Built on Bitcoin with Jacob Brown
Interviews with founders building on Bitcoin. Jacob takes an open-minded approach and talks with builders from all corners of the Bitcoin ecosystem.
A Wallet for Bitcoin-Based Living with Shehzan Maredia | CEO & Co-Founder of Lava Wallet
July 18, 2024 • 39 MIN
In this video, we're talking with Shehzan Maredia, the co-founder of Lava. We'll dive into how Lava is revolutionizing financial freedom with self-custody solutions, wallets without seed phrases, and ways to spend your BTC effortlessly. Follow Shehzan on Twitter: https://x.com/MarediaShehzan Check out Lava Wallet: https://www.lava.xyz/
Defining Bitcoin Layers with Janusz - Co-Founder of Bitcoin Layers Research Group
June 28, 2024 • 69 MIN
What's the future of Bitcoin scaling? In this episode, I talk with Janusz. The co-founder of Bitcoin Layers, a new research group and educational platform demystifying Bitcoin scaling protocols. We'll explore the concept of "Bitcoin Layers," why newer Bitcoin "L2s" are gaining attention despite not always meeting true Layer 2 criteria, and the wide variety of scaling designs. Janusz sheds light on the trust assumptions in these systems and why understanding current implementations is crucial to navigating Bitcoin in this new era. Follow Janusz on Twitter: @januszg_ Learn more about BItcoin Layers: https://www.bitcoinlayers.org/
BitSNARK, Grail Bridge & Bitcoin Rollups with Edan Yago - Core Contributor at Sovryn & Bitcoin OS
May 3, 2024 • 45 MIN
In this episode, Yago delves into the significance of the Bitcoin halving and its role in the consolidation of the cryptocurrency industry as Bitcoin begins to establish its dominance. He explores key technological advancements in Bitcoin, including Taproot and roll-ups, that position it as an operating system for a decentralized future. Additionally, Yago discusses Sovryn's multi-chain strategy aimed at creating a sustainable Bitcoin economy. He also examines the impact of tokens and decentralized finance (DeFi) in broadening Bitcoin's reach and ensuring its relevance in an evolving market. We Discuss: - What is BitSNARK, Grail & Bitcoin OS? - Recent technical advancements thanks to Taproot - Sovryn going multi-chain - Is this Halving different? and much more. Follow Yago on Twitter: @EdanYago Learn more about Bitcoin OS: https://sovryn.com/bitcoinos Check out Sovryn: https://sovryn.app/
Samourai Wallet & Government Regulation with Orlando Cosme - Lawyer & Founder @ OC Advisory
May 1, 2024 • 54 MIN
The US government shook up the crypto world when it was announced the Samourai Wallet devs were arrested and the domain seized. This opened up a ton of questions around regulation clarity, non-custodial tools, what is and isn't a money transmitter, and a bunch more topics. I brought on Orlando Cosme to help dissect and understand what's going on in this situation and how the government is viewing these things. Follow Orlando on Twitter: @Orlando_btc Check out OC Advisory for legal help: https://www.ocadvisory.co/
Halving Reorgs, Runes Launch Failure, Samourai Wallet & Miner Centralization Cartel - Bitcoin Weekly Kickback
April 29, 2024 • 49 MIN
This week we are back and talk about: - The hysteria around miners reorging the halving block and what actually happened - How did the Runes launch go and what happens next? - The Samourai Wallet situation and privacy - New data on miner centralization in Bitcoin As always, go follow us on Twitter: Charlie: @cbsspears Bob: @bobbodily Donny: @itsdonnyok Jake: @Jakeblockchain All previous episodes at https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/
Bitcoin Meets Solana with Simple Swaps | Sylvie Durach & Adam Borcany Co-Founders of Atomiq
April 26, 2024 • 50 MIN
Could Solana be a solid Bitcoin L2? Is there value in making it effortless to swap between BTC and Solana assets? The co-founders of Atomiq think so and have created an excellent product to eaisly swap between these assets with minimal risk. Sylvie Durach and Adam Borcany of the co-founders of Atomiq. An atomic swap protocol that let's you swap assets from different chains with a dead simple interface. Check out Atomiq: https://app.atomiq.exchange/ Follow Sylvie on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sylvie0301 Follow Adam on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdamBorco
Who Controls Bitcoin, L2 <> Miner Incentives & UNCOMMON GOODS Game Theory
April 15, 2024 • 51 MIN
In this Bitcoin Weekly Kickback. Jake, Charlie, Donny, and Bob are joined by Matt Luongo to delve into: - The role of nodes versus miners in controlling Bitcoin. - The importance of fee revenue and NgU for different network users. - Designing Layer 2 incentives that align with Layer 1 priorities. - The Game Theory of UNCOMMON GOODS (The first Rune) Follow these cats on Twitter: @itsdonnyok, @bobbodily, @cbspears, @jakeblockchain, @mhluongo
Innovative Bitcoin Ordinal Lending with Robin Obermaier | Co-Founder of Liquidium
April 12, 2024 • 48 MIN
Ordinals have been huge for Bitcoin since launching early 2023. There is $100's of millions in value locked in these digital artifacts. Liquidium allows users to borrow BTC using their Ordinal as collateral and lenders can earn a BTC yield lending to borrowers. Robin is the CEO and Co-Founder of Liquidium. Follow Robin on Twitter: @robin_liquidium Take a loan on Liquidium: https://www.liquidium.fi/
Bitcoin Weekly: Marathon Miner Fees, Custodial Lightning, BitVM & Is DeFi even worth it?
April 8, 2024 • 59 MIN
Another weekly chat of the latest in Bitcoin land. We have two special guests drop in this week. Philip from Arkadiko and Ian from Joltz Rewards, as well as the usual suspects Bob and Jacob. We Discuss: - Marathon Pools latest fee revenue coming way above average - Lighting + Coinbase - Custodial Lightning - Is DeFi a worthwhile goal? - Is BitVM safe? Follow these gents on Twitter: @BobBodily, @ian__major, @philiphacks and @jakeblockchain.
Comparing Runes & Taproot Assets with Linden Stark - CTO at Joltz Rewards
April 5, 2024 • 35 MIN
Fungible tokens and digital collectibles are hot topics on Bitcoin. This year we saw BRC20's and Ordinals take off. Now in 2024, there are two new standards being launched that aim to replace many of the shortcomings of these previous attempts. Linden Stark breaks down Taproot Assets and compares the similarities and differences between this protocol and Runes. Linden Stark is the CTO at Joltz Rewards. A Lightning-powered rewards provider and non-custodial Taproot Assets wallet. Follow Linden on Twitter: https://twitter.com/0xLinden Check out Joltz Rewards: https://joltzrewards.com/
Mempool Sniping, MEV on Bitcoin, Private Mempools & Game of Blocks with Charlie Spears, Bob Bodily, Donny, Jacob
March 26, 2024 • 55 MIN
In this chat we discuss: - The growing problem of mempool sniping and what to do. - MEV on Bitcoin - Private Mempools - Game of Blocks A relaxed and wide ranging chat with Charlie Spears, Bob Bodily, Donny and Jacob Brown.
Anduro: A Bitcoin Sidechain Ecosystem with Jullian Duran - Product Lead at Marathon Digital Holdings
March 21, 2024 • 58 MIN
The halving is right around the corner. Miners have to adapt to the revenue reduction and stay profitable. That's what we're talking about today with a new initiative Marathon, a large public Bitcoin miner, is starting called Anduro. Creating an ecosystem of sidechains with Bitcoin at the center. Follow Jullian on Twitter: @jullian0701 Check out MARA: https://www.mara.com/ Learn more about Anduro: https://www.anduro.io/
Bitcoin Kickback Show: BRC20 "2.0" vs Runes, OPI Indexer Upgrades, How Runes Transfers Work
March 18, 2024 • 51 MIN
Latest Bitcoin Kickback chat with the gang! We discuss: - Charlie Spears joins Blockspace Media - OPI Indexer Upgrades - BRC20 "2.0" vs Runes - How Runes Transfers Work - Long-Term Viability of Fungible Tokens on L1
Rootstock in Bitcoin Season 2 with Daniel Fogg - CEO of IOV Labs
March 1, 2024 • 41 MIN
Rootstock is an OG of the Bitcoin L2 space. They were the earliest in the market to focus on merge mining, EVM compatibility, and Bitcoin DeFi. In this interview, Daniel talks about the growth and what is happening within the Rootstock ecosystem as we go into this 2024-2025 cycle. Curious where Bitcoin L2s are going? You'll want to listen to this one. Follow Daniel on Twitter: @danielfogg Learn more about Rootstock: https://rootstock.io/
Mercury Layer: Statechains Explained with Nicholas Gregory - Co-Founder of Mercury Layer
February 23, 2024 • 47 MIN
Scaling Bitcoin is hard. Statechains are one potential way to scale it in a cheap and private way with minimal people to trust. Nicholas and his team at Mercury Layer are at the bleeding edge of developing Statechains. Follow Nicholas on Twitter: @gregory_nico Learn more about Mercury: https://mercurylayer.com/
Bitcoin Weekly Chat - Merlin Chain, Runes, Universal Bitcoin Symbol
February 19, 2024 • 58 MIN
The usual suspects of Charlie, Donny, Bob and I discuss latest Bitcoin topics: - Merlin Chain. New Bitcoin L2. - Latest Runes Alpha - The Universal Bitcoin/Sats Symbol - EVMs as Bitcoin sidechains - Rootstock as the best EVM sidechain Follow Charlie: https://twitter.com/cbspears Follow Donny: https://twitter.com/itsdonnyok Follow Bob: https://twitter.com/BobBodily Follow Jake: https://twitter.com/JakeBlockchain
Non-Custodial Multi-Layer Swaps with Kilian - Co-Founder of Boltz Exchange
February 16, 2024 • 51 MIN
Moving from chain to chain is a pain in the ass. Layer on custodian risk and this area is ripe for better solutions. That was Boltz is working on with their non-custodial cross-chain/multi-layer swaps from different Bitcoin focued chains. Kilian is the co-founder of Boltz. We discuss: - How he got into Bitcoin? - The benefits of building things non-custodial - Using L2s to solve Lightning scaling problems and much more! Follow Kilian on Twitter: @kilrau Check out Boltz at https://boltz.exchange/
BitVM meets ZK Rollups on Bitcoin with Orkun Kilic - Co-Founder of Citrea
February 7, 2024 • 48 MIN
Orkun is the co-founder of Citrea. A new Bitcoin L2 leveraging the latest ZK Rollup tech and BitVM to connect to the Bitcoin L1. Follow him on Twitter: @0x_orkun How best to scale Bitcoin is a hotly debated topic. One promising option is rollups, but to do them properly we need an a new OP_CODE. That is until BitVM entered the picture with a middle path with potential for bridges with much safer trust assumptions.
