The Board Success Podcast
On this show, we'll explore the journey of successful professionals who want to leave a legacy, find more purpose, and achieve greater success.
Episode 20: How to Have Influence in the Boardroom with Anneli Blundell
December 11, 2023 • 41 MIN
How can you use strategic thinking and influence skills to stand out and make a bigger impact in the boardroom? And is there a difference between being influential or manipulative? In this episode, we’ll talk to award-winning specialist in communication and human behaviour, leadership expert, and executive coach Anneli Blundell. She shares insights on conveying strategic perspective, building consensus, and harnessing the power of your influence. Anneli also takes us through tips on how to influence with integrity and flex your influencing approach to make a better impact and bring others along while avoiding some common mistakes board members often make. Listen in for Anneli Blundell’s invaluable advice on using strategy and influence to boost your impact, drive progress, and maximise your contribution in the boardroom. If you want to increase your influence and impact on the board then you want to miss this one!
Episode 19: Exploring the Board Landscape with David Maywald
December 1, 2023 • 37 MIN
Non for profit boards, particularly in the voluntary sector, serve as excellent stepping stones for aspiring directors. However, these roles come with their own unique set of challenges. However there are misconceptions and responsibilities that prospective directors must comprehend when contemplating nonprofit positions. In this episode we are joined by David Maywald, a seasoned Non Executive Director and researcher. His journey from a financial services career to a full-time professional director provides valuable insights into the qualifications, competencies, and readiness required for board roles. David discusses some of the essential factors that contribute to an executive's readiness when considering a transition to a board role and the challenges and potential pitfalls individuals face when making the transition to board roles. No-for-profit board roles are not just stepping stones; they can also evolve into long-term commitments driven by personal values. Listen in to discover the hidden opportunities within the nonprofit board landscape.
Episode 18: An Interview with Non Executive Director Sanchia Aranda AM
November 15, 2023 • 43 MIN
In this episode we have a special replay from our sister podcast, “Non Executive Director Insider Insights”, where you get to meet Non Executive Directors (NEDs) and go inside their boardrooms. Today we hear from Sanchia Aranda AM. Sanchia’s Professional journey began in nursing and developed into over 40 years of expertise in cancer control. At the time of this recording, Sanchia was a Board Chair for Scope Australia and Deputy Board Chair for the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Alliance. Sanchia firmly believes an organisation's purpose or mission as being the key driver of success. While financial gains are important, strong corporate social responsibility sets an organisation apart from its competitors. Listen to the episode to hear Sanchia's insights on how boards can prioritise the beneficiary's voice in the decision-making processes.
Episode 17: The Secrets to Winning a Board Role with Richard Elstone
November 8, 2023 • 33 MIN
Asking the right questions is a core competency for any effective non-executive director. But it's also a critical component when interviewing for a board position. So when you prepare for an interview how can you be sure you're demonstrating your questioning abilities and stand out from the competition? In this episode, we are joined by Richard Elstone and we explore some of the techniques to formulate great questions that impress in board interviewers. Richard discusses how you can improve your question technique and how to avoid interrogational or operational questions? We’ll discuss practical strategies to showcase your curiosity and critical thinking for the boardroom. We also discuss the best way to deal with the dreaded "Tell us about yourself." and how you can craft the perfect pitch and deliver a compelling story that reflects your journey and expertise, ensuring you stand out amidst the competition. Listen for all the tips to impress the interviewers, and secure your seat at the boardroom table with Richard Elstone's expert insights, don't miss this episode.
Episode 16: Boardroom Negotiations And The Power Of Process with Wayne Harrison
November 1, 2023 • 36 MIN
Boardroom negotiations can be pivotal moments that can shape the future of companies, influence market dynamics, and impact stakeholders. Whether it's mergers and acquisitions, strategic partnerships, or crucial decision-making, effective negotiations are the key to unlocking mutually beneficial agreements. In this episode, we discuss negotiations and the power of process with Wayne Harrison. Wayne founded Pathfinders Downunder, a company that provides proven and practical problem-solving know-how to communicate, influence, negotiate and manage conflict. He is also the author of “From Hope to Strategy - The Anatomy of Negotiation.” Negotiating in the boardroom is an art that requires finesse, strategy, and a deep understanding of the dynamics at play. It is often where the fate of companies can be determined, and the stakes are high. While many may attribute negotiation success to charismatic leaders or sheer luck, the truth lies in carefully orchestrating a well-designed process that guides the discussions, channels the energy, and ensures fair and effective outcomes. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of boardroom negotiations and discover how the power of process can transform how we negotiate.
