Channel Business Podcast with Hanne
Leader(ship) in sales - By Brett Knopf (USA)
June 27, 2023
Leader(ship) in sales - Leadership in sales and cultivating the right mindset to get results. It takes everyday people to extraordinary sales success which is the resource that will accelerate your ability to achieve these goals. When you take a solution based approach to your life and to your business it creates the opportunity for you to best control your intended outcomes. Are you interested in learning easily applied “secrets” that will help you sell at a high level, create wins for all parties involved and put you in position to win your time and financial freedom? In this episode, we will discover the importance of sales and what is the best way to do selling. This episode is for sales peoples and leaders, every ceo should understand and know these tricks to learn how small businesses can improve in sales & selling. You’ll tap into the resource that will accelerate your ability to achieve these goals. With nearly 20 years of high level leadership, management and sales success to draw from Brett is a High Performance Coach with nearly two decades of Leadership and Sales Management experience across multiple verticals and a tremendous track record of helping people and organizations maximize their potential through customized coaching programs where progress is quantitatively measurable. He has spent two decades coaching individuals and businesses to elevate their leadership and sales skill sets to maximize their personal effectiveness and create their optimal outcomes.