Freedom to Coach
Teaching you how to set up and run your coaching business, create more time and manage your mind. As a coach, your purpose is to teach others to take responsibility for their own minds. So they can create the life of their dreams. But isn’t that what you want as well? You’ve got a natural ability to hone in on the results your clients create. So it’s time to take responsibility for your mind and business so you’re changing the world one mind at a time. Gemma Lumicisi is a Fear Life Coach and Commanding Copywriter. She helps women stop hiding, become intentional and create a life and business they love. Mikala Grossë is a Productivity Life Coach and Automation Queen. She helps women stop being busy, earn more money and create a life and business they love.
#1: Why Coaches Need Coaching
July 1, 2021 • 40 MIN
You know the significance of having a clean mind. But do you make sure to allow yourself the time to get coaching? We get it. As a coach, you think you’ve got the mindset, thought and feeling system under control. But did you know it’s an ongoing practice? Learn why you always require coaching as a coach in this episode.
#2: Websites for Coaches
July 14, 2021 • 30 MIN
Believe it or not, your website matters. As a coach, you must have a website that connects you with your ideal clients. Several elements make up a brilliant website for coaches. In this episode, we reveal the must-haves and have nots of a successful coaches website.
#3: Your Marketing Plan Matters
July 28, 2021 • 40 MIN
Considering skipping your marketing plan? Don’t because it’s the biggest mistake you’ll make. Without a plan you can’t evaluate your efforts to discover what is and isn’t working. Plus it keeps you focussed towards your goals and makes your sales and content creation easier. Join Gemma and Mikala as they discuss why your marketing plan matters and how it’s the tool you’ll use to grow your coaching business.
#4: How to Repurpose Content
August 11, 2021 • 32 MIN
Stuck in social media overwhelm? You don’t need to be because you know overwhelm comes from a sentence in your brain. Coaches need social media presence but don’t let it take over your time. In this episode you’ll learn how to repurpose content the best way. So it benefits your business, time and your clients too.
#5: Boundaries vs Barriers
August 25, 2021 • 24 MIN
Your coaching business is yours and you run it your way. But not if you’re preventing your clients from working with you the way they want to as well. In this episode discover how to create business boundaries from love that work for you and your clients too.
#6: Copywriting for Coaches
September 9, 2021 • 37 MIN
Go to write copy but your words don’t come? You think of something spectacular and when you sit down to write it…… it’s gone. Well coach, you’re not alone. Copywriting is a specific style of writing but the mistake we see many coaches making is using coaching words which do not connect with clients. Ever. In this episode you’ll learn the do’s and don’ts of copywriting for coaches.
#7: Toxic Positivity
September 23, 2021 • 31 MIN
As a coach, you know the benefit of embracing negative emotions. In this episode, you’ll learn more about why consistent positivity is toxic and how to use your emotions as powerful tools for you and your coaching business. You know being positive 100 per cent of the time isn’t logical so we want you to always embrace and own your negative emotions. Give yourself permission to feel. Listen to them, allow them to be but keep on coaching anyway.
#8: Email Marketing For Coaches
October 21, 2021 • 30 MIN
Never underestimate the power of your email list. When you’re emailing people you are directly in their inbox and they can open and read your email when it best suits them. Without feeling bombarded. Learning email marketing can feel overwhelming but this episode breaks it down into steps so you can stop being scared of starting your email marketing journey.
#9: The Joys of Having Your Own Podcast
November 4, 2021 • 37 MIN
Think about starting a podcast? If you want your own podcast but struggle to get started then this episode is for you. You’ll learn about why having a podcast benefits your business, maximises exposure and is most of all fun. This episode helps stop your mind blocks from not starting a podcast and tips on where to begin.
#10: Stop Your Niche Drama, Today
November 18, 2021 • 29 MIN
If you’re like most coaches who live in niche drama land then it’s time to get out. Because worrying, overthinking and changing your niche more than your underwear is wasting time you when you could be coaching. Why did you become a coach? To help others, right? So why are you choosing instead to not decide on who you help? Learn how to stop your niche drama today.
#11: How to (really) Get $hit Done
December 2, 2021 • 34 MIN
Want to know how to truly, actually and consistently get things done? Then this is the episode for you. Mikala and Gemma are both productivity experts and between the two of them get shit done and do it consistently. In this episode you’ll learn about constraint, scheduling and honouring yourself. Because these three things are the key to consistently getting stuff done.
