Channel Business Podcast with Hanne
Welcome to the Channel Business Podcast with Hanne! In these Channel Business Podcast -episodes and stories, You will hear, learn and get to grab valuable tips from amazing leaders, role models, and entrepreneurs around the world from various industries, who have been through struggles, risen above, and seen the world from many sides to succeed in business and have joy in their life. We will talk about all facets of life, and what is truly essential in channeling business forward. I’m your Channel Business Podcast host Hanne Nuutinen, Global Business Influencer, Mentor, and Speaker, On a mission to share experiences, encourage and inspire leaders like you and empower women to take the next step forward. Channeling possibilities beyond impossible, locally and globally.
Channel Business Podcast: Unleashing Insider Insights to Empower Aspiring Entrepreneurs
April 12, 2023 • 1 MIN
Welcome to the Channel Business Podcast with Hanne! In these Channel Business Podcast -episodes and stories, You will hear, learn and get to grab valuable tips from amazing leaders, role models, entrepreneurs, and humans around the world from various industries, who have been through struggles, risen above, and seen the world from many sides to succeed in business and have joy in their life. We will talk about all facets of life, and what is essential in channeling business forward. I’m your Channel Business Podcast host Hanne Nuutinen, Global Business Influencer, Mentor, and Speaker. On a mission to share experiences, encourage and inspire leaders like you and empower women to take the next step forward. Channeling possibilities beyond impossible, locally and globally
The importance of leader(-hip)s agility ( featuring Chuen Chuen Yeo with Hanne )
May 2, 2023 • 62 MIN
The importance of a leader(-hip)s agility ( featuring Chuen Chuen Yeo with Hanne ). Chuen Chuen Yeo is an award-winning executive coach and the creator of the agile leadership framework of ACESENCE. The podcast discusses the importance of leadership agility in today's business world and how to become an agile leader. They cover topics such as the difference between a regular leader and an agile leader, updating definitions and practices, being a positive role model, and accelerating transformation. The focus is on providing impactful and actionable strategies for increasing effectiveness as an agile leader.
Global Leadership – Moving Possibility into Reality (Featuring Blaine Bartlett)
May 9, 2023 • 64 MIN
Transforming leaders and leadership to make a positive impact. Mastering the process of changing behavior is one of the most important skills we can develop as leaders. 95% of all behavior is the result of an unconscious mindset. Which is why producing a sustainable change is so difficult. But If you are dedicated to creating sustainable, long-lasting results this episode of Channel Business Podcast is for you. We are moving possibilities into reality through leadership. Are you curious about wanting to boost efficiency, creativity, and problem-solving within yourself and your teams? Well, this episode is the one to listen to and learn from how and what leaders must and must not do. Considered a major innovative voice in the areas of leadership development, organizational development, and change management, Blaine and Hanne will take us to dive deep into this. We will acquire an arsenal of actionable ideas and strategies to increase your and your organization's productivity, efficiency, behavior, and thinking. Blaine brings over 40+ years of powerful experience into the conversation for you to grab the essential tips and apply them to your daily activities. Blaine has gathered his insights while working with various This will definitely guide you to transform your business to the next level, with elegance. “My life's work is dedicated to ensuring that business leaders develop the skills, competency, and capacity to lead such an undertaking as it is key to them, their people, and their organizations thriving.”
Global Leadership through the eyes of a woman ( Featuring Dr. Peggy Rose )
May 16, 2023 • 76 MIN
Global leadership through the eyes of a woman. This episode is dedicated to women and global leadership and how to make an impact that lasts. We know that by empowering women you can impact and change the life of the whole village. Through the message and insights of this episode, we want to empower women and help them to find hope, purpose, and strength through leadership and faith. Dr. Peggy Rose has been through a lot in her own life which has paved her way to help the underprivileged around the world. You will hear and get guidance on how women can align life, and leadership principles with the vision and values that are placed in her heart, by God, for His glory. Whether you believe in God or not. She says: “We have all been given specific talents and blessings from the Lord that we use daily in our personal sphere of influence. Peggy will share her wisdom and principles that she believes are crucial to our Christian leadership mission.” All this applies to you no matter what you believe in, the universe, or God. Peggy has served in Women’s Ministry, Executive Leadership Development, Anti-trafficking, and Women’s Studies within churches, non-profit organizations, and seminaries with extensive experience in cross-cultural training for women in leadership and bringing opportunities for those under persecution in the most hostile areas of the world. Dr. Peggy Rose is a very easy to talk to, compassioned lady who just makes you feel so loved and respected. Peggy has spoken numerous times at National and International conferences and she has trained leaders globally for over 15 years in Latin America, United States, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. If you wish to know how to truly impact and help any leader to overcome cultural differences and understand the power of individuals behind their stories, listen to this episode and learn how cultural differences are overcome.
