Jar of Genius
The Art of Solo Success: Building a Million-Dollar Design Empire from Scratch
April 18, 2024
In this episode of Jar of Genius, host Russ Perry is joined by Brett Williams, Founder of Designjoy. Together, they unpack the secrets behind building a successful solo venture, the challenges of innovating within a saturated market, and the future of design entrepreneurship. Discover how Brett combined the benefits of traditional agencies and freelancing to create a one-man agency that offers affordable and reliable design services, as well as the impact of AI on the creative industry.
In this episode of Jar of Genius, host Russ Perry is joined by Brett Williams, Founder of Designjoy. Together, they unpack the secrets behind building a successful solo venture, the challenges of innovating within a saturated market, and the future of design entrepreneurship. Discover how Brett combined the benefits of traditional agencies and freelancing to create a one-man agency that offers affordable and reliable design services, as well as the impact of AI on the creative industry.

As the Founder of Designjoy, Brett operates a successful one-man design agency that generates $100k monthly. Pioneering the productized service model, he was the first to offer web design and branding on a subscription basis in 2017. Brett is also a freelance Senior UX/UI Designer. Previously, he co-founded Babblr, where he led the Design and Marketing teams. Brett's transition from a traditional graphic design role to creating a million-dollar business showcases the powerful combination of creativity and entrepreneurship.

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Jar of Genius is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.so

Previous guests include: Dan Martell of SAAS Academy, Chris Ronzio of Trainual, Jason Fried of Basecamp, Julia McCoy of Content at Scale, and Rob Morris of Design Pickle.

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