#12: Break the Rules in Your Head
December 16, 2021 • 26 MIN
Often feel resistance, guilt or pressure in your business? You’re not alone. In this episode learn the reason you’re having negative feelings about your business. And the secret (of course) is in your thinking. Which means it's time to uncover the list of rules you’ve created in your head and see if they serve you and your business. And if not, it’s time to become a rule breaker.
#13: LinkedIn for Coaches (How to...)
January 5, 2022 • 40 MIN
If you’re like many coaches then you’ll use LinkedIn. But if you want to know how to use LinkedIn as a coach the right way then this is the episode for you. Join LinkedIn expert Karen Tisdell as she reveals what’s coming to LinkedIn and how it’s going to benefit coaches.
#14: So You Wanna Write a Book?
January 20, 2022 • 44 MIN
If you’re ready to write a book you must like your reasons. Many coaches want to write a book so if you’re ready to write one then this is the episode for you. Learn how Gemma wrote her book in 5 months and what the key is to getting it done.
#15: Stop Should-ing on Yourself
February 3, 2022 • 20 MIN
Think you should be further along in your business? Or that you should be making more money? If so then listen up because there is nothing you should do. Your coaching business is yours and you run it your way, telling yourself you should be doing things you don’t want to creates resistance and stops you from moving forward. In this episode you’ll learn how to stop should-ing all over yourself. Plus discover that should-ing is fuel for procrastination and learn how to discover if you are should-ing all over yourself and how to stop it so you can remove the blocks in your coaching business and move forward.
#16: The World Will Wait
February 17, 2022 • 18 MIN
Find you’re in a hurry in your coaching business? To get more clients, to post more social posts, to write more blogs and do more launches? You’re not alone. Many coaches work from urgency because they’re in a hurry but it only leads to burnout. What’s your hurry? Because the world will wait, it’s always going to be there and your clients are waiting for you.
#17: Holding Space for Yourself
March 3, 2022 • 15 MIN
Do you do it? If you’re like most coaches then you do it beautifully for your clients but you forget about yourself? It’s ok, you’re an empathetic creature that’s why you’re a coach. But don’t forget how holding space is the most precious thing you do for your clients. Which means it is for you as well.
#18: Frame Your Day for Success
March 17, 2022 • 33 MIN
Do you live each day on purpose? If not, you can decide to do it right now today. If you want to know how two successful coaches and business owners frame their day for success then this podcast episode is for you. Gemma and Mikala are the queens of getting shit done in their business and their lives. In this episode, they interview each other about how they both manage to do it. 👉🏼 Learn the morning routine that prepares Gemma for her day every day 👉🏼 Learn the routine that Mikala changed up because of circumstances that changed how she spends her time and business 👉🏼 Discover how to truly get shit done every day without excuses This episode isn't one to be missed. Because you'll leave it feeling invigorated and ready to implement some of or all of these tactics into the daily schedule of your business and your life as well.
#19: The Business of Life Coaching
March 31, 2022 • 28 MIN
You thought running your coaching business would be easier, but it’s not. You think you’re doing something wrong because you haven’t made $100k yet. But you see all of the other coaches do it yesterday. Guess what? Running a business isn’t easy, even if social media tells you that it is. It takes time, patience and effort. In this episode learn the real business of life coaching to help you stay on your path.
#20: My Coaching Journey - Kate Osborne
April 14, 2022 • 25 MIN
Want coaching inspiration and advice? Then we’ve bought along Kate Osborne who’s been coaching for twenty years and wants to share her journey with you. Plus she shares loads of advice for new coaches. In this episode, you’ll learn that the first 12 weeks are critical and why it's important to start your day a particular way.
#21: How to Stop Over-controlling
April 28, 2022 • 36 MIN
Find you control everything in your coaching business, leaving you with little time? If so, you’re not alone. In this episode, discover why you’re over-controlling stuff in your business and why letting go increases your time, coaching capacity and stress levels.
#22: Growth & Learning as a Coach
May 12, 2022 • 33 MIN
New coach starting? Or are you an established coach? Either way, growth and learning as a coach are critical to your success. If you’re focusing on sharpening your coaching skills, being honest with yourself and open to feedback is crucial. Join Mikala and Master Coach Nicky Hammond to discover ways of fine-tuning your coaching skills without sacrificing growing your business.
#23: Group Coaching Programs
May 26, 2022 • 21 MIN
Ready for a group coaching program? Awesome. But are you? There is a particular stage of your coaching business where introducing group coaching is appropriate. And it’s not at the beginning. If you’re early in your coaching business, it’s easy to get caught up in the dollar figures and hyper-focus on group coaching because that’s where the money is. So the experts say. But what do you say? Do you want to stay with a one-on-one model? Great. Only you can decide what’s right for you.
