The NOT Your Average Joe Show
"The 70 second work week" with Matt Clark
July 27, 2022
You may have heard of the "4 hour work week," but my special guest, Matt Clark, will share what he means by the 70 second work week and the peak performance mindset that he's learned from being a NASCAR championship Pit Crew Coach.
You may have heard of the "4 hour work week," but my special guest, Matt Clark, will share what he means by the 70 second work week and the peak performance mindset that he's learned from being a NASCAR championship Pit Crew Coach.

About Matt Clark

Matt helps entrepreneurs build high performance teams and leaders. His experience as a NASCAR championship Pit Crew Coach gives him a unique perspective on expectations, preparation and execution. Matt understands the challenges of developing leaders, building teams and achieving results in an extremely competitive environment.

Visit Matt Clark at