Journaling For Wellness
5 Surprising Benefits of Journaling
June 10, 2021
Journaling is a great way to keep track of your thoughts, feelings, and progress. If you're looking for more benefits than just improved mental health, then this post will be perfect for you. There are many other reasons why journaling can prove to be beneficial in all areas of life. Journaling has been shown to reduce anxiety because it helps people release their emotions and get them out on paper so they don't hold onto the feeling or thought any longer than necessary. It's also a good way to record your moods so that if there are changes in how you feel over time, such as when trying new remedies or treatments for an illness, you'll know what made those changes happen most likely.
There are many ways to keep a journal. You can record the events of your days, plan a vacation, analyze your dreams or use a bullet journal to organize your life.  Journals can help you capture your thoughts or plot out your career. 

As well as decluttering your mind, keeping a journal can have some surprising benefits. 

    1. Journaling helps reduce stress
The act of putting your feelings on paper helps you to manage your stress levels better. All those anxieties and worries stop going in circles inside your head, allowing you to step back and get a deeper perspective on the things that are troubling you. It can even help with problem-solving!

    2. Journaling can improve your mental health
Journaling is often recommended by psychologists and therapists. Journaling helps you to work through the issues that come up in your therapy sessions, complementing and supporting the process of healing. It can be a powerful tool in removing psychological blockages.

    3. Journaling improves your cognitive skills
Developing a journaling habit helps your brain to function more efficiently. Studies have shown that the act of writing strengthens the learning process and stores facts and concepts more firmly in your memory. Writing helps to develop new neural pathways in your brain, connecting new information with data already stored in your memory.

    4. Journaling helps you meet your goals
Studies have found that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down! Journaling gives you the space to work through ideas, setting out the details and the possibilities. Writing about the process helps you to track progress, so you can see how close you're getting to achieving your goal or where you may have gone off track.

The habit of keeping a journal gives you a physical and mental discipline and focus that will influence other areas of your life. Writing down your goals and aspirations gives you a strong motivation to achieve them!

    5. Journaling inspires creativity
Keeping a journal allows you to write down whatever ideas come into your head. The brilliant thoughts that you have in the shower can be lost forever - or kept safe if you write them down. 

Journaling is a private, safe space for you to explore ideas that might not have a home in your professional or everyday life. And once let off the leash, there’s no telling what sort of magic your creative mind will come up with!