#24: Chucking Business Tantrums
June 9, 2022 • 17 MIN
Lose your shit in your business when things don’t go as you planned? You’re not alone. In Australian (English), this is known as ‘chukin a tanty’ as we want you to chuck all the tanty’s that you need without sacrificing your business. You have every right to feel all the shit feelings when there’s a failure in your business. You can let all the emotions come out and blame everyone else but you. But don’t let it carry on forever. Have your tanty and move on. Because if you stay stuck, then you’ll never move forward. Learn how to have your tantrum and move on from a non-emotional space to continue to make forward decisions in your business without staying stuck and not taking responsibility for you and your business.
#25: The Gap from Thought to Results
June 23, 2022 • 28 MIN
Ever wonder what happens between your thoughts and results? In business, your actions determine your results. And regardless of how you’re thinking and feeling you can still move forward. You can grow your business without waiting to “change” your thoughts. Join Action-line coach Debbie Shadid and Gemma as they discuss the truth about growing your coaching business. If you’re wasting time and money on training and mindset coaching then this is the episode for you.
#26: Sneaky (Bad) Business Habits
July 11, 2022 • 28 MIN
Got no bad habits in your business? Guess again. The truth is, there are sneaky unhelpful things you do without knowing that are habitual for you. Find it easy NOT to stick to your schedule? Learn the reason why in this episode and discover how to stay focused. The secret to a successfully run coaching business is your habits. Plus, your ability to break bad ones and create new ones that serve you and your life. If you’re ready to create more time and energy in your business and life, discover how your habits are the tool to do it.
#27: Stop Buying, Start Doing
July 21, 2022 • 17 MIN
Picture this. You're stuck in your coaching business and have no idea what to do next. So you buy another course and finish that. You loved it, so you buy another one and join another membership. What happens next? 6 months passed, and you don't have a new client. Sound familiar? It's time to stop buying courses, coaching and memberships. In this episode, you'll learn how to start doing (actual) stuff in your business so you can keep on coaching.
#28: Handling Failure in Your Business
August 4, 2022 • 18 MIN
Hate when things don’t go your way? When you run a business and you’re taking steps to move forward then there isn’t anything that’s a failure. Every step you take means you learn something and it keeps you moving forward and not backwards. But when you feel you haven’t gotten the result you want it feels like a failure which means you need to process the feeling.
#29: When It's Time to Get Help
August 18, 2022 • 13 MIN
Struggle to get things done in your business? There are times when help makes your business and life run smoother. Business is a balance of working in it and on it. Often, entrepreneurs want to do it all, which means there will be a part that gets left behind. In this episode, you’ll discover when it’s time to get help and how to grow your business without sacrificing one part.
#30: Mental Health & Coaching
September 1, 2022 • 48 MIN
Do you feel confident about your ability to recognise the signs that your clients are struggling with their mental health and have a healthy conversation around this? Join Mikala as she speaks with Mental Health First Aid Trainer Tracey Groombridge about things to be aware of, both in yourself and in your clients, and how to create a safe space for the conversation right from your first session.
#31: Creating vs Consuming
September 15, 2022 • 17 MIN
How much information are you consuming for your business? We love learning, but if you overdo it, your business will suffer. Running a business means creating your goals, and over-learning and consuming doesn’t move you forward. If you’re ready to take action steps in your coaching business to achieve your dreams, this is the episode for you.
#32: The Courage to Start
September 29, 2022 • 34 MIN
Feeling like you’re stuck in your business? It's common for entrepreneurs to feel stagnant but avoiding and not taking action means you risk never growing your business. If you can’t tap into your courage to start, this is the episode for you. Join Igor Vilusic and Gemma as they discuss being courageous and why you avoid courageous action.
#33: Healthy Eating for Entrepreneurs
October 13, 2022 • 30 MIN
If you’re an entrepreneur who thinks about business first and food last, you’re not alone. But eating healthy is the fuel for your mind and body, which helps your business flow throughout the day. If you’re struggling to eat healthily and run your coaching business, this is the episode for you.
#34: Coaching Versus Teaching
October 31, 2022 • 30 MIN
Want to improve your teaching? As coaches, teaching is a part of our profession which means improving the skill improves your coaching skills. In this episode, join teacher mindset coach Ashley Wolfe as Gemma and discuss the difference between coaching and teaching. Discover tips on improving teaching in your coaching practice that you can implement today.
