Non Executive Director Insider Insights
Episode 04: Highlighting Social Impact as a Value Proposition for Board Opportunities with Professor Andrew MacLeod
April 3, 2023
Getting appointed to a board role will require having more than just referrals and an impressive resumé! You have to figure out how to effectively sell yourself to the business. With lots of executives vying for the position, how can you make sure you successfully land that board role? In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we’re joined by Professor Andrew MacLeod. At the time of this recording, Andrew was Non Executive Chair at Griffin Law, NED for Burnham Global, the Outdoor Education Group, Arabian Leopard Fund and also held advisory board roles at LendSend and Keele University. Most executives who want to get onto a board put emphasis on how they can increase an organisation’s profitability by focusing on traditional metrics. But Andrew highlights the significant value board members can add to organisations when they apply a social impact lens. Andrew demonstrates his deep expertise in this space as he contemplates various board discussion scenarios and focuses on ESG and its role in increasing company value, managing risks and creating opportunities.
Getting appointed to a board role will require having more than just referrals and an impressive resumé! You have to figure out how to effectively sell yourself to the business. With lots of executives vying for the position, how can you make sure you successfully land that board role?

In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we’re joined by Professor Andrew MacLeod. At the time of this recording, Andrew was Non Executive Chair at Griffin Law, NED for Burnham Global, the Outdoor Education Group, Arabian Leopard Fund and also held advisory board roles at LendSend and Keele University.

Most executives who want to get onto a board put emphasis on how they can increase an organisation’s profitability by focusing on traditional metrics. But Andrew highlights the significant value board members can add to organisations when they apply a social impact lens.

Andrew demonstrates his deep expertise in this space as he contemplates various board discussion scenarios and focuses on ESG and its role in increasing company value, managing risks and creating opportunities.

In this episode of Insider Insights, we explore:

Understanding how to set yourself apart from the competition and negotiate with the organisations where your skillset is needed most, to better market yourself. 

If you haven’t listened to our previous episode on Exploring The Void: Preparing for a Transition Into a Board Role with Donna McMaster, check out Episode 03. 


"You have to understand what your skill set is and you're trying to market into a board that doesn't have that skill set." -Professor Andrew MacLeod 

"It's equally important to understand when you don't stand out and don't take it personally." -Professor Andrew MacLeod

"Standout and make sure you understand why you're different." -Sally Parrish