Rollups on Bitcoin, BitVM Bridges and Finding Consensus with Bob, Charlie, & Donny
February 2, 2024 • 53 MIN
In this open-format chat. Charlie Spears, Donny, Bob Bodily, and myself discuss a few interesting topics including: - How close ZKrollups are to coming to Bitcoin - Building better bridges for L2s with BitVM - The Taproot Wizards BIPLand - Finding consensus for upgrades in 2024 You will definitely learn something in this one.
Is The Seed Phrase Era Over? with Louise Ivan - CEO & Co-Founder of Ryder Wallet
November 17, 2023 • 41 MIN
In 2023, managing your crypto wallet is still a big pain in the butt. Seed phrases are a single point of failure no normal person wants to use. Enter the Ryder One. They have rethought the experience of what a hardware wallet could be from first principles and created a completely new experience for securely managing your digital assets. Louise Ivan is the CEO and Co-Founder of Ryder. Learn more about Ryder: https://www.ryder.id/ Order your own Ryder One: https://kickstarter.com/projects/ryder-wallet/ryder-one-secure-wallet-strong-device-simple-transactions?ref=djvflh
E125: RGB Deep-Dive & Scaling Bitcoin with Hunter Beast - Director of Engineering at DIBA
October 14, 2023 • 57 MIN
What is RGB? That is the question we are answering today. RGB is an off-chain solution that brings smart contracts to Bitcoin. It's a radically different approach to the global-state blockchains we're used to. Hunteris the Director of Engineering at DIBA. They are building a bleeding-edge wallet and platform to operationalize the RGB protocol. Tune in, there's a lot to cover. Follow Hunter on Twitter: @cryptoquick Learn more about DIBA: https://diba.io/ Try BitMask wallet: https://bitmask.app/ Learn more about RGB: https://rgb.info/
E:124 Bitcoin Startup Investing with Mike Jarmuz - Managing Partner at Lightning Ventures
October 2, 2023 • 55 MIN
Mike Jarmuz is the Managing Partner at Lightning Ventures. A Bitcoin-focused venture capital firm supporting early-stage founders. He has invested in over 1,500 startups to-date. We discuss: - Biggest mistakes he sees founders make when pitching - Anti-VC sentiment in Bitcoin - Biggest Opportunities - How to find good VC partners + much more Follow Mike on Twitter: @@MikeJarmuz Check out Lightning Ventures: https://ltng.ventures/
E123: Understanding Babylon Bitcoin Staking with David Tse (Co-Founder of Babylon)
September 11, 2023 • 38 MIN
$500 billion in BTC is sitting mostly dormant. Proof-of-Stake chains need large amounts of capital to secure the network. David Tse is working to solve these two problems by allowing you to stake Bitcoin and secure a myriad of other blockchains. This new project is called Babylon. Check out the recently released litepaper here. https://docs.babylonchain.io/assets/files/btc_staking_litepaper-32bfea0c243773f0bfac63e148387aef.pdf Follow David Tse on Twitter: @dntse Follow Babylon on Twitter: @babylon_chain Learn more about Babylon https://babylonchain.io/
E122: Decoding the Lightning Network with Jesse Shrader - CEO & Co-Founder of Amboss
August 21, 2023 • 58 MIN
The Lightning Network is heralded as the future of payments. However, several aspects of the network still require refinement. Amboss is one company doing that work. Jesse and his team are creating tools to make it more efficient to run a Lightning node and have access to the best data to make informed decisions. Follow Jesse on X: @Jestopher_BTC Learn more about Amboss: https://amboss.space/ Get Built on Bitcoin directly to your inbox and never miss an episode: https://builtonbitcoin.beehiiv.com/
E121: Educating The Next 10k Bitcoin Developers with Lisa Neigut - Co-Founder of Base58 & BTC++
August 4, 2023 • 66 MIN
Lisa Neigut wears many hats. Lightning Protocol Engineer, Bitcoin Educator, and developer conference organizer just to name a few. She is the co-founder of Base58, an education platform focused on teaching beginner-to-advanced courses on different parts of Bitcoin. As well as organizing multiple conferences per year focused on the Bitcoin developer experience with BTC++. Follow Lisa on Twitter: @niftynei Learn more about Base58: https://www.base58.info/ Learn about the next BTC++ event: https://btcpp.dev/
E120: Building Sound Finance for Sound Money with Matthew Black - Co-Founder & CTO of Atomic Finance
July 28, 2023 • 51 MIN
Matthew Black is building non-custodial Bitcoin financial tools. He started on the otherside side of crypto before getting disenchanted with how things were being built and making the jump to Bitcoin. Since then, him and his team have been hard at work on Atomic Finance and recently launched their first product using Discreet Log Contracts to safely earn a yield on your BTC. Follow Matthew on Twitter: @matthewjablack Learn more about Atomic Finance: https://atomic.finance/ Follow Atomic on Twitter: @AtomicFinance
E119: Sovereign Stablecoins & The Bitcoin Economy - Edan Yago Interview - Core Contributor @ Sovryn
July 21, 2023 • 49 MIN
Edan Yago is a core contributor to Sovryn. A DeFi protocol building financial tools for Bitcoin on the Rootstock sidechain. In this episode, we discuss: - The role of money - Practical ways to onboard new Bitcoiners - Satoshi's Hierarchy of Needs - Bitcoin-Only mindset and its flaws - Bitcoin-backed stablecoins and the Sovryn $DLLR and other gems. Check out and use Sovryn at https://sovryn.com/ Follow Yago on Twitter @EdanYago
E118: 5 Insights from 1 Year in Bitcoin VC - Jacob Brown
July 14, 2023 • 18 MIN
Its been just over a year since I switched careers entirely and got into the VC space with an analyst position a the Bitcoin Frontier Fund. Here are 5 things I learned that I was completely unaware of before I started.
