Speaker Driven Business
44: The Speaker's Guide to Monetizing Your Craft
May 13, 2024
Want to know how to turn your speaking prowess into a revenue-generating powerhouse? In this game-changing episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline spills the beans on the often-overlooked strategies to monetize your craft. Discover the five reasons people speak, the three phases of making money, and how you can make money from or through speaking.
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Want to know how to turn your speaking prowess into a revenue-generating powerhouse? 

In this game-changing episode of Speaker Driven Business, Jacqueline spills the beans on the often-overlooked strategies to monetize your craft. Discover the five reasons people speak, the three phases of making money, and how you can make money from or through speaking. 

Remember, speaking is more than just a performance — it's a powerful business tool. With Jacqueline's ingenious insights, you'll learn to leverage your speaking skills to create a sustainable income stream. Whether you're a professional speaker, an expert, or a movement founder, this episode equips you with the strategies to turn your voice into a money-making machine.


To connect and learn more about creating a Speaker Driven Business connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn. You can also follow Jacqueline on Instagram and join our Facebook Group.