More Clients, Less Effort.
031: Falling in Love with Your Business Again with Jocelyn Chong
February 5, 2024
Do you ever feel like you’ve fallen out of love with your business? Are you struggling to reignite the spark and revel in the contagious energy you once exuded? This episode could be just what you need to bring the magic back! In this episode of More Clients Less Effort, Tim Hyde interviews Jocelyn Chong, an expert business consultant, business strategy specialist, and renowned speaker, on the secrets behind sustainable business growth. With over 15 years experience in steering leadership teams, she has mastered the art of mindset management and strategic communication. Jocelyn shares how infusing heart-centred compassion into your business can transform client relationships and reignite your fire. You'll discover Jocelyn's straightforward 3-step framework to define your ideal client profile. More importantly, you’ll learn that by becoming the client you seek, you manifest a vibrational match with your desired 5-star customers. You’ll also gain a better understanding of the critical impact of carefully curating your inner circle and why the 5 people you spend the most time with are instrumental in expanding your growth mindset. You’ll realise the value of intentionally making time and space to allow inspiration to unfold organically. You’ll also recognise how Jocelyn’s heart-centred business approach can transform your entrepreneurial journey, fuel growth, and increase fulfilment. If feelings of disengagement or stagnation have crept in, allow Jocelyn's wisdom to reframe your perspective. With authenticity and insight, she guides you to grow your business sustainably by falling in love with it all over again and rediscovering the spark that fuels your passion and purpose.
Do you ever feel like you’ve fallen out of love with your business? Are you struggling to reignite the spark and revel in the contagious energy you once exuded? This episode could be just what you need to bring the magic back! In this episode of More Clients Less Effort, Tim Hyde interviews Jocelyn Chong, an expert business consultant, business strategy specialist, and renowned speaker, on the secrets behind sustainable business growth. With over 15 years experience in steering leadership teams, she has mastered the art of mindset management and strategic communication. Jocelyn shares how infusing heart-centred compassion into your business can transform client relationships and reignite your fire. You'll discover Jocelyn's straightforward 3-step framework to define your ideal client profile. More importantly, you’ll learn that by becoming the client you seek, you manifest a vibrational match with your desired 5-star customers. You’ll also gain a better understanding of the critical impact of carefully curating your inner circle and why the 5 people you spend the most time with are instrumental in expanding your growth mindset. You’ll realise the value of intentionally making time and space to allow inspiration to unfold organically. You’ll also recognise how Jocelyn’s heart-centred business approach can transform your entrepreneurial journey, fuel growth, and increase fulfilment. If feelings of disengagement or stagnation have crept in, allow Jocelyn's wisdom to reframe your perspective. With authenticity and insight, she guides you to grow your business sustainably by falling in love with it all over again and rediscovering the spark that fuels your passion and purpose.


Get in touch with JOCELYN CHONG