Freedom to Coach
#6: Copywriting for Coaches
September 9, 2021
Go to write copy but your words don’t come? You think of something spectacular and when you sit down to write it…… it’s gone. Well coach, you’re not alone. Copywriting is a specific style of writing but the mistake we see many coaches making is using coaching words which do not connect with clients. Ever. In this episode you’ll learn the do’s and don’ts of copywriting for coaches.
In this episode you’ll discover secret tips about the art of copywriting for coaches. Plus how you know more about copywriting than you think because the key is in your clients.

Intrigued? This episode isn’t to be missed. If you don’t want to make copywriting mistakes that are detrimental to your business then Copywriting for Coaches is for you.

And remember to get your hands on our FREE copywriting cheatsheet at