E117: Understanding Fedimint & Federations with Kody Low - Head of Support at Fedi
June 10, 2023 • 71 MIN
Fedi is building community-empowering tech powered by Fedimint. An open-source protocol to custody and transact Bitcoin within a community (federation). This is a wide-ranging conversation with Kody Low who is the head of developer & product support at Fedi. We touch on his experience as a new Bitcoin developer and best places to learn today, the differences between Fedi and Fedimint, and a deep dive into the design space of using federations to expand the utility of Bitcoin. You will learn a few new things in this episode. I promise you that. Follow Kody on Twitter: @kodylow Learn more about Fedi: https://www.fedi.xyz/ Learn more about FediMint: https://fedimint.org/
E116: Ordinals, BRC20's, & Rollups Explained with Bob Bodily - CEO & Co-Founder of Bioniq
June 2, 2023 • 54 MIN
A tsunami of innovation has crashed over Bitcoin in the past few months thanks to Ordinals. It's hard to keep up with the latest. Bob Bodily breaks down ordinals, inscriptions, BRC20s, rollups, and more. He and his team are also building Bioniq, which they say will be the fastest Ordinals marketplace in the world running on Internet Computer. Follow Bob on Twitter: @BobBodily Learn more about Bioniq: https://bioniq.io/collections
E115: Building the Bitcoin Economy with Muneeb Ali - Co-Creator of Stacks
May 12, 2023 • 32 MIN
Muneeb needs no introduction. He is an OG in the Bitcoin space and has been building in the space for over a decade. He co-created the Stacks blockchain with Ryan Shea and currently is the CEO of Trust Machines which is building the largest ecosystem of applications focused on making Bitcoin more useful. Follow Muneeb on Twitter: https://twitter.com/muneeb Learn more about Trust Machines: https://trustmachines.co/ Learn more about Stacks: https://www.stacks.co/
E114: Stablecoins, Bitcoin and Building Protocols on Stacks - Philip De Smedt | Arkadiko
March 31, 2023 • 66 MIN
Philip De Smedt is the co-founder and core contributor to Arkadiko. Arkadiko is a stablecoin protocol and lending platform built on Stacks, working to create better and more transparent finance tools for everyone. We discuss: - Why stablecoins aren't so stable? - Why build on Stacks? - The current landscape of DeFi + much more. Try out Arkadiko at https://arkadiko.finance/ Follow Philip on Twitter: @philipdesmedt Follow Arkadiko on Twitter: @ArkadikoFinance
E113: Building a Bitcoin Bridge for All Chains - Alexei Zamyatin | Co-founder of Interlay
March 25, 2023 • 59 MIN
Alexei Zamyatin is a Bitcoin enthusiast, researcher & software developer. He co-founded Interlay to solve the problem of getting Bitcoin to be used in as many places as possible in a safe, secure way. That lead them to build the V1 of their decentralized Bitcoin bridge. V2 has been released this week and brings a whole new suite of tools including Uniswap-like AMM features, lending/borrowing, and more. Learn more about Interlay at https://www.interlay.io/ Follow Alexei on Twitter: @alexeiZamyatin --------------------------------------------------------- Thank you to our sponsor - The Ordinals 2023 Conference May 18th in Miami Florida. The first-ever Ordinals conference is going down with a long list of innovators and thought leaders in attendance. Including: Casey Rodarmor, Nic Carter, Trevor Owens, Jamil Dhanani, Ragnar Lifthrasir, Udi Wertheimer, Eric Wall, and many more. Save $25 with discount code: ord23jkblck https://ordinals2023.com/Tickets/
E112: This Week in Bitcoin for March 22nd, 2023 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, Ordinals, Rootstock)
March 22, 2023 • 16 MIN
Links to everything mentioned in this episode: https://builtonbitcoin.beehiiv.com/p/week-bitcoin-march-22nd-2023 Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated to all new Bitcoin innovation: www.builtonbitcoin.xyz
E111: Nostr, BNS, and the Decentralized Future with Larry Salibra - Founder of New Internet Labs
March 17, 2023 • 44 MIN
The potential for a truly user-owned internet is becoming closer than ever with new protocols like Nostr and decentralized identity systems like BNS. Larry has been at the forefront working in this area for years. His latest project is solving the problem of identity and search for users on Nostr. Catch Larry online: Twitter - @larrysalibra Website - https://www.newinternetlabs.com/ Nostr Names - https://www.newinternetlabs.com/nostr/
E110: This Week in Bitcoin for March 15th, 2023 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, Ordinals)
March 15, 2023 • 13 MIN
Links to everything mentioned in this episode: https://builtonbitcoin.beehiiv.com/p/week-bitcoin-march-15th-2023 Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated to all new Bitcoin innovation: www.builtonbitcoin.xyz
E109: This Week in Bitcoin for March 8th, 2023 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
March 8, 2023 • 21 MIN
Links to everything mentioned in this episode: https://builtonbitcoin.beehiiv.com/p/week-bitcoin-march-8th-2023 Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated to all new Bitcoin innovation: www.builtonbitcoin.xyz
E108: Creating Essential Tools for Bitcoin Developers - Max Efremov (Developer Evangelist at Hiro Systems)
March 3, 2023 • 58 MIN
Hiro Systems is a developer tooling company building software that makes Bitcoin developers lives easier. Max Efremov is developer evangelist at Hiro. Follow Max on Twitter: @maxefremov Follow Hiro Systems on Twitter: @hirosystems Learn more about Hiro developer tools: https://www.hiro.so/ ---------------------------------------------------------- Get the TL:DR on Bitcoin innovation via the Built on Bitcoin newsletter. https://builtonbitcoin.beehiiv.com/subscribe Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants —--------------------------------------------------------
E107: This Week in Bitcoin for February 22nd, 2023 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
February 23, 2023 • 13 MIN
Links to everything mentioned inside the link below! https://builtonbitcoin.beehiiv.com/p/week-bitcoin-february-22nd-2023 Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated on everything Built on Bitcoin: https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ —-------------------------------------------------------- Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E106: This Week in Bitcoin for February 14th, 2023 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
February 15, 2023 • 19 MIN
Links to everything mentioned inside the link below! https://builtonbitcoin.beehiiv.com/p/week-bitcoin-february-14th-2023 Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated on everything Built on Bitcoin: https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ —-------------------------------------------------------- Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E105: This Week in Bitcoin for February 3rd, 2023 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
February 4, 2023 • 17 MIN
Links to everything mentioned inside the link below! https://builtonbitcoin.beehiiv.com/p/week-bitcoin-february-3rd-2023 Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated on everything Built on Bitcoin: https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ —-------------------------------------------------------- Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E104: This Week in Bitcoin for January 23rd, 2023 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
January 23, 2023 • 17 MIN
Links to everything mentioned inside the link below! https://builtonbitcoin.beehiiv.com/p/week-bitcoin-january-21st-2023 Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated on everything Built on Bitcoin: https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ —-------------------------------------------------------- Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E103: This Week in Bitcoin for January 10th, 2023 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
January 10, 2023 • 13 MIN
Links to everything mentioned inside the link below! https://builtonbitcoin.beehiiv.com/p/week-bitcoin-january-7th-2023 Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated on everything Built on Bitcoin: https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ —-------------------------------------------------------- Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E102: This Week in Bitcoin for December 2nd, 2022 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
December 3, 2022 • 11 MIN
Get the TL:DR on innovation happening this week in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E101: This Week in Bitcoin for November 26th, 2022 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
November 27, 2022 • 14 MIN
Get the TL:DR on innovation happening this week in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E100: Institutional DeFi on Bitcoin - Tycho Onnasch Interview | Co-Founder of Zest Protocol
November 11, 2022 • 48 MIN
Zest Protocol is the first on-chain Bitcoin capital market. Offering undercollateralized Bitcoin loans for institutional borrowers and Bitcoin yield for liquidity providers. Utilizing the unique connection to Bitcoin and smart contracts that Stacks offers. Tycho and his team are working to truly unlock DeFi on Bitcoin. Follow Tycho on Twitter: @TychoOnnasch Learn more about Zest Protocol on their website: https://www.zestprotocol.com/
E99: Rollups on BItcoin - John Light Interview - Author of comprehensive Bitcoin Rollups research paper & Sovryn Contributor
November 4, 2022 • 53 MIN
John Light is a Bitcoin Researcher and contributor to the Sovryn Protocol on RSK. He recently researched the most in-depth paper to date on how rollups could work on Bitcoin. Read the paper at https://bitcoinrollups.org/. Follow John on Twitter: @Lightcoin. Watch John's interview on Kevin Rooke's podcast that is excellent and goes deeper into the tech: https://youtu.be/feODuDF2xv0 Get the TL:DR on innovation happening in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/
E98: This Week in Bitcoin for November 2nd, 2022 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
November 3, 2022 • 15 MIN
Get the TL:DR on innovation happening this week in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E97: Bitcoin Tools for Sovereign Individuals - Zach Herbert - CEO of Foundation Devices
October 28, 2022 • 47 MIN
Zach Herbert is the CEO of Foundation Devices. Foundation has a mission of making Bitcoin and decentralized technologies accessible to each and every individual in order to build a new era of sovereignty, ownership, and privacy. They aim to build a different kind of hardware company with an emphasis on open source and local manufacturing. Follow Zach on Twitter: @zachherbert Follow Foundation Devices: @FOUNDATIONdvcs Learn more and buy a Passport on their website; https://foundationdevices.com/passport/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get the TL:DR on innovation happening in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E96: This Week in Bitcoin for October 21st, 2022 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