Episode 15: How to Build and Retain a Future Fit Workforce with Kim Seeling Smith
October 18, 2023 • 34 MIN
In today's episode, we are joined by Kim Seeling Smith, a Future of Work expert and she imparts her skills and wisdom about how to build and retain a future-fit workforce. Kim provides invaluable strategies for board members and senior leaders to build and retain a future-fit workforce. She highlights the three major business disruptions organisations will struggle with and provides practical solutions that transform these challenges into opportunities for growth. In an ever-shifting business landscape, the role of the board within an organisation's long-term strategy is continually evolving. Preparing for the future of an organisation isn't just about forecasting trends, it's about building and retaining a workforce that's ready to adapt, thrive and grow as the business does.
Episode 14: Developing Intelligence in the Decision Making Process with Martyn Lomax
October 11, 2023 • 31 MIN
One of the keys to a successful business is the ability of the board and executives to make decisions. Decision-making is a critical component for any business but when it’s done using an unstructured process there are a number of ways that it can have a profoundly negative effect on the organisation. Projects get delayed, budgets blow out and ultimately poor strategic choices could be made. In this episode of the Board Success Podcast, Martyn Lomax shares his expertise on the power of structured decision-making processes within organisations. He believes a structured decision-making process goes beyond defining roles, and responsibilities and identifying the common challenges an organisation faces. Martyn discusses the importance of having a decision register - a tool to record, analyse and understand the rationale behind decisions made. Martyn Lomax is a highly technical startup CEO, investor and early-stage startup mentor. With 15+ of experience in networking and security tech in large US firms, he then built, grew and successfully exited a B2B software startup in 2020. Since then he has been investing in and mentoring startups in a range of industries. He has an eye for product design, infosec, software architecture scaling and building teams. In 2022 Martyn co-founded Janua with a focus on the world of Decision Intelligence and helping leaders empower teams to make better decisions. Martyn also touches on the broader impact of a good decision-making process. The board can achieve enhanced oversight, promote informed decision-making, manage risks and so much more. Also, it ignites positive transformation and efficiency in organisations. Listen in to the episode to learn how Board Members and aspiring leaders can navigate the world of decision-making with precision and insight.
Episode 13: The Boardroom of the Future with Dr Dean Blomson
October 4, 2023 • 38 MIN
The speed of change in technology has altered the business landscape dramatically and how we operate in that swiftly changing environment will determine our future success. The way boards have operated in the past is no longer fit for purpose, now and in the future. Boards are under increasing pressure operating in volatile and uncertain environments requiring boards to stay on top of far more information than ever before. The additional focus on topics such as digital, AI and ESG are increasing the demands for compliance and competing for time taking up previously with strategy and stewardship. In this episode Dr Dean Blomson shares the need to adapt swiftly to these emerging concerns otherwise there will be potential consequences of ignoring them. Dean is a highly experienced strategy and transformation advisor and a seasoned professional with a diverse board portfolio career. In modern-day business, it is crucial that we challenge traditional board models. Listen in and discover how using innovative approaches, adaptability, and purpose-driven governance can help navigate challenging board governance and lead to effective board leadership.
Episode 12: An Interview with Non Executive Director Wendy Stops
September 27, 2023 • 40 MIN
In this episode we have a special replay from our sister Insider Insights podcast, where you get to meet Non Executive Directors (NEDs) and go inside their boardrooms. Today we hear from ASX Director, Wendy Stops. At the time of this recording, Wendy was a Non Executive Director of the Commonwealth Bank, Coles Group Ltd and Fitted for Work, and Chair of the Industry Advisory Board for the Centre for Business Analytics at the Melbourne Business School. Since then, she has also become Chair of Blackmores and Deputy Chancellor at the University of Melbourne. She completed her tenure at CBA in Oct 2020. Wendy shares her insights on how to make securing your seat on a board possible, with tips on networking and establishing yourself as a leader.