#35: Who Is Your Person?
November 11, 2022 • 17 MIN
If you avoid creating an ideal client avatar, then listen up! You risk connecting with your ideal clients if you’re not clear on who you're speaking to in your marketing message. In this episode, join Mikala and Gemma as they chat about how beneficial it is to create a perfect client avatar and how detrimental it is if you don’t. Get actionable and easy steps to creating a client avatar so you can get clear on your marketing message today.
#36: Build Your Business Your Way
November 24, 2022 • 40 MIN
Ever felt like you do things in your business that feel yucky? You are NOT alone! In business, we do stuff because the “experts” tell us to and we think we should. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Building your coaching business should feel honest and true to you. Join coach Kristen King and Gemma in this episode and they discuss how to drop being perfect in your business, the shoulds and how to embrace being good enough. So you can build your coaching business your way.
#37: Doing Stuff You Don't Want to Do
December 21, 2022 • 18 MIN
Hate some of the tasks in your coaching business? It's normal to avoid various tasks in your business, but the reality is... you have to do them. In this episode, you'll learn how to make it easier to do the things you don't want to do. But need to get done. Discover forward-moving shit.... you'll feel crap doing it, but you'll feel worse if you don't do it. It's all about embracing the shit feeling but putting on your big human pants and doing it anyway.
#38: Planning for Simplicity in 2023
January 20, 2023 • 15 MIN
Planning your business for 2023 is about keeping it simple. How do you do this? By knowing what it is you truly want. It’ll have you rethinking why and how you plan your business annually.
#39: Are You Aligned With Your Why?
February 1, 2023 • 24 MIN
Are you truly following the purpose of your coaching business? You’re not alone If you’ve drifted away from your why. But now is the time to revisit what you want out of your business and life. In this episode, you’ll listen to a story about an entrepreneur and a fisherman, which helps solidify this concept. Don’t miss it.
#40: Managing Grief and Your Business
February 16, 2023 • 29 MIN
Grief sucks. It’s a challenging emotion to feel and can completely cripple you. But if you’re like most coaches, you’ve still got your business to run. In this episode, you’ll discover tips on how to navigate grief while running your coaching business. So you can give yourself grace and space while still managing your business.
#41: Coaching with Horses
March 2, 2023 • 52 MIN
There are lots of different types of coaches, and lots of different types of coaching tools. But the magic happens when coaches find the right tools that compliment their training and result in beautiful, meaningful and engaging sessions for the client. In this episode Mikala chats with Pam Poole, a certified Life Coach who blends Equine Assisted Learning (or the wisdom of horses) with her practice.
#42: Semi Retirement
March 16, 2023 • 20 MIN
Do you want to work less and enjoy life more? But still, love and nourish your coaching business? You can have both. There’s a lot of talk in the coaching industry about making huge amounts of money, but what if that’s not your dream? It’s totally okay if it’s not. What’s also okay is you can have a successful business WHILE being semi-retired.
#43: Finding Your Footing as a Coach with Corinne Crabtree
March 30, 2023 • 46 MIN
Are you struggling to figure out how to be a coach and run a business simultaneously? We get it. It’s not easy to do both, but the key is consistency. In this episode, hear from guest Corinne Crabtree with Gemma and Mikala about how to keep consistent and grow your coaching business.
#44: Marketing the Icky Stuff
April 13, 2023 • 48 MIN
Do you coach clients on topics that can be construed as shameful, embarrassing or icky? Sade Curry a Life and Relationships, openly shares content about what is considered the darker side of marriage and divorce - narcissism, toxic behaviours, emotional abuse and domestic violence.
#45: The Marketing Marathon
April 27, 2023 • 20 MIN
Marketing is a marathon, not a sprint.... Excuse the metaphor, but it’s true. If you’re like most coaches, you’ll notice you put a LOT of time into your marketing with what feels like little return… Yet! It doesn't happen overnight, but it will happen. In this episode, you’ll discover how consistency and a well-planned strategy pay off.
#46: How to Optimise Your Brain Health
May 12, 2023 • 28 MIN
In this episode, Gemma and Neurologist Dr Saher Rizvi discuss the topic of brain health. While we often consider physical and gut health and get our blood tested during doctor checkups, we may overlook the health of our brain. However, our brains play a critical role in our functioning. By tuning in, you'll gain insight into the significance of brain health. And learn how to optimise your brain to enhance your overall well-being and daily performance.