The Power of Mindset When Transforming Your Life ( Featuring Craig Siegel )
May 23, 2023 • 51 MIN
Removing limiting beliefs is the key to success in all areas of life. Most people feel unworthy. Here comes into the picture of our today’s guest speaker, Craig Siegel, who helps people release their negative beliefs they have cultivated over time. You will hear and learn how to implement positive and constructive thoughts, which then create powerful and positive beliefs that change your behaviors and ultimately create brand-new results in your relationships, business, and all facets of life. Craig illustrates the power of the second thought. Craig Siegel is a value-based and high-energy Global Keynote Speaker and rising thought leader, as featured in Entrepreneur and endorsed by some of the world’s most well-known celebrities, entertainers, athletes, and entrepreneurs, such as Rob Dyrdek, Ed Mylett, David Meltzer. Craig is a born and raised New Yorker, who from a young age always knew that he was meant for more but was unable to put it all together. When the pandemic happened, Craig felt spiritually guided. He left his lucrative and comfortable job on Wall Street and went all-in with his passion and purpose to help people upgrade their mindsets and fulfill their potential. Craig and Hanne have worked together in the past years.
Why Should Startups Have The Mindset Towards Exit ? ( Featuring Gregory Shepard )
May 30, 2023 • 59 MIN
Why should startups have the mindset toward exit? If you wanna have real tips to navigate your startup lifecycle from vision to exit, this episode is especially for you! We get to hear and learn Strategies, Tips & Recommendations for your successful startup Journey from a man who has done it multiple times with exceptional success numbers. He has first-hand information and valuable experiences to share with you on how and why to plan and do exits. Now he leads Boss Startup Science with his amazing team to help more startups design their success, 1 founder at a time. This man is Gregory Shepard, a"Visionary Leader, Connector, and our very own Leeroy Jenkins". We may ask WHY? Greg simply says: “Because wealth inequality is directly tied to entrepreneurship. 95% of people who get out of check-to-check living do so by selling a business.” Greg will share his wisdom in a very practical way what he has learned over the years in Silicon Valley, US, and elsewhere to make business successful by the terms you define and decide. “We learned that founders keep making the same mistakes and these mistakes can be avoided. And the problems that lead to these mistakes center around people, knowledge, and financial resources.” Greg is an acknowledged investor, Forbes podcast host, TEDx speaker, entrepreneur, speaker, and philanthropist, and he has won 4 private equity awards, done 12 successful exits, made over $1 billion in transactions, and done 14 investments. Greg’s publications can be found ie. Fortune, Entrepreneur, The New York Observer, The DEAL, and Thrive Global which allow him, according to his words, to share with their audiences often. His TedX talk seems to inspire people which makes him also very happy. Greg likes connecting with students of business at universities and says he feels his work has a purpose.
The Significance of Storytelling in your business, featuring Marsha Vanwynsberghe (CAN) and Jennifer Yassen (USA)
June 6, 2023 • 63 MIN
Does your branding and storytelling support your vision and actions you wish to create and express to others - staff, clients, partners, and community? How and why should you build brands by using storytelling? The way that you speak and communicate about you and your business impacts people’s minds which will influence how they see, value, and think about you and your services. Marsha Vanwynsberghe (CAN) and Jennifer Yassen (USA) help business owners by storytelling, to benefit their stories, own them and let people know about them and help leaders to grow their businesses. They use their own life experiences to leverage you. Jennifer Yassen is a holistic marketing consultant, brand strategist at The Freed Agency, focusing on helping heart-centered entrepreneurs leverage social media and marketing tactics to increase their awareness and sales and influence! She has an interesting background in the fashion and music industry helping brands and product lines launch innovative collaborations and partnerships. Marsha shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 6 times in collaborative books including “Owning Your Choices”, sharing inspiring stories of courage from women around the world. Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers women how to own and stand on their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact. Storytelling is an old way to pass on stories, ideas, knowledge, and information in various ways to impact and influence on others. It is such a powerful tool which will always leave a mark on your mind about what you have heard. Business life is just getting to understand the importance of storytelling and starting to utilize those stories each company has to give the desired image of you and your brand to others.
