Channel Business Podcast with Hanne
Dreams in life - By Sheila Balgobin
July 28, 2023
What kind of dreams do you have? What dreams can tell us? Why should you understand your dreams and how they affect your daily life? The dreams we see during our sleep and the visions we may face during meditation or just in the image of our mind may get us confused. Well, I’ve been there. It’s part of the spiritual world that exists among the physical world. Scary? Fascinating? Interesting at least. In this episode we are diving into the power and meaning of our dreams - By understanding your dreams, you can gain confidence and overcome obstacles in your daily life. Sheila Balgobin is The Dream Detective – a 5th generation Dreamer with the gift of dream interpretation. She helps clients improve their sleep with simple techniques and tools as well as teaches people how to interpret and use their dreams to create their dream lives (online or on retreat).In addition, Sheila is a bestselling author, a contributing author to four books, a course facilitator, and a mental fitness coach From Wall Street to London and to Miami, Florida, the USA.