October 21, 2022 • 12 MIN
Get the TL:DR on innovation happening this week in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E95: This Week in Bitcoin for October 14th, 2022 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
October 15, 2022 • 15 MIN
Get the TL:DR on innovation happening this week in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E94: Podcasting 2.0 with Oscar Merry - Founder of Fountain Podcast App - Lightning Powered
October 7, 2022 • 39 MIN
Podcasting 2.0 is the next evolution of the RSS feed that brings new features for listeners and creators to listen to, enjoy, and get paid for listening to podcasts. Oscar Merry and the team at Fountain are leading the way with a fantastic new podcast app that solves two huge problems for listeners and podcast hosts. Download Fountain at https://fountain.fm/ Follow Oscar on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MerryOscar Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E93: This Week in Bitcoin for September 28th, 2022 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
September 29, 2022 • 14 MIN
All the latest happenings in Bitcoin land for the week of September 28th, 2022. Get the TL:DR on innovation happening in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants —-------------------------------------------------------- Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated on everything Built on Bitcoin: https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/
E92: Learning from the Best NFT Artists with Caleb (Phosphorus) - Host of The Airdrop Show
September 23, 2022 • 61 MIN
Caleb (Phosphorus online) is the Host of The Airdrop Show. Airdorp is an NFT show for the everyday person. New tech can be complicated, Caleb and team bring on creators of all types to talk about how they are using NFTs, and the new tools Web3 brings to create better art, connect with their audiences, and thrive as a creator. Follow Caleb on Twitter: @phosforusbtc Learn more about Airdrop: https://www.airdropshow.xyz/ Join their Discord, It's popping. —-------------------------------------------------------- Get the TL:DR on innovation happening in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E91: This Week in Bitcoin for September 21st, 2022 (Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid)
September 21, 2022 • 14 MIN
All the latest happenings in Bitcoin land for the week of September 21st, 2022. I know you're tired of hearing about the merge already. Get the TL:DR on innovation happening in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants —-------------------------------------------------------- Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated on everything Built on Bitcoin: https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/
E90: Running a Crypto Foundation with Brittany Laughlin (Executive Director - Stacks Foundation)
September 16, 2022 • 56 MIN
Brittany Laughlin is the Executive Director of the Stacks Open Internet Foundation. A crypto foundation that supports builders who create inside the Stacks ecosystem. Brittany has been a believer in crypto and Bitcoin since her early days at Union Square Ventures. Follow Brittany on Twitter: @br_ttany Learn more about the Stacks Foundation: https://stacks.org/
E89: This Week in Bitcoin for the week of September 15th, 2022
September 15, 2022 • 16 MIN
All the latest happenings in Bitcoin land for the week of September 15th, 2022. I know you're tired of hearing about the merge already. Get the TL:DR on innovation happening in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E88: This Week in Bitcoin for September 7th, 2022
September 7, 2022 • 18 MIN
Another week of Bitcoin news. We got updates from some Stacks startups, an RSK network upgrade, and Lightning news. Links to everything mentioned are in the newsletter. https://snip.ly/22t5ur —-------------------------------------------------------- Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E87: A Realistic View of Bitcoins Future - Ragnar Lifthrasir Interview - Founder of Trajan
September 2, 2022 • 41 MIN
Ragnar Lifthrasir is a freedom technology entrepreneur and earlyish adopter of Bitcoin. He aims to help people increase their financial self-sovereignty and privacy through various efforts. He's also the founder of Trajan – a Web 3.0 reputation and identity platform built on the Stacks blockchain. In this episode we discuss: -The role of privacy -Gun Ownership -How the current crypto culture compares to 2017 -How to productively onboard the next wave of Bitcoiners -What he is building with Trajan and much more. Follow Ragnar on Twitter: @RagnarLif Learn more about him and his projects on his website: https://ragnarly.com/
E86: Creating The Best Community For Builders on Bitcoin - Trevor Owens Managing Partner at Stacks Ventures
August 26, 2022 • 63 MIN
Trevor Owens is the Managing Partner at Stacks Ventures. A venture capital firm investing in startups building new use-cases for Bitcoin via Stacks. He previously founded the Lean Startup Machine, helping businesses use the Learn Startup methodology. Connect with Trevor on Twitter: @TO
E85: This Week in Bitcoin (August 24th, 2022) Weekly Update - Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid
August 24, 2022 • 17 MIN
The TL:DR on everything that happening in the Bitcoin ecosystem over the past week. Focused on innovation, builders, and tech. This week includes news from Bitcoin proper, Lightning, RSK, Stacks and Liquid. Get the TL:DR on innovation happening in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/
E84: This Week in Bitcoin (August 17th, 2022) Weekly Update - Bitcoin, Lightning, Stacks, RSK, Liquid
August 17, 2022 • 23 MIN
The TL:DR on everything that happening in the Bitcoin ecosystem over the past week. Focused on innovation, builders, and tech. This week includes news from Bitcoin proper, Lightning, RSK, Stacks and Liquid. Get the TL:DR on innovation happening in the Bitcoin ecosystem. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/
E83: BIP300: The Bitcoin Change That Makes All Others Obsolete - Paul Sztorc Interview
August 12, 2022 • 64 MIN
Paul Sztorc is the creator of BIP 300 and 301. A proposal to allow Bitcoin sidechains that keeps the base layer as a safe, secure money layer. We discuss BIP300, what fascinates him about Bitcoin, the current state of Bitcoin maximalism, and much more. Follow Paul on Twitter: @Truthcoin Learn more about BIP300 at https://www.drivechain.info/ Subscribe to the newsletter and get the TL:DR on Bitcoin innovation. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/
E82: Weekly Update - Gamma, ALEX Orderbook, Arkadiko, Xverse, Moving to This Week in Bitcoin
August 10, 2022 • 17 MIN
Another week of building in the Stacks ecosystem. This week we have updates from Gamma, Xverse, an update direct from Arkadiko core contributor, Philip De Smedt, ALEX and much more. Get the TL:DR on innovation happening in the Bitcoin ecosystem, Delivered directly to your inbox. http://subscribe.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ —-------------------------------------------------------- Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of a user-owned internet with Bitcoin as the base layer. Check the links below. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants —-------------------------------------------------------- Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated on everything Built on Bitcoin: https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/
E81: The Crypto Design Studio Pushing Stacks Forward - Thomas Osmonson Interview - Co-Founder of Fungible Systems
August 5, 2022 • 50 MIN
Thomas Osmonson is a designer and developer at Fungible Systems. A crypto product studio he co-founded that builds apps and tools for the Stacks ecosystem. Known for their developer library, Micro-stacks, and the redesign of Gamma's NFT marketplace design. What we talk about: -Why developers are resistant to move to Web3? -Advice to new developers just getting started with Clarity? -How he initially got interested in Crypto? and much more. Follow Thomas on Twitter: @Aulneau_ Follow Fungible Systems: @fungiblesystems Learn more about Fungible Systems: https://fungible.systems/ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of unlocking the full potential of Bitcoin. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants —-------------------------------------------------------- Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated on everything Built on Bitcoin: https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/ Get updates directly to your inbox: https://builtonbitcoin.beehiiv.com/subscribe
E80: Weekly Update - Pointer.GG, New Byzantion Hire & Gamma Tools, Stacks.JS, Hyperchains, STX Blog
August 4, 2022 • 12 MIN
Back with your weekly update on all things happening in the Stacks ecosystem. What we cover this week: [0:00] Intro [1:55] Pointer.GG Clarity Tutorial [2:55] New Byzantion Hire [4:14] Gamma Creator Tools [5:45] Stacks Blog [6:46] Hiro Smart Contract of the Month [7:34] Stacks.JS Starters [8:34] Hyperchains NFT Example [9:29] Stacks Explorer New Feature [10:18] New Podcast Episodes Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of unlocking the full potential of Bitcoin. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E79: Unleashing the Full Potential of BItcoin DeFi - Chan Ahn Interview - CTO of ALEX
July 29, 2022 • 33 MIN
BitFi - The all encompassing name of DeFi that exists inside the Bitcoin ecosystem. The ALEX team is working to be the leaders in this new space of trust-less finance. Chan Ahn is the Chief Technology Officer of ALEXGO, which is building financial services on Bitcoin, the most decentralized and secure blockchain. Prior to joining ALEXGO, Chan spent 17 years in the finance industry, building financial derivatives with firms, including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and Credit Suisse, in Hong Kong, New York and London. Chan has PhD in Computational Finance and BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science both from Imperial College London. In this interview we discuss: -His background and making the switch -Why built on Stacks? -The importance of decentralized, trust-less money? -How to build a top-tier engineering team? and much more. Follow Chan on Twitter: @5eightandeight Learn more about ALEXGO: https://alexgo.io/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and push the mission forward of unlocking the full potential of Bitcoin. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.co/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E78: Stacks Weekly Update - Micro-Stacks, Cerulean Marketplace, Megapont, Ryder, Arkadiko, Dan Held, Layer
July 28, 2022 • 26 MIN
Another great week of builder action in Stacks! This week we have direct updates from two builders from in the ecosystem. Thomas Osmonson (Aulneau) gives an update on Micro-Stacks, and Zero & James (Hodlstx) stop by with an update on the Cerulean Marketplace. Plus so much more from Megapont, Arkadiko, Layer, StackerDAOLabs, Ryder and an array of new content from Vane Vargas, Airdrop Show, Gina Abrams and myself. Lets go!