Developing leaders for a changing world - Diversity and Inclusion
June 13, 2023 • 61 MIN
Developing Leaders for a changing world - Diversity and Inclusion for future leaders By Kevin Hin ( Monaco / USA ) "Fostering connections between all people for a more integrated and interconnected world." This episode will give you insights and perspective on developing leaders for a changing world. We talk about the importance and benefits of diversity and inclusion in today’s leadership and thriving the world positively forward. Our guest in this episode is Mr. Kevin Hin, a highly-driven British citizen based in Monaco and leading a worldwide organization JCI - Junior Chamber International. Kevin says: “Our organization is developing the next generation of leaders in government, business, and civil society. Thus it is an exciting place to work with people all over the world and help them to unite various backgrounds, beliefs, and habits of doing things in local societies but for the greater good by becoming and being global citizens." He has a strong track record in international brand and business development for companies who want to enhance their image abroad, in various different fields. They open your eyes to see and experience how the business world can make a difference by changing some paradigms and perspectives. JCI gives members the practical experience to become Global Communicators, Entrepreneurs, Changemakers, and Networkers who will drive the change the world needs today and in the future. With Kevin, we are diving deep into the global perspective of developing leadership by the eyes of global citizenship, becoming responsible for your actions as an individual, and driving and making a change via the volunteer-based global organization JCI. Kevin’s experiences include owning and running a hotel in Nice, setting up a successful blog about the French Riviera, being a member of the Palace Press Service team preparing the 2011 Royal Wedding in Monaco, and developing the APM Monaco trendy jewelry brand around Europe and the Middle East.
Doing all that you want in business
June 20, 2023 • 39 MIN
Doing all that you want in business - By Paola Suhonen (Finland) The world needs more courage and bold entrepreneurs who stand on their own feet and bravely use their talents, ambitions and skills, desires and passion with other people around them to thrive and drive innovations through business forward. Why limit ourselves to only one or two things? Paola says that working should be more like an adventure, fun and full of possibilities. Paola calls for courage and losing the limitations that other people tend to set on us. “ Doing all that you want, using all your talents for business expansion and joy of life. “ We will talk about what kind of things you can do in your business and how to expand it into other industries? We will cover entrepreneurs' desires, superpowers, meaning of vision and adjustment to express yourself in multiple ways. The talk will show you how and what it means when you lose limitations and go beyond your dreams to live your life to the fullest and still do good via business. It comes down to expressing yourself through business and putting all that you have into your aspirations. It’s about always developing yourself and finding joy. Paola Suhonen is known to be multifaceted, all-round fine arts experts, Art Director, designer, movie maker, festival organizer and mostly known as the CEO and the Founder of internationally recognized Ivana Helsinki clothing brand which she established with her sister Pirjo in 1998. She says that her business, the fashion company Ivana Helsinki, has become more like a design, planning and production company.
Leader(ship) in sales - By Brett Knopf (USA)
June 27, 2023 • 65 MIN
Leader(ship) in sales - Leadership in sales and cultivating the right mindset to get results. It takes everyday people to extraordinary sales success which is the resource that will accelerate your ability to achieve these goals. When you take a solution based approach to your life and to your business it creates the opportunity for you to best control your intended outcomes. Are you interested in learning easily applied “secrets” that will help you sell at a high level, create wins for all parties involved and put you in position to win your time and financial freedom? In this episode, we will discover the importance of sales and what is the best way to do selling. This episode is for sales peoples and leaders, every ceo should understand and know these tricks to learn how small businesses can improve in sales & selling. You’ll tap into the resource that will accelerate your ability to achieve these goals. With nearly 20 years of high level leadership, management and sales success to draw from Brett is a High Performance Coach with nearly two decades of Leadership and Sales Management experience across multiple verticals and a tremendous track record of helping people and organizations maximize their potential through customized coaching programs where progress is quantitatively measurable. He has spent two decades coaching individuals and businesses to elevate their leadership and sales skill sets to maximize their personal effectiveness and create their optimal outcomes.
How to create team building and customer experience to success stories?