Episode 11: I Have a Story for You! with Yamini Naidu
September 13, 2023 • 33 MIN
In this episode of the Board Success Podcast, we delve into the art of discovering your X Factor and the power of storytelling. Our guest, Yamini Naidu, a Bollywood dancing, economist-turned-business storyteller, specialises in working with leaders and professionals to craft narratives that foster meaningful connections. Yamini's background in economics led her to ponder the puzzling phenomenon of data failing to captivate audiences, despite its inherent logic. Through her quest for answers, she uncovered a profound truth: the true essence of leadership resides in the mastery of storytelling. By sharing relatable experiences, infusing them with vitality, and showcasing one's unique qualities, individuals can distinguish themselves from the competition. For those aspiring to board positions, Yamini advises steering clear of the mundane, generic, and uninspiring statements that saturate most resumes. Instead, she encourages focusing on specific experiences that serve as evidence of possessing that coveted X Factor. By confidently articulating your X Factor, you illuminate your purpose, value, and potential contribution as a prospective board member. Listen in to discover how you can identify your X Factor and harness the invaluable tool of storytelling to elevate yourself above the competition and make your mark in the world of board leadership.
Episode 10: Brilliant Board Papers and Minutes to Help You Shine with Julie Garland McLelland
June 21, 2023 • 35 MIN
In this episode we’re joined by Non Executive Director and esteemed Governance expert Julie Garland McLelland who shares her insights on how to document board meetings effectively. Julie has served on a multitude of boards and her experience in the boardroom includes Chairing the board of an ASX listed business. She is also a frequent speaker at conferences and a prized reference for journalists, where her comments have featured in ABC News’ Nightly Business Report, The Business Programme, The Australian Financial Review, The Financial Times (Britain), Company Director Journal, Keeping Good Companies, and other quality publications. Julie has more than 20 years’ experience delivering education programs for the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) including 14 courses that she has created. She has also developed and delivered director education for the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD), Director Institute, Governance Institute of Australia, College of Laws, University of Sydney, CPA Australia, The Taiwan Corporate Governance Association, The Oman Centre for Corporate Governance and Sustainability, and Better Boards Ltd. In this episode, Julie shares her ‘TRICCy” model for recording boardroom discussions and decisions. She provides practical advice on gathering necessary information, conducting research, and ensuring the content's accuracy, relevance, and quality. By the end of this episode, you will have gained valuable insights, enabling you to create brilliant board papers that effectively support the decision-making process in your organisation.
Episode 09: Building Board Trust with Mags Bell
June 15, 2023 • 30 MIN
In today's fast-paced and constantly changing world, having a strong sense of who you are and what you stand for is more critical than ever. Knowing yourself and what you stand for and stand against is the key to building a solid foundation for your personal and professional life. In this episode, we'll explore why understanding your values is crucial, especially when making decisions in the boardroom. Guest expert Mags Bell has completed more than 60,000 hours coaching leaders and influencers, and helped them to grow their lives and businesses. According to Mags, values are the bedrock of leadership. They are what guide us through difficult decisions, and they are what inspire us to lead with integrity and purpose. In the boardroom, knowing your values is essential to making decisions aligning with your board’s principles and vision.
Episode 08: Highlighting Social Impact as a Value Proposition for Board Opportunities with Professor Andrew MacLeod
June 7, 2023 • 51 MIN
This episode of The Board Success Podcast is from the Non Executive Director Insider Insights Podcast. In this episode, we are joined by Professor Andrew MacLeod. Andrew is a Non Executive Chair at Griffin Law, NED for Burnham Global, the Outdoor Education Group, Arabian Leopard Fund and also held advisory board roles at LendSend and Keele University. Andrew highlights the significant value board members can add to organisations when they apply a social impact lens. He demonstrates his deep international expertise in this space as he contemplates various board discussion scenarios and focuses on ESG and its role in increasing company value, managing risks and reputations and creating opportunities. This episode is for you if you're an executive aiming to secure a board role and want to differentiate yourself by highlighting the value of social impact and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations.
