Humans of CX
Balancing Technology and Empathy with Arvind Singh
December 13, 2023
Arvind Singh, Chief Technology and Product Officer and EVP of IT at Puravankara joins us to discuss where customer experience falls in the real estate sector, highlighting the need to place customers at the center of all operations, the importance of balancing empathy and technology, and strategies for meeting customers where they are to ensure a seamless experience.
In this episode of the Humans of CX podcast, Garima is joined by Arvind Singh, Chief Technology and Product Officer and EVP of IT at Puravankara, a leading real estate developer. Together, they discuss where customer experience falls in the real estate sector, highlighting the need to place customers at the center of all operations, the importance of balancing empathy and technology, and strategies for meeting customers where they are to ensure a seamless experience.

Arvind has over 24 years of experience as an IT professional and passionate leader. He is the current Chief Technology and Product Officer and Executive Vice President of IT at Puravankara Limited, a leading real estate developer. Prior to this, he was the Head of Information Technology at 7-Eleven India. He was issued the IT Visionary 2023 award by StrategInk and named one of the Top 100 Innovative CIOs by CIOAxis. 

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