Psych for Life with Dr. Amanda Ferguson
Job Crafting - embrace the new mindset
May 24, 2022
Job crafting is how we shape our jobs to align with our strengths, values, and interests. Scrutiny of job crafting began before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, but since then, it is now considered an essential workplace skill for those who want to stay engaged in their work, secure in employment and successful in their careers. But what is it exactly and why should you be onboard? Whether you're an employee or an employer, this episode will speak to you. It delves into the details of job crafting and why it's essential for workers to increase their sense of agency, adaptability, and engagement. Thriving organisations have job crafting and shaping built into their processes and their increased productivity and results speak for themselves. They foster learning and psychologically safe cultures, where workers feel safe and are encouraged to adapt and grow. So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve and set yourself up for career or organisational success, pop this episode on your playlist.
Job crafting is how we shape our jobs to align with our strengths, values, and interests. Scrutiny of job crafting began before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, but since then, it is now considered an essential workplace skill for those who want to stay engaged in their work, secure in employment and successful in their careers. But what is it exactly and why should you be onboard? 

Whether you're an employee or an employer, this episode will speak to you. It delves into the details of job crafting and why it's essential for workers to increase their sense of agency, adaptability, and engagement. Thriving organisations have job crafting and shaping built into their processes and their increased productivity and results speak for themselves. They foster learning and psychologically safe cultures, where workers feel safe and are encouraged to adapt and grow. 

So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve and set yourself up for career or organisational success, pop this episode on your playlist.