's dive in. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
09: Keynote Speaking Misconceptions
October 30, 2023 • 18 MIN
In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, we dive deep into the world of speaking and uncover seven common misconceptions that may well be holding you back from delivering truly captivating and memorable speeches. Jacqueline, our resident guest, breaks down these misconceptions and sheds light on how understanding them can transform your speaking game. Keynote speakers are the architects of impactful events, setting the stage and leading the way. By tuning in, you'll learn how to steal the secrets of the great keynote speakers to make your speech resonate, inspire, and leave a lasting impression on your audience. So, if you're ready to elevate your speaking skills and create unforgettable moments, join us in this episode as we tackle the keynote speaking misconceptions head-on. Don't miss out – it's time to unlock your full potential as a speaker! Tune in now on Apple Podcasts or favourite platform and start your journey towards becoming a master of the stage. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
08: The Power of Scripting: Staying on Time and Engaging Your Audience
October 25, 2023 • 7 MIN
Welcome to another episode of Speaker Driven Business! If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, you know that effective communication is key to your success. Today, we're diving into a common dilemma faced by speakers – the challenge of managing your time during speaking engagements. Have you ever struggled to stay within the allotted time for your speech? Or perhaps you've run short, leaving event organizers in a tough spot? And we can almost guarantee if you’ve been in the audience, you’ve been subjected to speakers who run completely over time – annoying us AND the organisers. Well, in this super fast episode, we've got a game-changing solution for you – it's all about the power of scripting and word count management. So, if you're ready to take your speaking skills to the next level, don't miss this episode of Speaker Driven Business. Tune in now and unlock the power of scripting for success! WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
07: Red Zone to Gold Zone Mastery: Your Path to Impactful Speaking
October 23, 2023 • 17 MIN
Welcome to a brand new episode of Speaker Driven Business, where we're diving deeper into the world of speaking. If you're an entrepreneur or business owner looking to elevate your speaking game and turn your passion into a profitable profession, this episode is a must-listen. In this insightful discussion, we explore the transformative journey every speaker must take – from being in the "red zone" to achieving "gold zone mastery." It's your roadmap to becoming an impactful speaker who receives praise AND also sees tangible results. We introduce you to The Tipping Point Framework, a crucial concept for speakers who may be feeling exhausted, confused, or financially unfulfilled in their speaking careers. We'll help you assess if you're truly connecting with your audience, inspiring action, and achieving your desired outcomes. Get ready to uncover the secrets of success in the speaking world. We'll delve into the importance of feedback, the power of structured content, and the art of forging a personal connection with your audience. Plus, we'll reveal the ultimate "trifecta" that marks a speaker's true success: being rebooked by organizers, booked by an audience member, referred to another booking – or picking up significant pieces of work, and the perfect client. Tune in now to learn how to master the art of impactful speaking and start achieving the results you've always dreamed of. Your path to success starts right here. Listen to the full episode now and start your journey to becoming an impactful speaker. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
06: How much money CAN I MAKE from Speaking
October 18, 2023 • 19 MIN
Have you ever wondered just how much speakers can earn for their words? How does one transition from free speaking to commanding six, seven, or even eight-figure fees? In this episode, we're diving deep into the price and scale of professional speaking and unlocking the secrets to the financial success journey speakers undertake. Starting from the ground up, this episode outlines the stages of a speaker's financial ascent. We discover the significance of crafting a compelling message and the revenue transformation it can bring. From selling out coaching programs to securing private clients, major projects and landing prestigious speaking engagements, the possibilities are boundless. Success is not solely measured in dollars but in the impact speakers create. You have the power to define your destiny and now the stage is set, and the spotlight awaits—how far will you take your speaking career? WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
05: Calling BS on Fear of Speaking
October 16, 2023 • 16 MIN
Fear, the age-old nemesis of speakers, often prowls in the background, waiting to strike at the very heart of our confidence. Conventional wisdom suggests that this is fear's sinister grip, paralysing us, but what if we flipped the script? What if I told you that fear isn't the enemy? In this exciting episode of Speaker Driven Business, we discover the power of certainty and how it's reshaping the way speakers perceive and conquer their fears. Fear isn't an instruction to retreat; it's an indicator, a signal from your body that you're on the brink of something significant. When harnessed correctly, fear becomes a compass pointing you toward your full potential. Embrace it, study its cues, and use it as the fuel to ignite your passion for sharing your wisdom and genius with the world. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
