Business Mojo and Margaritas
The Power of Storytelling to Grow Your Business with Christine Blubaugh
December 20, 2020
E'rybody is out there telling you to use story, use story, USE STORY...but you either don't know how to do it or you're just plain terrified to put your stories out there. I talk with Christine Blubaugh, a Sales Copyrighter, in this episode about how you can inject story into your own copy and content and start getting that traction you've been dreaming of. Christine's Bio: Christine Blubaugh is a sales copywriter who helps online service providers and course creators to sell out launches and sign more clients with SOULFUL copy that turns readers into raving fans and prospects into (happily) paying customers. Her style of copywriting combines equal parts PERSONALITY & PERSUASION to create messages that win hearts and open wallets - without sleazy sales language or spammy tactics. She’s written campaigns for million dollar program launches, website copy for brand new businesses, and everything in between. When she’s not wrangling words, Christine can be found sipping green drinks, obsessing over Instagram feeds, planning her next travel adventure, and introverting like there’s no tomorrow. Learn more and get access to her free sales copy guide at or follow her on Instagram at for tips and inspiration.
You’ve landed on my beloved Business Mojo and Margaritas podcast!  At the time of this episode re-publishing the podcast is “retired” but I couldn’t keep this sheer gold under wraps.  
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