July 4, 2023 • 53 MIN
How to create team building and customer experience to success stories ? Customer success has changed dramatically over the past few years. Before it was account management. Jillian Speckman’s experience building top notch teams, establishing scalable business practices, and global expansion The insights of this episode are truly a gem to any leader who wishes to go global or have success in business endeavors. We will talk about the meaning of a cross-functional customer success team. When your team is solving any problem in a real-life situation, It's all about founders and people to co-create and function together. Question is: Why does any leader, founder, entrepreneur need to build and have a system to support and focus on customer retention? Why should any team be a high performing team? Does a team really need a leader? What does customer success mean to a firm? And How do you manage a team's performance? What is the significance of various roles, skills, talents and personas when building a team and evaluating and choosing its members? What are NPS (Net promoter code) , CES (customer effort score) and CSAT (customer satisfaction score), I recommend you listen to this episode with your ears and mind open to receive the insights of this wonderful and experienced woman, Jill Speckman. She has lent her know-how to companies in all stages: startups, acquisitions, and turnarounds. Jill has unparalleled experience teaching customers how to scale, set KPIs, and budget forecast. Over 200 top brands have trusted Jill’s advice: Bed Bath & Beyond, Tractor Supply, Spirit Halloween, and Alo Yoga to name a few. Jill continues to play an advisory role to Internet retailers. Jill holds a BS degree in Business Marketing from San Jose State University where she interned for the CIA and SETI. Today, Jill works with founders, universities, accelerators, and communities focused on improving the 90% failure rate for early-stage startups.
Food for leaders nourishment and energy - By Chef Marshall O’Brien (USA)
July 14, 2023 • 55 MIN
Do you know that the food that you eat affects your body, your behavior, and your brain's functionality and may get you up or feeling down? Can food actually heal you from diseases? We will dive into the world of food and its meaning in our life - How can we change our habits for healthier and more energetic lifestyles for our own sake? Chef Marshall is a trusted voice for Smart Nutrition, founder and CEO of The Chef Marshall O’Brien Group, who has created numerous materials detailing how Smart Nutrition can improve health and alleviate negative symptoms in one’s body. In this episode “Food for leaders nourishment and Energy”, he will get us to understand best nutrition practices and translate them into foods and recipes that will produce positive nutritional results and taste great. For those looking for tasty and easy recipes, I totally recommend you to dive into his webpage They call this “Putting Delicious in Nutritious.” Chef Marshall O’Brien’s goal is to help adults, kids, and families live better lives with good nutrition, by improving skills and confidence in the kitchen. He is a dynamic speaker who has presented at national conferences and regularly appears on Twin Cities television.
Power of our self image - By Stacey Vanthuyne
July 21, 2023 • 45 MIN
If you wish to level up, and change some parts of your life or in you, it all must begin within you. Tough, right? The Power of our self-image and the impact it has on our result - The question is; How to achieve more in life, in your relationships, your health, and your financial status? Why do people plateau or get stuck? We‘ll talk about how to overcome it and develop confidence from the boardroom to the bedroom! Stacey Vanthuyne is an expert at guiding people to reconnect with their passion, their purpose, and their desire for pleasure. She is a Proctor Gallagher Consultant, having studied the theology of mindset with and being mentored by the legendary Bob Proctor and David Meltzer as well as studying mindset from a more scientific perspective with Dr. Joe Dispenza and NLP with Niurka. She encourages us all to be our World Class You, by leveling up our self-image, self-belief, and awareness of the universal laws and power of our mind to create and experience more in life and relationships with others. So take a step with us to level up your life, confidence, and spirit to the next level and beyond. Plug into life’s party.
Dreams in life - By Sheila Balgobin
July 28, 2023 • 47 MIN
What kind of dreams do you have? What dreams can tell us? Why should you understand your dreams and how they affect your daily life? The dreams we see during our sleep and the visions we may face during meditation or just in the image of our mind may get us confused. Well, I’ve been there. It’s part of the spiritual world that exists among the physical world. Scary? Fascinating? Interesting at least. In this episode we are diving into the power and meaning of our dreams - By understanding your dreams, you can gain confidence and overcome obstacles in your daily life. Sheila Balgobin is The Dream Detective – a 5th generation Dreamer with the gift of dream interpretation. She helps clients improve their sleep with simple techniques and tools as well as teaches people how to interpret and use their dreams to create their dream lives (online or on retreat).In addition, Sheila is a bestselling author, a contributing author to four books, a course facilitator, and a mental fitness coach From Wall Street to London and to Miami, Florida, the USA.