#47: It's Okay to NOT Get Coached
May 25, 2023 • 21 MIN
As a coach, you understand the value of coaching and how it can positively impact our lives. However, it's also okay to choose not to be coached. Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes we may need more time to feel ready for coaching. It's important to remember that if we choose not to seek coaching, we should still actively work through any issues on our own when we're ready.
#48: Financial Adulthood in Business
June 8, 2023 • 24 MIN
Being on top of your business finances is probably the clearest sign of all that you've reached financial adulthood. But for many, understanding how to plan, set goals and manage business money can be a scary and confusing minefield. In this episode, Mikala speaks with Fractional CFO, Carla Moats about why financial adulthood in business is so important, and how to get there.
#49: Your Presence Online
June 22, 2023 • 18 MIN
Are you worried about coming across as genuine on the internet? No need to fret. Your clients choose you for who you are as a person, not just as a coach. People prefer to buy from someone they can relate to and build a connection with. In this episode, you'll learn how to authentically present yourself online. So you can connect with people you want to work with in your coaching business.
#50: The 3-Step Procrastination Cure
July 6, 2023 • 32 MIN
Guess what? It’s human nature to procrastinate. Phew! Want even better news? In this episode, you’ll discover how to use procrastination as an advantage in your business. Join Gemma and Dr. Christina Arnold and she shares the truth about procrastination.
#51: Understanding Time and Energy
July 20, 2023 • 43 MIN
Have you ever questioned your relationship with time? Our perception of time and productivity is heavily influenced by societal conditioning. Are you someone who often over-schedules yourself, engages in tasks you don't enjoy, and powers through exhaustion? If so, this episode is for you. Gemma and Chris Hale discuss intuitive scheduling and the importance of tuning into your body's energy levels instead of conforming to external expectations of what you "should be doing."
#52: AI Copywriting for Your Business
August 4, 2023 • 30 MIN
Using AI-powered copywriting can provide benefits, but it's essential to maintain a balance. In this episode, you’ll discover pointers to maximise the advantages while retaining your personal touch.
#53: Old School Marketing Returns
August 17, 2023 • 23 MIN
When times are tough, and you see fewer sales online, don’t let the power of old-school marketing methods fool you. Methods like attending events and meeting people, sending out snail mail, giving cool gifts to clients, and asking happy customers to spread the word. Old school (offline) marketing must always be in your marketing plan. And now, more than ever, its importance is huge. Discover how to use traditional marketing in your coaching business today.
#54: Handling Tough Financial Times
September 1, 2023 • 19 MIN
Are you struggling with financial difficulties in your coaching business? You're not alone. Financial changes vary, and they’re not forever. It’s possible to make it through. In this episode, we give tips that you won’t want to miss. So you can get help to overcome these challenges.
#55: Email Marketing Revamped
September 14, 2023 • 24 MIN
Email marketing isn't dead. In fact, it's the hottest marketing method to use right now. Want a free marketing method to nurture clients? Email is the answer. It can help you engage with clients, get new clients and reward loyalty. But most importantly? It works for you, and it can help you get new clients. Don't underrate the power of email marketing. Discover hot copywriting tips to get your emails to stand out in inboxes.
#56: Data Over Drama
September 28, 2023 • 36 MIN
Unsure how to use analytics to your advantage? This episode is for you. You must have the right insights to gain an advantage today. Analytics are a powerful tool helping you understand customer behaviour, market trends, and other important information. By uncovering hidden patterns and trends, you can make smarter decisions that help your business succeed.
#57: Stop, Start or Continue?
October 13, 2023 • 17 MIN
Start, stop or continue? These three words are hot on the lips of coaches everywhere. As the coaching industry evolves and adapts to changes, so does your coaching business. What changes do you need to make to remain relevant and effective in helping your clients reach their full potential? In this episode, you'll learn how to evaluate your coaching business's start, stop or continue philosophy. So you can do what feels best for you and your clients moving forward.
Ep #58: Tackling Re-Employment
October 26, 2023 • 37 MIN
Thinking about going back to full-time employment? But you’re worried about what it means for your coaching business. You know the thrill of leaving a day job to pursue your passions and start your business. However, society views it negatively when someone decides to leave their business to work for someone else. This stigma is fascinating. Join us in this special episode with special guest Nicky Hammond, and we chat about rejoining the 9-5 club without feeling ashamed.