Episode 07: How to Value Ideas in the Digital Age with Gareth Benson
May 31, 2023 • 37 MIN
In this episode, guest expert Gareth Benson discusses the Ideas Economy and creating business growth opportunities through unlocking the tremendous potential from data-driven decisions. With the rise of ChatGPT and other Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms, understanding the impact of Intellectual Property and data on business has never been more important. 2022 was the year of cybersecurity, data and privacy, 2023 is the year of Artificial Intelligence. It is important for Company Directors to understand the importance of Intellectual Property as an asset class and how to protect and profit from ideas. This podcast assists businesses to form strong policies and provides guidance on navigating the ‘ideas’ and ‘intellectual property’ landscape. Gareth Benson is a published author, commercial and Intellectual Property lawyer, lecturer delivering workshops in Education, Digital Innovation and Intellectual Property Law for RMIT University and Charles Darwin University. As a qualified commercial and Intellectual property lawyer Gareth assists in the protection and commercialisation of new Ideas and the humans that create them. With unique commercial skills he offers an inspired outlook to the creation and leveraging of intangible assets, known as Intellectual Property. This includes Trademarks, Patents, Designs and Copyright. Gareth actively works with boards and executive teams in the Gig economy. He believes that with the advent of Artificial Intelligence and digital industries it is more important than ever for board members to understand the role of Intellectual Property in business.
Episode 06: Master Your Health to Win With Shaun Tucker
May 24, 2023 • 28 MIN
COVID has a massive impact on our wellbeing. For some it was an opportunity to slow down and focus on health and mindset, but for many it resulted in a vast array of issues from carrying extra weight, to fearing the outdoors and a thousand other side effects that are impacting on our wellbeing. Shaun Tucker of Healthy CEOs; a company dedicated to helping business owners and their employees to be in their best shape - physically, mentally, and professionally, joins us in the episode to discuss the challenges to mastering our health. Shaun is a physical performance practitioner who has worked with high level athletes, CEOs, directors, executives, and small business owners. Shaun blends ancient wisdom and technologies with modern science to combine mindset, exercise, nutrition and lifestyle to bring an all-encompassing result driven approach to help his clients perform in the top 1%. From taking control by understanding your body type and how to nourish it, to the small steps we can all take to see great results, these prompts will help you to master your health to win. On a larger scale, recent Victorian changes to OHS legislation has placed the obligations of employee wellbeing firmly in the hands of the organisation and made them responsible for creating comprehensive policies to prevent, report and provide services to employees in the area of psychosocial hazards. This is a big umbrella that covers bullying, harassment, managerial support and the onus is on the business to provide safer work spaces. Shaun discusses these new changes and gives his tips for boards to implement safeguards. Listen to this episode now to discover how you can win by mastering your health!
Episode 05: Actually, You Can! with Kate Dillon
May 17, 2023 • 25 MIN
Starting a business from scratch and making it successful is no easy feat. In the highly competitive commercial landscape, carving out your own niche can be especially difficult. In this episode, Kate Dillon shares her story of splitting her time between her role as Director of Employee Strategy and Experience at Gilbert & Tobin Lawyers and building her niche handbag brand, She Lion. Unfortunately, there isn’t much need for a designer handbag during a global lockdown and Kate’s business, like many others was facing disaster. As a mum, who should have been on maternity leave following the arrival of her second child, it would have been understandable to let the business fall victim to the pandemic. This is the story of a tenacious business women who took the bull by the horns and defined her own story. Not only did she raise her business out of the ashes, but she empowered 21 other local businesses to rise with her. And ‘Walk Fearlessly”, “Actually I can” and “Support Local” branded together to become a force to be reckoned with and a true heart-warming winner in what was a bleak time in Melbourne, Australia. Kate's entrepreneurial journey is a great example of how to think strategically, be resilient and lead by example.
Episode 04: The Gender Penalty with Anneli Blundell
May 10, 2023 • 47 MIN
For the longest time, women have always been at a disadvantage in both personal and professional arenas. We may think that because of how society is evolving, women are now placed on an equal playing field. However, we’ve inherited systems and structures filled with invisible obstacles that prevent women to compete on the same terms in the corporate landscape. In this episode, we explore The Gender Penalty with Anneli Blundell. Also known as the “Professional People Whisperer”! Anneli utilises her vast knowledge earned from decades of experience in bringing everyday behaviours and communication habits to getting results. Anneli is an advocate of addressing the real problem in women's development. And that is eradicating structures that prevent women excelling in the workspace. She uses the game analogy to better highlight that work was built by men, for men, when women weren’t on the playing field. Anneli shares The Gender Penalty which are the invisible barriers that hold women back in their careers. This is influenced by the roles women play in real life that impact how they are in the workplace and the difficulty of balancing ‘ladylike’ with ‘leaderlike’. This is an interesting episode you shouldn’t miss as Anneli shares golden nuggets on how everyone in society can help lift up the pressures women have in their personal and professional lives and how to fully support them for the success they are made for.