Business behind the wheels - By Kati Huhtala
August 11, 2023 • 55 MIN
Business behind the wheels - By Kati Huhtala (Finland) Finnish ”Sisu” – Almost nothing is impossible when you have the courage to be innovative and, most of all, believe in yourself and your business. Kati Huhtala believes that making logistics more sustainable is done piece by piece and requires continuous and open co-operation. There is quite a lot to learn from this strong visionary woman who turns the wheels towards international transportation business. We will dive into the disruptive actions and courage of how business is led today and what women can do for themselves. Kati Huhtala leads a company that is a role model within the logistic industry in Finland and in Europe. A company that is constantly growing under her leadership. Kati Huhtala is a visionary and proactive woman in the logistic industry, a mother of two children, ceo and the owner of a family business at logistic and transportation company at Kuljetusliike Kalevi Huhtala Ltd. and (truck company) Ysi-Trukit Ltd. She has been working in the same company for over 20 years, spending only a couple of years elsewhere. Kati is also a co-founder of MAJ, a beauty and wellness company established with her sisters. Kati Huhtala believes that if you want something really much, you can do anything. There are no limitations, not even the sky!
Succeed working and leading remotely - By Sanna-Riikka Valtonen
August 18, 2023 • 60 MIN
Remote leadership and hybrid models of doing one's work and steering a business are big part of today’s work life in every industry. That all asks for leaders and team members with new skill sets and openmind. The way we act, behave and set our desires and needs are different from some years ago. When we talk about hybrid work, we need various solutions, ways and habits to succeed as well as to pay attention to different things than we were used to. How can we make needed and desired changes possible and adapt into today's working culture where technology, time zones, different cultures and people are suddenly in front of all of us? How can we stay effective, motivated and maintain our focus on the right things? The challenges we face, the solutions we are able to create and implement into daily life and the habits we are willing to change to succeed will form a successful team thriving the business forward and a company to stay in business. But how is it done? What ways do we need to change our working culture? And does it require everyone's attention and action?
Special Edition : Playful EdTech - By Sari Hurme - Mehtälä (Finland) - Live at Superwood Festival 2022
August 25, 2023 • 44 MIN
Special Edition: Live at Superwood Festival 2022 When your studying and learning is based on playfulness, fun and using imagination and experimental doing you get beyond your boundaries. It doesn't matter whether you are a toddler, university student or global leader or a new entrepreneur. This episode is giving you a new way to look at things and learn your way up and forward. That is where innovation meets science and learning, eventually taking your motivation and studying to a totally new level. Kide Science is a Finnish EdTech company focusing on story-based lesson plans and professional development for teachers of 3-8-year-olds. Their ways of getting kids excited about learning new things and learning-by-doing methods also teach adults a lot. We all should pay attention to playful learning, utilizing more of our imagination, and having fun! Sari Hurme-Mehtälä, CEO and Co-Founder of Kide Science shares part of their company story and lessons learned as a female entrepreneur. We are talking about how EdTech changes the world and what kind of benefits Kide Science Ltd's methods are giving to teachers, leaders, and children in any ability level. As a bonus, it encourages and builds up one's self-confidence. What we learn here is science-based and benefits the Finnish world-renowned education system that is going global in a new playful way.
At the Female Founders Table in Finland - By Anna Pyykkö (Finland)
September 1, 2023 • 30 MIN
At the Female Founders Table in Finland - By Anna Pyykkö (Finland) Finland’s inspiring female founders community is run by Anna Pyykkö. Female Founders Finland (Suomi) wants to encourage female founders and those aspiring to become an entrepreneur to be brave and think big. They are offering a community that supports one another and collaborates. Networking and sparing are one of the key elements for any entrepreneur and especially for women to strive forward. Anna Pyykkö is a generalist (and feminist) with over 15 years of experience in various businesses, positions, and companies. Anna has been planning and executing marketing strategies with the biggest advertiser companies in Finland, organized and led numerous event projects for various companies of all sizes, run a Nordic marketing team in one of the Big Four - the world's largest - consulting companies and started up a community for female entrepreneurs in Finland (at that time, without being an entrepreneur herself). Anna, currently a mom-entrepreneur, is passionate about growing the community, helping female founders to succeed, spreading a positive attitude, and breaking the glass ceilings that still exist. Female Founders Suomi has more than 2,000 followers on different channels and running membership programs. See more (in Finnish) at
Meedio - guidance from your inner world - By Minna Kokki (Finland)
September 8, 2023 • 42 MIN
