Communities That Convert Podcast
Use Pop-up Communities to Build Your Brand – Ep 63
November 1, 2018
You can use a pop-up community to build your brand. A pop-up community allows you to capture momentum during a launch or campaign then disappears or goes dormant. These communities have a lot of energy around them but don't require you keep them...

You can use a pop-up community to build your brand. A pop-up community allows you to capture momentum during a launch or campaign then disappears or goes dormant.

These communities have a lot of energy around them but don't require you keep them going all the time.

We have a couple of ways for you about how and why to use them.

Pop Up Communities for Events

  • The PRSA International conference recently used an app called Pathable which connects to your LinkedIn contacts and Twitter and allows you to connect with people you know (or want to meet) who are attending the conference.
  • The Social Media Marketing World Conference (#SMMW) uses a pop-up Facebook community once a year for the conference. They also use a mobile app service called Bizzabo. The app provides information about the speakers, provides the schedule and allows you to reach out to people in attendance.

Pop Up Communities for Courses

  • Todd Herman’s 90 Day Year is active only when he's in full-launch mode and during the program delivery period. The community goes dormant between launches.
  • Madalyn's Video Like a Rockstar has a private Facebook Group for each group of students in the program. It's the place to be during the program, it doesn't get shut down afterwards and it's kept open for the students as a mastermind environment.
  • Programs that have private Facebook Group pop-ups may get archived as soon as the program is over. Keep in mind that when you sign up for programs with pop-up communities, you may want to ask ahead of time what will happen to the community afterward.

Pop Up Communities for Affiliates

  • When Marie Forleo’s popular B School program is active, her affiliates offer their own companion pop-up communities. For example, Amy Porterfield, who is one of Marie’s affiliates and a popular podcaster, offers bonuses.
  • James Wedmore, Rise of the Digital CEO, also has pop-up communities and affiliates that are driving people to his community.
  • Pat Flynn was an affiliate for Michael Hyatt's Best Year Ever and offered bonuses. One bonus was a private Facebook Group he kept open during the program. He did a Facebook Live each week and also does another Facebook Live quarterly during the program.

Tools, apps and links mentioned:

Take Action

Share which Pop-Up groups you have been a part of or tell us if any of these tactics sound interesting to you to try with your own community. Share with us in our Facebook group, where we have all the fun! (SHHHHH, the secret word is ACTION)

How to reach Kami:

If you’d like to learn more about Kami Huyse, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @kamichat.

How to reach Madalyn:

If you’d like to learn more about Madalyn Sklar, visit her website at You can contact her by email at or tweet to @MadalynSklar.

Join Our Community

We have a new community on Facebook. We will extend the conversation from each episode and deliver bonus content. Sign up for our email list at to get an invitation to join or go directly to our Facebook (shhh. The codeword is ACTION)!