Episode 03: Why Lisa Doesn't Want You to Know She Was a Lawyer with Lisa Chung AM
May 1, 2023 • 38 MIN
The ability and opportunity to make contributions that bring value to the boardroom require Non Executive Directors to tap into their authenticity. This episode of The Board Success Podcast is from the Non Executive Director Insider Insights Podcast. In this episode, we are joined by Lisa Chung AM, who has served as Non Executive Director for Australian Unity Limited, AV Jennings Limited, Warren and Mahoney, the Committee for Sydney, the Sydney Community Foundation, and Artspace/Visual Arts Centre Limited, as well as Chair of The Front Project and a Trustee of the Foundation of the Art Gallery of NSW. She has since taken on the role of Chair at Australian Unity. Lisa emphasized the importance of living authentically in serving others through board membership. She discusses how authenticity helps board members build trust with their colleagues, shareholders, and stakeholders. Authenticity is key in this process, as it resonates with others and strengthens relationships within the boardroom. When board members stay true to themselves, they attract the right people and opportunities and can distinguish how their skills and interests can best support the organisation's success. This episode is for you if you're a Non Executive Director or aspiring to be one, looking to make a meaningful contribution to your organization. Lisa's insights offer valuable advice on building trust, leveraging diversity, and tapping into one's authenticity to impact the boardroom positively.
Episode 02: Understanding Cybersecurity And Cutting Through The FUD with Eric Pinkerton
May 1, 2023 • 37 MIN
Some people have the perception that cybercriminals are just bored kids in their parent’s basements, hacking websites because it’s fun. While this is true for some cyber criminals, there are certainly more advanced and sophisticated ones. In this episode of The Board Success Podcast, we’ll discuss the sophisticated cyber world and how to manage its risks with Eric Pinkerton. Eric is the Cyber Pain Management Advisor of Trustwave, a leading cybersecurity and managed security services provider which focuses on threat detection and response. On the other end of the spectrum of cyber criminals, there are complex organisations with refined sophistication and prevalence. These are people who use specialised tools and resources often meant to pursue financial gain. One of the main reasons why cybersecurity risks are pervasive is because a gap exists between the executive team and the board. Some members of the executive team want to look good in front of the board or as Erik would coin it, “gild the lily” rather than making them aware of what’s really happening in the business. Tune in as Eric shares his expertise on how to deal with inevitable security breaches and how to create defensible positions to ensure companies are safe from all potential cybersecurity risks.
Episode 01: Psychological Safety In The Boardroom with Carolyn Grant
May 1, 2023 • 43 MIN
When you're a leader, it's easy to get wrapped up in the big picture. You're focused on moving your company forward and doing what's best for your team. But while you're busy looking ahead, sometimes problems can develop in the boardroom without you even realizing it. In this episode, we'll outline some of the most common boardroom issues and how to spot them before they cause too much damage with Carolyn Grant. Carolyn Grant is an organizational designer with a marketing and organizational neuroscience background. According to Carolyn, it's very common for leaders to overlook problems in the boardroom because they're so focused on other things. In between meetings, they're thinking about the next big project or what needs to be done to meet their goals. And when they are in meetings, they're often thinking about how to present ideas in the best light possible. Indeed, a leader's main job is to focus on the future and make sure their company is moving in the right direction. But that doesn't mean they can afford to ignore what's happening in the present. In fact, many of the most serious issues faced by companies today come from problems that were left unaddressed in the boardroom. Listen to this episode now to hear Carolyn Grant discuss some of the most common boardroom issues and how to spot them before they cause too much damage.
Episode 0: Be The Change You Want To See
May 1, 2023 • 11 MIN
Welcome to the pilot episode of The Board Success Podcast. In this conversation, host Sally Parrish shares who she is, her passion for board work, and her hopes and future plans for this podcast. Whilst there have been major changes in business in the last 40 to 50 years, the boardroom has struggled to keep pace with these transformations. Stakeholders and Consumers now have a voice and they voice their needs and opinions in real time on social media. Boards don’t have the luxury of revealing their plans to pomp and ceremony at the annual general meeting. They are judged every step of the way. Sally explores some of the best practices seen in various industries to inspire traditional boards to take their business to the next level. Modern day boardrooms need modern day skills and thinking! Tune in to this podcast to grow your boardroom skills as a Company Director and have influence and impact in the boardroom.