Ep #71 - When Personal Growth is Literal and Figurative, with Ann Hince
Fifty Hitting 50
Ep #71 - When Personal Growth is Literal and Figurative, with Ann Hince
August 15, 2022
Author, Ann Hince talks to us about her incredible healing journey, in which she used the non-invasive, non-medical technique known as EFT or tapping to integrate her trauma - and grow half an inch!

Ann Hince is a professional speaker, author & spiritual teacher. Shewas born in Cornwall in England and has lived in Barbados, Sierra Leone, Hong Kong and Bahrain. With a BSc in Computer Science, Ann moved to Silicon Valley in California and worked as a software engineer and project manager. While raising her two boys, Ann started, and ran, a natural foods buying club which has since changed hands and morphed into what is now the Jamestown Heritage Marketplace, in Jamestown, California. Ann is married to an engineer (also from England), and has two sons. She lives in the Sierra Nevada foothills of Northern California.

Ann's book, 'A Pathway to Insight' is available on Amazon.
She also has a Youtube Channel and is on Facebook.