The Consistency Club
17 - Promoting Your Lead Magnet
April 15, 2024
Learn how to promote your lead magnet to grow your email list and engage your current subscribers.
This month we are focusing on promoting your lead magnet!

What’s that? You still haven’t created one? Welp, this is the month you are going to do that! 

Annemie created a bonus training for you a few months back that is incredible and walks you through every single step of coming up with an idea, creating the actual document, making your sign-up form and so much more. It’s in the BONUS TRAINING section of the Consistency Club. We highly recommend you watch that.

Yes, this will take you a few hours to complete this whole process, but it is worth it because this will not only be a huge value add for your business and clients, but it will grow your email list for months (if not years) to come. So take the time!

PRO TIP: To take the marketing to another level, I like the idea of sharing five rad local activities/resources that vibe with your photography scene. This brings some serious value to your followers and team up with other cool local businesses who might share your posts, blogs, and lead magnets as well! 

Here are some Dayna-generated ideas: 

You can always use ChatGPT to come up with more ideas for your niche until you find one you like. (Prompt: Come up with 5 more ideas similar to this one for Pet Photography)

PRO TIP 2: Does this sound like it could be a blog post? ‘Cause it definitely could be!

Ready to join the Consistency Club and get more monthly content, along with Mad Libs-style email and social media templates just for photographers? Join us at!