How does intuition help us in life? In this episode we are diving deep into the inner world and wisdom of ourselves that we all have within us. Our guest is Meedio and lightworker Minna Kokki, from Finland, who says that “Often we people want things but seldom we know what we really need. Hence it’s good to trust that light workers bring to that moment exactly what you need in that particular moment of your life. “ “In my work I help you to find the right kind of path in your spiritual life journey. I organize meetings where it all goes according to light workers guidance and following intuition. Those meetings always go the way of what is best for your highest self.” says Minna Kokki, meedio and energy healer. Lear and see more (in finnish) at Minna’s webpage --------------- “Usein me ihmiset haluamme asioita, mutta harvoin tiedämme mitä oikeasti tarvitsemme. Siksi on hyvä luottaa siihen, että valon auttajat tuovat siihen hetkeen juuri sen mitä tarvitset siinä vaiheessa elämääsi.” Kertoo meedio, Minna Kokki. Mitä sisäinen maailmamme kertoo ja viestii meille? Miten me voimme kuunnella sitä herkemmin ja tarkemmin? Onko elämä intuition avulla helpompaa? Työssäni autan sinua löytämään oikean suunnan henkisellä polullasi. Järjestän istuntoja, joissa istunto etenee valon auttajien ja oman intuitioni johdattelemana. Istunnot etenevät aina sen mukaan, mikä on korkeimman parhaasi hyväksi. Lisäinfoa
From London to Lapland - story of Nålla - By Nilla Länsman
September 15, 2023 • 19 MIN
Beverages entrepreneur and fundamentals-oriented investor coming from one of the most Northern places of Finland, up in Lapland, a town called Inari, says he always finds people and friends wherever he is located or living. And this Sami guy, Nilla Länsman, has been living in many different countries before his calling was to move back to Lapland and his childhood Sami surroundings. He is a world citizen, having lived in Sweden, France, Singapore, Germany and Great Britain. Maybe all that traveling was just to start a totally new business of his own which he got introduced to while being on a business trip some years back in the United States. Now Nålla is a Finnish company specializing in the production, distribution and marketing of hard seltzers. The company name Nålla is pronounced as “nolla”, the Finnish word for “zero”. It’s a drink of Hard seltzers that are a mixture of flavored sparkling water and alcohol. The term “hard seltzer”, however, translates awkwardly to the Finnish language. Nilla, which is one of the traditional Sami names for a boy, says he Graduated with Distinction (top 10%) and worked as a Senior Analyst with responsibilities covering industrials, commodities, consumer goods and services, and fintech spaces in $35bn bottom-up equities fund. But the world of money was not so fulfilling after some time. Roots and business of one's own were calling his name back home to Lapland, Finland. Now with his business partners, they are taking over the hard seltzer scene in Finland (for starters) with Northern/Sámi attitude and international competence. Less everything from sugar and additives to calories, but more good vibes, with a mix of flavored sparkling water and alcohol. Nålla is naturally low on calories, vegan, gluten-free, and additive-free. Nålla headquarters is in Inari, standing proudly in Northern Lapland over 250km (150 mi) north of the Arctic Circle. Our team spans from Utsjoki to London, and we make up a unique blend of international expertise and no-nonsense Northern spirit. Kippis! ( Cheers! in Finnish)
Bold Marketing in global world - by Katja Presnal
September 22, 2023 • 45 MIN
Bold ambitious marketing needs a good practical and functioning strategy. But it ain’t nothing if you don’t know how to implement your marketing strategy to be part of your whole business. Sole and simple idea is to sit down with a marketing professional and share your goals, ideas and vision with them. If you want to succeed in marketing it must be thought through but also be flexible to adapt into the constantly changing world around us. Each business has its own quirks and laws but what matters the most is that you know what, why, where, when and how you are going to achieve your goals benefiting from marketing activities. This episode is purely about marketing with global touch and perspective. Katja Presnal is a business and marketing strategist, and a talk show and podcast host at Crush Movement who will share her tips and tricks with insights that she has found to be useful and brave in the marketing world. It’s yet all about peoples business. Katja broke through as an influencer and social media pioneer back in 2008, when she was building Walmart’s world-leading digital strategy for influencer marketing. She worked for a marketing agency called Collective Bias, helping to build one of the largest influencer marketing agencies in the United States. She has won 7 American Advertising Awards and has appeared in magazines such as the New York Times, Forbes and the Advertising Age, and has spoken at conferences around the world. Katja moved back to Finland a few years ago, and her passion is to help Finnish companies to succeed in business via marketing methods and ways. Katja is also the author of the books: Instagram as Your Guide to the World (2012), and Big Rich Money: How To Turn Your Business Intentions Into A Profitable Company (2021) where our Channel Business Podcast Host Hanne is also featured in the Finnish version of it, and Human-Centric Automation (2022).