Ep #59: The Power of Content
November 17, 2023 • 28 MIN
Unlock the power of content marketing, a vital key to success. Join Gemma and Mel Daniels in this captivating episode as they unravel the secrets of content marketing. Discover how to create compelling content that resonates with your audience effortlessly. Dive into strategic content planning and learn to measure your achievements precisely. Stay ahead of the curve by exploring the latest content trends. Don't miss this opportunity to supercharge your content strategy and drive your coaching business to new heights.
Ep #60: Don't Stop Your Marketing
December 13, 2023 • 19 MIN
Times are more challenging, so you cut your marketing.... Wrong. Join us as we explore why slashing your marketing budget during a financial squeeze isn't beneficial. This episode reveals the hidden benefits of maintaining your marketing efforts during challenging times. Discover how keeping up your marketing strategy can help you maintain brand awareness, stay competitive, and adapt to changing consumer behaviours. After all, if people can't see you, how can potential clients know you're there?
Ep #61: Comparisonitis - How to do it Well...
December 20, 2023 • 23 MIN
Need to break free from the comparison trap? This episode is for you. If you’re like most coaches, you’re comparing what you do to what others do. This is totally normal. Guess what? Often, comparison is a good thing. Huh?! Tune into this episode to discover how comparison-itis can benefit your business.
Episode #62: How to Solve Your Client's Problems
January 22, 2024 • 18 MIN
Clever marketing solves problems. But, if you’re like many coaches, you’re solving problems that clients aren’t aware they have. Which means they won’t buy what you’re selling. Join Gemma and Mikala as they explore strategies to identify and understand your target audience's problems. So you can create marketing that truly resonates.
Episode #63: Passive vs Massive Marketing
February 2, 2024 • 12 MIN
Are you feeling stuck in your marketing efforts? Marketing can be tricky. It needs patience and courage. Sticking to what feels familiar is easy, but that is holding you back. Tune into this episode to help you navigate the complex marketing world and discover what it takes to attract new clients. Discover the differences between passive and massive marketing and how they impact your business growth. Join Mikala and Gemma as we discuss the key strategies that set successful businesses apart from those that struggle. You can unlock your potential and achieve massive growth by leaving your comfort zone.
Ep #64: Hard Truth - It's Not About You...
February 21, 2024 • 14 MIN
Are you tired of creating copy that misses the mark? It's time to shift your focus from yourself to your clients. Stop guessing what they want to hear and start asking the right questions. In this episode, you'll discover the ONE question to revolutionise your marketing strategy. By understanding your client's needs, you can create clever marketing that attracts and retains loyal customers. Don't settle for little. Take your business to the next level with this powerful marketing tool.
Ep #65: Talking Email Marketing Law and Ethics
March 1, 2024 • 29 MIN
Join Mikala and Gemma to learn the ins and outs of email marketing consent, rules and the GDPR. Plus, extra tips for clever email marketing in 2024. Tune in, and let's have some fun while navigating the world of marketing regulations. It’s going to be a blast.
Ep #66: Turning Choice to Your Advantage
March 20, 2024 • 13 MIN
Join us as we discuss the paradox of choice in coaching. Discover how coaches can simplify potential clients' decision-making using a unique tactic. We also explore the tool for coaches to communicate their value and simplify the choice for clients seeking a coach. Don't overcomplicate your marketing. Discover how to make you, as the coach, a simple choice.
Ep #67: Embracing Femininity
April 3, 2024 • 41 MIN
Join Mikala as she delves into an inspiring conversation with our guest, Nicole Stewart. From the world of international equestrian competition, Nicole’s journey is one of resilience, self-discovery, and the pursuit of authentic femininity in a world that often favours masculine traits. Amongst other things, Nicole shares some amazing insights on how to find success as a coach.
Ep #68: How to Use AI and Still Sound Human
April 12, 2024 • 24 MIN
Join us in this podcast with Chat GPT trainer Leanne Shelton to explore how AI can be a powerful tool for your business. Discover expert strategies for authentic content that resonates with your audience. Learn from real examples of misusing ChatGPT and how to avoid them to protect your coaching business's reputation.
Episode #69: Farewell, But Not Goodbye
April 26, 2024 • 8 MIN
It's with mixed emotions that we announce the final episode of the Freedom to Coach Podcast. In this special farewell episode (number 69, wink wink ), we reflect on the incredible journey we've shared with all of you. The inspiring coaches, the insightful conversations, and the amazing community we've built together. But wait. This isn't the end. It's just a new beginning in a different format. We share what's next for us and how you can stay connected with the Freedom to Coach spirit.