Ready for Love with Nikki Leigh Love Coach
Afterglow Founder Lilly Sparks
August 13, 2021
If you want to find a hot, juicy movie that shows a woman expressing what she wants sensually and sexually and her partner willingly and happily, pleasing her. Where would you go to find it? That definitely isn’t content that you would find on “mainstream” porn sites that are all over the internet. But, you can find that content by clicking on You can also learn much more about this interesting, and dare I say – educational website which was founded by my guest on this show, Lilly Sparks. Afterglow, where they merge, ethical porn and wellness. I’d guess you are curious and have questions? Join us for this interesting interview. If you miss the show on air, the archive will be posted below.
Premiering Thursday August 15, 2021 at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

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Questions and Topics We Discuss –

What was your first impression of porn?

What got you to finally decide to launch your own porn company?

What is sexual wellness?

What is a “solo-founder”? And, why did you choose that option?

What were your biggest challenges?

Why did you choose the name “Afterglow”?

What all do you offer on the website?

What makes the videos you offer different?

Tell us about the special promotion Afterglow is doing in August.

And much more…

About Afterglow and Lilly Sparks

afterglow was founded in 2020 by solo-founder and entrepreneur Lilly Sparks. afterglow is the sex-positive, pleasure-focused platform and community shifting the adult media paradigm. Curating stories, igniting conversations, and offering premium video and written content centered on sexual fulfillment, afterglow empowers everyone to become experts in their own pleasure.

Paving the way for a future we want to live and star in, afterglow is an adult site for those 18+ with original, licensed content behind a paywall, and free sex-positive articles. Normalizing sex and porn in a modern world, afterglow is the sex resource we all need.


Lilly Sparks is the founder of afterglow, a revolutionary porn company merging porn and sexual wellness and making steamy films focused on the pleasure of all participants. Sparks’ inspiration to start afterglow came from struggles in her own sex life. She longed to find resources to help her explore authentic pleasure but felt alone and ashamed. 

Knowing she wasn’t alone on this journey, Sparks created afterglow to explore sexuality and support the unabashed enjoyment of sex. Prior to afterglow, Lilly was a serial entrepreneur with expertise in scaling disruptive brands, taking them from zero to millions of revenue. 

During her down time, Lilly loves listening to music, being outdoors, and dancing… especially doing all three at once.