E77: The World's First Social Crypto Hardware Wallet - Marvin Janssen (Co-Founder of Ryder Wallet)
July 22, 2022 • 48 MIN
What do you get when you combine Apple-level design, with a crypto hardware wallet made to be used out in public? You get Ryder. The world's first crypto wallet made to be used out in everyday life. Marvin Janssen is the co-founder of Ryder. Working behind the scenes on the programming and Clarity smart contracts that make it safe, secure and easy to use. Follow Marvin on Twitter: @MarvinJanssen Follow Ryder on Twitter: @Ryder_ID Learn more about Ryder on their website: https://www.ryder.id/
E76: Weekly Update from Builders - Zest Protocol, Multisafe, Arkadiko Keepers, Airdrop, CityCoins,
July 20, 2022 • 18 MIN
Your weekly download on all things happening in the Stacks ecosystem. This week on top of the usual updates from me (Jake), We have two builders dropping in to give updates on what they are working on. Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and help the mission of unlocking the full potential of Bitcoin. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.org/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E75: How do Stacks transactions settle on Bitcoin? - Topic Deep-Dive
July 18, 2022 • 10 MIN
If you've been wondering how is Stacks connected to Bitcoin, and more importantly, How does Stacks use Bitcoin as a settlement layer? This is the episode for you. Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and help the mission of unlocking the full potential of Bitcoin. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.org/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain
E74: Investing In The Future of Web3 Tech - Kyle Ellicott Interview - Partner at Stacks Ventures
July 15, 2022 • 42 MIN
Kyle Ellicott is a partner at Stacks Ventures. Investing in new use-cases for Bitcoin & Stacks. Kyle has been in the tech space for nearly two decades and has a wealth of information around investing, incubating startups, decentralized applications, and much more. Follow Kyle on Twitter: @kyleellicott Learn more about the Bitcoin Odyssey Fund at https://go.okcoin.com/bitcoinodyssey ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and help the mission of unlocking the full potential of Bitcoin. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.org/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E73: Weekly Update: STX Mining, DLC.Link, NFT Marketplace News, New Hiro Board Member
July 14, 2022 • 11 MIN
Another week of exciting Stacks news in the build market we're in. Thank you to the sponsor of this episode - The Stacks Foundation If you want to help bring Bitcoin to life and build on Stacks. Consider applying for a grant at https://stacks.org/grants Topics this week: [0:00] Intro [1:26] Julia Austin joins Hiro Board [2:15] State of STX Mining Report [3:35] Clarity Smart Contract of the Month (June) [4:40] New Podcast Episodes around ecosystem [5:18] New Gamma Creator Portal [6:01] DLC.Link [7:45] Byzantion NFT Marketplace News [8:25] StackerDAO Labs
E72: Unlocking Native Bitcoin on Stacks with DLC's - Aki Balogh Interview - CEO of DLC.Link
July 8, 2022 • 42 MIN
The dream of many in the crypto space is bring all the innovation we see on other chains to Bitcoin, with native BTC. Aki & his team at DLC.Link is bringing that to life. Using DLC's (Discreet Log Contracts), You can lock up BTC in escrow without giving up custody, and person certain actions with another party or service. Learn more about what DLC.Link is doing at https://www.dlc.link/ Follow Aki on Twitter: @AkiBalogh Follow DLC.Link on Twitter: @dlc_link Big thank you to our sponsor, The Stacks Foundation. If you want to get started building on Stacks and help the mission of unlocking the full potential of Bitcoin. Learn Clarity: https://start.stacks.org/ Learn more about Stacks: https://stacks.org/ Apply for a grant: https://stacks.org/grants
E71: Weekly Update - MultiPass, StackerDAO & MegaDAO, MultiSafe, Stacks Degens, Xverse, New Hires
July 6, 2022 • 15 MIN
What is up you beautiful people! Another week of updates for everything that happened in Stacks. If you watch this video and want to get started building on Stacks. Check out https://start.stacks.org/ What we talk about this week: [0:00] Intro [2:08] New Hires at Trust Machines & Console.xyz [4:01] StackerDAO Labs & MegaDAO [5:28] Steady Lads Free Mint [6:15] Stacks Degens [7:50] MultiPass NFT Passport [11:10] Hyperchains Testnet [11:35] MultiSafe x Magic Bridge [12:58] Xverse BNS Support
E70: Building Apps on Stacks with No-Code - Christopher Perceptions - CEO of NoCodeClarity
July 2, 2022 • 43 MIN
What if you could create powerful applications for Stacks & Bitcoin with no coding required? Just a simple drag-and-drop interface, effort and an idea? That's what Chris and his team at NoCodeClarity are working on. Follow Chris on Twitter: @CMPGFB Follow NoCodeClarity on Twitter: @NoCodeClarity Try out their plugin: https://nocodeclarity.com/
E69: Weekly Update - Stacks Cohort 2, Nic Carter, What are swaps?, Airdrop, Monthly Community Call
June 29, 2022 • 13 MIN
What is up you beautiful people! Another week of updates for everything that happened in Stacks. What we talk about this week: [0:00] Intro [2:20] Stacks Ventures Cohort 2 [3:00] Web3 for Bitcoin [3:52] What are swaps, and how they work? [6:11] New Airdrop Episode [7:03] Stacks Monthly Community Call [7:36] DappRadar [9:05] Nic Carter v Bitcoin
E68: What is a Submarine Swap? Atomic Swap? Catamaran Swap? - Topic Deep-Dive
June 28, 2022 • 15 MIN
Today we're doing a deeper-dive into how the most common swaps in crypto work. We'll discuss how cryptographic hashes work, and there roll in creating safe, trustless swaps of digital assets. Thank you to our sponsor - The Stacks Foundation. If you are a builder with an idea that can benefit users in the Stacks ecosystem. The Stacks Grants program is built for you. Get access to an array of resources, including funding to help build your project on Stacks. Learn more at https://stacks.org/grants
E67: Weekly Update - ALEX Lending, New Bitcoin Report, Byzantion Launchpad, Demo Days, Tokenomics Design Canvas, Pravica.Club and more
June 22, 2022 • 25 MIN
And we're back! After a little Covid action, Its time for another episode of This Week in Stacks. First off, Thank you the first sponsor of the Built on Bitcoin podcast. The Stacks Foundation! If you are a developer, or thinking of becoming one and want to learn Clarity. https://start.stacks.org/ is THE place to go. Now lets jump into the episode.
E65: Creating The Best NFT Marketplace on Stacks - Interview with Daniel & Josh - Co-Founders of Byzantion
June 17, 2022 • 56 MIN
Daniel and Josh are the co-founders of NFT marketplace, Byzantion. An advanced NFT trading platform built on Stacks with tons of tools for collectors, traders, and creators alike. Checkout out Byzantion at https://byzantion.xyz/ Follow Byzantion on Twitter: @byzantion_xyz Follow Josh: @ObsidianBTC Follow Daniel: @Plutus_BTC
E65: Investing in the Future on Bitcoin - Jonathan Sadlowe, General Partner Gossamer Capital
June 10, 2022 • 37 MIN
Jonathan Sadlowe is General Partner at Gossamer Capital. Gossamer supports Startups building the future of Blockchain, DeFi, NFTs and Web3. They have been a strong supporter of the Stacks ecosystem and been one of the most active investors in the space since Mainnet launch.
E64: Weekly - Hyperchains, Web3Week, Ryan Shea , NFT Marketplace updates, NoCodeClarity, NeoSwap
June 4, 2022 • 20 MIN
Welcome to another weekly episode of This Week in Stacks. Pardon the slight audio quality change, Got rugged by my mic. What we cover this week: [0:00] Intro [0:40] Hyperchains [4:02] John Ennis Interview - NeoSwap [5:26] Project Indigo [6:22] NFT Marketplace Updates [9:50] Ryan Shea is back [11:50] Web3Week [13:00] ZeroAuthorityDAO [14:40] NoCodeClarity [17:40] Diwaker Blog Post
E63: A More Sustainable World Economy with NeoSwap | Dr. John Ennis Interview CEO/Founder of NeoSwap
May 27, 2022 • 47 MIN
What would happen if we doubled the GDP of the world economy? Trade is at the core of civilizations uplifting themselves, and NeoSwap is unlocking trades that were previously unimaginable. Dr. John Ennis is an expert in the field of mathematics, artificial intelligence, and computational neuroscience. Topics we cover: [0:00] Intro [3:48] John's Background [5:03] The Origins of NeoSwap [9:00] Finding Inspiration [10:55] What is Sensory & Consumer Science [14:00] What is NeoSwap [19:00] Moving beyond NFTs [23:30] Doubling the world GDP [26:26] Multi-Chain, Cross-Chain Roadmap [29:50] The future of Neo-Barter [33:40] NeoSwap Live Demo Follow NeoSwap on Twitter: @NeoSwap_ai Follow John on Twitter: @john_ennis_btc
E62: Weekly Update - Hyperchains, Theopetra Whitepaper, Shopping.io. Muneeb on Impact Theory
May 26, 2022 • 14 MIN
This Week in Stacks Topics: [0:00] Intro [0:55] Muneeb on Impact Theory [2:35] Shopping.io STX Integration [3:03] Chiente on Bloomberg [3:34] Hyperchains on Testnet [3:57] Theopetra Whitepaper
E61: Creating the Discord for Web3 - Chris Castiglione - Co-Founder of Console.xyz
May 20, 2022 • 39 MIN
Discord is the backbone of Web3 communities. It's also full of spam and scams popping up daily. Console.xyz is building a better platform. Chris & his team at Console (inside Trust Machines) are building the tools needed to fuse crypto and communities together.
