Speaker Driven Business
34: Want To Stand Out? Then Flip Your Thinking
February 7, 2024
Have you heard - or are you guilty of falling into - the Clever Trap? It’s a phenomenon that strikes which shows up as cramming too much in! And that is a problem in more ways than you can imagine. To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram.
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Have you heard - or are you guilty of falling into - the Clever Trap?  It’s a phenomenon that strikes which shows up as cramming too much in! And that is a problem in more ways than you can imagine. 

Have you heard - or are you guilty of falling into - the Clever Trap?  It’s a phenomenon that strikes which shows up as cramming too much in! And that is a problem in more ways than you can imagine. 

But in this episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline shares strategies for creating powerful speech content by tapping into your deepest wisdom and experiences - and focussing in on one bold idea that will create the greatest impact. 

She outlines a step-by-step process for brainstorming content that will help spur new thinking while resisting the urge to prejudge any ideas during the creative flow. You will also discover techniques on how to move from scattered thinking to targeted content creation. 

By mining your personal expertise and effectively communicating their true essence, you can create talks that deeply resonate with your audience. This episode will equip you with the tools you need to develop presentations that go beyond information to transformation.



Blue Apple
Neuro-Storming Process Worksheet

To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram and join our Facebook Group.