Marketing Like a Mother
Handling Rejection in Business
March 3, 2024
This week on Marketing Like a Mother we're facing our fears and diving into the challenging waters of handling rejection. As much as we might wish it weren't so, rejection is a normal and necessary part of business. But that doesn't make it easy to deal with it! In this episode, we talk about: - The real challenges of dealing with rejection in business - Strategies for dealing with rejection in client situations and for receiving criticism - Rejection is not personal - Setting healthy boundaries and being authentic in marketing and visibility efforts - Cleaning your email lists and understanding the benefits of unsubscribes - And so much more
This week on Marketing Like a Mother we're facing our fears and diving into the challenging waters of handling rejection.

As much as we might wish it weren't so, rejection is a normal and necessary part of business. But that doesn't make it easy to deal with it!

In this episode, we talk about: 
 - The real challenges of dealing with rejection in business
- Strategies for dealing with rejection in client situations and for receiving criticism
- Rejection is not personal
- Setting healthy boundaries and being authentic in marketing and visibility efforts
- Cleaning your email lists and understanding the benefits of unsubscribes
- And so much more

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Learn more about Michelle here and about Olivia here.