E60: Weekly Update - OkCoin + Hiro, Injective Labs, ALEX2 Roadmap, MiamiCoin Web3 Bootcamp, + More
May 20, 2022 • 16 MIN
Even with the market continuing to be slow, Stacks builders keep doing what they do best. This week we cover: [0:00] Intro [0:25] Web3.0 Founders Lab Podcast [2:10] Alex Chizhik Interview (Built on Bitcoin) [3:08] Hiro Wallet + OkCoin on-ramp [3:44] Monthly Stacks Miner Call (Xan + Jude) [4:16] Injective Labs Stacks Futures [5:08] MiamiCoin Web3 Developer Bootcamp [6:30] ALEX2 Roadmap [11:00] $STX-not-to-$100?
E59: The Evolution of Crypto Exchanges - Alex Chizhik Interview | Head of Listings at OkCoin
May 14, 2022 • 44 MIN
Alex Chizhik is the Head of Listings & Community at OkCoin. His job is to list only the best crypto assests to create a great experience for OkCoin users. In this conversation we cover: The Ukraine-Russian war and crypto's role in it, The Macro bull case for crypto giving recent events, How crypto exchanges will evolve over time, and much more. Follow Alex on Twitter @MrEbitda.
E58: Weekly Update - CityCoins Protocol Upgrade, ALEX, RoundlyX, Stacks Miner Upgrade, Megapont + Moonbirds
May 11, 2022 • 7 MIN
The market is tanking, Luna might go to zero, It's hard days for crypto. But Stacks builders continue to persevere and build the future on Bitcoin applications. This week we cover news from ALEX, NeoSwap, CityCoins, Megapont, RoundlyX, and a little update from Jude Nelson at the Stacks Foundation.
E57: Creating a Bitcoin / Crypto Wallet for Families - Kelley Cambry (Co-Founder & CEO of Wallio)
May 3, 2022 • 31 MIN
Once you go down the crypto rabbithole. It's hard to see the world the same way. But how do you entice your friends and family to go down this complicated path? Kelley and her team at Wallio are working on a solution that does two beautiful things at once. Bring families closer together, and teach them financial literacy through crypto. Power by Blue Studios, They are building a fully-fledged platform with a family wallet, A component, and a learn-to-earn education system that helps family understand this new tech.
E56: Bringing Your Favorite Assets to Every Chain - Interview with Will Binns - Cryptonautics at Wrapped
April 30, 2022 • 51 MIN
Wrapped assets allow different tokens to be ported to other chains and used in new and interesting ways. Will and the team at Wrapped are leading the way in this area. Topics we cover: -What is the benefit to wrapping assets? -Is there risk? -Advice you would give to a new developer entering Web3? -Is the future a Bitcoin world or a multi-chain world? and much more. Follow Will on Twitter: @wbnns Follow Wrapped: @WrappedFi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain Stay updated with everything on Stacks: https://www.builtonbitcoin.xyz/
E55: Weekly Update - Stacks Founders Lab, Stacks Ventures Cohort 2, Megapont, CityCoins, Grants Program, KYVE, ALEX
April 28, 2022 • 26 MIN
So much this week in Stacks! I'll update this description with more indepth info tomorrow. For now, I wanted to get this video up for your ears and eyes to enjoy. -Jake
E54: Building Protocols to Unleash Bitcoin on Stacks - Hank & Jeff (Co-Founders of Mechanism) Built on Bitcoin
April 22, 2022 • 61 MIN
What is Mechanism? The new entity in Stacks whose mission is to grow the GDP of Bitcoin? Listen in on this wide-ranging conversation with the two co-founders of Mechanism, Hank and Jeff as we explore their vision for the future of Stacks and crypto.
E53: Weekly Update - Taro, Stacks Founders Lab, CityCoins 2.0 Proposal, Xverse Update, MegaKongs
April 21, 2022 • 11 MIN
Lots to go over so lets jump right into it. What is covered this week: [0:00] Intro [00:28] Xverse Mobile Wallet Update [2:05] CityCoins 2.0 Proposal [4:00] MiamiCoin Web3 Developer Camp [4:42] Taro Lightning Labs [7:33] MegaKongs [8:34] Stacks Founders Lab Follow me on Twitter @JakeBlockchain
E52: Empowering Survivors with Evidence to Prosecute and Receive Justice - Adam David Jones - Founder of Zeer
April 15, 2022 • 35 MIN
Zeer is next-generation 911. Utilizing the amazing device you already carry around everywhere you go, Zeer takes those sensors and combines them with Machine Learning and blockchain tech to help keep you safe and protected. Adam David Jones is the founder of Zeer. After being attacked following a Bernie Sanders Rally, and the assailant getting off with no recourse. He has been on a mission to protect people in their most vulnerable and frightening of moments. https://www.zeersafe.com/
E51: Using Crypto as a Conduit to Unlock your Creativity - Conversation with Longstreet.btc
April 8, 2022 • 42 MIN
What does a music teacher in Los Angeles have to do with crypto and Stacks? A lot. Sean Longstreet is an educator, photographer, and creativity advocate whose been pushing the boundaries of what an NFT can be used for. He's released multiple new kinds of projects in the Stacks ecosystem over the past few months.
E50: Weekly Update 4/7 - Bitcoin Unleashed, CityCoins on ALEX, Console, GMRH, Project Indigo Newsletter #4, STXNFT Creator Portal, Trust Machines New Hires
April 7, 2022 • 19 MIN
Never a dull week in Stacks. This week I cover ALEX bringing new tokens onto the platform(CityCoins!), Bitcoin Unleashed Stacks Event, New community building tool called Console, GMRH Web3 music project, ALEX Newsletter, Project Indigo updates and new hires joining the Trust Machines crew.
E49: Rethinking the Real Estate Industry using PoX - Mel Anic from Theopetra
April 1, 2022 • 40 MIN
Theopetra is looking to solve the crisis of affordable housing using new tools provided by crypto. One unique they have involves a mechanism specific to Stacks called Proof-of-Transfer. Mel breaks down his back story, Why he loves real estate so much, and some of the inner workings of Theopetra and their mission. Follow Theopetra on Twitter: @theopetralabs
E48: Weekly Update 3/30 - xUSD, Dual Yield ALEX, CityCoin DAOs, Moonpay Integration, BowTiedFellow
March 31, 2022 • 12 MIN
What is up you beautiful people! Here's your weekly update on all things Stacks for the week of March 30th, 2022.
E47: Bringing Play-to-Earn Gaming to Stacks - BowTiedFellow from Stacks Degens
March 25, 2022 • 53 MIN
Play-to-Earn gaming is in it's first inning of maturity right now. The team at Stacks Degens is working to bring GameFi to Stacks. BowTiedFellow is a core team member bringing this to life.
E46: Weekly Update - Apes Together, Xverse Mobile Browser, Mechanism HQ, CityCoins & CityPacks
March 24, 2022 • 15 MIN
What's up yall! Been a minute but were back and this week I cover: -The Megapont team is building Web3 tooling for creators called Apes Together. -Xverse Mobile Wallet now supports mobile apps to spend your STX -OkCoin now supports stacking of NYC Coin. -New potential upgrades coming to the CityCoins protocol. -CityPacks NFT collection supporting Miami-Dade schools -Baby Badgers are out in the wild. See yall at Bitcoin Unleashed!
E45: Combining Bitcoin, DeFi & AI to Create the Exchange of the Future - Sungmin Aum (Stackswap)
March 11, 2022 • 41 MIN
What does Bitcoin, DeFi and a group of AI & Data Security researchers have in common? Their aiming to build the crypto exchange of the future on Stacks. Listen to this conversation with Sungmin Aum (CEO/Co-Founder of Lucidefi(Stackswap). Visit Stackswap: https://app.stackswap.org/v2
E44: Hyperchains, Bitcoin Badgers, Zest Protocol, StackerDAOs, Bitcoin Innovation Virtual Summit
February 25, 2022 • 16 MIN
Are you kidding me? This week laid the blueprint for all the things we'll be enjoying in a few months time. So much coming down the pipeline including Hyperchains news, Baby Bitcoin Badgers, Something called "Zest Protocol", StackerDAOs roadmap, and a whole summit talking about new stuff coming to Bitcoin via Stacks.
E43: Creating an ETH-to-Stacks Bridge - Creator of Satoshibles & StacksBridge Brian Laughlin
February 18, 2022 • 30 MIN
Satoshibles is the NFT project for Bitcoin Enthusiasts. But all the NFT action was on Ethereum, at least until Stacks came along. The Satoshibles team has been working to bring their NFT collection to Bitcoin via Stacks since it's initial mint. Hear Satoshibles creator Brian Laughlin talk about the process, the inspiration for this project and the good deeds they have been able to accomplish through the power of NFTs. Follow Brian on Twitter: @Bruffstar Check out Satoshibles online: https://satoshibles.com/
E42: Creating DAO Tools for Web3 Communities to Flourish - Drew Falkman, Stacks Resident
February 9, 2022 • 40 MIN
Drew & his team are building out DAO tools to help communities foster better connections. Coordinating groups of people to come together and take action toward a common goal will forever be a useful endeavor. The need for tools to help us organize more effectively is only increasing in the Web3 era where blockchain tech is creating a whole new design space for coordination, trust and aligning incentives.