04: Silencing Self-Doubt: Strategies to Embrace Your Inner Critic and Empower Your Outer Voice
October 11, 2023 • 16 MIN
Here is an inconvenient truth when it comes to speaking up and speaking into anything that matters. You cannot power pose yourself into lasting confidence - especially when it comes to speaking from a stage, a platform, in any room. If you have ever found yourself silenced by self-doubt, standing in the shadows of your own potential, longing to speak into what you know to be true about the world - yet held captive by the power of unrelenting inner critic, then this episode is for you. In today's episode of Speaker Driven Business we are going to explain just what is really going on when you feel nervous, have clammy hands, lose your words, feel your tongue thicken and your throat close. It is not what you think and it is just one of the myths we bust in this game changing episode. But this isn’t just a series of opinions - we’re going to share with you some of the key strategies we have previously only shared with our clients that will give you the secrets you need to wrap your inner critic back into the love of your inner voice, claim the speaking confidence that is your birthright - and to be able to speak with strength, power, and grace. This is not an episode to be missed. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
03: We Need To Talk About Speaking Authentically
October 11, 2023 • 16 MIN
The world demands we speak authentically. Every single person who has speaking in their sights wants to ensure they are – and are seen to be – speaking authentically. Yet why does it seem elusive? Why does the promise of ‘learning to speak authentically’ still get our attention? If authenticity is about being real, why is it something we need to ‘learn’? In this episode of Speaker Driven Business we throw light into what is wrong with the promises in the speaker training and coaching industry, and unlock the one key to authentic speaking that accelerates your ability to connect with your audience in a way that is both authentic and compelling. It is the single most transformative part of our work, and will gift you the permission to be who you are whatever the stage, and align your speaking style, stage presence and message with your core identity – ensuring you create unforgettable connections with your audience. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
02: The Very Definition of a Speaker Driven Business
October 9, 2023 • 19 MIN
A speaker-driven business is one where your spoken word content is the most powerful strategy you have to reach your markets. Whether you are a business leader, an expert in your field, or someone driven solely by the desire to inspire through speaking, you're in the business of communicating with impact. But it's more than simply mastering the craft of speaking, it's about aligning that craft with the right strategy. In this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline breaks down this business landscape into distinct categories, dispelling the myths of how to build the skills of persuasion and influence through speaking so that you can move people from where they are now to where you want them to be Your speaker driven business category determines the how, where, and why of your speaking journey. It guides your approach to building connections, amplifying your reach, and achieving your goals. Now, let's dive in, explore the categories, and elevate your speaking game to new heights. WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
01: How Do I Get Paid to Speak
October 9, 2023 • 16 MIN
Most of us know we need to become a successful speaker to go after the stages, platforms and businesses of our dreams. But it is not an easy dream to achieve - demonstrated by the fact the most frequent questions we get asked is how do I get paid as a speaker, and how do I get the gigs. And our answer is best summed up by you’re asking the wrong question. In this quick episode of Speaker Driven Business Podcast, we will give you the right question to ask, and explore the three key strategies to speaking success, a guide that anyone looking to integrate speaking success to their world should keep close. The truth is the journey to your speaking success is an achievable one. With these three powerful strategies, you can set yourself on a path to becoming a sought-after and influential voice in your field. Don't miss out on the chance to turn your speaking dreams into reality, your journey begins now! WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
00: The Art of Speaking: How to Build a Speaker Driven Business
October 6, 2023 • 16 MIN
"How do I get paid to speak?" Over the past seven years, the question most frequently asked of Jacqueline is this one. Although this is an interesting question with numerous ways to answer, if you're an aspiring speaker, this is actually the wrong question. In this pilot episode of Speaker Driven Business, host Jacqueline Nagle shares her speaker journey and how she turned this passion into a well-established career.