Speaker Driven Business
08: The Power of Scripting: Staying on Time and Engaging Your Audience
October 25, 2023
Welcome to another episode of Speaker Driven Business! If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, you know that effective communication is key to your success. Today, we're diving into a common dilemma faced by speakers – the challenge of managing your time during speaking engagements. Have you ever struggled to stay within the allotted time for your speech? Or perhaps you've run short, leaving event organizers in a tough spot? And we can almost guarantee if you’ve been in the audience, you’ve been subjected to speakers who run completely over time – annoying us AND the organisers. Well, in this super fast episode, we've got a game-changing solution for you – it's all about the power of scripting and word count management. So, if you're ready to take your speaking skills to the next level, don't miss this episode of Speaker Driven Business. Tune in now and unlock the power of scripting for success! WHERE TO FIND JACQUELINE NAGLE Website:https://anygiventuesday.com.au/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anygiventuesday_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anygiven.t/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUb97FbwNPFI3a0gIPQKg4g/featured
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Welcome to another episode of Speaker Driven Business! If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, you know that effective communication is key to your success. Today, we're diving into a common dilemma faced by speakers – the challenge of managing your time during speaking engagements.

Have you ever struggled to stay within the allotted time for your speech? Or perhaps you've run short, leaving event organizers in a tough spot?

And we can almost guarantee if you’ve been in the audience, you’ve been subjected to speakers who run completely over time – annoying us AND the organisers.

Well, in this super fast episode, we've got a game-changing solution for you – it's all about the power of scripting and word count management.

So, if you're ready to take your speaking skills to the next level, don't miss this episode of Speaker Driven Business. Tune in now and unlock the power of scripting for success!



"One of the reasons why we script is we want to become the darlings of the people who pay us." -Jacqueline Nagle

"We're trying to make sure that we remove all opportunities for disconnection. And speaking too slow is a major opportunity for disconnection from your audience." -Jacqueline Nagle

To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram and join our Facebook Group.