E41: TWIS - Trust Machines, LNSwap, Allbridge, Mintery, StacksBridge, Project Indigo, Frens.Place
February 9, 2022 • 14 MIN
Another great week in Stacks with the Trust Machines funding round, A couple bridge announcements, the Mintery has picked its first cohort of NFT artists, More LNSwap innovation, Project Indigo Newsletter, Blocksurvery secures funding and some exciting news of of Miami regarding CityCoins. Tune In to stay updated on all things Stacks.
E40: A No-Code Platform to Build and Manage DAO's on Stacks - Orlando Cosme Co-Founder of StackerDAOs
February 5, 2022 • 43 MIN
DAO's are the hot topic right now. A way to rethink how we organize and get things done as a group. Orlando and Ryan are at the forefront of trying to navigate the murky waters of complexity that currently surround DAO's and create an easy-to-use platform to launch one for your community.
E39: Weekly Update - Lydian DAO, Coinbase, ALEX, Grants Ambassadors, STX Mining Pool & More
February 2, 2022 • 22 MIN
This week we're talking Lydian DAO, Coinbase Listing, ALEX Launch, CityCoins News, Lindsey Lohan, NFT's on Bitcoin, Project Indigo, New Stacker Chats & Built on Bitcoin episodes and a new addition to the Stacks Grants program.
E38: Empowering the Builders of Tomorrow with Jenny & Will from the Stacks Foundation - Stacks Grant Series
January 28, 2022 • 62 MIN
Stacks is working to unleash the full potential of Bitcoin, and the team at the Stacks Foundation is supporting all the builders bringing this vision to life. Listen to Jenny Mith and Will Corcoran from the Foundation talk about the programs they offer and some exciting changes coming to support the movers and shakers of Stacks.
E37: Bringing Stacks to the Masses with an Easy-To-Use Mobile Wallet - Ken Liao - Founder of Secret Key Labs & Creator of Xverse Wallet
January 24, 2022 • 27 MIN
Complicated onboarding is THE biggest problem in attracting new users to crypto. Secret Key Labs is looking to solve this problem for the Stacks ecosystem by making a mobile first wallet experience that is dead simple. Listen in to this episode to find out how they are bringing STX, CityCoins, Stacking and NFT's into one simple interface in the palm of your hand.
E36: Unleashing Proof-of-Transfer Lite with The Syvita Mining Team - BowTiedMooneeb, Invidia, & Diopitis
January 19, 2022 • 38 MIN
The Syvita Guild has been mining CityCoins since the beginning, What they have built so far is only the beginning of a bigger vision to fully unlock the potential of the Stacks Proof-of-Transfer mechanism. Check in with members of the Syvita Guild as they talk about how they got to this point, and where they are heading.
E35: The Mintery, ExecutorDAO, Wastelander Apes, Stacks turns One, ALEX Launches, Setzeus blog on Clarity - This Week in Stacks January 17th, 2022
January 18, 2022 • 12 MIN
Updates from around the Stacks ecosystem for the week of January 17th, 2022.
E34: Stacks NFT Projects Update - Twitter Spaces with Crash Punks, Badgers, Monkeys, Degens, Project Indigo, Punks Army, & Crypto Soda Club.
January 16, 2022 • 76 MIN
Check in with some of the great Stacks NFT creators and see what they have been working on and what's coming down the pipeline. On This Twitter Spaces we have: Grace & Eli from Crash Punks Newton & Setzeus from Bitcoin Badgers John from Project Indigo Tope from the Bitcoin Monkeys Fellow from Stacks Degens and the creators of upcoming projects Punks Army & Crypto Soda Club.
E33: Lightning-Enabled Apps on Stacks with LNSwap Creator - PseudoZach - Stacks Grant Series
January 8, 2022 • 34 MIN
The first Stacks NFT paid for with Lightning just happened (1/6/22). This opens a huge new space to develop in and onboard new users to the Stacks ecosystem. Learn about some of the foundational work being done in this conversation with the Creator, PseudoZach. https://www.lnswap.org/
E32: Weekly Update: Lightning-Enabled NFT Payments, Muneeb on Coinbase podcast, Alex Tokenomics, Stacks Degens, Hiro Wins Best Places to Work - This Week in Stacks January 6th, 2021
January 7, 2022 • 9 MIN
Yes you read that right, The first Stacks NFT available for purchase with a Lightning payment happened! Plus a bunch of exciting things. Builders are building in the Stacks ecosystem right now.
E31: The Game Theory of Mining Stacks & Bitcoin - Twitter Spaces with Xan Ditkoff
January 4, 2022 • 56 MIN
E31: The Game Theory of Mining of Stacks & Bitcoin - Twitter Spaces with Xan Ditkoff
E30: MiamiCoin & The Future of Cities - Convo with Mike Sarasti - City of Miami Director of Innovation & Technology
December 31, 2021 • 49 MIN
Francis Suarez started a movement with a simple tweet, "How can I help?" CityCoins may have done the same with its innovative protocol. - Mike Sarasti has been at the forefront of this innovation along with his fellow members in city leadership.
E29: TruBit NFT Launch, MomentoNFT Secures Funding, Megapont Marketplace, Syvita Mining Pools - This Week in Stacks December 30th, 2021
December 31, 2021 • 8 MIN
TruBit Launches their bootstapping NFT, MomentoNFT Secures Funding from some big names, Megapont opens up their factory to more artists, & Syvita Mining Pools are coming back online - This Week in Stacks December 30th, 2021
E28: DeFi on Bitcoin? Building the Future of Finance on Stacks - Conversation with ALEX Co-Founder Chiente Hsu
December 24, 2021 • 48 MIN
The mission statement on ALEX's website says "Bring Your Bitcoin to Life". That line sums up everything they are working on. Bitcoin is one of the purest assets that's ever been created and ALEX is working to help make it more of a productive asset, and along the way, play their part in changing the financial system.
E27: Moonray Secures Funding, OnStacks Launches, Muneeb on Subnets, Megapont & Project Indigo, Boom Charity NFTs & ALEX Launchdate + $ALEX Token - This Week in Stacks December 22nd, 2021
December 23, 2021 • 11 MIN
Merry Christmas Yall! This week a good amount of news came down the pipeline including a big project launching, some big VC money secured, a couple big NFT drops and some news on a scaling solution for Stacks called Subnets.
E26: Building Web3 Communities with Mrk (Megapont), Drew Falkman (Dao OS), MultiChainMike (EmpireDAO) - Twitter Spaces
December 22, 2021 • 58 MIN
Web3 Communities & DAO's are headline topics right now. Drew, Mark, and Mike are all builders in this new and blossoming space. We explored some topics including What is a Web3 Community and what makes them so sticky to forming groups? What is a DAO? How to incentive people to engage in a community? and much more.
E25: Launching a data platform On Stacks - Conversation with Xan Ditkoff - Founder of Daemon Technologies
December 16, 2021 • 58 MIN
Good data helps you make better decisions. Daemon Technologies is building a full-service data platform for end users and developers alike. You’ll be able to view and interact with data coming from the Stacks Blockchain and apps built on top of Stacks.
E24: Megapont, CityCoins Accelerator, Stacks Fiat On-Ramp, Ryder, Sponsored Transactions, and MORE - This Week in Stacks December 13th, 2021
December 14, 2021 • 14 MIN
I say it every week but what a week in Stacks! Ryder & Megapont drop big newsletters, A CityCoins focused Stacks Accelerator, Fiat On-Ramp from the Hiro Wallet, and much more.
E23: The 1st user-owned data marketplace built on Bitcoin - Convo with Founders of TruBit
December 10, 2021 • 37 MIN
Tokens & Crypto are changing the relationship consumers have with online apps & services. What is today being called Web3. One of the earliest epiphanies you have is realizing you bring real value to the communities you participate in. TruBit is building a marketplace for users and brands to come together in a more mutually beneficial relationship. Listen to this conversation with the 3 founders of TruBit. Stephen Dodge, Ian Major, and Sajid Akhtar.
