Ready for Love with Nikki Leigh Love Coach
Adventurer in Alaska to Cosmo Bachelor on Ready for Love Radio
January 7, 2022
On this podcast I am going to introduce you to an adventurer and scientist who spent 18 months alone in Alaska. We talk about his adventure in the wilds of Alaska and the wild adventures he found when he got back to civilization… This is the message he sent to entice me to have him as a guest on Ready for Love Radio While living on a wilderness island in the Inside Passage of Alaska for years in isolation, studying Michael-Modzelewski the wildlife (no female companionship), I wrote my first book, INSIDE PASSAGE: LIVING WITH BALD EAGLES, KILLER WHALES AND KWAKIUTL INDIANS. It was published by HarperCollins in NYC. Unbeknownst to me, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the best-selling women’s magazine in the world (in 100 countries; translated into 87 languages) chose me as one of their “Bachelors of The Month” and eventually “Man of The Year.” At the same time, AlaskaMen Magazine made me their centerfold story (I got a staple in my navel but got to keep my parka on : )
This is the message he sent to entice me to have him as a guest on Ready for Love Radio

While living on a wilderness island in the Inside Passage of Alaska for years in isolation, studying
the wildlife (no female companionship), I wrote my first book, INSIDE PASSAGE: LIVING WITH BALD EAGLES, KILLER WHALES AND KWAKIUTL INDIANS. It was published by HarperCollins in NYC. Unbeknownst to me, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the best-selling women’s magazine in the world (in 100 countries; translated into 87 languages) chose me as one of their “Bachelors of The Month” and eventually “Man of The Year.” At the same time, AlaskaMen Magazine made me their centerfold story (I got a staple in my navel but got to keep my parka on : ) I went from famine to feast — from no dates in the Alaska wilderness to 5,000 letters from women around the world. I dated many, and that is how I eventually met my wife. It’s Everyman’s Fantasy with a Happy Ending.

Listen Thursday, January 6th at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT 

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If you miss the show - click the MP3 player below to hear the interview. 


Michael's Book - Wild Life

Kindle Version on Amazon - 

To get a bit of a preview – check out this video from an interview he did and find out what happened after he got all those letters….