E22: Stacks-ETH Bridge, NEW ATH, NFT Artist Accelerator, 2.05 Upgrade - This Week in Stacks December 5th, 2021
December 6, 2021 • 14 MIN
Lots of exciting things happening including a bridge to bring NFT's between Stacks & ETH, NEW ATH, An NFT Accelerator for Artists, MiamiCoin Art Week 2021, The 2.05 upgrade and much more
BNS (Blockchain Naming System) Working Group Call with Stacks Community Leaders
December 4, 2021 • 45 MIN
Werner, A member of the Stacks Advocates DAO brought together a group of leaders from around the ecosystem to discuss how to build and expand the functionality of the BNS. Community leaders in this video: Chiangogo.btc // James co-founder of Stackswap hz // OG Stacks hacker and Stacks Advocate Larry Salibra // CEO New Internet Labs and heading the BNS Working Group Marvin Janssen // Stacks Foundation Tech Lead and co-founder of Ryder pipje // Philip de Smedt CEO Arkadiko Risidio1 // Peter Ponton CEO Risidio Sungmin Aum // CEO Stackswap werner.btc // Stacks Advocate and stx.fan Friedger // Friedger Pool
E21: Understanding Stacks Mining & Protocol Design with Xan Ditkoff - Founder of Daemon Technologies
November 29, 2021 • 55 MIN
Xan Ditkoff is the founder of Daemon Technologies. A company building utilities for the Stacks Ecosystem and spreading awareness of Stacks in the Asia,
Syvita Guild State of the Union Q4 2021 - What Their Building - Twitter Spaces Recording 11.20.21
November 20, 2021 • 67 MIN
The Syvita Guild is an active group of developers and community members building on Stacks and working to expand the Bitcoin Economy. In this Twitter Space you can learn what the guild is, who is involved, what they are building, and how to get involved.
E19: CrashPunks are coming! - Conversation with Creator & Stacks Accelerator Venture Partner - Grace Ng
November 19, 2021 • 25 MIN
Grace is a Venture Partner at the Stacks Accelerator, helping startups build the future of the internet on top of Bitcoin. She is also the artistic mind behind CrashPunks, One of the most hyped NFT projects to date on Stacks.
E18: NYC Coin Mining Going Crazy, First Stacks Residents Program Cohort announced , AlexGo Secures Big Funding round, City of Miami Giving out Bitcoin to its citizens, and Megapont continues to crush.
November 19, 2021 • 14 MIN
The CityCoins projects is changing the world, Stacks Foundation announces the first cohort of its new Residents program, AlexGo gets a big round of funding to bring DeFi to Bitcoin, and Megapont continues to dominate the Stacks NFT market.
E17: Stacks NFT's hit ceiling, StackSwap Funding, NYCoin CityCoin is LIVE, STX Mining Profitability - This Week in Stacks November 10th, 2021
November 11, 2021 • 7 MIN
Stacks NFT's reach their current maximum after an explosive couple weeks, StackSwap scores a big funding rounds, The next CityCoins is announced, and an excellent thread on the profitability and decentralization of STX Mining.
E16: Own the Moments that Matter with Direct-to-Fan NFT Platform Momento - Conversation with Julian
November 5, 2021 • 27 MIN
Momento is looking to flip the script on how we consume social media and bring the creator-fan relationship closer together using NFTs. Enjoyed this conversation with Julian. Learn more of what their creating at momentonft.com All of this is built on Stacks: Smart Contracts for Bitcoin.
E15: Arkadiko Exploited, Megapont NFT, Next CityCoin, Bitcoin vs ETH Debate, First DEX on Stacks - This Week in Stacks November 3rd, 2021
November 4, 2021 • 13 MIN
Another hyperspeed week in Stacks, and this is all going on while the core devs are hard at work behind the scenes on Stacks 2.05 which should bring huge improvements to congestion. What is talked about today: [0:00] Intro [0:41] Arkadiko Exploited [2:36] Bitcoin vs Eth Debate on "What is sound money" [3:40] First DEX on Stacks goes Live (StackSwap) [4:32] Halloween NFT Competition Winners Announced [5:26] Megapont goes absolutely ape s%it [7:18] Arties Test Mint [7:41] Sigle's Explorer Guild NFT [8:30] NFT Marketplace battle heats up [10:07] Next CityCoin Announced
E14: Democratizing the real-world art market with AI & Blockchain - Ilan Klein - Founder of Open Art Source
October 29, 2021 • 44 MIN
Open Art Source is looking to bring down the barriers of entry for the real world art market. Bringing rich data, cheap authentication and a marketplace to buyers and sellers in a mobile-first experience thats backed by blockchain technology. Have a glimpse into a company changing the $65 Billion a year art market. Making it more accessible to everyone.
E13: Megapont NFT , Bitgo Integrates Stacks, STXNFT Creator Interview, Bitcoin Maxi fun, & Arkadiko is LIVE - This Week in Stacks October 27th, 2021
October 28, 2021 • 10 MIN
Sleep deprived but theres still Stacks news to breakdown. This week we had the Megapont Pre-mint, BitGo integrates with Stacks, An interview with the creator of STXNFT Marketplace, Lots of NFT launches and Arkadiko is officially live.
E12: Creating an NFT Marketplace Built on Stacks, Secured by Bitcoin - Jamil - Creator of MIAMining.com & STXNFT.com
October 22, 2021 • 24 MIN
Jamil is the creator of MIAMining.com, A Dashboard that gives valuable stats on mining MiamiCoin, as well as, STXNFT.com, An NFT marketplace built on Stacks. Knowing what to build is as critical as how you build it. Jamil knows how to ask the right questions and then execute to create the things people need.
New ATH Stacks Price, Xverse Mobile Wallet, Arkadiko Launches, Locked STX value crosses 1 Billion - This Week in Stacks October 20th, 2021
October 21, 2021 • 6 MIN
NEW All-time high for Stacks this week! LFG! The Xverse Mobile Wallet is officially out of beta. Arkadiko launches tomorrow (as of this posting!) Locked Stacks value crossed 1Billion USD, and lots of NFT drops.
EP10 Connecting Lightning Bitcoin Network & Stacks Blockchain - PseudoZach Interview
October 14, 2021 • 27 MIN
Lightning brings super fast transactions with near zero fees to Bitcoin. Stacks brings full smart contract functionality to Bitcoin. Sounds like a perfect match.
E09 AlexGo Testnet, CoinBase Prime allows Stacking, Gary Riger on NFT's on Bitcoin - This Week in Stacks
October 13, 2021 • 10 MIN
AlexGo Testnet goes live, Coinbase allows Stacking of Stacks on Prime, Gary Riger gives an update on NFTs and 2 new Stacker Chats.
Building the Future on Bitcoin - Asteria - Founder of The Syvita Guild
October 8, 2021 • 41 MIN
Asteria and his team are one of the biggest entities in the Stacks ecosystem. You've seen their work on the MiamiCoin Dashboard and the automated mining pool at mine.miami The Syvita Guild have grand ambitions of building the infrastructure that most of us will us to mint and transact.
MiamiCoin Makers Month Winners, Moonray, CityCoin Update, & more NFTs! - This Week in Stacks October 5th, 2021
October 6, 2021 • 11 MIN
It's time for your weekly dose of Stacks news. We have the winners of MiamiCoin Makers Month, An interview with Moonray Game founder, CityCoins wallet update, and more NFT's and great Stacker Chats!
Moonray brings Top-Tier Gaming to Bitcoin via Stacks - Rodrigo Etcheto - Founder of Moonray
October 1, 2021 • 31 MIN
Moonray is a far-future, surreal sci-fi Action-RPG coming to #Bitcoin via Stacks Blockchain. Allowing you a triple AAA gaming experience that brings Play-to-earn mechanics, a tradeable NFTs economy & the foundation for a metaverse to Bitcoin via Stacks. Follow Moonray on Twitter @Moonraygame
NFT's, AlexGo, Appchains, & MiamiPool - This Week in Stacks September 28th 2021
September 29, 2021 • 11 MIN
Many NFT drops, Jude Nelson releases how App Chains will work, An automated contract for mining MiamiCoin, Interviews with Muneeb Ali & Chiente Hsu, and an update on the CityCoins Wallet. Listen in!
Allow Anyone to Mint & Sell NFTs with Crypto or USD - Alla Koretsky - CEO of Layer
September 22, 2021 • 22 MIN
Alla Koretsky is the CEO of Layer. heylayer.com Layer is changing the game and giving all creators the tools to create their own NFT businesses. A simple dropbox-style interface, Creating an NFT is as easy as "Right Click & Mint", and custom storefronts to sell your newly minted art on that can be purchased with crypto OR USD.
Stacks Accelerator Demo Day, Phases of Satoshi, MiamiCoin & Scalability - This Week in Stacks - September 18th, 2021
September 19, 2021 • 13 MIN
Stacks Accelerator Demo Day, CityCoins is accepted by the City of Miami, NFT Project Phases of Satoshi launches, New Stacker Chat and a great blog post on scalability from Muneeb. What a week in Stacks land!
A Better Way to Fund Cities with Crypto & CityCoins - Patrick Stanley 'CEO of Freehold'
September 10, 2021 • 33 MIN
Patrick Stanley (CEO of Freehold) talks how he got into crypto, and what he sees coming down the pipeline with crypto, CityCoins and beyond. Quote to ponder: "It used to be, big if true, now its, true if big."
NFT's, CityCoins & Network Congestion - This Week in Stacks September 6, 2021
September 6, 2021 • 8 MIN
Busy week in the Stacks World! A CryptoPunk clone crashes the network, and the CityCoins project brings in ALOT of money for the City of Miami. Check out the update on this inaugural episode of the Built on Bitcoin Podcast!